Under His Wifes Nose

By ozzalone65

Published on Aug 4, 2020


This is a tale based off a character that I have had in a few stories. Tony. I have decided to create stories all about this fucking I credible man. This guy that I have had a few awesome encounters with at work and my place. This hot married man that really knows how to bang ass.

Again this guy is still supposedly straight. But willing to play from my experience. Enjoy.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Under his Wife's Nose (3)

... I was excited when Friday did roll around. Remembering the invite and then the email from the gorgeous man from the other department. I was giddy with my excitement. I had seen him the next day after we spoke. He had to still talk to my boss about something so he passed me and then stopped to say hi again after talking to her. I could hear his soft almost baritone voice as he asked her about some supplies that they needed to get ordered. Something about the inventory didn't seem updated. I thought, heck I could have looked that up when he was here. Although I would not know if the numbers were off of not.

"Hey man" he said as he stopped at my desk before going back to his department "You got my email about Friday right?" "Oh yeah. I did thanks" I said

Then i realized I didn't send back a reply to let him know I got it.

"I just saw it." I then lied "I was about to send you a thanks" "Cool" he said back

I looked at the hotter that sex man as he stood there. His hands at the top of my cubicle. I could see the curve of his triceps as he stood there. His arms were very nice to look at in his t-shirt that always fit him so nicely. And as per the usual, the jeans were just plain an evil tease to a gay man like myself. The crotch area seeming more worn than the rest. This only enhancing his bull crotch. "Has to have a big set" I said. Referring to his balls

It just seemed to be a lot for just a dick in there. And I sure hoped he did have nice nuts. Not that I would ever have them, but I did like a nice sack of boulders. He tapped the top of the cubicle and then left me there. My eyes glancing at his ass as he left again. I felt my loins ache as I looked at the guys butt. I wanted Tony so bad. But had to keep telling myself that he was straight. That he was not interested in me. The day finished off without any thing odd happening. Just a regular busy day here at work. I was starting to get my stuff together to clock out. I knew that several people would be heading over to that happy hour at that bar nearby. The happy hour Tony had invited me to. I headed over there to see if I could meet some more employees. But mostly I want to hang out with Tony.

"Lets hope he is there already" I said to myself "Will feel awkward if he is not"

Well I got there and there were a few people sitting at a few of the tables in the back area I had seen a.around the office. Several had seen me around as well and they just introduced themselves. Which I thought was nice.

"You are that knew guy?" I would get asked "Yeah. Hi" I said back "Good to meet you"

It was great to meet more people at work. But again where was Tony? He was the reason I had come. And then as I thought he would be a no show he walked in. The crowd saying hey to the hot man. With him was someone I did not recognize. A fairly good looking guy that he introduced as his brother in law Mark. Mark was slightly shorter than him with dirty blonde hairy. I found that Mark was Tony's wife's brother. A decent looking guy and I would have done him. But compared to Tony he paled in hotness. But yes, there was Tony. Looking as hot now as earlier. Actually now he seemed even hotter. Out here im this bar. His shirt seemed to cling more to his taught strong looking body. His fave seemed more handsome and almost tugged. The beard looking so damned hot. And lets not forget that big delicious crotch. As he walked in it seemed be bigger, fuller of him than before. And it seemed to shift as he walked. Puffing out more as his legs moved. One then the other. And as his hand moved near it as he let down his arm from shaking someone's hand, it seemed near as big as his hand.

"Nah. It's just your head man" I said to myself "You are just so hard up for the guy"

Yes, that was true. I was hard up for Tony. And the twitching in my own pants was an indicator of my lust. I could feel it as it pushed at my zipper. My dick that it. It wanted to be free and jump out at him. Tony. Tony saw me and smiled. Then he came over to me. Introducing his brother in law Mark to me. Mark gave me an odd look as we shook. But I paid little attention to it, and to him as Tony started to talk. He soft deeper voice echoing in my ear as sex to me. His mouth looking so damned kissable. And if I could just grab the hot married man right there I would. But he was married and straight. Mark, Tony and I started to talk about whatever. Both of them seeming to want to show me images of their wives and kids. Well at least Mark did. Tony had no kids yet.

"But we are working in it" he said "Yeah. This big guy is working on it" Mark said as he reached over and patted Tony's chest

Then mark said something about how much testosterone tiny had and pushed his hand out in a gripping motion. Like he was hefting something in the air. I found this odd but also found my eyes trailing down to Tony's hefty crotch. Imagining that's what Mark was referring to. Then of course my mind conjured images of Mark reaching down and grabbing at Tony's crotch. Hefting at the big bulge right here in the bar. Again my crotch twitched.

I had no images of wives and kids because of the obvious. So I had nothing to show. And when I just said I am single and not really looking for someone the two seemed to glance at one another. Tony's eye cock at his brother in law. Then as he did that I saw as Tony now reached down and grabbed at himself. His hand seeming to adjust his meaty package.

"You should come over and hang out at my place" Tony then suggested "I am sure my wife can hook you up with someone she knows" "Yeah she is a good match maker" Mark added

I found it weird that these two guys were trying to get me hitched. Showing way too much interest in my love life. Like it was weird I was uncoupled like everyone else. But I did like that Tony said I should come over. That he had a basement that was the man cave. And that we could hang out and watch a game or something like that. I just nodded at him. Even though my thoughts were on that bulge again. After a bit longer everyone started to disperse and head out. Back to their wife's and husbands and boyfriends and girlfriends. I also headed out. Thanking Tony for inviting me.

"We are gonna watch a game this weekend" he then said "If you wanna come over" "Sure" I replied. "Thanks" "Great. I will get you my address tomorrow at work" he said back

Then I left Tony and Mark. They stayed behind to have. Some more drinks. I had a hard on with all the thoughts pouring into my head as I drove him. Thoughts if Tony's basement. What did it look like. I pictured a big couch and a bar and a huge TV. And me on the floor on all fours getting fucked by Tony and Mark. A hard ripping three way that I would love to have. So long at the sexy Tony was involved. I kept pulling at my dick all the way home. I became very uncomfortable on that drive. When I got home I rushed inside and beat of. I erupted madly with thoughts of Tony and getting fucked by him. And I was shouting his name as I blew too.

"Tony. Awee fuck me Tony!"

I slept like a log that night. Images of Tony floating around in my head.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 4

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