Under My Skin

By moc.liamg@dniotrecnoc

Published on Nov 4, 2009


This is a work of fiction. All the resemblances are completely accidental. Don't read it if you are not supposed to. You know the drill. My e-mail is ConcertoInD@Gmail.com if you want to tell me something (insults, praises, and whatnot). Thanks!

  • XI -

I knew that I had to tell Christy about my insane feeling for Alex because I figured Amber would tell her sooner or later. There is no greater fury than a woman scorned, right? So after I talked to Sam that morning, I called Christy and told her that I needed to talk to her.

"Wanna come over?" she asked. "I really don't want to drive anywhere... I am still bloated after all the food I had last night..."

"Yeah", I said softly. "I'll come over."

"You okay?" she asked with concern. "You sound weird."

"No, I am not okay", I sighed. "I'll see you in half an hour or so."

"See you..." she muttered and I hung up the phone.

I drove and felt like I was in a haze. I was really thankful for the fact that it was a Black Friday and almost everybody who was awake was at the mall or some other store. The traffic was almost nonexistent and there was no danger of me slamming into somebody's car. Finally I pulled next to Christy's house and turned the car off. I sat inside for almost ten minutes and finally I managed to kick myself out. I rang the bell and Christy yelled "Come in!!" from the inside.

I walked in and kicked my shoes off.

"What's up?" Christy said and I almost laughed when I saw her digging into the box of ice cream with her ridiculously huge spoon.

"I thought you were still bloated", I said and she grinned.

"Ice cream doesn't count. Want some?"

"No", I shook my head and sat next to her on the couch.

She looked at me and frowned.

"What happened?" she asked and put ice cream on the table.

I looked at her and suddenly couldn't speak. I couldn't just go ahead and say "Chris, I am in love with Alex" even though that was what I planned on doing.

"Jake, talk to me", Christy moved closer and slapped me on the shoulder.

"Amber broke up with me", I said finally and she gasped.


"I kinda..." I looked away. "I might've called her by a different name when I was about to..."

"Jesus", she closed her eyes.

"Yeah", I said miserably. "It gets even better."

"Oh do tell..." she muttered.

"I called her by a guy's name", I said and Christy's eyes immediately flew wide open.

"Oh my God..." she said weakly. "The guy that you have a crush on?"

"Uh huh", I nodded. "I didn't even realize that until she started yelling at me..."

"God, Jake..." she buried her face in her palms. "She didn't take that well, did she?"

"No", I sighed. "Would you?"

"Probably not", she agreed and lowered her hands. "What was the name?"

Oh Lord... Here we go. I took a very deep breath and looked at her.

"Alex", I said finally and she just stared at me.

"Alex?" she muttered. "Which Alex?..." and then she stopped talking and looked at me with horror.

I nodded.

"Yeah... The Alex... Landon", I finished in a small voice and looked away from her.

She will probably tell me to get the hell out of her house and her life and she will be completely right to do so. I stared at my hands, my heart hurting like I was having a heart attack except I knew it wasn't that.

"Jake", she said finally and I couldn't make myself to look in her eyes. "Jake, look at me... Summers!!" she barked and I looked at her, startled.

Christy took a deep breath.

"Jake", she said. "Landon is straight, you know that, right?"

"Yes", I whispered. "Chris... If you want me to get out..."

"Jake..." she sighed. "How long have you been... Crushing on him?"

I looked away again.

"He was your revelation, wasn't he?" she asked in a small voice and I just nodded. "Oh my God... So when we went out for the first time you were..."

I nodded again and when she was silent, I finally looked at her. I couldn't believe it when I saw tears in her eyes.

"Jake", she whispered. "I am sorry..."

I stared at her. Are you kidding me?! She is sorry? I am the one who just told her that I am desperately in love with her boyfriend and she says that she is sorry?!

"Jake if I only knew, I would never..." and then the water works came.

"Oh God..." I muttered and hugged her, feeling awkwardly relieved and sad. "Stop it, Chris..."

"Jake", she wailed. "I love you..."

"I love you too", I mumbled. "Stop crying, will you? This is killing me by the way!"

She pulled away from me and sniffled.

"I am sorry", she said miserably and I just rolled my eyes.

"For what? For loving him?... Knock it off!" I growled when she almost started crying again. "Knock it off, Bailey! This is like a bad chick flick..."

That got her smile.

"What are you going to do about Amber?" she asked and I shuddered.

"I have no idea", I admitted. "She was pretty pissed when she left. She wouldn't even talk to me, not that I blame her..."

Suddenly Christy started to laugh and I narrowed my eyes.

"Find it funny, do you?" I asked evenly and she nodded.

"Hell, yeah!..." she took a breath. "Think about it... Two best friends, one of them is gay, both are in love with the same guy... And then the gay one gets himself a girlfriend and then he calls her by that guy's name right after he comes on top of her..." she looked at me. "You were on top of her, right?"

I closed my eyes.

"Yes", I said finally and she howled with laughter. "Well, I am glad you find it so amusing..." I continued in the same even voice and then I couldn't help myself and I started laughing hysterically.

I laughed until I almost cried and finally I was able to calm down.

"Seriously", I breathed. "What do I do, Chris? I have never been so lost in my freaking life!"

"Call her", she said simply and I blinked, feeling like an idiot.

"Right", I muttered. "They invented the phones, didn't they?"

Christy rolled her eyes and got off the couch. She handed me the phone and I dialed Amber's number.

"Hey, Christy", she said in a tired voice after a few rings.

Yeah, they also invented the caller I.D.

"Amber, it's me..." I started to say and she immediately hung up.

I looked at Christy helplessly.

"She hung up."

Christy sighed.

"Well", she shrugged. "Call her again."

I did just that but she never answered. Finally after the fiftieth or so try I gave up and handed the phone back to Christy.

"Useless", I said and she bit her lower lip.

"I guess, just give her some time", she said uncertainly. "Wait until Monday. I bet she'll cool off till then."

Next: Chapter 12

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