Under My Skin

By moc.liamg@dniotrecnoc

Published on Nov 4, 2009


This is a work of fiction. All the resemblances are completely accidental. Don't read it if you are not supposed to. You know the drill. My e-mail is ConcertoInD@Gmail.com if you want to tell me something (insults, praises, and whatnot). Thanks!

  • VI -

"Christy, I have no idea how to do this", I sighed on Saturday morning. "I mean, do I pick her up or what?"

Christy was munching on the granola bar.

"Well", she said with her mouthful. "Picking her up would be nice but you don't have a car."

"So what do I do?" this was confusing.

"Alex is going to pick me up", she said finally. "And then we can go and get Amber, how's that?"

"Sure", I said uncomfortably. "Will Alex be okay with that though?"

"Are you kidding me?" she laughed. "Alex is a sweetheart!"

Yeah, I bet he is, I thought bitterly. Damn, this was harder than I thought.

"Okay", I sighed. "So what time are we picking her up?"

"Hmmm..." Christy frowned. "Let's see... He is coming over here at six, Amber lives not too far from here... Tell her to be ready by six thirty."

"Oy", I sighed and Christy laughed.

"Do you want me to call her?" she asked.

"No", I grumbled. "I'll do it."

I dialed Amber's number and she answered on the second ring. Was she sitting by the phone or something?

"Hey Amber", I cleared my throat.

"Hey Jake", she said carefully as if she expected me to cancel on her.

"We'll come and get you at six thirty, is that okay?"

"Sure", she said with audible relief in her voice. "See you tonight then", and she hung up.

I stared at the phone in my hand.

"Jesus, she is weird", I muttered.

"What did she say?" Christy shoved the rest of granola bar in her mouth.

"She hung up on me."

"Well, is she coming or what?" Christy frowned.

"Yeah", I sighed. "She is coming."

"Oh come on, Jake!" Christy laughed. "It's not that awful, is it? I mean, she is weird, yeah but she is cute!"

I shot her a dirty look.

"You should've gone out with her", I said and she rolled her eyes.

"I don't swing that way", Christy said lightly.

I almost laughed hysterically when Matt walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Crispy", he said and opened the fridge.

"Don't call me that", she wrinkled her nose.

Matt was twenty five, he graduated from college a couple of years ago and now he was working for some computer company. He lived with his girlfriend but he would often hang out at his parents' house especially if there was plenty of food in the fridge. He was tall and looked almost exactly like Christy except his eyes were brown and not blue like his sister's.

He pulled a carton of orange juice out of the fridge and drank some.

"Pig", Christy grimaced.

"What, are you mom now?" he grinned and looked at me.

"Hey, dude", he said as if remembering something. "I think I found you a job."

My heart started to beat faster.

"Seriously? Oh my God, that's great! Where?"

"At a phone store", he said and I winced.

"Phone store? Like a repairman? Matt, I have no idea how to fix a phone..."

"No", he laughed. "A clerk. You'll be selling cell phones. It's not a great job but it pays okay and you actually get somewhat decent benefits."

"That's awesome", I beamed.

"I told them that you can do part time right now since you have school", Matt said. "But you'll probably be able to do full time after you graduate."

"Hell, I'll do full time now!" I laughed.

"Nah", Matt shook his head. "You don't wanna do that on your senior year. You'll flunk out."

Yeah, he was probably right.

"Okay", I said. "Part time it is then."

"You have an interview on Tuesday..." he dug in his jeans pocket. "Here", he handed me a piece of paper. "That's the address and the time of your interview."

I took the paper.

"Thanks, Matt!" I said sincerely. "This is great!"

"No problem", he nodded. "Hey, Crispy, I am going to take the rest of the meat loaf with me."

"Why?" Christy frowned. "I like meat loaf!"

"We have no food in the house", Matt grinned and shoved the juice carton back in the fridge.

He pulled out a round plate that was covered with tin foil and Christy groaned.

"Matt... You are so selfish! Go buy some food! I want that meat loaf!!"

"Tough", he smirked. "We are not wasting money on something as trivial as food."

"Yeah, right", she said bitterly. "You'd rather waste it on your ridiculous gadgets and Jackie's clothes!"

"Hey!" he looked at her with reproach. "My gadgets are not ridiculous and there is nothing wrong with the fact that Jackie likes to look good!"

"You are a leech", Christy growled and Matt hemmed.

"Now who is selfish", he smirked. "Okay, gotta go! Jackie wanted to go to the Log Cabin today."

"That place is expensive!" Christy exclaimed.

"None of your business, Crispy!" Matt grinned. "Later, guys!"

"See you Matt", I said and he walked out.

"Ugh", Christy shook her head. "Just when I think that he can't get any more obnoxious!"

"He is cool", I laughed.

Suddenly Matt walked back into the kitchen.

"Jake", he said. "I almost forgot. A buddy of mine is looking for a roommate if you are interested."

"Who?" Christy asked with interest.

"Sam. His roommate is moving out in a couple of months so he was wondering if I could find someone else for him."

"Sam's cool", Christy nodded with approval.

"Yeah", Matt peeled the tin foil off the edge of the plate and took a piece of meat loaf. "He lives not far from here", he said with his mouth full. "You might need a ride to school though."

"How much is it?" I asked with interest. I loved living here but I still felt like I was a burden.

"Three hundred a month", Matt said and took another piece of meat loaf. "Including the utilities."

"That's not bad", I said, thinking that if I get that job, it'll work out perfectly.

"Cool", Matt nodded and put the tin foil back on the plate. "I'll tell him you are interested then?"

"Yeah", I agreed immediately. "Please, do!"

"Word", he said and walked out.

By six o'clock on Saturday night I was a nervous wreck. Christy kept chattering nonstop and I could tell that she felt the same way I did. I tried to ignore the irony of the situation but I simply couldn't. I mean we were freaking out about the same guy. Of course Christy thought that I was nervous about my first date with Amber. Actually my first date with anyone for that matter. I let her think that, thankful for the fact that she didn't even suspect about my feelings for Alex Landon.

Alex showed up at six sharp. He was punctual, I loved it. When the door bell rang, Christy took a very deep breath.

"Here we go", she said softly and I silently agreed with her and went downstairs.

Mary opened the door and Alex walked in. I looked at him and felt like I was going to start crying and laughing at the same time. Crying because he was even more attractive right now, and all I wanted to do was to have my hands and mouth all over him but I knew that was impossible. Laughing because I was so insanely happy to see him that it felt unreal.

"Hi", he said with a smile. "I am Alex. I am here to get your daughter and probably to have my dirty way with her."

I blinked. It was obvious that he was joking but if someone said something like that to my mother, she'd stab that person with the crucifix. Mary laughed heartily.

"Hi", she said. "I am Mary, her mother. And I need her to be home no later than eleven and she better be fully dressed!"

Alex sighed.

"Yes, ma'am", he said sadly and Mary laughed again.

"Nice to meet you, Alex", she said and he smiled.

"Hey Jake", Alex waved to me.

"Hey", I waved back.

"Christy!" Mary shouted. "Come on down!"

"So we gonna go get Amber, right?" Alex asked and I nodded numbly.


He laughed softly.

"You have balls, man", he said and I almost started to cough. "I mean, you asked her out! That girl is so weird that sometimes I think she is a freak!"

"Yeah", I gave him a crooked smile. "But she is pretty."

"Yeah", he agreed. "She is hot, no questions about that... It's just..." he shook his head. "Whenever she opens her mouth, I am seriously afraid that someone will do her bodily harm. The stuff she says..."

"Tonight will be interesting", I muttered and Alex nodded.

"No kidding!... Hey, Christy!" he looked behind my shoulder and I turned my head. "You look great!" he said sincerely and I had to agree with him.

She was wearing her hair up tonight and it accentuated her slender shoulders and long neck. Her green dress looked really good on her as well and it made her eyes look even more blue. I sighed silently inside my head, thinking that Alex will be an idiot if he doesn't fall for her. Then I feverishly hoped that he was an idiot and that Christy and him will just go out on this one and only date. "Wow", I marveled at myself. "You are an awesome friend, Summers! Considering that Christy did more for you than anyone in the entire universe..." I was so ashamed of myself that my ears started to burn.

"Thanks", Christy smiled nervously.

"Ready to go?" Alex asked and she nodded.


"Have fun guys", Mary said when we were walking out. "Be home no later than eleven!"

"Got it, mom", Christy said cheerfully and we walked to Alex's car.

We got to Amber's house at six twenty or so and I blinked when I saw her waiting for us on the front porch. She saw me get out of the car and suddenly gave me such a bright smile that I was startled. Amber quickly walked towards me.

"Hey", I said. "You look nice."

"Hey", she smiled again. "Thanks!"

I wasn't lying. She was wearing a short black dress and black striped sandals with small heels. Her hair was loose and her shoulders and it made her look almost mysterious, especially when it would fall on her face. "Hey, maybe I am not gay", I thought with hope. "Maybe all I needed was just one make out session with a girl..."

I opened the car door for her and she climbed into the back seat.

"Hey guys", she said.

"Hey", Christy smiled at her and Alex simply nodded.

I sat next to Amber and was startled when she slid so close to me that our shoulders touched.

"So where are we going?" Amber asked and I shrugged, trying to ignore her bare skin that was cool against my arm.

"Movie?" Alex offered.

"Sure", Christy agreed immediately.

"Which one?" Amber wrinkled her nose.

"I don't know", Alex shrugged. "Wanna go there and see what's playing?"

"Not really", Amber said and Christy laughed with amusement.

"Oh, Amber", she sighed.

"Let's just go to the park", Amber said. "The weather is really nice and to be honest I don't want to be stuck in a movie theater for several hours."

"Sure", Alex said lightly. "Park sounds good. Is it all right with you, guys?"

"Sure", Christy and I said in unison.

"You are like some weird twins or something", Amber said. "Except you are not related. You sure you haven't slept together?"

Alex started the car and I sighed. Yup, this will be interesting.

It was almost ten at night and I was amazed. In fact I was almost shocked. After Amber blurted out her words in the car, she hasn't said anything even remotely weird or rude. She was actually pleasant to be around. I wondered if she was on some sort of medication that finally kicked in.

"Jake", Christy pulled me aside.


"Alex and I are going to go for a walk, okay?" she whispered and her eyes twinkled in the dark.

A walk, right.

"Sure", I said energetically. "I'll entertain Amber."

"Yeah, you will!" she grinned widely and I shook my head.

"By entertain I mean talk to her, Bailey", I said patiently.

"Uh huh", Christy nodded. "Talk the language of loooove..."

"Oh shut up", I winced. "Go make out with Landon. Have fun!"

"Ditto", she giggled and went away.

I sighed deeply, wishing to be struck by lightning but the weather was nauseatingly perfect. I walked towards Amber who was sitting on the bench, her hands clasped in her lap. I sat next to her.

"So", she said without looking at me. "Just us, huh?"

"Yeah", I said.

We sat in silence for several minutes. I was feverishly trying to figure out what I should talk to her about but for some strange reason the only thing that came to my mind was math. "So", I played out the conversation in my head. "Are you good at math?... Ugh, Summers... You are hopeless..."

"Wow, this is awkward", Amber said finally with a nervous giggle.

"Yeah", I agreed with a half smile. "Awkward."

"So", she said. "The weather is nice..."

"Uh huh", I said, thinking that this couldn't get any worse.

"Are you a virgin?" she asked suddenly and I silently applauded God's sense of humor.

"Why?" I sighed.

"Just asking", she shrugged.

"Are you?" I looked at her and she didn't look away.

"No", she said simply.

"I am", I sighed again, thinking that right now I would be happy if someone shot me point blank in the face.

"Okay", I thought. "It's pretty safe to assume that it won't get any more embarrassing..." I don't know why I thought that. I mean, I should've known better by now. The minute I think something like that, shit hits the fan.

"So what", Amber said indifferently. "You masturbate often?"

I couldn't stand this anymore. I had to shut her up before I committed a very gruesome murder. She opened her mouth and I was so afraid of what she might ask next that I just pulled her towards myself and kissed her lips. She wrapped her arms around my neck almost immediately and I thought if this is why she was saying all those things just so I kiss her finally. I expected my body to react and when it didn't, I moaned. Amber misinterpreted that, of course. Her mouth immediately grew more hungry and insistent. She felt nice, her lips were warm and soft but I felt like I was kissing someone who was related to me. I was feeling weird and strangely indifferent.

"Oh God", I thought miserably. "Why me? No, seriously, why me?!" Amber's tongue was exploring my mouth and I tried to copy that so she won't be puzzled why the hell I was just sitting there. I guess she liked it because her hand slid between my legs. "You kidding me", I thought. "Am I having a nightmare?" I pulled away from her and she gasped for air.

"What's wrong?" she muttered.

"This is a public place", I said, my breathing shallow.

"I know", she laughed and moved towards me.

"No, seriously", I said. "Public place!"

She sighed.

"Do you wanna go somewhere else?"

Yes, I want to go home and hang myself.

"We have to wait for Alex", I said quickly. "He's our ride, remember?"

"Oh that's right..." she muttered, clearly disappointed.

I looked at her and sighed. Great, now she looked miserable and humiliated. Oh Jesus Almighty, why are you doing this to me?!

"Amber", I said softly and she looked at me. "Come here..."

She moved closer and I started kissing her again. I closed my eyes and imagined that she was Alex. My reaction was so sudden that I became slightly dizzy. I thought that my heart was going to break my ribs because it started beating so violently like it has never done before. Amber buried her fingers in my hair and I shivered when her touch felt so good, it was unreal. Of course in my imagination it was Alex who did that.

We kissed for almost half an hour when someone coughed behind us very delicately. We pulled apart from each other and I looked up. It was Christy, of course.

"We gotta go home, Jake", she said, trying not to gawk at my unbuttoned shirt. "It's quarter till eleven."

"Right", I muttered and started to button up my shirt. I had no idea when Amber unbuttoned it.

When we got to the car, it was already running. Alex grinned when he saw me.

"You might wanna brush your hair", he chuckled.

I ran my fingers through my hair and realized that it was beyond messed up.

"I have a brush", Christy laughed and I grinned and got in the car.

We drove to Amber's house in silence. The only sound in the car was the radio. I caught Christy's laughing glance when she saw Amber put her head on my shoulder and I almost scowled at her. She turned away quickly but I knew that she will interrogate me all night tonight. Finally Alex parked the car on the curb in front of Amber's house. "I guess I need to walk her to the door", I thought and climbed out of the car.

I walked her to the door and then she just stood there and looked at me. Oh, God, she is about to say something...

"Jake", she said softly. "Tonight was... nice."

"Yeah", I agreed.

She looked away and suddenly she looked so embarrassed that I was startled.

"Sorry if I came on too strong", she muttered. "It's just..." she took a deep breath. "I like you... A lot", she added in a small voice and I felt like falling on my knees and crying.

Instead I pulled her towards myself again and almost twenty minutes later I finally remembered that Christy and I had to go home. I opened my eyes and blinked when I saw Amber's face in front of mine. I got so caught in my fantasies that I seriously believed I was kissing Alex. Amber opened her eyes and sighed.

"Night, Jake", she said softly.

"Night, Amber", I muttered and watched her walk inside her house.

I sighed and walked back to the car. I couldn't help but wince when I saw Alex and Christy kiss inside. His arms were firmly wrapped around her, hands buried in her loose by now long hair. She held his face in her palms and their kiss was so passionate that I almost wept with jealousy.

I knocked softly on the window and Christy immediately pulled away from Alex. She looked at me with embarrassed smile and I got into the car.

"Give me that brush, Bailey", I said and she laughed and pulled a small hair brush out of her purse.

Next: Chapter 7

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