Under the Cherry Tree

By moc.liamtoh@nosbigpjver

Published on Aug 21, 2017




Rev. Jesse Penfield Gibson, MDiv, DMin

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and situations are purely imaginary. Any resemblence to any living persion is coincidental. This story is primarily a romance but does contain some scenes of explicit sex, primarily homosexual but not exclusively.

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I was in line to get the book signed, more or less as a joke. I knew it would be a suprise. I had told Carter that I was going to be in Chicago for a conference while he was on his book tour but he typically didn't connect up the dates or figure it out that we would be here together. His debut novel had won a National Book award and was a best seller. The sophomore effort was getting good reviews, better than good, but not as good as The Battle of Dark and Light, the first one, had. I think writers, like visual artists, can be sensitive to opinion. That's why I stick to science. We have enough drama as it is.

At the table, Carter looked up as I handed him the book to sign and starting laughing. "What are you doing in Chicago?"

"Conference, stupid. Told you. Presenting a fascinating paper on the use of serotoninergic pathway stimulation in the treatment of PTSD."

"Oh no," Carter said in mock horror "You're not out there trying to make psychedelic drugs dull are you? You need to stop"

"It's important work"

"Of course it is. I'm going to see you later, right?"

"I'm guessing that we are going to end up at one or the other's hotel room for the night. That would be my guess. But I think the people in line are getting impatient."

He smiled and wiggled his finger. I leaned over and we kissed, a little peck on the cheek. "I'll sign it later."


I headed off to the side to wait for him as he finished up the last dozen or so people waiting. A young guy, younger than me that is, college aged, with a goatee and extravagent tattooing came up to me.

"Are you Dylan Powell?" he asked.

I wanted to ask why are you asking. It could be a college kid that read The Battle of Dark and Light and is now a Luciferian. There are plenty of those that Carter has inspired. He looks like he could be devotee of Xander. The article in the New York Times Sunday Magazine really focused on them, the celebrated young novelist and the groundbreaking visual artist. I was, thankfully, mostly an afterthought, the scientist who was in the middle of this three way relationship. The article did mention my research into psychedelic drugs and the neurobiology of psychedelia. All three of us had been amazed that the article writer had downplayed that aspect, especially given how those sorts of experiences clearly play a role in both of their works.

The simplest answer is the truth. "Yes" I said. "I am Dylan Powell"

"Dr Powell, I'm Jared Rogers. I write a blog about mind altering substances and culture"

"I've read it, Jared. Carter and Xander are fans too"

He grinned. "Wow. that's cool. I'm a fan of all three of you. All three of you. I have a couple of questions, if you don't mind"

"Why not"

"What do you know about the so called love drug that is being sold on campuses all over the country now. Sometimes called pink anarchy"

I laugh. The kid knows how to go for jugular, I'll give him that. "You want to know about the chemistry of it or the effects?"

"The creation"

I laugh again. "No comment"

"Does it bother you that it is being used recreationally and outside of careful experiments?"

"NOt really" I said. "It is only very mildly psychedelic and not very trippy. It boosts the libido obviously. I think college students have pretty much always been fond of sex. But just so we are clear: I have no real objection to anyone using truly psychedelic drugs if they are in a controlled environment, the right set and setting, and are emotionally and psychologically grounded going into it. Youthful experimentation changed my life."

"And you still use them? Psychedelics, I mean? All of three of you?"

"Not as often as you would imagine but often enough to spur creativity, to foster new ways of looking at old problems."

He looked around. "And the university approves?"

"I suppose there are things they would prefer not to know about. I teach neuroscience. I am an expert supposedly. I research neuroscience. They approve of that." I said

"And the religious part of carter's books?" he asked. I noted that he called me Doctor but Carter by his given name. Either he is more comfortable or the Ph.D. matters to him.

"You would need to talk to him about the degree to which he means it metaphorically, Lucifer as the good God and Yahweh as the truly evil one. I suppose I have left that behind"

"You're not a Luciferian then"

"No" I answered.

"Is Carter?"

I smile. "No comment. You'd have to talk with him. I think we all are just struggling trying to answer the big questions in life"

"How do you make a three way relationship work?" he asked.

"If you don't mind my asking, are you gay, bi or straight?"


I nod. "I never know if people want to know the sexual dynamics or the romantic or the practical. Xander is bi, more straight than gay but fell into a relationship with two gay men. Carter and I, well ... I don't know. Call it what you like. I've missed him and I can't wait for him to be done here so we can ... you know. When I go back, I will be just as happy to see Xander. Friendship, mutual respect, understanding each other, brutal honesty and the fact that outside of the relationship, we are not in competition. I appreciate and celebrate their talent and they mine. That's how."

"And you are not jealous?"

"Of their fame, no. Definitely not. Sexually, no."

"And you had nothing to do with pink anarchy?"

"No comment" I say.

He knows I created it. But that was extracurricular. Not on the university's time or with their equipment. It is illegal. Of course, the guy whose equipment I used is really good at producing synthetic chemicals in large quantities. And no, if student's are getting laid, then great. I want it to take off in the gay community. Replace methamphetamine as the party and play drug of choice. No I don't mind. Not at all.

We went to dinner at Frontera Grill because I like authentic regional Mexican and Carter is humoring me. Rick Bayless is a great chef and I wouldn't want to be in Chicago without going. I told him about the kid questioning me.

"You think he knows about Danny?" Carter asked

I shrug. "I don't know. I don't think so. If he did he probably would have used it just to get me to admit it. I think that he mostly just wanted to say thanks" I said

"Maybe we can find some pink anarchy and get the juices flowing"

I smile. "I won't need it"

He is not the chubby boy I knew at 18. He is a man. I am naturally skinny but Carter has to work at being fit. He does, too. He is still the quiet, somewhat brooding, introspective guy he was back then, still obsessed with trying to make right and wrong, good and evil square with a divine presence. I am not who I was then either. Not at all.

Our bodies meld together, join naturally. It is comfortable and slow. It will be what it is. We kiss and touch. We roll around a little, our naked bodies together. My hardness matches his. I don't need his permission: we belong to each other. I take him in my hand and stroke him. He sighs and smiles.

"It's been a while" he says. He's been doing the book tour for weeks. "I won't last long"

"I know. But we got time"

I take him in my mouth, fully in. I may not be an expert in the wide world of penises but this one and the other one I know. I know what and how for him. I suck his balls and lick down there. He sighs and moans, loving it. I love that he is loving it. He has been deprived even if he has had some company along and along, which I am not jealous of in the least. He pushes me down on his dick. He wants it. I can tell that he is going to cum in my mouth and do it soon. So, I just surrnder to it and let him go. When he does blow, I drink it all.

Later, I fuck him slowly. We don't talk or explain. We share, That it is what is important.

I fly back the next day, land in Atlanta and pick up the car to drive the 90 miles or so back to Athens. As I am stuck in traffic on I-20, I am listening to a group of people on one of the political channels on Sirius XM talking about Donald Trump running for President and taking it seriously. I'm amazed. I figure he's just a clown on a reality TV show. I change it over to a music channel instead. The traffic isn't much better in Athens either and it takes me forever to get home.

Kara is there as I come in through the kitchen from the garage. She's in a pair of panties and a tight t shirt wtih no bra, in one of the kitchen chairs scrolling through her phone. I figure Xander got a bit of pussy before I got home. It's cool. Of the acolytes hanging around with him, and I don't know quite how to describe them and whether pupil or groupie or what is the correct descriptor, she is one of the one's I like best. Not in sexual terms. I long ago abandoned any participation in that part of his sex life. I respect that it exists and let him do what he must. Just as long as he smiles and is glad to see me when I come in.

She looks up. "Hey"

"Hey, where's he at" I ask

"Out back in the studio. I guess putting stuff in the kiln"

I head out through the back terrace and he is coming the other way, back from his studio. His face lights up. A big grin comes across his face. He throws open his arms and I walk into them. I am in bear hug and we kiss.

"How was Carter?"

"Good. Only three more weeks and he can brood around here again and annoy us."

Xander chuckled. "Yeah. Oh, I brought back some pink anarchy from Dad's"

"I'm not going to need it"

"Well, I don't know. He does want you to come down. He needs some chemistry help with the LSD, I think. We'll have to go next weekend anyway. And Jack's coming over tonight, wants to introduce the newest boyfriend."

"Oh, really? Okay. Why do we have to go down there next weekend?"

"I brought Ned back for the week." I must have been staring at him blankly. We all ready had Finny.. Did we need two preadolescent boys here? Xander noticed and looked a bit sheepish. "Finny was getting kind of lonely"

I wasn't pissed but still. Finny is 11 and Ned 12. I love them both but together there is no telling how much trouble they can get into. Xander is all over the place and his judgement isn't to be trusted, so it will fall to me to be sure they are fed and clothed and uninjured and I have fall term to prepare for plus about 4 research projects going. And truly only Finny is our responsibility, and mine more than his. Before the accident, the one that took Joe and Kerry, I was made his guardian. Xander loves him and Kerry knew it but also knew that Xander, despite his love, can get lost in his own head. Later, when Finny is older, Xander will be the perfect parent. For now, he needs me. But what's done is done and Danny does keep us supplied. Plus, it's probably good for them.

I was making dinner - pasta with shrimp and salad - with Finny helping me. Over the last year or so, he is more interested in helping in the kitchen. He was a bit quiet, though, and not as gregarious as usual. I asked him what was going on.

"Uncle Dylan, if me and Ned, did some things, you know, some things..." he said stuttering, "at night ..."

"Does it make you gay?"

He looked down. "Yeah"

"Probably not. I'm pretty sure Ned isn't anyway. Of course, it doesn't matter to us if you are. You know that, right?"

"But what if I'm not gay?"

I stared at him for a second. "Finny ..."

"But you are. Uncle Xander is, kinda at least. Uncle Carter is. Jack is."

"And none of us will love you any less whether you are gay or straight or bi or whatever"

"Okay" he said but he didn't seem like he believed it. "Ned is going to go live in the woods pretty soon, huh?"

"I guess."

"Did you?"

"No. Carter did for a little while but not long. I didn't."

"But Uncle Xander did. Jack did" he said

"Yeah, that's true. Are you thinking that is something you want to do later on, in a year or two?"

"I don't know" he said.

I honestly didn't know what I thought about that. I can see some advantage in early adolescence having a period to be wild and to try to figure yourself out as you grow and develop physically. I have seen a number of them go off and come back the better for it. I long ago shed my sense of morality about the sexual aspects of it. But there is still a bit of me that rebels at the thought of it. It will have to be something we talk about and consider. I suspect that both Xander and Carter will be okay with it should he want to.

"Finny, here's the thing. It is totally cool, you and Ned doing whatever. I bet it feels pretty good. It does when I do things like that. If you are doing it and you want to and the other person wants to, it's not wrong. Have fun. Enjoy yourself."

He was embarassed by my directness but I didn't want him confused. I also wasn't promising anything about Grandpa and the woods either. Not yet anyway.

Jack's boyfriend was a beautiful black boy I had a couple of years ago in a basic level biochemistry class, named Malcolm. Tall, like Jack, the color of india ink, with a ready smile and perfectly white straight teeth, Malcolm was a ridiculously handsome young man. Jack, too, is beautiful. There were 7 of us for dinner: Me, Xander, Kara, Ned, Finny, Jack and Malcolm. The boys were shy around Kara. I suspected that both had secret crushes on her. Xander held court, telling stories and being charming, entertaining us all. Jack was embarassed a bit, I think, but Malcolm ate it up.

"So, your first time tripping is with them? The psychedelic guru and the cool artist?" Malcolm asked Jack. "The guy that invited pink anarchy?"

"Allegedly" I said

"Allegedly" Malcolm replied with a nod. "The pink anarchy guy?"

"First blow job too"


"Dylan. I was in love with xander and so jealous of Dylan I didn't know what to do but then he was so sweet to me. Now I love them both"

"How old were you?" Ned piped in.

"Your age" I answered. "It was only my second or third time doing anything and I was only 18 and Xander ... Xander was being Xander"

He smiled. "Which you love and can't do without"

"Well, so, if we wanted to do something like that..." Ned said

Xander smacked him on the back of the head. "When the time comes, you can join in. If you get laid or not is kind of on you though, kid. Jack was being cool so he got what he wanted."

"Wow" Malcolm said. "I wish I had grown up with you guys"

We gave them some of the pink anarchy. Why not? Let them have fun. I am pretty sure that Xander took Ned aside and gave him and Finny some to give to Kara too. I suddenly had the realization that he may have set it up so that they would lose their virginity. I understood that in that world, a world I now belonged in, virginity doesn't last long nor is it highly prized. I'd be a different person had I gotten laid earlier and things really have worked out pretty well but I still think that waiting to your 18 is silly. Waiting until marriage is beyond silly. I'm not sure that coming out of the first year of middle school is old enough though but, I guess, the kids work that out for themselves. We just left them alone.

We were alone and pleasantly baked. I had on a pair of old jogging shorts and Xander was naked. 10 years ago he was a young Greek god, physical perfection. Now, he is an adult Greek god, still physically perfect, but a man and not a boy anymore. Neither of us are. I am still skinny but we are settling in to what we are going to be for now. He comes out from the bathroom, semi hard and climbs on the bed and crouches over me. He leans down and kisses me.

"Three weeks, huh? You'll be happier then" Xander said

"Why do you say that? I'm happy now"

"Everybody will be back where they belong. Everything will be back in its place"

I snort. "I don't know how you two put up with this awful regularity and oppressive symmetry"

"I think you are insulting me but I don't care" Xander said, grinning broadly and running a hand up my bare torso. "Cause I want to fuck you and so I'll put up with it."

I turn my head to listen outside the room. "You think we should be worried that the boys are quiet?"

"No, they're getting into trouble" Xander said. "They're trying to psych themselves to make a move on Kara"

"Will it work?"

"Dunno. I think she'd take their cherry just for the novelty of it"

"One things for sure, life is always interesting" I said

"Yes, Professor. and what part of the brain governs pleasure?"

"The nucleus accumbens mostly" I said

"And how do you stimulate it?"

"There are lots of ways of course. But I can think of one in particular."

It is a beautiful dick and I have always loved sucking on it. He has grown to enjoy my nibbling on the foreskin and running my tongue underneath between the foreskin and the sensitive head. He grew hard quickly in my mouth. But he is not a selfish lover. Soon he was on my dick, sucking it. Carter swallows it better, having less of a gag reflex, but Xander is skillful and playful. It feels great. We kiss and touch and rub and I am glad to be here in bed with him, alone now and just the two of us. I don't begrudge Carter by any means and I felt about the same when it was just me and him in Chicago but it is nice. It seems almost what normal people would do. Although, I have to say, the three of us together is good too. And the times when there is a fourth is good too, even when it is Kara or another girl. The variety of my life is the spice of it.

He enters me in a firm continuous motion. I exhale slowly as he rests his torso against my back. We are in the spoon position, my favorite, and his hard body envelopes me. His hard dick is moving back and forth in me, slowly massaging my prostate. It is slow and sensual and we touch and kiss as he does it. When Finny came here 3 years ago, it interfered with our love making but now that he getting a bit older, he is giving us more privacy as he begins to demand it for himself. It is delicious and I love the feel of his body against mine. After we both come, we just stay there in the same position. Of course, after I fall asleep, Xander climbs out of bed and goes to his studio to work on some brillant idea that just came to him. I am used to it.

The next day, Finny is acting both sheepish and coy. I think he wants me to inquire but I don't. Whatever happened, happened. It is now time for an explicit talk. He knows about the birds and bees, of course, and probably knows more than I suspect. But I give him condoms and a cucumber and make him practice, despite his horrible shame and embarassment. We talk about consent and that no means no. He is mortified to be having the conversation but I plug along. It is important. He is straight, of that I am sure. Not getting someone pregnant and understanding that female sexuality, to the degree that I know about that, works somewhat differently than male is important.

"You really think he needs a condom?" Xander asked.


"He's not that far along in puberty, you know"

I look at him dumbfounded. "And here I thought I had a Ph D in biology. Trust me, he is almost there in terms of ejaculating and I mean very soon."

"Well then, we should have a party when it happens" Xander said with a grin.

I just laughed. We had to take Ned back the following weekend and it was good to catch up with Danny. On the way down, from Ned and Finny's conversation, it was rapidly apparent that my condom lesson only beat out his first ejaculation by about 12 hours. So, in the end, he did get a party -- a joint one, Ned going off with Grandpa and Finny's first ejaculation. I tripped my balls off.

Xander picked Carter up at the airport. By then, I was really glad to see him. I kissed him passionately as he came in. The three of us were sitting around as he sorted and washed his clothes.

"We talked about Finny" Xander said

"And what did you decide?" I asked

"He should spend the summer with Ned and Grandpa"

Carter looked at me and crossed his arms. "I know what you are going to say"

'I don't think you do"

"You are going to say that he is too young, and object to it on the grounds of danger and that he is living with a pedophile. Which is all true. But it will be the experience of a lifetime."

I looked at them both. I am actually his legal guardian. My say so is important too. "ACtually, I think he is Xander's nephew. I think it was only a matter of time before he became sexually active. It is only a matter of time before he wants to party hard. I had no expectation that he would be like me and you, Carter, 18 and virginal. He is more like Xander in that regard. I think it is a good idea."

Xander sighed and relaxed. "Good then. You continue to surprise me."

I laughed. "Someone said way back in the first semester of freshman year that if I could survive it, life with you would be a lot of fun."

"And it has" Xander said.


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