
By John O'Connor (Coltrane)

Published on Feb 18, 2003



Title: Undercover

Author: John O'Connor

Series: None.

Code: Roberta Lincoln/F, Roberta/Isis.

Rating: NC-17 for graphic lesbian sex.

Disclaimer: "Star Trek", it's characters, locations, etc are copyright Paramount Pictures. No infringement for profit is intended. This is strictly for fun.

Summary: Roberta Lincoln and Isis go undercover to break up a blackmailing ring.

Archiving: On the FFF web page. Also at ASCEM. Later, at the Nifty Archives, my website, and the Lady Slash site.

Feedback: lushcoltrane@yahoo.com

Website: http://www.asstr.org/~John_OConnor/

Notes: This is an entry in Round 9 for the femme_fuhq_fest. (Others can be found at www.geocities.com/femme_fuhq_fest - definitely worth a good look.) _______________________________________________________ Undercover

The bass beat was almost a physical sensation as the dancer strutted and pranced up and down the runway. With a quick step towards the main stage, she spun herself around a brass pole, her blond hair flowing in the air behind her.

After the spin, she peeled off the tight, half-bra, exposing her full round breasts. Pasties capped her mounds, in keeping with the license the club had.

The audience was small. Very small. Only one woman, two men, and a movie camera.

By the time the music stopped and the stage lights went out, she was down to the afore-mentioned pasties and garter with only a small, sequined g-string covering her crotch, leaving her shapely ass bare, for all practical purposes. The trio clapped appreciatively.

The dancer knew it wasn't over. Susi came out and began to dance with her as the lights slowly came up. Soon, the pasties and the g-string were gone and both women were dancing naked.

As the other girl's hand slid between her legs and into her, Roberta Lincoln shook her head, wondering how she let her boss talk her into this particular assignment...

"Miss Lincoln, I have a special assignment for you," Gary Seven said. He was seated behind the obsidian-topped desk in the New York office of the Aegis Corporation. In his arms, a black cat with a diamond-studded collar purred under his stroking fingers.

"Sure boss, what is it?" Roberta asked.

"Certain reports have come to my attention of a possible blackmail operation in Los Angeles," the forty-ish man replied.

"Blackmail? Isn't that something for Joe Friday or the 'Adam-12' guys?"

"Please, Miss Lincoln. This ring coerces sons and daughters of prominent industrial and political leaders and uses the resulting images to blackmail the parents," Seven explained. "The parents then succumb to the wishes of the blackmailers to institute research, equipment sales, or even changes in law to keep their children's secrets," Seven explained.

"Still, why not the cops or the Feds? Isn't this what J. Edgar has his G-men for?" Roberta asked.

"One of my...contacts in your government has expressed an interest in keeping this low-key. And, given the nature of what I have since uncovered, I have to agree."

"Okay. Then why me?"

"Because, Miss Lincoln, I have another matter that desperately needs my attention. And," Seven paused dramatically. A bit too dramatically as far as Roberta was concerned. "You have proven yourself over the past thirty-two months as being very capable. I believe you and Isis are imminently qualified to take care of this situation."

Roberta Lincoln had matured quite a bit in the last two and a half years since she came to know Gary Seven. Constant exposure to alien conspiracies, secret scientific organizations out to take over the world, and the usual collection of solo mad scientists and whacko assassins take a toll on youthful innocence.

Before that day in 1968 when she came in for her first day on a secretarial job, Roberta had been a typical twenty-year old girl with liberal, almost counter-cultural views and a natural distrust of government as well as anyone over thirty. Her friends were still amazed she had taken such a 'straight' job for a Suit.

The Suit was Gary Seven, Supervisor 194, and he was as human as Roberta or any of the millions walking the streets of New York at that moment, except for the fact that he had been raised on another world, a colony light years away, and trained to work behind the scenes to affect change, for the better, on Earth.

And hopefully to help the human race survive the turbulence of the latter half of the 20th Century.

He initially came to inspect the work of two operatives whose job was to strategically sabotage a United States rocket that was to launch an orbital nuclear platform over the Eurasian continent. When he discovered those operatives had died in an automobile accident, he found he had to take direct action, something he hadn't expected to do.

What he also hadn't expected was the presence of a starship from the future or the arrival of an apparently flighty secretary.

That secretary had proven to be an invaluable ally in his mission. With Isis, the black cat, they were a formidable undercover force for protecting the people of Earth from themselves and others.

"What?!? I have to work with that stubborn, pompous..."

"Miss Lincoln, please. Isis has feelings too. Her race is a bit snobbish." The cat in his arms growled quietly and Seven said, "Don't deny it, Isis." Returning his attention to his other agent, he continued, "She has proven quite valuable dozens of times in just the past two years. As I recall, she even saved your life on that supposedly haunted cruise ship."

"Yeah, well I did see..." Roberta scowled at the cat.

"Anyway, who's in charge? Me or the fleabag?"

"Neither. You will be partners."

"Partners, huh? Hear that, Pussy Cat? You're not in charge."

"Neither are you, Miss Lincoln."

"Okay, okay. So, what do you want me to do?"

In less than a day, Roberta Lincoln was Bobbi Lansing, the daughter of a prominent New England congressman who sat on the foreign affairs committee. She was a newly arrived junior at USC and, with her pet cat Isis, was sharing an apartment with Susi Watkins. Susi was the daughter of another prominent politician in Nixon's White House.

Susi was a cute girl from the Midwest. With her shoulder length brown hair and her button nose, she could be a Hollywood version of the girl next door. While not quite as innocent as she seemed, the girl still was discreet and choosy in her sex life. Her current boyfriend was only the second man she had ever slept with.

And she had confided to her new friend Bobbi one night that she never 'put it in my mouth.' That was too much for the eighteen-year old. But Susi did know how to enjoy herself.

In the first three weeks, Roberta and Susi had gone to dorm and frat parties, joined a sit-in outside an Army recruiting office, and even attended classes. Roberta had drunk more beer and wine in that time than she had in the previous six months, not to mention all the pot she'd smoked. But, so far, she had seen no evidence of any blackmailers.

"Well, then again, what are they gonna look like?" she asked rhetorically. She was alone in the apartment. Except for Isis.


Roberta looked at the black cat sitting on the coffee table, grooming itself next to a cracked bong left behind by one of their neighbors. "Was I talking to you?"

Isis looked at her blankly.

"Okay, okay. I just want something to happen soon. This is not what I signed up for," the blonde complained. "And where the hell is Mr. Seven?"

"Mee-rooo," Isis said, a human-like moan plainly audible. 'This biped wasn't that dense,' the cat thought.

Roberta knew very well where Seven was, as Isis was trying to tell her. "Yeah, I know. Undercover somewhere in SAC trying to keep some psycho Air Force general from nuking Moscow."

In truth, the rogue general was in England in command of a wing of B-52s at one of the NATO bases. Seven had joined his cabal as Major Ronald Lindstrom. It was a deep-cover assignment and effectively left Roberta and Isis on their own in LA.

Just as Roberta was about to add to her complaint, Susi came charging in, "Bobbi! Get ready! We're going to a big beach party!"

Quickly, Roberta and Susi were ready. Both wore tight, clingy tops and micro-mini skirts. Roberta's was a bright, almost-painful red. Susi was in a white and black ensemble. Both had platform heels, adding two inches to each girl.

Right after they left, Isis jumped up and ran into the bedroom. Several minutes later, a tall, exotic, well-dressed beauty strolled gracefully out of the building.

Soon they had pulled up to a beachfront apartment in Venice. From the music, it sounded like quite a party going on.

Susi laughed, "This'll be a freakin' blast! C'mon, let's get stoned and party all night..."

"Sounds good to me," Roberta replied. Inwardly she planned to get a good buzz on but wanted to keep her head somewhat clear.

She had no way of knowing what was waiting for her inside.

"Bobbi! Susi! C'mere! Gimme a big hug!"

Both women found themselves wrapped in the embrace of a large, black transvestite. Chloe, who went to classes with them as Charlie, worked at one of the more exotic clubs, the Venus Flytrap. Roberta had a blast when she and Susi went there to see his act a couple of weeks before.

Chloe was big and black and beautiful. And, to his eternal delight, had surprised quite a few formerly straight white boys from the Valley over the years, both in the clubs and in the schools.

"Ladeees! You have got to try some of this fine weed.

You'll be partyin' on the Moon with the astronauts after a few hits of this shit," Chloe said, shoving a fat glowing joint at the new arrivals.

Susi grabbed it and took a huge hit. Holding the acrid smoke in her lungs, she handed the weed to her friend.

Roberta took a hit as well. She made it look like she took a huge lungful but only actually inhaled about half the smoke. Almost immediately, she felt the familiar warm sensation flow through her.

The music took on an almost physical quality. The bass on the stereo was really turned up. Without realizing it, Roberta started swaying to Edwin Starr singing about the futility of war.

"Cool..." she muttered, as some hippie she didn't recognize handed her a beer.

"Ladies! Welcome to my little get together."

Roberta looked over at the manager of the Flytrap Mikey Stantz. His long, dark hair was pulled back into a pony tail and his hands held a bottle of some Mexican beer and another joint. "Wanna hit, Bobbi?"

"Sure," Roberta said, her earlier promise to herself lost in a narcotic haze. After taking a large toke, Susi grabbed the joint.

"Ever shared the smoke?" Mikey asked. Roberta looked confused but Susi shook her head. "Why not share with Bobbi?"

Susi took her friend's face in her hands and pressed her lips to Roberta's. In her surprise, Roberta opened her mouth and a gush of pot smoke flowed into her lungs. This was followed by the brunette's tongue.

Roberta, in her stoned state, began to kiss Susi back, her tongue dancing around in her mouth and then following the other back into Susi's mouth.

Mikey noticed a tall, dark, exotic beauty enter the party. "Ladies, excuse me. Although it doesn't look like you'll miss me," he said with a chuckle.

He was right, they stood there in the apartment's living room kissing for quite some time. Finally, as they got jostled, they pulled apart, staring at each other.

Too stoned to be embarrassed by her actions, Roberta could only say, "Wow! That was intense."

"Yeah," Susi said in a husky voice. Roberta's body responded to the tone but before she could act on her sudden desire, they were interrupted.

"Ya know, if you two did that on stage, you'd rake in the bucks," Mikey said, returning after being brushed off by the silent raven-haired woman wearing a diamond necklace. She had since disappeared into the party.

"Uh, no. I, uh, I don't..." Roberta tried to say. Something about not doing girls...

"What about it, Susi?" Mikey asked.

Susi looked at Roberta and smiled, "I would love to..."

"I...I couldn't..."

"Bobbi, Bobbi, Bobbi. You are so into that," Mikey said. "You can deny it but you want her, don't you?"

Roberta looked at Susi. She was gorgeous. That sexy, full-lipped mouth; the dark, bedroom eyes; the shiny, brown hair that hung to just below her shoulders; those round, luscious tits...

Roberta stopped and shook her head. Had she just thought the word 'tits'? What was going on?

Mikey quickly handed her another joint and said, "Don't worry about it. Just take a hit and we'll forget all about this. Just have some fun. Waddya say?"

Not trusting herself to speak, Roberta took the proffered joint and sucked in another large lungful of smoke. This was the strongest pot she'd had in a long time. Maybe ever.

At that moment, a tall, dark-haired woman in a kimono-like dress stepped up. "Come with me ladies," she said, her voice lightly accented.

Strangely, without a word, Roberta and Susi followed the mysterious woman to another apartment overlooking one of the old canals. None of them saw a small black cat sitting nearby grooming itself, a cat wearing a diamond collar.

"My name is Lee. And you are..." the exotic woman prompted.

Slowly, as if unsure of her identity, Roberta said, "Roberta...Bobbi L...Lansing."

"I'm Susi, Susi Watkins. Can we buy some of that pot?

This buzz is the groove," the other girl said.

"We'll see. Now Susi, your father works for the Nixon Administration, doesn't he?"

"Uh, yeah," Susi said, puzzled at the question despite the marijuana haze.

Roberta, slowly guessing this was what she was here for, was ready. She just had to focus on her answers.

"Bobbi? Your father is on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Is that correct?"

"Uh, no...I mean, yes. Who...who are you?" Roberta asked. "You look like..."

"Please, no Dragon Lady jokes, my dear. I'm only half-Chinese."

"Yeah, the Dragon Lady in 'Terry and the Pirates'!" Roberta said, excitedly. She used to read it when she was a little girl in her father's paper.

Susi looked closely at the tall woman, "You remind me of that chick in the 'Jonny Quest' cartoons. Race's girlfriend..."

"Jade!" Roberta said with a giggle, proud she remembered the cartoon character.

The Asian woman put a stop to the jokes harshly, "Enough! Please, ladies, I am simply Lee."

She stepped up to Roberta and ran a fingertip along her cheek. "You are beautiful. I shall enjoy you." Stepping up to Susi, she cupped a full breast and said, "I shall enjoy you as well."

"En...enjoy?" Roberta said. The woman just felt up her roommate! And Susi seemed to like it. What the hell...?

Lee handed a lit joint to Susi, saying, "Please. Be my guest. And share..."

Susi took a hit and forcefully grabbed Roberta, exhaling into her mouth.

Choking on the harsher smoke, Roberta tried to get her mind around the fact that this was...stronger. She was feeling very...high.

"Here," Susi said, handing the burning doobie to Roberta. Roberta took a deep drag and blew her smoke into Susi's mouth. She was getting incredibly turned on by all this.

Before too long, they were down to a smoldering roach and kissing passionately. As Susi unconsciously released the rest of the joint, Lee was there to catch it in an ashtray. She stepped over to the door and handed it to a young woman outside. "Dispose of this immediately," she commanded.

"Yes, mistress," the girl replied.

Lee sat in front of the two girls, watching them French-kiss each other. It was quite exciting. But she had something better in mind. After a few more minutes, she stepped up and tapped Susi's shoulder.

"My dear, would you be so kind as to step outside? My friend Olivia will see to your needs," Lee said.

"But...I was..." Susi tried to say, staring at Roberta. She wanted more from her sexy roommate.


Susi stood and walked towards the door without another word. Lee knew she'd be well taken care of. She sat on the couch next to Roberta and took her hand, "Love, I want to make you feel...exquisite. May I?"

Roberta was too turned on to do anything but nod. Then Lee began to kiss her. It was even better than with Susi, this woman was experienced.

Their tongues began to thrust deep into each other's mouth. Both women were enflamed with passion. Lee's hand held one of Roberta's breasts, kneading the supple flesh through her blouse, her thumb rubbed against the hardening nipple.

Soon, both women were naked, their bodies pressed tightly against each other while their tongues danced together. Hands roamed over hot flesh, occasionally touching a sensitive spot, causing one of the women to gasp her arousal into the other's mouth.

Finally Lee pulled back and looked at Roberta. Roberta found herself falling into the almond-shaped eyes. Without words, she seemed to understand what Lee required.

Moving slowly down the lean body, Roberta planted kisses on the exposed skin, occasionally swiping the skin with her tongue.

Working her way down with a quick stop to nibble on the hardened nipples, Roberta soon found herself staring at the raven-dark triangle of soft fur between Lee's legs.

Using her thumbs, she pulled open the hidden treasure, gasping at the sight and the aroma of the older woman's arousal right in front of her.

As Roberta pressed her face into the humid sex, Lee took a shuddering breath, "Ooooh yeeesss..."

Those moans turned to orgasmic screams as Roberta's unskilled mouth brought Lee to the first of several climaxes.

Looking through a small window, a calm pair of cat's eyes observed the two women as they had sex for the next several hours. No one, not even her partner, would guess that the seemingly calm cat-creature was becoming quite agitated by the spectacle.

Later, as they lay in the bed, a sated Roberta looked up from where her head was pillowed on Lee's round breast, and asked, "Why?"

"Because I take what I want. And I wanted you," Lee replied, stroking the soft blond hair with her fingers.

Roberta blushed and nodded. Then, the real reason for her question came to her through the mingled haze of narcotics and sexual euphoria.

"No...why all this?"

"Since you won't remember anything I don't wish you to recall, I will tell you. I have been contracted by certain interests in the Far East to ease trade with the West over certain commodities."


"A coalition of scientists. That is really all I know. That and the fact that their drugs are particularly useful in attaining my desires. Even when those desires are of a more personal nature..."

"I don't underst..."

"It is merely a matter of getting the children of certain influential people to perform acts, on film, that would embarrass their parents if released."

"What kind of acts...?" Roberta persisted in her questions even as her body was succumbing to the need for sleep. Downers had nothing on multiple orgasms.

"Mainly of a homosexual nature. Boys performing oral sex on a multitude of strange men. Girls writhing in sapphic ecstasy. I have resorted to more extreme and deviant acts for my oh-so willing victims if necessary.

"Now Bobbi, sleep. I must see to your roommate. Such a cute girl... In the morning, you will not recall this discussion. Instead you will go to an address you will find in your pants pocket and perform on stage.

"You will not feel strange or guilty or hesitant about performing in front of a small crowd or on film. Now, here is what I want you to do..."

Lee's voice was a pleasant, persistent drone as Roberta fell asleep. In the morning, she would wake up in her bed with no idea how she got there. And Lee's hypnotic commands still in her brain.

And that was how she found herself mostly naked in an empty strip joint near LAX. Fortunately, the mental training Gary Seven had provided would overcome just about any attempt at hypnotic blocks.

Her thoughts returned to the moment when she woke up. Everything had come back to her and she seriously questioned the wisdom of pursuing this any further. Surely she could tip off the cops and...

But that wouldn't necessarily get the big wigs. She had to be certain Lee was there. No Lee, no guarantee this wouldn't recur somewhere else.

And she was worried about Susi. The poor innocent was being set up by these people to get to her father. Regardless of Susi's father's politics, Roberta was damned if she was going to let them use her friend.

But Susi seemed to be fine, except for the fact that she was really serious about Roberta. She had removed her fingers from the beautiful undercover operative and sensuously licked them clean.

Susi leaned over and kissed Roberta, her tongue thrusting into the blonde's mouth. Roberta responded, wondering at her own actions. She wasn't being compelled to do this any longer, at least not because of Lee's hypnotic commands. Was she...?

Susi dropped to her knees, her body still swaying to the music as she began to lick Roberta's now-dripping pussy. The soft tongue snaked between the blonde's netherlips and covered every inch of Roberta's sex.

The girl was good. Roberta's legs were getting weak as she felt herself on the verge of an explosive orgasm. An orgasm denied her.


Blue-uniformed men came charging into the Venus Flytrap, surrounding all five people inside. Lee looked irritated and the men looked enraged.

Roberta stood in shock at the sudden change. Susi was curled into a fetal position at her feet, sobbing quietly.

The cop in charge, an grey-haired man in his forties, started to make his way to the stage. Another officer, a woman wearing mirror-tinted aviator glasses, stepped in front of him. Quietly she gestured to herself and then the 2 naked girls on stage. The older policeman nodded and turned back to the larger group.

As he turned, his foot caught one leg of the tripod and the camera fell over. It broke open, spilling film across the floor, totally exposing it.

"Goddamnit!" he snarled. "Alright, go over this place with a fuckin' fine-toothed comb. I want everything, and I mean everything, we can find on these pervos!"

During all this, Roberta helped Susi to her feet and quieted the poor girl. The female cop stepped up on the stage pointed to them. She led Roberta and Susi towards the back dressing room.

In the dressing room, Roberta pulled on the hot pants and halter top she had worn earlier. Then she looked closely and exclaimed in relief, "Isis! What the hell are you doing here?"

Isis tilted her head in exasperation. These bipeds could be so infuriatingly stupid at times.

"Y-you know her?" Susi asked, drying her eyes.

"Yeah, we sort of, well, we work together. It's a long story..." Roberta paused when Isis grasped her arm, "Okay, okay. There's a back door here. Let's go, Susi."

They trotted down an alley to a side street and managed to flag a cab. The driver, a life-long resident of LA, didn't question a cop taking a cab, even though they didn't head towards the nearby stationhouse.

After entering their apartment, Roberta took Susi aside and told her the truth. Some of the truth. Isis stood off to the side silently, wondering how long she'd be forced to wear this ridiculous, uncomfortable garb.

"And Isis is my...partner, I guess." Isis nodded in response. Roberta looked at her and added, "Isis, I...well, thanks for saving us." She didn't add that the woman could've waited a few more moments, she was still keyed up and needing a good climax.

Just as that thought was going through her mind, Roberta found herself transfixed as Isis took off her cap and shook her long, dark hair out. The changeling looked incredibly sexy in the dark blue LAPD uniform and her mirror sunglasses. The tall blonde suddenly was more than keyed up. But her roommate's sudden sob caught Roberta attention.

"Oh God, I'm... Bobbi...Roberta?"

"Yeah, Roberta Lincoln, but Bobbi's okay. Hey, it's alright," Roberta said as she hugged the shivering girl.

"No it's not. I did... I was... With you! And I enjoyed it. I can't be a lezzie. That's wrong. But I am... I'm just a disgusting..."

"No! You are not. What you are isn't either. Not disgusting, not wrong. Different but not wrong."

"But Bobbi, no one I know does that. It's... Well, I don't know but I was always told..." The girl started to sob again.

"Susi, it doesn't matter if your friends do or don't. If this is you, don't deny it. I'm not saying you have to parade down the street or anything. Anyway, just 'cause we had... Well, you still like boys, don't you?"

"I...I don't know. Maybe, I guess." Susi looked up hopefully. "So, I'm not...?"

"Maybe, maybe not. I can't tell you. If you like both boys and girls though, so what? Hey, you got better odds of having a date on the weekend." What Roberta was saying was not just for her friend but for herself as well. Hearing it out loud made the entire concept of her newfound sexuality easier to handle.

Susi laughed finally, nodded and asked, "So, you're okay with...what we did? You don't think I'm..."

"No, you're my friend. It doesn't matter beyond that.

Okay?" Susi nodded. "Okay then, go get cleaned up."

As Susi disappeared into her room, Roberta added, "Don't use up all the hot water."

Turning back to Isis, she muttered, "Maybe I should take a cold shower."

Roberta finally said, "You saved our bacon back there.

Nice move with the camera. Neither Susi or I get on the 11 O'Clock News. I just hope the cops get enough evidence..."

The tall alien took her glasses off and her green eyes flashed at Roberta as she nodded. Roberta couldn't take her eyes off the beauty. She stepped up and said in a lower, huskier voice, "I wish I could... I could help you out of that uniform... I mean, cats don't have that much experience with clothes..."

Isis didn't move, just stood still gazing at Roberta. A soft purr betrayed her growing interest.

Roberta detected the purring and asked, "So, I guess you..." She took the navy tie and began to loosen it, "That is, I'd love to repay you for..."

As Roberta opened the collar of the shirt, exposing the diamond necklace, Isis reached around the blonde and lightly scratched the bare skin of her back.

Roberta arched her back, pressing her breasts against the dark uniform shirt. She forced her lips against the tall raven-haired woman, shoving her tongue into the suddenly-parted lips.

In the back of her mind, Roberta expected the typical sand-paper texture of a cat's tongue. She was pleasantly surprised to find that Isis' tongue was as smooth and supple as the other women she had kissed over the past eighteen hours.

When Isis slipped her tongue into Roberta's mouth, the blonde felt a huge surge of desire and raw need rise up. She practically tore the uniform blouse off Isis, pleased to find bare breasts with hard dark nipples.

Roberta stared at them. The alien had the most perfect breasts she'd ever seen, even in the occasional "Playboy" she'd seen. She took one in her mouth, running her tongue all over the flesh between her lips, then concentrating on the eraser-sized nipple. Her hand kneaded the other breast, her index finger flicking back and forth over that nipple.

Her other hand was sliding along the silky smooth skin of Isis' stomach until she reached the waistband of the uniform pants. With only one hand, Roberta somehow managed to open the belt and the pants themselves. Her questing fingers found that a bra wasn't the only thing Isis didn't bother with.

As her fingers pushed into the wet cavern of Isis' sex, she giggled. The thought of a pussy's pussy was just funny enough to overcome her lust. Momentarily.

Dropping to her knees, Roberta grabbed the pants that were barely dangling off the woman's hips. Tugging them down, she inhaled the scent of the alien arousal.

Like Lee's the night before, it had a tangy aspect. Like ginger.

Roberta pressed her face in between Isis' bare legs, her tongue probing the wet lips. The flavor was sharper than Lee's but even more intoxicating. As she tongued the soft, hot flesh, she was rewarded by Isis' loud purr, almost a moan.

Grasping the round ass cheeks, she pulled the woman more tightly to her, sealing her tongue in the sexual heat. Isis tangled her fingers in Roberta's hair as she pushed the human closer herself. She threw back her head and howled as she came - a strange mix of human orgasm and feral passion.

The tall woman forced Roberta's face into her again as the blonde resumed her oral ministrations. She made the alien come twice more before Isis let go.

Her face sopping with the alien's cum, Roberta knelt on the floor savoring the flavor. Isis knelt in front of her and began to slowly lick Roberta's face clean. Every swipe of her tongue brought a shiver to Roberta.

She ran her fingers through Isis' long dark hair and pulled her into another kiss.

Isis pushed her tongue into the human's mouth, an interesting concept that was foreign, and therefore more exciting, to her. She loved the taste of herself on the light-haired woman too.

Shoving Roberta back onto the floor, Isis shredded the hot pants and leaned over Roberta's pussy, sniffing. She twitched her nose and opened her mouth in a Flemens' smile, her eyes' partly closed, as she got more of the aroma to her senses.

Roberta closed her eyes and reveled in the feel of Isis' tongue as the alien lapped away at her labia, scooping up her honey like it was milk. At the feel of raspiness along her sex, she quivered and climaxed loudly. Not only did Susi hear her in the shower but the neighbors who were home in the middle of the day could hear her as well.

Isis had allowed the raspy hooks on her tongue to return as she licked and sucked Roberta's sex. It was a most gratifying sensation to feel the human orgasm in her mouth.

Using the rough of her tongue, Isis scratched the tip of Roberta's clitoris, the sharp sudden discomfort causing her to climax again even as she was beginning to recover from her first climax.

Finally, Roberta couldn't take anymore. Four orgasms from that harsh tongue was more than she had bargained for. Not that she was complaining.

When she pulled Isis up to kiss her, she felt the tongue once again smooth, soft, and supple. They lay there in the living room for several long minutes, Isis' head resting on Roberta's chest as the blonde stroked the long, silky-soft hair bringing a constant rumbling purr to the alien beauty's throat.

As is often the case with a cat's purr, it put Roberta to sleep. When she woke up, she was in her own bed alone. Getting up, she pulled a robe over her nude form and came out into the living room. Susi was there sitting on the sofa watching the KTLA News.

"They got 'em, Bobbi. The three there, Lee and the two other guys? The cops found enough drugs and illegal sex stuff to convict them."

"That's good," Roberta responded as she sat on the couch near her friend.

"I heard you and your friend," Susi said after several long minutes. She smiled, her face again cute and innocent. "I guess you two really do work together...

I mean, you even named your cat after her."

"Uh, yeah, well, that cat isn't..." Roberta shook her head, no need to get mixed up in that whole screwy relationship. "Anyway this was the first time we ever... She and I don't usually get along. I don't know exactly what happened. Last night, when we kissed, that was the first time I ever kissed a woman that way..."

Susi shook her head, "Well, you coulda fooled me. You are a great kisser."

Roberta blushed, "Thank you."

"Thank you for earlier. What you said meant - means a lot to me. I spent a while today thinking it over and, while I still have a lot more to think about, I realized that this may have all been for the best. I know now who and what I am. At least a little."

Roberta was looking at her friend, silently prompting her to say more. Susi finally did.

"I guess I'm what's called in my psych class bisexual.

I still like guys but now I know why I looked at girls in the locker room and... Well, you know.

"As horrible as this could've been, it helped me understand myself more. And," Susi paused and took Roberta's hand, holding it gently, "I'm glad it was with you."

There would be time for talking later. For now, the two friends held each other, tenderly stroking and kissing.

Unseen by either of them, Isis sat in the darkened kitchen watching. Her quiet purr the only indication of her mood.

"I didn't want to involve the police. Now all we have done is bring down a pornography and drug ring. I still have no real idea who or what was behind this," Gary Seven said.

It was several days later. In the meantime, Roberta said goodbye to her roommate and now lover before they returned to New York. She had been in no hurry since Seven was still heavily involved in the north of England for several days.

Once they were back, she tried to speak to Isis. But the alien had resumed her cat persona after their sexual romp and either ignored her or snubbed her every time Roberta tried to get her attention.

Roberta wasn't necessarily interested in having sex with the alien again but she didn't want to lose this chance to become friends. Or at least not adversaries.

She finally gave up the same day Gary Seven teleported back into the large walk-in safe in the inner office.

Now, Roberta and Isis were both back in New York City, listening as Supervisor 194 criticized their work.

"But, at least the woman behind it is locked up. And, now that this has come out, whoever was in charge won't try it again," Roberta contended. Isis sat there, quietly grooming her fur.

"Maybe not. Probably not," Gary Seven admitted. "But what was the point? Your report gives me more details but what was the goal? Eased trade restrictions on what and for who? What scientists? Who and where are they?"

"Something in the Far East. Maybe the Golden Triangle?"

"No. Regardless of the enhanced marijuana they used on you, this is bigger than narcotics. That was just a means to an end. I feel this is much bigger, and much more dangerous. To us and to the human race."

Seven sat back, his thoughts turned inward. He was unaware of the opportunity that had slipped from their grasp or that several more years would pass before they even learned more about this mysterious group of scientists.

Much to his later dismay, in a little more than two decades the Eugenics Wars would prove just how prophetic his words were.

The End.

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