Unexpected Events

By david grimes

Published on Jul 7, 2024



Unexpected Events

I live in a small village about 50 miles from London, I'm married, but over the years, about 10 roughly, there has been no sex between my wife and me.

She lost all interest in sex after her change of life, and even more so after the effects of catching covid, and we just drifted apart even though I often tried to be romantic.

I had the occasional affair over the years with one or two women, but nothing like what I am about to tell you, Let me take you back to about six months or so when everything changed for me, and how things ended up.

I was sitting in my local supermarket café having a coffee before heading back home with all my shopping, when there was a loud bang and a plate smashed on the floor spilling a cream cake that splattered right next to where I was sitting.

"Oh I'm so sorry" said a woman who looked embarrassed as she stooped to pick up the broken plate, I got up and helped her pick everything up.

"No problem" I replied as we put everything on the tray she had, "are you ok" I asked.

"yes" she replied, "I'm really sorry, I seem to have splashed cake on your trousers", she continued.

"It's ok, they are old ones anyway"

She bent down and tried to wipe the splatter of her cake from the leg of my trousers with a paper napkin, It's ok really" I said as I helped her to stand up, I pulled a chair out and said," sit here and I will go and get you another cake and whatever your drink was."

She sat, looked up and said, "that's very kind of you" as she started to rub her knee.

"are you ok" I asked again,

"Think I've hurt my knee" she replied as she started to rub it.

She told me what drink she wanted and returned with the two drinks and a cake for her.

"Thanks" she said, "your very kind".

We started chatting for what seemed ages when she said, "I had better leave you in peace" as she stood to leave and let out a little "ouch" and nearly crashed back down onto the chair.

"Are you ok" I asked as I helped her up from the chair, "can you walk ok".

"I think so" she replied and started to limp,

"Let me help" I said as I picked up her single bag of shopping, and my two bags and helped her walk outside.

"Where's your car parked" I asked.

"I came by bus" she replied.

"Can I offer you a lift home", I asked fully expecting her to say no seeing as she was a young woman, and I am in my seventies.

"Oh" she replied, "are you sure you don't mind, I live just outside Alton, and don't want to put you out".

"No problem, not putting me out at all", so we walked to my car and set off.

When with her directions we arrived at her house, she took her bag of shopping from the boot, smiled and said, "come in and let me at least make you a coffee as a thank you" as she turned and opened the door.

Her house was small, very modern and nicely furnished, "take a seat" she said as she went into the kitchen section," make yourself comfy".

She returned with the drinks and sat opposite me, "Thanks" she said, "your wife is very lucky to have someone so kind".

After talking for some time, I said that I had better get my shopping home otherwise it will go off in the boot seeing as its so hot outside, got up to leave when she came over and kissed

me on my cheek.

She went over to her unit, took a piece of paper and wrote something on it and handed it to me, "my number" she began, " ring me if you want", and I left.

I couldn't believe such a good-looking young woman as she was would give me her phone number.

A couple of days later I decided to ring her expecting a change of heart on her behalf, but she sounded pleased I did, and immediately invited me over.

It was a really hot day so I decided to wear shorts and a tee shirt hoping she didn't think I was scruffy, went to her place and rang the doorbell.

When she opened her door I was shocked, she looked amazing, she was wearing a sarong type of thing that was silky and semi-transparent, Christ she looked so sexy.

"come in" she said then lent in and kissed me on the cheek again, and we went in.

She led me straight into her back garden where it looked like she had been sun bathing as there was a large blanket on the floor with some cushions.

She flopped down and patted the blanket for me to sit next to her.

We lay there chatting for a while when she said, "take your top off and get some sun", she then took off the sarong and was wearing a skimpy bikini, god she looked amazing, small breasts with a lovely slim body and rounded arse, beautiful.

After laying there soaking up the sun, she said, "I had better put some sun cream on you or you will burn, got up , went inside, then returned with a bottle of sun cream.

She lent over me and squirted some cream onto her hand and started to rub it into my chest, I was struggling to stop myself getting a hard on, and when she started rubbing it on my legs and a couple of times her hand slid inside the leg of my shorts I couldn't control it.

I felt her hand slide against my now swelling cock, " Oh" she said as she started to slowly rub it.

"shall we go inside" she whispered, we got up and went in to her bedroom.

She quickly slipped from her bikini and came over to me, pushed me backward onto the bed, and started to pull my shorts off.

"I'm not very big" I started to say, she just smiled leant forward and started to lick the tip of my now fully erect cock that was leaking pre cum, "Mmm" she said, ""tastes nice" then started to completely suck the length of me into her mouth, god it felt wonderful.

I hadn't had any sex for several years and with her sucking me I soon started to get that feeling,

"I'm going to cum" I mumbled expecting her to pull away but she seemed to suck harder.

As I shot my load she swallowed it down and even sucked and licked the dribbles that seeped from her mouth, "my turn" she said as she started to scrabble up on top of me edging her way up my body.

She squatted over my face, and lowered herself to my mouth, I licked and sucked on her wet pussy for what seemed ages when I felt her legs start to tremble, "Oh! I'm Cumming" she moaned as I felt her kind of shudder, then I could feel a wetness fill my mouth.

We lay there for a while, then got up and cleaned ourselves, "That was great" she said, then asked, "can you come over tomorrow".

"Yes" I replied and then said, "I'm surprised you would even look at me at my age", she smiled, then replied, "I like older men, and besides, I'm not so young, I'm nearly 38". I'm twice her age I thought.

"Make it after 10" she said as I was going out her front door, "Ok, see you tomorrow" I replied.

As I drove home, I was really surprised at what had just happened after all, at mid-70s, getting it on with a young good-looking woman was a complete surprise and she didn't seem to care that I am also a little chubby as well.

It was about 10:30 when I rang the bell at her place, she opened the door, smiled and preictally dragged me in, we went straight to her bedroom and she started to undress me, fuck she seemed so horny, soon we were both naked and touching each other, "I want to suck you again" she said, I laid back and she got between my legs and started to suck my erect cock, it felt great.

I could feel her gently holding my balls, then she started to slide her finger against my arse hole which was wet from the saliva leaking from her sucking.

I felt her start to push her finger into me, god it felt so good, she let my cock slip from her mouth and asked, "does that feel nice" as she worked her finger in and out of me, "Oh yes" I moaned.

"I want you to lick me" she said as she positioned herself over my head, she leant over and took my cock into her mouth.

As she sucked me ,I felt her start to feel around my arse again, Her finger slipped into me again followed by a second one, it felt so good, then after a while she said, "let me use my vibrator on you, you'll love it", she got up, went over to a chest of draws and took out a what looked like a rubber cock, she put some stuff from a tube all over it and knelt between my legs.

"This will feel nice" she said as she started to rub the cock against my hole, she leant in and engulfed my cock into her mouth and started to suck me, at the same time.

I felt her press the head of the rubber cock against my hole, the vibrations were really nice, then it slipped in, it made me jump a little, but the feeling was lovely., especially when she slowly moved it in and out of me.

I was surprised as there was not the slightest feeling of any kind of pain when it slipped inside my hole.

What with her sucking my cock, and feeling the rubber cock sliding in and out of me I found myself really enjoying the sensations it was giving me, so much so that I was beginning to get to cumming.

She must have felt me starting to get that feeling that I was going to cum because she started to suck harder, then as my cum started to fill her mouth, she pushed the cock deeper into me, god it felt so good.

Later, when we had settled down and I was getting dressed she said, "next time it will be much better", then she said" did you like it", I had to admit it really was good'

Over the following weeks or so, we would always end up with her fucking me in the arse, which to be honest I really enjoyed it, and began to look forward to her doing it., especially as there has been no sex at home for quite some years.

It was on the following visit that everything changed for me, and made me realise what I had been missing.

When I arrived and rang the doorbell the following day, she let me in and she asked, "coffee", "yes please" I replied, we sat in the kitchen drinking our coffee when she asked, "are you married", I replied honestly, "Yeah" I didn't know what she was going to say when I told her,

"so am I" she replied, "he's much older than me, but it's ok, he knows what we have been doing".

"He knows" I replied, "yeah, it excites him" she said, then got up and took my hand and led me into her bedroom.

"Is it why we never actually have sex" I asked, she smiled and said, " to be honest, I get much more from what we do together than intercourse, do you mind", "Not at all" I replied.

"I want to do it to you " she said, "like a man does it" and just looked at me waiting for me to say something. "what, with your vibrator" I asked, "no, I've got a strap-on" she said as she removed it from one of the draws and put it on, she smiled and asked, "well".

She looked so fucking horny I couldn't say no, and besides if it felt anything like before I was up for it.

"yeah, OK" I answered, "what do you want me to do" I asked.

"Kneel on the bed" she said, so I did as she asked, she was behind me and then I felt her putting some cool greasy stuff against my arse hole, she reached under me and started to wank me, it felt so sexy.

I could feel her body pressing against me as she rubbed my cock, then I felt her move and the rubber cock she was wearing touch my arse, she started to rub it along and over my hole, then I felt the head of it press against it, it slipped in, I jumped, "ok" she asked, "yeah" I replied enjoying her wanking me.

I felt her start to move, pushing deeper into me, it felt so big, kind of coldish, but good. Soon I could hear her moaning and mumbling to herself as she started to fuck me.

"he's watching us" she moaned, He's watching me fuck you in the arse", she whispered, "does it excite you" , I was so gone enjoying the feeling of the cock that I replied, "yes", "yes what" she asked.

"Him watching us" I heard myself say as I felt her push deeper into me, "I want you to cum up me " she moaned, "please fuck me" she said as she pulled from me, took off the cock thing, laid back on the bed and spread her legs

I knelt between her legs and slid my cock into her, she was so wet, "Oh yes" she moaned and raised her legs, "fuck me " she said as I pushed hard into her warm pussy.

Then I felt hands on my waist, I was just going to pull out when she locked her legs round my waist,

"what" I started to say, " she pulled me down and kissed me, her tongue slipping in my mouth, I knew it must have been her husband who was behind me, then he started to rub his cock against my arse, I felt him push into me, and it felt warm, not cold like the rubber cock. Thick but wonderful.

His cock was much thicker than the one she used and it felt so tight as he pushed in, it was filling me up inside.

We broke our kiss and she started to try and grip my cock with her insides as he started to move in and out of me, I was loving it, I started to feel myself pushing back onto his big fat cock that was sending pleasure through me.

Then I started to shoot my spunk into her, "oh yes" she said as she gripped her legs a little tighter round me, "cum in me" she moaned, then her husband started to fuck me harder and deeper, I felt his balls bump against me, I knew he was fully inside me, it felt amazing, I wanted to feel him spunk deep inside me as well.

He started to fuck me faster and harder, then he pushed deep into me and I could actually feel his cock pulsating as he spewed his hot spunk deep inside me, fuck it felt wonderful as I pushed back against him.

"Did you enjoy that "she asked as she let her legs slip from around me, "did his cock feel nice ".

"yeah it was great" I replied, then I began to feel him start to slip from my wet hole.

"That was great" I heard him say as he came round and sat next to her, I couldn't help but look at his cum covered cock, even though it was now just flopping against his leg, it was still fairly thick and long.

She edged herself up, dropped to her knees and started to lick and suck my now shrunken cock.

I looked at him expecting him to say something but he just smiled and started squeezing her little tits.

I actually felt a little unsure as what to do or say as I stood there having my cock sucked by his wife, but he seemed to be enjoying it immensely.

I reached down and took hold of his slippery thick cock and started to wank him, he groaned.

Soon he started to get hard again, something that took me some time to do, I felt it start to swell as I rubbed it up and down, "OH yes" he murmured, "get me up again", as soon he was fully erect.

She let me slip from her mouth, looked up and said, "I want to watch this time, I love watching two men fuck, it's so sexy" and he looked at me and said, "Lay back on the bed".

I found myself just doing what he told me as I wanted to feel him inside me again, he said "lift up" as he pushed a thick pillow under my hips, he then got between my legs, lifted them and I felt his big cock rest against mine which had started to grow again.

She came over beside him, reached down and I could feel her spreading what must have been lubricant in and against my arsehole.

Then I felt her rubbing his cock against me, aiming it at my hole, he eased into me, god it felt so big and tight.

"you've got a Lovley chubby arse" he moaned as he started to push into me, I was loving it so much that I said, "your cock feel so good", he smiled and eased more of it into me, soon I could feel his balls touching me, he was right deep inside me and it was wonderful.

She started to rub my cock which was such a turn on having her do that while being fucked. Then he said, "get under" and she let goof me and the next thing I felt was her trying to lick his cock as he slid in and out from me, fuck it was so exciting.

I was absolutely gone with the pleasure I was having as he really fucked me, "do you like it" he asked, "Yes" I moaned in reply, " want me to cum up you or in your mouth" he asked, and before I could reply she said, "cum in his mouth, I want to watch you do it".

He started really fucking me, deep hard thrusts, "I'm nearly there" he said as he pulled from me, "quick" she said as she started to pull me up until I was sitting, he pushed Hiscock towards my face, I opened my mouth and he slipped it in, he immediately held my head as spurt after spurt of warm thick cum was filling my mouth.

I swallowed as much as I could, there just seemed to be so much, and to my surprise the taste was not to bad.

Soon he started to pull out from my mouth, she immediately got up and leant in and kiss me sharing the remaining cum between us, and when we parted, she said, "That was so cool, I loved watching you two" then went off towards the bathroom.

Over the following couple of months, I called regularly and always ended up getting well and truly fucked which I enjoyed, I also liked on occasions fucking him even though I only have a small cock he never said anything.

After all those years thinking and being straight as they call it, I now find I love being fucked and enjoy sucking a nice hard cock.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my awakening.


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