Unexpected Health Club Benefits

By Mark Hall

Published on Jan 17, 2018


This is a continuing story of interracial sex, based on real-life events. The details are recalled to the best of my ability, but the dialogue is, of course, mostly made up.

The story behind Malcolm's life is long and complicated, almost a book within itself. The short story is that he was recently divorced, is paying alimony and is broke. I suspected he was caught by his wife having sex with another guy. He recently lost his job because his ex-wife called his work place and outed him as for a sexual harassment suit that was filed against him before. Currently he is unemployed, no savings account he has access to, and living on borrowed time with a cousin. He has several children and grandchildren, none of whom seem to be an active part of his life. He asked me if he could borrow money to pay for another month at the health club, as his current living quarters in a neighboring city are cramped, and full of people. I gladly agreed. I also discovered that he is sharing the cell phone from someone, thus the anger at me contacting him. We left the coffee shop agreeing to meet at the club on a regular basis, and I would do whatever I could to help his situation. Although a "thank you" from Malcolm would have been nice, I didn't worry about it when I thought about the potential benefits of getting to know this sexy man better.

Anticipating seeing Malcolm at the health club the next day kept me awake much of the night. The possibilities with this man seemed endless, particularly with his current situation of needing support. I even considered offering for him to live with me until he got his life situation worked out. However, there was no sign of him at the club. The usual middle aged or elderly white guys were in the steam room with me, waiting on someone to come in and show signs of wanting to get off. We sat in silence until the heat got to one of us, going to a different part of the locker room, or shower and go home. By this time, I had a few regular men that I could count on to give me a load, but Malcolm was the one who I desired the most. While Cole was a very sexy man whose aura and confidence made any dick loving person crave him, I felt he was wanted by many men and he had his choice on any given day. For whatever reason, I was the only one that I knew of to show interest in Malcolm, so I felt we had a special connection.

I decided to check out the sauna before giving up and was pleased to see Cole. We sat silently for a few minutes, before he removed his towel, showed his soft dick, dark, thick and inviting. With him on the top tier, I was easily able to take him into my mouth, sucking the head and flicking my tongue over the slit, knowing how much he liked that. Once it grew to its full length, he pushed my head down so that I had to deep throat it. Massaging the head with my throat caused Cole to moan and began face fucking me until he customarily pulled out and shot his load on my face. Without saying anything, he wrapped up and headed to the shower, where I later joined him and admired his naked body while he soaped it up. Before leaving, he gave my ass a hard squeeze and slap. I really did like Cole and very happy with our situation.

On the way out of the club into the unusually warm morning air, I saw Malcolm approaching the entrance. I greeted him, asking if everything was okay. He said we needed to talk but I had to get to work, and arranged to meet later that day at the club. I had never been there in the late afternoon and always wondered if the locker room was as cruisy as in the morning. Work was agonizingly slow, mostly because I was anticipating what Malcolm had to tell me. I had hoped his situation had gotten better, but was prepared to continue helping him if necessary.

When I arrived at the club, he was not in the lobby as we had agreed, so I went into the locker room to see if he was there. I looked around the locker room and saw a lot more men, different than the morning crowd and reminded myself to come back and check out the steam room action. Back in the lobby, Malcolm had just taken a seat with a large duffel back at his side.

"Hey, good seeing you," I said, sitting in the seat next to him.

"Let's talk over dinner," he said, standing as he picked up his duffel bag.

While I had planned to offer him dinner, I was surprised by his assumption that dinner would be something that I could do. "Sure," I said reluctantly and followed him out of the door.

"You name the place," he said as we stood in the hot sun. His eyes glistened in the sun, beautifully almond shaped with a stark contrast to his dark skin that was beginning to bead with sweat.

We ate a nearby Mexican restaurant where Malcolm ordered an appetizer, large dinner, and dessert, accompanied by 2 bottles of beer. While we mostly ate in silence the conversation got more comfortable when finished. I ordered a cocktail while Malcolm got another beer.

"You made an offer to do what you can to help. Well James, I need help," he said looking at me.

"Sorry to hear your situation has not improved Malcolm. What is it you need?" I asked.

"My cousin asked me to leave the apartment, I have no place to go."

While I considered what it would be like to give Malcolm a place, I wasn't ready to make a quick decision. Instead I deflected the answer back to him. "Have you considered homeless shelters?"

"Not yet, I remembered what you said and am coming to you first."

"Do you need an answer right away?"

"Why do you hesitate?" he asked, looking puzzled.

"I have a small apartment, one bedroom. I mean, I guess I could for a few days...."

Malcolm interrupted before I could finish. "Then that's what we do. That will help tremendously," said Malcolm as the waitress asked if there was anything else for us.

Feeling startled by the recent series of unplanned events, I could barely get the words out to indicate we were ready to go before Malcolm did it for me.

"Yes, we are ready," he said as he began to gather his belongings.

The waitress brought the check and put it in the middle of the table. There was no reason to believe that Malcolm could pick up the cost, so I paid the bill, with a generous tip, then followed Malcolm out of the restaurant. While I was a bit perturbed by his audacity, the look of this large man carrying a torn duffel bag who was about to become my roommate eased my anxiety. I convinced myself this would work.

Considering the heat and uphill walk, we took the bus back to my place. Very little conversation took place, giving me time to ponder over what was happening. Malcolm fell asleep on the bus, allowing me time to look him over more thoroughly. Having not shaved for a while, he sported a growing beard of tightly curled hairs that continued down to his barrel chest. While he had large man tits, they were proportioned to the rest of his body, including his furry belly which stuck out from the too small t-shirt he wore. A very noticeable bulge, of which I was familiar with, was nested between two large legs which ended in at least a size 16 worn-out shoes. I thought about how a trip to the local Goodwill to get him fitted with better clothes would have to happen.

As we stopped near the apartment, he woke up and followed me until we got inside the apartment. While rather small, my apartment was conveniently by a bus stop and had everything I needed within 3-4 blocks. He sat his bag down on the floor next to the couch.

"Where is the bathroom?"

"Let me show you," I said, leading him down the hall. "If you need to wash up or shower, there are towels in the closet."

"I have no soap," said Malcolm, looking in the cabinet.

"Just use mine, what's mine is yours," I said before I realized that I was with someone who would take that literally. Not closing the door, I hear him piss, then walk out without washing his hands. Though not a big deal, I was concerned about his hygiene, especially after seeing his apartment.

"Where is the bedroom?" he asked, picking up his bag.

"It's next to the bathroom, but we might want to talk about that," I said, not having thought through the sleeping arrangements. I had a queen-sized bed but considering the size of Malcolm, and that fact that I had no air conditioning, sleeping together wasn't an option.

"What's there to talk about, people sleep in a bed," he said.

I explained the reasons why the two of us could not sleep in the bedroom and one of us had to sleep on the couch.

"I cannot sleep on a couch, sorry man, I'm taking the bed. Either you sleep with me or on the couch," said Malcolm as he headed towards the bedroom. At this point I understood why his relatives did not want him staying with them. He was assuming, pompous and stubborn, but I was at the point of no return. I invited him into my home, not knowing what I was getting myself into. He closed the door behind him, and I went back into the living room to watch TV.

After a few hours of thinking about my situation, and the sexy man who lie in my bed, I realized that I had not paid any attention to the shows. I would go to my own bed, join Malcolm, and see what happened. The room was dark and all I could make out was the massive body under the covers. I turned on the television for light, not realizing the volume was turned up. The noise startled Malcom, and he awakened, looking sleepily around the room.

Next: Chapter 5

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