Unexpected Health Club Benefits

By Mark Hall

Published on Feb 18, 2018


I got infront of him, hoping he would see my desperation. "Please Malcolm, I'm beggingyou."

He stoppedand look at me. "I will come back, but we have much to talk about." He said,stopping to set on a nearby bench. Since he had not gotten very far, it wasonly a few minutes before we got back into the apartment. I could barely hidemy excitement as I began to remove my clothes.

"What areyou doing James?" he asked as he headed towards the bedroom.

"You said Ishould be naked before you."

Malcolmstopped and laughed. "That was when I thought I had something going. Now thingshave changed. Put your clothes back on."

I was againdevastated. "But, I thought we worked things out."

"We did, youasked me to come back so here I am," he said as he walked into the bedroom.

Putting myclothes back on, I followed him, sitting on the bed. "Is there anything I cando to make you forgive me?"

"Yes, leavemy room and take your things with you. You will have the couch."

"That's notwhat I meant Malcolm."

"It's what Imeant, and as you have discovered, I play no games. Now go," he said as hebegan unpacking his bag.

Later thatevening, after I fell asleep on the couch, I heard the buzzer. Before I couldget up and see who it was, Malcolm came in. "I got it," he said, wearing onlyhis boxers. I wondered who was coming into the apartment uninvited.

He let in amiddle aged white man, good looking, muscular build. "Go on to the bedroom,"said Malcolm, pointing the direction, closing the door behind him

I realizedthat he had invited someone over, most likely using the phone I had gotten him."Malcolm, what's going on?' I asked as they guy walked past me, nodding hishead to say hello.

Malcolmlooked at me, said nothing, and went into the bedroom. Now I found myselfextremely jealous, and, again, shocked at the nerve Malcolm had invitingsomeone over to my bed. Within 5 minutes, while I fumed, I could hear moaningand groaning from the bedroom. I debated whether I should end the situation bybursting in and demanding everyone to leave, wait it out and lose sleep, or tryto watch by cracking the door open. The later sounded most reasonable.

Consideringthe amount of noise they were making, my opening the door a crack wentunnoticed. The muscular white guy was on all fours on the edge of the bed whileMalcolm, wearing only a wife-beater, drilled him. After about five minutes onnon-stop pounding, Malcolm pulled out, slapped his ass and backed off. I slowlyclosed the door and went back to the couch.

Shortlyafter, the white guy came out naked, huge cock half hard. He was lookingthrough the cabinets, which I found disturbing. "Man, this is my place and ifyou want something you need to ask," I told him.

"Oh, fuckman, I'm sorry. He just told me to find a bottle of whiskey and bring it in,"he said politely.

"Fine, it'son the counter next to the refrigerator," I said, not wanting to start trouble.

"Oh cool,thanks, got it," he said, picking up the bottle. Before returning to thebedroom, he asked "So are you okay with this? I mean, you sound pissed off, andthis is your place."

"It's coolman, go ahead and finish what you were doing." The guy seemed unaware of whatwas going on between me and Malcolm. He was friendly and goofy, but masculineand strong, just Malcolm's type.

I t wasquiet for about 10 minutes when I decided to check in on them again. When Icracked open the door, I saw Malcolm doing lines of cocaine off the man's ass,then drinking from the bottle. The white guy sat on the edge of the bed, usingpoppers before sucking Malcolm's cock. He saw me looking through the door,motioning me to come in. I closed the door quietly, giving in to the situationof having lost the man I so desired, now witnessing my replacement.

I ponderedhow to discuss drug use with Malcolm, even though I was no stranger to it. Iwas discovering more about him each day, most of it attracting me to him moreand more. While I had given up on harder drugs years ago, I frequently smokedweed and found it to be satisfying. But I had lost a previous partner tococaine use, and knew how damaging it could be.

Malcolmemerged from the bedroom, naked, looking in the freezer. "Anything I can helpyou with?" I asked.

"Yeah, lookingfor some ice," he said, rummaging.

"We wentthrough it yesterday" I told him.

"Well fuck,go get some more," he said, shutting the door.

"Malcolm,we're no longer a thing," I said. "You indicated that to me earlier."

Malcolm,entering the living room, sitting down next to me, placing his large hand on mythigh. "James, my dear, that does not keep you from doing what is right. Now goget some ice and bring it in. Besides, who said I was going to give up on you?See you in a few." He said, patting my thigh, then getting up and heading backto the bedroom.

Luckilythere was a convenience store just around the corner so it only took a fewminutes to get the ice. When I got back into the apartment, everything wasstrangely quiet. After putting some cubes in a plastic bag and the rest in thefreezer, I knocked on the bedroom door. No answer. When I opened the door, Isaw the white guy standing, handcuffed behind his back, ball gag in his mouth,with "Malcolm's cunt" written in black ink on his ass with an arrow pointing tohis hole. Malcolm was sitting on the bed, struggling to untangle rope that Ihad in the drawer. Malcolm not only took over my bedroom, but my personalbelongings as well. And I allowed it.

I walked in,and placed the bag of ice at Malcolm's side. "Here, not sure what you need itfor. Is everything okay?"

Malcolmgrabbed the man's meaty cheeks. "As long as I got this to play with, yesindeed. Here, untangle this," he said as he handed me the ball of rope. Leo, aprevious lover, was heavily into bondage and discipline and I kept many of ourtoys. Malcolm was the first man I met since him that was into it, but appearedas if he was a novice at the lifestyle compared to Leo.

As I stooduntangling the rope I watched as Malcolm instructed the man to get on all fourson the floor with his ass up. With his hands behind his back, he clumsily gotto the floor and did what Malcolm told him to.

As soon as Ihanded Malcolm the untangled rope, he motioned for me to leave. Because I wasenjoying the scene I wanted to stay. "Is it okay that I stay?" I asked.

"Come hereboy," said Malcom. As I got close, he pulled me into him. "Don't you havesomething to say to me," he said, squeezing me harder.

Fullyrealizing that I could no longer fool Malcolm, even in his current state, Idecided to come clean. I told him everything that Cole and I did. I could sensethat Malcolm was getting tense, but patient. "Now was that so bad?" he asked, smiling.

"Depends onwhat happens from here," I said nervously.

"Well, sinceI already got the rope, and that thing that goes around your genitals, I thinkwe start there. First, get Steve up, take off the cuffs, and bring them to me.

Rather than resist,I went along and did everything Malcolm said, knowing I got myself into thissituation. His intelligence and ability to read me was undeniable. I released Steve from his passive position,then brought Malcolm the handcuffs.

"Go put onthat thing around your dick, then come back here," said Malcom. It had beenawhile since I wore a cock cage, but was able to fit it on without trouble. Ifelt completely emasculated, more so than with Leo who had me use it on rareoccasion. I stood before Malcolm.

"That'll do,he said, now turn around, whore," he instructed. While Malcolm brought my handsbehind my back and cuffed them, Steve had released himself of everything andstood by him.

"Be patientmy boy," said Malcolm to Steve, grabbing his muscular buttocks. The feeling ofjealousy was creeping in. I felt I was being prepped for something awful, andin the position of having the man I was making plans with now showingfavoritism to another man. And all this taking place in my apartment. "Put thatgag in his mouth Steve, that way the bitch can't lie to me," said Malcolm.

"Yes Sir,"said Steve obediently. He had no expression as he placed the ball gag into mymouth. I looked at Malcolm, hoping to get some sympathy. Instead, he told Steveto take me out of the room, my bedroom.

"I'm goingto take you to the couch, okay?' asked Steve as he escorted me out of thebedroom. I shook my head no, not wanting to go anywhere but my own bedroom."Alright, I'm going to take out the gag so you can tell me where you want togo."

Once off, Iripped into Steve, telling him this was my place, and that he needed to gosomewhere else. His apologetic, calm demeanor was no help. I tried convincinghim to remove the cuffs but to no avail.

Malcolmwalked in, still naked, to fix a drink. "What are you two bitches doing inhere? I just said to take him out of here, not have a fucking meeting," hesaid, sitting down on the couch with his drink. "And what the fuck is thatbitch doing without his mouth stuffed?"

"I'm sorry, Sir Malcolm, I was trying to find out where he wanted to go," said Steve withhis head down.

"Don't givea fuck where you put him, just close his damn mouth." With that, Steve put thegag back into my mouth as Malcolm headed back into the bedroom. Bring the bitchin here, he motioned to Steve. Like two obedient pushovers, we followed himinto the bedroom. I was positioned face down, on the floor, hog tied with mywrists to my ankles with the rope after the cuffs were removed. Steve wasproficient at tying me up, making sure I was as comfortable as can be. Malcolmmade sure I was facing the bed, where for the next hour he fucked Steve,eventually shooting his load inside of him. I lied there, humiliated, jealous,tied up, wearing a cock cage while they fell asleep with Steve resting his headon Malcolm's chest. Between Malcolm's snoring and the uncomfortable positionthat I was in, I got no sleep that night. I decided I would never cross Malcolmagain.

Next: Chapter 9

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