Unexpected Ownership

By Ash Eater

Published on Oct 3, 2019


We left the office building, i was still two steps behind Boss, and taken aback by the tenderness he had shown me when he licked clean my face of David's cum. i was conscious as we walked passed Trafalgar Square that my face may have been cleaned by my clothes betrayed the fact that i hadn't come from a business meeting. Damp patches of saliva coated my shirt and trousers, I looked a mess. However knowing i looked like this as a result of making My Owner happy meant that i didn't really care, i felt that i was in part demonstrating my owned status to the world.

We arrived back at the office, i opened the door to let Boss in, followed Him in knelt, and kissed His boots.

So Tommy Boy, tell me your feelings about today.

Sir, thank You for allowing me to serve Sir David, i had started to think that i would never again know what it was like to suck dick again, i worked so hard to please Sir David, knowing that doing so would be a reflection on Your ownership of me. When He said that my work needed more practice i wanted to cry i felt i had failed you

Tommy , do your best and you will never fail me,

He sat down, and put on a pair of leather gloves. He dressed my right cheek, his thumb finding its way into my mouth.

Suck, Boy, obeying i suckled on Boss's thumb it worked its way deeper into my mouth, and was soon joined by a second finger, I continued to suck, happy that Boss was allowing me to worship him.

Good boy, the way you suck that proves that you need to practice at cock sucking. Boss owns a perfect cock sucker. That's what you were today a cock sucking cum dump, a

I murmured consent as my mouth continued to worship the leather covered fingers.

Close your eyes and suck, I obeyed, the sent and taste of leather now intensified, Oh Master thank you i wanted to scream


I looked and Boss had undone his tie and short exposing his body, my love for Master deepens further . His furry chest and belly, a muscular mixed with dad bod. .

Worship it boy

An invitation or an order either, i could not refuse. I dove into the fur of his belly. The firmness of the muscle could still be felt underneath the layer of fat that covered it. My tongue got to work invading his belly button, the musk and sweat overpowering me. i crawled up move to the area between his chest , working my way up and down the cleft.

I ventured to bring my hands up to Boss's chest and placed one on each of his pecs. These still indicated that he took are of himself at the gym, i massaged them firmly. Suck them boy . I climbed up closer, realising that this was the closest i had physically got to Boss since He took ownership of me. I took his left nipple and started to suckle .

Good boy . Stay there and suck. You've been a good boy, as i lay there and sucked he started to cradle me,. I'm so very proud of you . My good cock sucking slave. He gently lifted my head to his other nipple and i repeated the worship on his right pec. I realised that i was starting to cry.

Let it out Boy, Daddy will take care of you

I started to sob, i was so happy, i felt Boss one me off his chest , he whispered gently.

Take your trousers down, and get over my knee. No need to count this once.

He gently caressed my butt cheeks and gave my thirteen swift slaps. on my arse

He lifted me up. Looked me in the eye.

Tommy Boy, from now on you only cry because I have hurt you. Understand. I nodded. Ok sit down, and get on with your work. iI'm off for the day,

Tomorrow I have a special announcement.

The following morning my head was still spinning after the way i had been used by Sir David, and then by Boss. What was his special announcement? I could barely ear , and my gym session was half hearted . I took my position in the middle of the floor of our office, waiting for his arrival. 8.30 came and went. Boss was usually punctual, what was i to do. I was worried, i wanted to contact him, to check that all was well, or to ask if anyone else had heard from him. But that would have involved moving and not being there to greet him, i could not disobey that most simple of orders.

I was to always be there on my knees ready to kiss his feet.

It was approaching 9 am, when the door flew open.

Tommy Boy stand up,

Shocked, i initially froze, but eventually got up, my eyes were still fixed at the floor, as if they were conditioned to start the work day by a brief moment of boot worship

Look at me Tommy Boy.

Darren was there is a brand new suit, looking as handsome as ever.

I have news - it's going to mean big changes.

I looked at him nervously. "Sit down"

I've got a new job, this project has come to an end. Unfortunately that means the company no longer needs you, you have spent more time serving me that you have actually doing any proper work. Admit it.

Yes Boss, but,,.

But what? I get it your worried boy what you are going to do., n o job , no rent money I suppose. I've got the perfect solution, you are moving in with me. I'lll find work for you to do, for the remainder of the time you are in my charge.and longer if M agrees.

When we leave here, we will go to your flat. I will select the clothes that you will need. Everything else can be put into storage. When you move out Dave will move in. He needs a new place to live, he will sort of cover the rent, so you won't be homeless. You may need to visit it him a few time to practice your cock sucking skills though.

But before we go, Darren picked up the phone.

"Robert, he's ready"

The door opened and in came Robert." Hello again Thomas " is that butt plug still in? Embarrassed I looked at Boss,. Come on Tommy Boy yu don't think that you service has gone unnoticed for the past three four weeks . Robert here has been most interest in your development. Patyicularly how well you have taken to punishment. Bend over, I promised him he could give you 15 whacks with his belt. No need to count, no need to muffle your screams.

Robert approached, crouched down and spat in my fcae,.I've been wanting to do this to you , even before Darren here took over,

He undid his belt in front of me.

"Tongue out" Obeying he then drew the leather belt across my tongue. He then took his position behind me, and started to whack by arse.

I could not help but scream.

Boss that hurts I cried,

Punishments are designed to hurt came the response.

Carry on Robert.

Eventually Robert, he returned to look at me , and prepared to spit again,

No Robert , that was it, For today at least.

Robert left the office.

"Stand up. Again yu make me so proud to own you"

I was stifling a sob from the pain.

I'll prove it. He went into his hold all, and took out a collar, he put to round my neck and attached a lead.

We are going to walk out of this building like the round Master and slave we are. Next stop your flat to get your clothes. But before we do, get your tippy cup, I've got some fresh piss i want to put in it. Just don't pill it in the cab to your flat.

Boss then proceeded to lead me out of the office building in full view of now corner colleagues on to the streets of London. I could not have been happier.

A week later Dave woke in his new flat. What a week, gone from almost being homeless to having a half decent place a stone through from Clapham. Even better I've had a pay rise, get the rent paid, and my boss is now also my slave. I can't wait to get to the office.

Next: Chapter 18

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