Unforgettable Truth or Dare - Bisexual - Highschool

By Roe St. Alee

Published on Oct 27, 2014



This story contains sexual content, involving high school age males and females. If this offends you, please leave this page immediately. This story is a work of fiction, and any similarities to real life people, places, and situations is purely a coincidence. Truly, I made all of this up.

If the above does not offend you, please enjoy! Your questions and comments are welcome, so email me at roesaintalee@hotmail.com. It's been a while since my last story (too long), and I'm hoping to write more!

As always, don't forget to donate to this awesome website you're using. Nifty is great!

In conclusion, thanks for reading, and enjoy.

Unforgettable Truth or Dare

"Mark, I need you!"

Ugh! If it's not one thing it's another! What am I, her slave?

Steph is my older sister, and she's such a pain in the ass. She always pesters me about everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.

The other day, for example, I left the toilet seat up in our bathroom and she called me to come home right away, because there was something important going on. I was over at my friend Brad's house playing video games, so I rushed home on my bike. Maybe Mom needed to tell us something important, or maybe I needed to help Dad with a project. Nope. Just needed to put down the seat.

And I can only imagine what it might be this time. I set down my gameboy on the couch and walk across the house to the kitchen, where I think Steph is talking to Mom. I'm right outside the door when she bleats again in impatience.


She and Mom look up as I'm standing at the doorway, now with ringing ears. Even Mom looks a little annoyed by Steph always being so loud. And it's not just with me.

She's loud when her friends come over. They scream and sing and carry on all night, at least until one of the parents inevitably comes upstairs from their room and tells the the girls to be quiet.

She's loud in the school band, where she plays saxophone. I thank the heavens that she's actually pretty good at it, because I endure at least an hour of saxophone practice every day at home.

She's loud on the cheerleading team, which makes almost an entire calendar year of sporting events where I have to go "watch the game" aka "listen to my sister." I'm sure a lot of fans appreciate her loud, clear voice cheering on the Eagles at every football and basketball game. To them, it's good spirit, but to me it's just hours more of having to listen to my sister: "Go, Eagles, go! Score, Eagles, score! Fight, Eagles, fight!"

And my god is she ever loud in bed.

It might sound weird that I know that, but how wouldn't I? I could probably tell you the minute of the day that she lost her virginity to her boyfriend, Luke, about four months ago. My parents had to run out to the store for a few minutes, and Steph and Luke seized the opportunity for some privacy. I'm not sure if they were trying to be discreet, but if so they were not successful. I wound up going outside in the dark and shooting a basketball to try and block out the wailing.

And from the looks of the current situation, I might be in for more of the same tonight.

"Dad and I will be out until almost 11:30," Mom says. "It seems silly to hire a sitter for you kids now, so we just wanted to make sure that you would both be home tonight."

Ha. That's a good one.

What Mom means is that I need to keep an eye on Steph. Mom and Dad would have no problem shipping me off to a friend's house for the night, or even leaving me home alone. I'm only fifteen, but I spend most of my free time with video games or reading. Since I can't drive, I'm limited to bicycle range, and I can't get into too much trouble within a couple miles of our house.

Steph, on the other hand, can be a real handful. I wouldn't say she's a bad kid or anything like that, but a lot of her friends are into partying and stuff. She just started her junior year of high school, and a lot of kids in her grade are living it up a little bit. So she'd have a few girls from the cheer team over, and then they would bring a boyfriend or two, and then those boys would bring some booze, and next thing you know the house would be burning down and everyone would be pregnant.

Or whatever it is my parents are afraid of.

"Ughhhhhh!" I reply. I don't have any plans, and while I don't like to cause grief to my mom, I want to Steph to know how much she's inconveniencing me.

"Oh, really?" Mom asks. We both know that wasn't the right answer.

"I was going to go to Brad's tonight..." I start, before a scathing look from my mother convinces me to relent. "But I can be here," I suggest cheerfully.

"Good," Mom says. "We appreciate it. Steph appreciates it, too"

Steph does not look like she appreciates it.

"Now I need to get changed," Mom says, walking out of the kitchen and towards her bedroom. "Dad will be home from work any minute, and we'll be heading out right away."

Steph and I watch her go. Once Mom is safely out of earshot, she drops the facade and turns to me.

"So, what will it cost me?" she asks. Straight to business I see.

"What will I need to forget that I see tonight?"

"What does it matter?" she replies.

Oh, it matters...

"Well," I begin, "if you have a girl over, that wouldn't be too much trouble I expect. It's against the rules, of course, but things wouldn't get out of hand. Is Kim coming over?"

Kim is my sister's best friend. She's pretty cool, and I don't actually mind when she's around. But I would infer from the fact that Steph is opening negotiations so early this evening that she has bigger plans.

"Think bigger," she says. Bingo.

"Luke?" I counter. "Luke will cost you. You know you're not allowed to have boys over without Mom and Dad here."

Steph rolls her eyes at me. "Bigger."

Woah, this could get out of hand, which means Steph is going to owe me BIG TIME.

"A party?" I ask loudly enough that Mom might hear.

"Shhhhhh!" Steph hisses at me. Like Mom could actually hear me with all her daughter-onset tinnitus. "Not really a party."

"That will depend on your definition of the word `party.'" I counter. There's little in this world I enjoy as much as infuriating my sister. "How many people?"


"Total, or including you?" I ask.

"Mark, what does it matter?"

I cut her off with a wave of my hand. She rolls her eyes at me even harder and sighs. I'm playing hardball tonight.

"Including me," she says.

Before I can ask more obnoxious questions or formulate a pricing structure for her evening, Dad walks in the front door. He stands in the kitchen for a second watching us glare at each other.

"Am I interrupting something?" he asks, looking back and forth between us.

"Nope," we both reply at the same time. Well, that's not suspicious...

"Good." Dad seems happy to let it go at that. He sets down his briefcase and kisses both of us on the head. "Your mother?" he asks.

"She's upstairs getting ready," I answer. "She'll be ready in a second."

Dad frowns at that. I think he was expecting her to be waiting when he got home.

"Stephie, can you..."


I cover my ears just in time.

"Thanks, sweetheart!" Dad understands Steph's voice like I do. It's a powerful tool that can be used for both good and evil.

Mom appears a few seconds later, dressed for dinner. They must be going somewhere pretty nice. Dad works at a law firm, and he's already well dressed enough for a nice event. More importantly, he just wants to get out the door and away.

Mom, however, has other plans.

"Call us if you need us," she says, beginning her usual litany of warnings and admonitions.

"Both of you know: No guests while we're not here." She shoots a knowing glance at Steph. "Especially not boys."

"Mom," Steph says as crabbily as possible, "we know."

"And make sure your homework is done before any video games," she adds with a look in my direction. Why am I being involved? I'm the responsible one here!

"There's $20 for a pizza on the counter by the stove and you can have soda from the fridge." This, I'm happy to hear, as Steph is not much of a cook.

Dad is now all the way out of the front door and holding it open in preparation for departure. He seems to understand that the house will still be standing and both of us will be alive when he gets back from dinner, more or less regardless of what trouble we get into.

"I love you both," Mom says giving both of us a kiss before finally stepping out the door. Even as it swings shut she is giving us our final directives. "Behave yourselves, we'll see you by midnight at the latest."

The door clicks shut and Steph turns to me with her hands on her hips.

"Well?" she says, resuming our earlier discussion.

"Well, what?" I love being difficult.

"You know what - what's your price?"

Honestly, I haven't thought of anything yet. I rarely deal in money, but it's always an option. For a gathering of six, especially if a boyfriend is involved, I might look for $20. If there's drinking, we'll bump that up to $30, or maybe get in on the action with a bottle of something for myself. Even if I don't drink it I could always sell it to someone in my class.

"Can I get back to you on that one?" I ask.

Instead of answering, Steph heads back into the kitchen, lured by the sound of a text message on her phone.

I follow her into the kitchen and she's typing away on the phone. She sets ii down and I look up to see a very concerning look on her face. She's smiling. And that's not even the worrisome part. She's smiling at ME. That's what has me worried.

"What?" I ask.

No response. She just keeps grinning as she tosses her phone in her purse.

"Oh, Mark." she just smiles and shakes her head at me in the worst way.

"What?!" I shouldn't let her get my goat like this, but a real, genuine smile is way more maddening than anything she could willfully do to bother me.

"I think I just figured out exactly how to pay you off."

The doorbell rings and I know it's coming before I even hear it.

"Mark, can you get the door?" Steph yells from upstairs.

I put down my Gameboy and run into the kitchen to grab the money Mom left us. My stomach growls in anticipation as I pick it up. "Don't worry," I tell my stomach happily,"`soon you will be full of ham and pineapple pizza."

Steph took care of the ordering, but I was pleasantly surprised to hear she got a ham-pineapple combo, one of my favorites. Maybe she had a taste for it, but maybe she's being nice. And by being nice I mean being smart, as I'll be spending most of my evening blackmailing her.

I get to the door and open it. Instead of the pizza guy, however, it's Luke and Robert. I'm caught completely off guard, and Luke snatches the $20 out of my outstretched hand before I can respond.

"Thanks, Mark!" he says as he comes into the house, holding my twenty over his head like some kind of prize.

I don't bother chasing him, since he's bigger than me, and there's pretty much no way I'll get it back until he's ready to give it to me.

Luke is Steph's first serious boyfriend, and I can at least admit that she has pretty good taste. He's 17 and a junior like her. He's about 6 feet tall with a slim but athletic build. He swims, and it's obvious not only from his build, but his blonde hair and well tanned skin. His hair is swimmer blonde, bleached by plenty of time in the sun and chlorine, and it's short and wavy, in kind of a skater cut.

Robert, one of Luke's best friends, follows him in and gives me a high five followed by a complicated, ad hoc handshake. Robert's known for being funny, and I have to admit, he usually has me laughing pretty much nonstop. Since Steph hadn't given me specifics, I didn't know who all was coming over, but I'm glad it's Robert.

Physically, he's not as tall as Luke, but he's more built. He swims as well, but his main sport is football. He has long, black hair, which he currently has tied up into a samurai topknot, which is probably just for our amusement, but who knows? Maybe he's joined a warrior clan.

"Heya, kid," Robert says, finally wrapping up our handshake, "you paying for the stripper when she shows up?"

"$20?" Luke chimes in, "that's a pretty bad stripper!" He looks at Robert for affirmation in his banter and I jump for the money. He snatches it away just in time.

"She may look old," says Robert, "but it just means she's experienced."

I'm trying to think of a good retort, or maybe a way to knock Luke to the floor so I can get my money back, when the doorbell rings.

"Pizza!" We hear a gruff, male voice on the other side of the door and all start cracking up. Whatever this guy looks like, he is definitely not a sexy lady.

I pay for the pizza and bring it in while Luke and Robert run upstairs to say hi to Steph. Within another minute we're all around the kitchen table eating pizza and talking. As usual, Robert has us all cracking up the whole time with his ridiculous stories and banter. He's just about to bring us to the thrilling conclusion of his tale, "The Day I Threw Away a Math Quiz Instead of Taking It," when the doorbell rings.

Steph runs off to get the door and I'm not surprised to hear a chorus of giggles.

Seconds later, the girls pour into our kitchen.

Sydney is pretty good friends with Steph, but has a reputation as a bit of a tomboy, so i know she hangs out with Luke and Robert a lot as well. For all her boorish behavior and bro-like attitude, her body is anything but masculine. Sydney has the body of a pinup model, in absolutely the best way. She has curves with a capital `D'. Big boobs, a slender waist, wide hips, and a nice, big ass.

That being said, her most noticeable feature is probably her frizzy red hair that comes down to her shoulders, although I'm sure it would be a lot longer if it was straightened. Her skin is pale and milky, but not freckley like some redheads. Overall, I think Sydney is amazingly hot, and the way she can crack jokes and screw around with the best of them only makes her even more attractive. She's not exactly my type, to be honest, but there's no mistaking her charm or attractiveness.

Kim, on the other hand, is right up my alley, as far as girls go. She's half Mexican, and has the features to match. Straight black hair, dark eyes, and a great tan that never seems to go away. She's smaller than Sydney in her features, but her body is still amazing. She does a lot of different sports, and somewhere between the cross country, cheerleading, and gymnastics, Kim has the hottest, tightest ass I ever seen. Well, I've seen it in a bathing suit at least, and even that was enough to change the way I think about butts.

The fact that she's my sister's best friend only makes it that much better. They've been inseparable for as long as I can remember, but it's only over the last few years that she's gotten to be so incredibly gorgeous. If I could ever somehow make something happen with her, it would be both the hottest thing ever, and possibly the single greatest way to infuriate Steph. I think if we even so much as kissed it might make her head explode. Oh well, a boy can dream.

After we clean up from dinner and hide any remaining evidence that four extra people dropped by, Steph and her crew head upstairs, and I head to my favorite spot: Our big leather couch. I plop down, grab my Gameboy, and get ready to fry my brain for the next five hours. No parents, my sister is occupied, and I don't have any homework due tomorrow. What more could a fifteen year old boy ask for?

"Hey Mark!"

I look up just in time to get blasted in the face with a pillow from the other couch. Luke and Robert are both dying with laughter. They scared the shit out of me. Assholes. I save my game and close my gameboy. If these guys are bothering me, I'm sure they're not going to stop until they get bored or go home. So much for a relaxing night of gaming.

"What're you up to, buddy?" Robert and Luke jump on the couch on either side of me, and before I have a chance to fight or flee, they're both cuddled up to me with an arm each around my shoulders. This can't be a good sign.

"We were thinking..." Luke says.

"...you don't really seem too busy..." continues Robert.

"...so maybe you wanted to, I dunno..."

"...hang out with us for a while."

I look at at each of them, and they look very enthused. Obviously, I should be worried.

"Nah, I'm good." I'm kidding around, but they both tighten their grips on my shoulders.

"Dude," says Luke.

"Bro," says Robert.

They both stare gravely at me, but say nothing else.

"What?!" I finally yell, exasperated.

"Truth or Dare," they both say at once.

I roll my eyes and reach for my gameboy, but Robert slaps my hand away playfully.

"The girls want to play," he explains, "but they said we can only play if there's an even number of people."

"Not my problem," I shoot back.

"Come on dude," Robert pleads. "It's gonna be awesome."

"Yeah," adds Luke, "you're gonna have a great time. We promise."

It's not that I don't want to play. In a way, I sort of do. It's not every day you get asked to play truth or dare with a bunch of kids three years older than you. And I hate to admit it, but as much as my sister drives me straight up a wall, she and her friends are a lot of fun. Hanging with them is usually a blast, and the more I ingratiate myself, the more chances I'll have to do it again in the future when I actually want to.

But aside from all that, I just love giving my sister a hard time. By extension, that applies to all her friends, too.

"You promise me I'll have a good time?" I ask skeptically.

They nod emphatically.


They nod even more emphatically.

"If you guys really want me to..."

Their nodding reaches a point where I feel it might be dangerous.

"Ok, I'll play."

I might have just bought them each a PS4 from the look of pure delight of each of their faces.

"You won't regret it!" Robert exclaims, standing up from the couch and ushering me to my feet.

We head upstairs and to Steph's room, which is at the end of the hall. Our house is set up kind of weird, if you ask me, with our parents' room on the first floor, and just me and Steph upstairs. As a result, her bedroom is huge. She has a queen size bed in it, and there's still plenty of room left over.

When we walk in, the girls are already sitting in a group on the floor next to the bed, giggling relentlessly about who knows what. They look up at us, and when they see me, they seem a bit surprised.

"Holy shit," says Sydney, "you guys actually did it."

"I can't believe you got him to put his video games down for more than ten seconds to get him to come up here," comments Steph. She thinks she's so funny.

"Well, you know I wouldn't miss a chance to beat you at something, even if it's just a silly little game," I retort. I see Steph's brow wrinkle a little, which means she doesn't like my comment, which was of course my intention. She tries to act like a prissy girl, but she's competitive in a big way, and nothing irks her like getting beaten by me. I'm not even sure how to beat someone at Truth or Dare, but the mere possibility is good enough to put Steph on edge. Excellent.

We take our seats with the girls, which has the sexes facing each other. I'm on the end of the boy's section between Robert and Kim, then it's Sydney, my sister, and Luke to complete the circle. Once we're situated, Steph gives us a quick rundown of the rules.

"So," Steph says in a voice that is remarkably similar to Mom in tone if not in content, "here's how the game will work. We spin this," Steph holds up a spinner she nicked from a Twister box, "around to pick who goes first. That person gets to pick the victim. The victim gets to choose whether they want a truth..." Steph pauses dramatically and looks at everyone before continuing, which makes me roll my eyes. "...or a dare. Once they've answered or done their dare, they get to pick the next victim.

"You can't pick the same person again until everyone has gone. Once everyone goes, the round is over, and we can decide if we want to keep playing or not. We spin again, and a new round begins."

Seems simple enough.

"What if you won't answer, or you wuss out?" Robert asks.

"If you don't step it up and follow through," she answers, "you have to take off one item of clothing."

"What?!" I practically shout.

"And leave any removed items off until the game is over."

That's crazy! I'm not taking off my clothes in front of my sister and a bunch of her friends, no matter what.

"Problem, Miracle Baby?" Steph asks looking at me.

That bitch. I hate when she calls me that.

I should mention that Steph isn't actually my sister, at least not by blood. My parents weren't supposed to have any kids, so they adopted Steph. Then, two years later, out of nowhere, I was born. My parents always call me their "little miracle," which I find to be extremely embarrassing. Steph, in her usual pursuit of annoying the hell out of me, has taken to calling me "Miracle Baby."

And now the horrible adopted monster has me more or less trapped in this. I'm sure everybody here really wants to play, so I don't want to look like a big spoil sport. Plus, I only have to take clothes off if I back out of a challenge, and I refuse to show any weakness to my sister, especially before the game even starts.

And yes, I might get to see some girls take their clothes off too - that certainly helps me make up my mind.

Steph gives the Twister wheel a spin and it whirls around and around before stopping straight in Luke's direction. All eyes turn to him as he starts the game.

"Sydney," he says, "truth or dare?"

Sydney flips her long, red hair playfully and bats her eyelashes back at Luke. "Truth."

Luke thinks to himself for a second and then a smile starts to play across his lips. He must have a good one.

"You remember that party last year at John's house, when his parents were on vacation?"

Sydney nods and I see a little crimson start to touch her cheeks. She must know exactly where this is going. Even I heard about this party - it was legendary.

"Did you really hook up with that college guy in his parents' bedroom?"

Woah! That party must have seriously been nuts!

All eyes are on Sydney now, and she's turned an even darker shade of red. The color shows on her full, pale cheeks.

"Despite what you may have heard," she says, pausing dramatically, "no. We made out. We really made out. It was hot as hell. But we didn't hook up."

Luke shrugs as though to say, "Oh well, doesn't hurt to ask." He looks over at Steph for confirmation.

"So now it's Sydney's turn?" he asks.

"Yes," she replies. "She can pick anyone except you. Sydney?"

Sydney looks slowly around the circle, sizing each of us up. "Hmmm..." she says, looking me up and down. I feel a little tingle when she does it. Even I know that Sydney is a very sexual person, and a lot of her looks come with a strange thought that she might jump on you and take all your clothes off. It scares me a little bit if I'm ever alone with her, but I bet she'll think of a lot of ways to make this game a lot more interesting.

Just when I think she's going to pick me for sure, she snaps her head to my left and announces, "I choose Kim."

Kim thinks for a second then says, "You already know way too much about me, so let's take a dare."

"Perfect!" says Sydney, and I can tell from Kim's expression that she knows she's made a huge mistake. With a grin of the evilest intentions, Sydney hands out her dare: "I dare you to show everyone your new accessory."

Accessory? I wonder what that's about.

Kim pouts for a few seconds, but after receiving no quarter from her darer, she stands up.

"Atta girl," Sydney says with pride, "show don't tell."

With a sigh of defeat, Kim turns around, and much to my surprise and delight, pulls down her shorts, revealing a fine view of her perfect, tanned behind, and eliciting a few whoops and hollers from a few of the others. Framing her tight cheeks wonderfully is a bright red thong. Kim runs cross country and does some cheerleading, and it shows. Her butt is well toned and the shape is just awesome. Sadly, before I can fully commit the image to memory, she hikes up her drawers and sits back down.

"I got a thong," Kim says in explanation.

"Her first ever," adds Steph. Kim shrugs like it was no big deal, but she's looking a lot more confident after seeing all of our reactions to her fine rear. Hopefully there's more where that came from.

"By the way," Kim says, turning in my direction and catching me with a big, stupid smile on my face, "I pick you."

"Me?" I can already feel my cheeks flushing. If she had to show her butt, what am I going to have to do? Forget what I said about feeling good, I'm not liking this at all. I better play it safe.


Kim only thinks for a second before she lays it on me. "Have you ever kissed a girl?" she asks. "Like, really kissed one," she adds, making sure I understand where she's going with the question.

Ha! That's an easy one. "Yeah," I respond, "I have."

It's true. I'd gotten a peck or two over the years from a handful of girls, and even tried french kissing once in sixth grade with no great amount of success. But that all changed a few months ago. I was at a football game and Alice Hastings took me under the bleachers. She has a reputation for being a makeout queen, so I certainly wasn't going to refuse her the chance.

We made out through most of the third quarter, and I even felt her up a little bit. It was my first real lesson in tongue sparring, and it was a good one. We followed up with a few sessions over the next week or two, and at this point I'd consider myself a very proficient kisser.

"Who?" asks Steph. Poor Steph hates being left out of the loop.

"With tongue?" adds Kim.

"What else did you do with her?" says Sydney.

All three girls are really leaning in on this one. Who knew the sex life of a fifteen year old boy would be so interesting to a couple of juniors? Sadly for them, they don't get any of the juicy details.

"Ah, ah, ah..." I scold them. "You only get one question per turn." They all pout at once. It feels great having the upper hand, even though it only is until the next round when they can get back at me. "I've already answered you. Which means that it's my turn to choose next, and I choose Luke."

Luke looks up in surprise. He was probably expecting me to pick my sister.

"Uh, I'll take a dare, I guess."


It seemed like a no brainer: I pick Steph, then I give her a super embarrassing dare. Or, if she tries to weasel her way out of it with a truth, I throw down some horrifying secret in the form of a question. But I have slightly more ambitious plans.

"I dare you to give Steph a hickey."

The room explodes in a uproar. Kim and Sydney both shriek with laughter, and Robert looks like he might die. Even Luke, under the silent, furious gaze of my big sister, is cracking up. I am awesome at this game.

"Well," Luke chuckles, "I better do it. I never turn down a dare."

He slides over to Steph and kisses her on the lips, which are currently set in a big, cartoon frown. Gently at first and then slightly more vigorously, he keeps kissing her, and finally her expression just starts to soften, just the tiniest bit. When it does, he knows he's in, and he starts to move down across her cheek and then down onto her neck.

Steph moans lightly and tilts her head back the slightest bit for him. "You know I like it, so it's not fair," she says in half-hearted protest. Luke continues on, unfazed. He's in the zone, and he's going to make it happen.

He finally stops in the middle of her neck and looks over to me for confirmation. I flash him the thumbs up. Then he really gets started.

Luke sucks on her neck like his life depends on it. After about a minute, Steph finally pulls away, revealing a bright red bruise where his lips had been. It's fantastic! There's no way she'll be able to hide that tomorrow!

Steph gets up immediately and checks herself in the mirror. She emits a noise somewhere between a scream and a roar, and turns to me.

"You little brat!" she snarls. "I'll get you for that."

I shrug my cockiest little shrug, and Steph returns to our circle, where everyone gets a good long look at her new beauty mark. Kim and Robert do a decent job of containing their tittering, but Sydney can't handle it. She wails with laughter.

"That's so bad," she says in between guffaws. "He got you so bad, and it wasn't even your turn." Still laughing, she turns to me and gives me a big high five, which I happily accept.

Steph is not pleased by her reaction.

"Pick." she says to Luke, her tone silencing the last of Sydney's laughter.

"Ummmm..." Luke doesn't seem sure what to do. Clearly Steph has a plan, but I'm not sure what it is. If Steph wants a revenge dare on me or Sydney, I'm not sure what she expects, since both of us have already gone this round.

"Pick," she says again, and raises her eyebrows at Luke while looking him dead in the eye. He suddenly stops looking confused.

Uh oh. I've seen that look before with some of her friends. It's some kind of talent my sister has. She can raise her eyebrows and tilt her head in this certain way that apparently transmits extremely complicated messages between herself and the recipient. I've seen it with Kim, my mom, and a few of her other friends, but I had assumed it only worked with girls.

"I choose Steph," Luke says. Stephanie nods triumphantly, so I can infer that Luke got the right message. I just hope I'm not involved in whatever's going on over there.


Luke continues without hesitation. "I dare you to give Sydney a hickey."

Steph smiles triumphantly. How does she do it?

Sydney gives Steph a small round of applause for her brilliant plan and execution. "I have to admit, that's pretty good. Especially since you know I have a family party to attend tomorrow." She grimaces as I'm sure the image flashes through her head of having to explain to her entire extended family why she's wearing a scarf indoors.

"Brutal," chimes Robert from across the circle.

"Well," says Sydney, stretching out her neck and tapping a spot on the side. "Get your scrawny butt over here and make it happen!"

Steph scoots over across the circle and puts her hands on Sydney's face. She slowly runs them down her cheeks and then pulls away giggling. Sydney starts as well.

"What are you waiting for?" she asks mockingly. "Get to it!"

As Steph leans in, Sydney closes her eyes and tilts her head back. Steph plants a light kiss on her cheek, and then another, and another. She works her way slowly down Sydney's cheek and to her mouth, where she lightly plants another kiss. A small gasp emits from Sydney's lips, and before it finishes Steph lands a solid, passionate kiss. She turns and winks coquettishly at Robert and Luke before continuing.

From Sydney's mouth Steph works her way down to her throat where she cranks the intensity up to 11 and gets to works. She kisses, sucks, and even licks her friend's throat for almost a minute while the rest of us watch in awe. Robert is loving it, Kim is intrigued, Luke is probably wondering if Steph kisses him the same way, while I'm thinking how weirdly awesome it is to watch my sister go wild on one of her friends. There's no question, Sydney is loving it more than anybody.

Finally, with the sexual tension about as thick as it can get, Steph breaks away and admires her handiwork. Sydney, panting, has a wicked bruise about the size of a quarter on her neck. Good luck explaining that to your aunts and uncles at tomorrow's party.

"Well played, well played," Sydney says in between breaths. She's a good sport about it, even though she's going to get hell for it.

Now in control of the board, Sydney looks around the circle. "I guess that leaves you," she says, looking at Robert.

"Hit me with a dare," he says confidently.

"Well..." Sydney says, thinking, "I think we need to even things out a little bit. All you boys got to see a nice little butt before, but the girls want some of that. Let's see your ass."

"As you wish," Robert says, standing up and pulling down his pants without hesitation.

It's a funny dare, because Robert is one of those people who has no problem showing his butt to anybody. Friends, acquaintances, people on the street, opposing football team buses, or whoever. For this guy, mooning is a classic prank.

Still, this is seeing it in a slightly different context. Being right next to him, it isn't long before I've seen all that I need to see. I turn back to the girls, and they all look pretty intrigued by his ass. It's decent as far as asses go. Robert plays football, so he's packing some junk in his trunk, although it's a bit hairy for my taste. I'd definitely choose Kim's ass if I had to pick.

The show's over and Robert pulls up his shorts, signaling both the end of his dare and the end of the round. Steph sets the Twister spinner back down in the middle of the circle and gestures for Robert to give it a flick. He obliges, and after a nice long twirl, it winds up pointing directly at Kim. I guess she'll be kicking off the second round.

Surprisingly, she picks Robert, so he'll wind up going twice in a row. Unlike last time, however, he chooses a truth.

"Really?" Kim says. "Well..." She obviously hadn't thought of anything beforehand. It takes her a minute, but suddenly, after a little time thinking, her eyes light up and she has a question. "Are Carter and Jackson really gay?"

Girls and their gossip. There are a lot of rumors flying around lately that two boys in Robert's class are gay. I mean, one of them is, at least I'm almost certain of it. I don't think that's a secret. But Carter is one of the "cool kids." He plays football, swims competitively, and is super popular with all the girls in school. He even has a girlfriend, as far I know.

"That's a good question," Robert replies, a lot more serious than he usually is. "I mean, they haven't said they're gay or anything like that. But..."

He looks around the circle with a slightly pained look on his face.

"I think yes." He hesitates a second before throwing his hands up in the ari, exasperated. "Ok, I know it's a yes. But I don't think it's public knowledge, so keep your mouths shut about it."

That's surprising to hear. I wonder how Robert knows for sure if they didn't tell him. Oh well, it doesn't look like he'll be sharing the details, regardless.

"Ok Robert," Steph says, wresting back control of the game. "Who's next?"

"You are!" Robert exclaims joyfully.

Steph rolls her eyes. "Fine. I'll take a truth, too."

"Since we're on the topic of tough questions," he says, "did you really make out with a girl at Chris's party last month?"

Woah, damn! I never heard about this.

Steph looks at Luke and they exchange a couple of weird little glances. I wonder if he would be mad if Steph made out with a girl. I mean, it's another person so that's probably not ok, but it's a girl so maybe it doesn't count. Or hell, maybe it's even better, since she's making out with another girl.

"No," Steph says. "But also yes. I made out with a girl from St John's." A Catholic schoolgirl making out with my sister at a party? She probably wasn't wearing her uniform at the time, but if I imagine it like that, it sounds pretty hot. "But it wasn't just me. We all made out."

"All?" I ask, more thinking out loud than actually asking. What does she mean by that?

"Yeah," Steph continues, "It was both of us," she says, gesturing between herself and Luke. "This girl was really into Luke, and I starting getting in her face about it, but then she said she thought I was cute too. Before I could even figure out what to say about that, she just lunged into my face and started making out with me. Luke came over like he was going to pull her off of me, but she just sucked him in too."

"Nice," comments Robert.

"That girl was crazy," Luke adds. "But it was fun."

"Did anything else happen?" Robert asks.

Steph, smiling coyly, pulls the same card I did in the first round. "You already got your answer," she says, "and that's all you get."

Clearly disappointed, Robert frowns melodramatically and defers back to Steph for the next selection. I have a feeling I know exactly who she's going to choose.

"I choose Mark."


I was already weighing this possibility out in my head. If I choose a truth, Steph has any number of embarrassing stories or situations she can put me in. She knows me too well for a truth, and my poker face isn't good enough to lie. If I refuse, then I have to take off some clothes, which she also knows I don't want to do. That being said, I really only have one choice.


As soon as I see Steph's smile, I know I've made a huge mistake.

"I dare you to take off an item of clothing," she says triumphantly.

That little bitch! She knew that's what I was trying to avoid so she went right for the throat. And all because she's mad about the hickey. I think this is bullshit, and I say so.

"That's not fair!" I protest. "If the dare is the same as the punishment, then I don't even have a choice!" Obviously that's exactly what she had in mind.

"There's no rule against it," Steph retorts.

"Well I think it goes against the spirit of the game."

I look around the circle and see everyone else trying not to laugh. They think this is funny! I mean, of course Robert and Luke think it's funny. They constantly try to get us to butt heads because it amuses them. But Sydney and Kim? The whole world's against me, I swear.

"Fine," I say, "I'll do it. But because this is bullshit - and you know it is - then I think everyone should have to take an item off."

My suggestion goes over just as I thought it would. The boys love it, and under the peer pressure, the girls won't have much of a choice. Plus, Luke and Robert are both pretty ripped, so I think they'll enjoy being able to show off. Judging by the reactions when the girls saw a peek of Robert's butt, I expect a fair of amount of drooling, slobbering, and ogling once we take off our shirts.

Just as the girls are about to follow suit and go topless, another idea strikes me.

"Wait, you guys," I say looking to Kim and Sydney. "Since you haven't gone yet this round, you can get your dare out of the way now too."

Sydney gives me one of her looks (it falls somewhere between "do me" and "bring it on"), and Kim raises an eyebrow in my direction. They're interested.

"For your dare, you can undress each other."

Sydney doesn't hesitate for a second. She grabs the bottom of Kim's shirt and pulls it over her head, revealing a bright pink bra, which is holding in a pair of small but great looking tits. They look like if you took the bra off they'd be just as perky as they look now. I start to wonder if Kim has any tan lines. It didn't look like she had any on her ass. That's an interesting thought...

I stop thinking about Kim's naked body for a second, because Kim is busy unbuttoning Sydney's shirt. She's taking her time, presumably to give us a bit of a show. I know Sydney has a pretty big rack - I've seen it to some extent at the pool - but I'm still not quite ready for it once Kim pulls away her shirt. She's stacked. She has smooth milky skin, and her huge breasts are practically spilling out of her black bra. I'm sorry, but forget Kim. Sydney's got her beat on every level in the chest department.

Tonight is going to be great, pretty much regardless of what happens from here on out. Anytime I look over at the girls now, I'm going to get a nice view. Kim's perky little boobs, Sydney's huge incredible rack, and Steph's medium sized and nicely shaped chest. She's my sister (more or less), I know, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a nice set of tits when I see them.

I'm sure the girls don't mind either. Robert is well-muscled with a touch of dark hair in between his pecs and then forming up again from his stomach heading down into his shorts. He has the typical build of a football player, and he looks strong as hell. Luke, on the other hand, is totally hairless on his torso, and while he's a little more slender, he has a well defined six pack and the beginnings of some nice V-lines poking out from his jeans.

Needless to say, the goods are on display for both sides, and it's only going to heat things up even more. I, for one, am ready for anything.

Steph grabs the Twister wheel for the third time and gives it a flick. The view's not bad as she leans over to do it. With just a skimpy bra covering it up, I get a nice view of some excellent cleavage, and just the faintest hint of some areolas. It's wrong, I know, but guys love boobs and that's just the bottom line.

The spinner does its thing and lands squarely on Robert. After he got picked twice in a row, it only seems fair that he'll get to start the round. He already has a slightly devious smile on his face, so I'm guessing this is what he was hoping for.

"This is just what I was hoping for," he says.

See? I was right.

"I challenge all three girls - truth or dare?"

Bold move. He has something in mind, but I'm sure the wrong choice by the girls will throw a big monkey wrench in those plans.

The girls confer in whispers for a few seconds, interrupted by only five of six bouts of the giggles, and then turn back to Robert with their selection.

"Dare," they say in unison.

Robert nods pensively at their choice and mimes stroking his long, nonexistent beard in thought.

"I dare the three of you," he says, "to make out."

Nice! Either the girls are making out, or more clothes are coming off!

After some deliberation and initial hesitation, the girls decide to make out. No complaints on my end. They scoot together into a little triangle and draw their faces together. Steph kicks things off with a little peck on Sydney's cheek, which Sydney returns with a little peck on the lips. Steph and Kim do the same, and then Kim and Sydney. They slowly but surely up their game until it's a full fledged make out session.

For a few awesome minutes, I'm watching three hot girls make out with each other. Tongues dart in and out of mouths. Teeth bite gently on lips in between kisses. It's hot as hell, and it's all I can do not to jump up and hop straight into the middle of them.

All too soon it's over, and the girls retreat back to their places in the circle. Except Steph. She stands up and turns to face us boys.

With her hands on her hips, Steph lays down the law. "Since we all went at once this round, now you have to all go together."

All the male eyes in the room widen at once and we exchange some worried glances. If that means we all have to make out, just forget about it. I guess it would be fair since the girls just did it, but fuck fair! There's no way I'm making out with my sister's boyfriend.

"Ugh," Steph rolls her eyes, clearly reading our thoughts through our horrified expressions. "We'll think of something different."

Steph and the girls retreat into the hallway outside of her room, which leaves the three of us boys alone for the first time in a while.

"Dude, nice work so far!" Robert says, clapping me on the back.

"Yeah," Luke nods in agreement, "you're crushing it!"

I feel my cheeks get a little red at the praise, especially coming from some older guys that I think are cool. I didn't realize I was doing so well, but I guess I got all the girls to take their tops off. Plus, even though it was only a personal victory, I totally hosed Steph with that hickey.

"Thanks," I say, now glowing with a little pride.

"Have you played truth or dare before?" asks Robert.

"No," I respond, "I guess I just have beginner's luck."

"Maybe so, but I hope some luck rubs off on all of us tonight," says Luke. He stretches out the L' on the word luck,' emphasizing it. If he means what I think he means, this game might be getting even crazier soon!

The thought makes me excited, but also a little bit nervous. Obviously Luke will pair off with Steph, and I think Robert and Sydney might have a thing going on. If they don't they probably should. So that just leaves me and Kim.

I've known Kim a long time, and I think she's cute. Super cute, in fact. But I can't imagine doing anything with her. I've thought about it, obviously. What horny fifteen year old wouldn't fantasize about getting it on with his sister's hot friend? That's just a fantasy though, and actually putting those thoughts into action is beyond me. Kim's hot, hard body is one thing when I'm jerking off alone in my room, but in real life it's completely different. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

As though they can sense what I'm thinking, Robert interrupts my thoughts.

"What's the matter, you don't think you can handle a woman like that?" he says, jerking his head towards the bedroom room, where we can hear a faint noise of tittering and giggling on the far side.

"Well... I..."

The boys correctly interpret my stammering as a "no."

"Don't worry," Luke says reassuringly, "you couldn't ask for a better setup."

"Three of them, three of us..." continues Robert.

"And they're hot and bothered," says Luke.

"And that's just now! Wait until we get another few rounds in. They'll be ready for anything."

Both of them nod in agreement and look at me almost proudly. Right now, I'm their little brother, not Steph's, and with this golden opportunity laid out before us, they are going to hook me up. God bless them.

And now that I think about it, they're totally right. The game's been going well, and from Luke and Robert's reaction, I should give myself some credit for how I've played so far. Maybe luck really is with me tonight, and with a little more luck, and of course a bit of clever playing, all three of us might be getting "lucky." With all three of us on the same page, working together, we can make it happen.

By the time the girls walk back in, I'm feeling a lot more confident. Not too confident, because I don't want to throw off my game, but I'm ready for whatever they throw at me. Hell, I'd probably even kiss the boys if it got us one step closer to the our end goal.

Our powwow is broken up by the return of the girls, and the announcement of the challenge.

"We've decide to let you off easy," Sydney says, sounding disappointed. And you can have a truth."

Alright! That's bound to be easier to deal with than a dare.

Kim continues, "So each of you has to tell us your biggest fantasy."

Yikes! That's tougher than I thought. I'm not sure I have one... Time is on my side, however, because it looks like we're starting with Luke.

Luke thinks for a minute, but never seems to have any sort of eureka moment. He just shakes his head. This does not please Steph. She demands that he goes, but he can go second. While Robert is going, he'll have time to think a little bit harder and come up with something.

"I," Robert says, casting a contemptuous look over at Luke, "unlike some people, definitely have a fantasy. And I will share it with you all." He smiles proudly at himself before continuing. What a goof ball.

"I," he continues with great bravado, "want to bang my teacher."

"Who?" says Kim skeptically.

She must be running through all their teachers in her head and isn't able to come up with anyone. I can't think of any teacher I'd want to bang. My history teacher, Ms. Armstrong, is probably the hottest teacher at our school, and even she isn't anything to write home about.

Robert, however, dismisses her question with a casual wave of his hand. "Details, details, details. Not any of our teachers. But a hot teacher. Like, the hottest teacher ever." He sees our skeptical looks. "It's my fantasy. Why not the hottest teacher ever?"

That's a fair point.

"So maybe I'm in her class, and even though I'm not the best student, I try really hard. It's not just about the sex, mind you. She's actually a good teacher, and she makes me want to do a good job in class. I've gotten my grade up to a B, and I'm pushing the A, but there's only one more test and I've had a tough time with the material. I mean, in anyone else's class, I wouldn't even be this close, and that makes it all the more important to both of us."

As I should have expected, Robert's biggest sexual fantasy is laced with bizarre details only he would ever even think of. I can never tell if he says these things for our amusement, his amusement, or if he's actually serious. I think that's part of his charm.

"So what," says Sydney, urging him to get to the point, "she has to give you extra tutoring?"

Robert smiles at the mere thought. "Bingo. She asks me to stay after class for a little extra help. See, she wants me to get that A - she's a great teacher, remember? But she she doesn't just want that A. She wants the D.

"And, like, maybe she doesn't even know it, but as we sit there, alone together, she starts to feel it. And I start to feel it. And we both know that we both feel it, and we both know that we both know. But it's so crazy that neither of us wants to make the first move. It all gets hotter and hotter and hotter until she can't take it anymore.

"She pushes my paper and textbook off the desk and jumps all over me. We'd do it on my desk, maybe on the floor, and then finally on her desk. Once we get to her desk, we'd bang hard - hot and heavy all the way. Even though it's so wrong, and we'd both be in so much trouble if we get caught, I'd want her to scream when she came. And then I'd just pack up my books and go home, leaving her there in the classroom half undressed."

Robert looks up as though he just noticed we were all sitting here listening to him. He almost looks bashful after spilling his guts so intensely. I imagine he's never told anyone about this before.

"Anyway, yeah, something like that," he mumbles as if in apology.

We all sit in silence for a second digesting Robert's story until Sydney breaks the ice. "That sounds hot as fuck."

The rest of us nod in agreement. Whether it's your cup of tea or not, the way Robert described it made me a believer.

We all turn expectantly to Luke, but he looks just as blank as before.

Eventually, instead of spilling his guts, he shrugs, reaches down, unbuttons his jeans, and slips them off. Now he's down to only a pair of tight red Calvin Klein boxer briefs.

"What!?" exclaims Steph. "You can't do that!"

"Yeah," he responds, "I can."

"Come on, you had that whole time to think about it!" Steph demands. When she wants something, she is a force to be reckoned with.

"I don't have one."

"Fine, then you need to stand up and show off the goods to everyone," says Steph, pouting. "I'll at least get something out of this." She crosses her arms and glares at him while he rises and turns round for everyone to see.

Luke's little show elicits a wolf whistle from Sydney and a few other shrieky noises from Kim. Admittedly, I can't even roll my eyes at them or anything, because Luke is definitely a looker. He has a swimmer's build, thin but muscular, and for the same reason his body is smooth and tanned. His pecs run into his nicely six-pack, which in turn connects to just the beginnings of what promises to be a well defined `V' sticking out of his waistband. Speaking for the girls in the room: Sploosh.

Below that, he has those tight, red boxer briefs, which contain what looks to be a fairly sizable bulge. Seeing the rest of his body as it is, I reckon he's probably completely hairless down there, too. I'm kind of curious to see if that's the case. I've trimmed my pubes before, but I've never shaved completely. I wonder what it would look and feel like.

Steph runs her hands up and down Luke's newly exposed body a few times and she kisses him. Smiling and hanging onto her juicy slab of man-meat, she seems to have forgotten all about Luke's awkward refusal to share with the rest of the class, but I know her better than that. It might not be today, it might not be tomorrow, but she is never going to forget this, and at some point Luke is going to tell her his greatest fantasy, whether he wants to or not.

My brain suddenly interrupts my musings with a horrifying realization: It's my turn! Shit!

The panic is just starting to set in when I feel the first pair of eyes turn to me. Kim raises her eyebrows suggestively and smiles. "What about you?" she asks.

What about me? I don't know! I have plenty of fantasies - what boy doesn't? What if every hot girl in my class lined up to give me a blowjob and then I had to pick who did it best? Or how about I suck on Kate Upton's tits for a while. That would rock. Or, what if all the girls in this room got naked, ripped my clothes off, and did me every way they could come up with? That might just take the cake.

"Oh, this will be good," says Steph, grinning like the damn Cheshire Cat.

Wait, my sister is here. That would be weird to have a foursome with these girls, even if she's not a blood relation. But it's still kind of hot. Which is a clear indication that I'm apparently not thinking straight and this whole question is freaking me out and messing with my mind.

"Today, junior!" Robert calls out in his best Billy Madison.

Plus, it might be a little awkward to mention something like that in front of everyone. That'd be great. "Oh, hey Sydney, you get on top. Kim, sit on my face. What the hell, Steph, you can hop on when we're done." Although it's clearly at the top of the list right now, there's no chance in hell I'm saying that. I need to think of something and quick.

"See, it's harder than it looks," says Luke. At least someone's on my side.

But seeing Luke makes me realize that I'm screwed either way. If I take my punishment, it means I have to take off my pants, which is not happening. Not a chance. I'd be hesitant any day, but I'm certainly not following his act. The girls would probably laugh. But the only other option is to tell everyone my fantasy, and now that the image of Sydney, Kim, and Steph a la menage a quatre is burned into my mind I just can't get it out.

"Maybe you want to bang Luke's mom," Robert suggests helpfully.

"Or maybe Robert's sister," counters Luke. Crystal is in college, and to be fair, she is pretty hot. That's Robert's sister, for the record, not Luke's mom.

"Or a girl at school you've been trying to get with," says Kim.

How about a whole bunch of `em?" suggest Sydney.

I'm sure my panic is palpable, and while I appreciate everyone trying to help me out, it's all for nothing. Because I am suddenly reminded that not everyone here is on my side. My sister is here, and she owes me one.

"Have you even had sex?!"

My eyes widen, and before I even have a chance to respond, I know it's over. My reaction said it all, and judging by my sudden ability to hear a pin drop in the bedroom, everyone now knows the truth.

I'm a virgin.

"No," I mumble dejectedly, just in case there was even a shred of lingering possibility that I wasn't a complete dorky loser. So much for "totally crushing" this game tonight. So much for everyone getting "lucky" later. I'm sure Luke and Robert will be fine, but considering I basically threw in the towel on trying to act cool around a bunch of older kids (and older girls!), I know I'll be alone in my room when the magic happens. I should never have even played this game.

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted...

"How do you want to lose it?"

I look up to see Sydney looking at me with a totally new kind of expression. She looks intrigued, interested, and even excited. All three of those, but at a higher level of intensity than I've seen before.

"Do you have anyone in mind?" asks Kim. She has the same sort of look on her face.

I glance around the circle and see Robert and Luke looking at me the same way. My surrogate big brothers, and now they know what's on the line for me tonight. Even Steph, as smugly satisfied as she must be with getting one over on me, seems to want to know all the details.

Still not really believing what's happening here, I tentatively test the waters. "I'm not sure who it will be, but I think I know how I want to lose it."

Everyone seems to lean in closer when I say that. They don't want to miss a word.

"It could be anybody I guess, and I don't really care where or when it happens. But I want her to be older than me."

I see a tiny smile play at the corner of Sydney's mouth.

"I just want someone more experienced than me. Because I don't want to just have sex and lose my virginity. I want someone to take it from me."

Even with her dark complexion, I see a little flush spread across Kim's cheeks.

"I want her to push me down on the bed and pull off my shirt. And then she can undo my pants and pull them off. I want her to get on top of me and tell me to take off her shirt, and unhook her bra. I want her to tell me what to do, and to put my hands where they need to go. I don't want to be able to stop her even if I tried to.

"She'll be on top, and she'll lower herself down until I'm inside her. And then she'll move. I want her in control the whole time, from start to finish. That's why I want an older girl, someone with experience. So she knows what to do, and I don't even have to think twice about it. I want her to take my virginity away and never even give me chance. I want her to ride me hard and fast, and make me cum harder than I've ever cum before."

Again, you could hear a pin drop in the room. But it's not awkwardness this time, it's pure sexual intensity.

"Wow," Sydney finally manages, "that sounds hot."

"Yeah," says Kim, "you're lucky all these people are around, otherwise..." Instead of finish her sentence she give me a look that gets me halfway to hard in half a second. If only these people weren't around.

"Ok," says Steph, grabbing the spinner to start the next round. "Let's get this show on the road. I can't have you two drooling on the Miracle Baby." Her reproachful look does nothing to deter Kim, who rubs my thigh in defiance. "Gross, Kim. Anyway, dares only this round, so choose your victim wisely."

For the final time of the night, Steph flicks the spinner. As it twirls, we all look at it, wondering what craziness might happen once it stops. We've had girls making out, undressing each other, and all that. I've admitted a lot more to these folks than I wanted to, but if this round shapes up to be anything like the first three, something big is bound to happen.

The spinner finally slows to a crawl then lands directly between Sydney and Kim. They look at each other, then us, then each other again.

"I guess you both have to pick," suggests Robert.

They agree and put their heads together. They whisper between each other for a bit, then Sydney bursts out in a wicked squeal.

"Are we doing it, or not?" asks Kim.

Sydney clearly does not need any more convincing. "We're doing it," she says.

The girls turn to Luke and he immediately recoils. He can see that something is about to go down, and it obviously involves him.

"We've heard rumors," starts Kim.

"From certain people," continues Sydney.

"That you have..." Kim either isn't sure what to say, or maybe just doesn't want to say it.

Sydney finally takes up the reins and puts it all on the table. "We've heard you have a really nice cock."

If Luke looked worried before, he now looks terrified.

"But since you have to take a dare this round," says Kim, "we decided that you can't just tell us how big it is..."

"You have to show us."

Damn, these girls are turning it up a notch!

"Uh..." Luke looks to Steph for help, but she looks just as lost for a way out as he does. "But it won't be hard. There's too much pressure, and I don't know if I can really get it up in front of everyone." He gestures towards me and Robert. I can't imagine a seventeen year old would generally have too much trouble getting hard in front of three obviously interested girls, but maybe having guys around would make it tougher.

"Then we dare Steph to help you."

Ok, nevermind. They're turning it up about five notches!

This time when Luke looks back at Steph, she doesn't look confused. She looks determined. If Steph is on board, there really isn't much he can do to stop it. Resigned, he stands up and gestures for Steph to come towards him.

Steph gets up and walks the few steps over to him. She starts kissing him, easing out the last of his tension. Slowly, under the spell of her mouth on his, his shoulders relax and he starts to get into it. He reaches up and feels her breast, first over the top of her bra, and then slips a hand under it.

Steph, on the other hand, moves her hands slowly down his chest and stomach, and then to his waistband. Her left hand slips around his back and into his boxer briefs, grabbing his ass. Her right hand starts stroking the outline of his member through the thin fabric of his underwear, already clearly on its way to an erection. She rubs it up and down, until it's straining against the fabric, trying to push its way out.

Slipping her hand fully into his underwear, Steph pulls his dick upwards so just the top is poking out of his waistband. Even at this point, it looks pretty big, at least to me, and I don't think it's even completely hard yet. My thought is confirmed, as it grows even more until it's fully erect, almost reaching his belly button.

And Luke isn't the only one enjoying the action. Watching all this go down, everyone is getting horny as hell. I look over and see Robert adjusting himself. I have to do the same, moving my dick so its pointing to the side instead of trying to poke straight out. Sydney and Kim are watching with interest too, obviously mesmerized by the show my sister and her boyfriend are putting on.

Which makes me think how weird this is. On one hand, I know I'm a fifteen year old boy, pretty much everything makes me horny, and anytime something makes me horny, I get a boner. And once I have a boner, I pretty much have to jerk off to make it go away. So I guess it's not that weird.

But still, it's my sister. And hey, I'm not too proud or whatever to admit that my sister is hot. She has a big, full ass and two perky, perfect tits. I can usually respect that from a distance. I know she's hot, but I don't get turned on by it or anything like that. But right now, watching her in her bra, getting felt up by her boyfriend while she's rubbing his big dick? I have to admit, I am very turned on.

After a minute or two of rubbing him halfway out of his pants, Steph must be satisfied that Luke is as hard as he's going to get. She turns to the audience and pulls Luke's underwear down the rest of the way. I hear an audible gasp from either Kim or Sydney to my left, and I have to admit - I'm pretty impressed myself.

Luke's dick is big. I would guess he's at least 7 inches, probably pushing 8. Plus we get a full view of it, because everything down there is in fact completely shaved. With his swimmer's physique it's just clean, smooth skin all the way from his pecs, across his nicely defined abs and pelvic muscles, to his hard cock and smooth, full ballsack. No wonder Steph screams out loud when she gets it on with this boy.

After a few seconds of letting us admire the view, Steph gives his dick a few long, slow pumps, pulling the skin up and down his gorgeous, uncut hardon. I'm not sure if this makes me gay, or bi, or into my own sister, but watching Steph go to work on his perfect cock is sexy as fuck. She speeds up and cups his balls with the other hand, playing with the smooth orbs underneath the skin as she continues to jerk him off.

Finally, with a last little squeeze and a peck on the lips, Steph pulls his underwear back up in a single motion and tucks his straining hardon back from whence it came. Luke looks highly agitated, and I would be too. He is going to have some blue balls after this, but Steph is already walking back across our circle to her spot and having a seat.

"God damn!" says Sydney.

"I told you it was great," Steph says smugly in reply.

"I don't think you did it justice," Kim says, looking back and forth between Steph and the visible tent in Luke's underwear. These girls are so riled up right now, I have no doubt that Robert and I will be getting in on the action in no time.

"Well," I say once everyone has had a minute to catch their breath, "it's your pick, Luke, who's next?"

Obviously I'm hoping that he'll pick me, and maybe dare someone to jerk me off. That would be ideal.

Luke looks around at all of us, thinking about who gets to play next. Pick me! Pick me!

His gaze unfortunately stops on Robert, specifically on Robert's sweatpants, where he is busy adjusting himself. I'm guessing that his cock is not resting comfortably at ease.

"Having some trouble there, buddy?" Luke asks.

Robert pulls his hand slowly away from the bulge in his pants like a kid who just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "What makes you say that?" he says as guiltily as possible. Even now, after watching his best friend get jerked off and sporting half a stock himself, Robert has to crack a joke. The absurdity of it makes it even funnier, and we all start laughing.

"It just looks like you're feeling a little bit constrained," says Luke.

"You could say that," admits Robert. "What do you dare me to do about it?"

He thinks for a second. "I think the girls probably want to see what's causing you all this distress." He looks at the girls, who are clearly hungry to see another dick. "What do you think girls?"

To no one's surprise at all, the three of them nod emphatically.

"Well, then it's settled. Show us what you're working with," Luke declares.

Robert nods in acceptance, and stands up. He unties his sweatpants and hooks his thumbs in the waistline. He just starts to pull them down but suddenly stops. With a look of dramatic concern on his face he looks over to Luke.

But," Robert says wryly, "what if I'm not all the way... distressed?"

Oh, these guys are good.

"Maybe a volunteer from the audience could give you a hand?" Luke suggests.

Check and mate. Acting the whole time like he was doing all the girls a big favor and getting them some more eye candy, he was really looking out for his boy. Brilliantly played. Now it's just a matter of which of these ladies wants to help him out.

Not surprisingly, Sydney is the first to get up. I thought there might be something going on between those two, and even if there wasn't before, there's about to be. Now it's just a matter of what it's going to be. Another quick handjob? Or something else?

Instead of going straight to Robert, Sydney walks over to Steph's desk and grabs her chair. She brings it over and sets it behind Robert and motions for him to sit down. He complies. Once he's situated, she reaches straight down into his lap and grabs his package. She squeezes it a couple time and shakes her head.

"I think you could get harder."

Robert shrugs in response, playfully challenging her to do her worst.

Sydney stands in front of Robert, a sexy smile on her lips, and starts moving her body. She shakes her hips and ass for a bit, so we all get a good view, then hones in on Robert and moves closer. Still standing, she straddles him on the chair and keeps grinding her ass around in the air.

Then she sits down in his lap and keeps her hips moving. It looks awesome from where I'm sitting, and it must feel even better. Sydney presses herself up against Robert, pretty much burying his face in her amazing rack, then slides down his body until she's kneeling in front of him.

Now it's Robert's turn to get undressed again. Sydney grabs the waistband of his pants and pulls them down, revealing a pair of bright teal briefs. Inside those briefs, Roberts dick is straining hard against the fabric, desperate to come out. Sydney reaches down and strokes it softly though the thin fabric.

"I'm just not sure," she says yet again. "I think you could be harder."

At this point, I'm not sure if I could be harder, and I can't even imagine what Robert must be feeling. In fact, he doesn't even have a retort for her this time, he just sits in his chair, staring at Sydney's gorgeous body as she slips off her shorts and unhooks her bra. Her tits spill out, finally letting us see her greatest assets.

And they are incredible. Huge and supple, they hang down, shaking and swinging as Sydney moves her body. I'd love to touch them, kiss them, suck them - anything. Hell, there's enough to go around for all three of us.

Now stripped down to just her panties, Sydney gets back on top of Robert and resumes grinding on his dick. It's just her lacy black panties and his underwear separating the two of them. On top of it all, Robert gets a face full of her huge, milky breasts as she rides. He must be in heaven.

Finally, she dismounts and pulls Robert to his feet. She presses her body into his and then slides slowly down against him until she's on her knees. She pulls his briefs slowly down off of his dick, which jumps out at full attention as soon as it gets free of the elastic waistband. In a final coup de grace, Sydney kneads his cock between her boobs a few times, pushing them up and down around his rock hard member.

With her spectacular rack enveloping him, Sydney triumphantly declares at last, "I don't think you'll get much harder than that."

Robert, between heavy breaths, looks down at her and just shakes his head. I've never seen Robert unable to crack a good joke, but seeing him struck completely dumb is something else. The show was sexy as hell, and it's beyond me as to what it must have been like to participate. I'll probably be jacking off thinking about it for the rest of my life.

Sydney grabs her clothes and backs away from Robert, where she sits back down in the circle, admiring her handiwork.

Robert is more muscular than Luke, and obviously quite a bit hairier. He has the body of a football player, stocky and strong looking. While Luke has amazing definition on his body, Robert just looks stronger, and with his treasure trail leading into his shortly cropped pubes, he looks manlier.

Standing almost straight up in the air and hard to the point that it looks like it might burst, his cock is about 6 inches long, but thick. Unlike Luke and me, Robert is circumcised, so his swollen head is fully exposed. Hanging below are his big, full balls, probably as blue as Luke's after he got so worked up. I know if I jerk off for a while but don't finish they can ache, so I can only imagine what Robert's feel like right now. All in all, he's sporting a fat, thick package.

After letting us view him for a bit, Robert regains a little bit of his composure and pulls his pants back up. He struggles for a second to get his dick, which is about as pliant as a steel rod right now, back into his pants in a way that isn't painful. He eventually succeeds and sits back in the circle.

Dazed, he sits in silence for a time.

"Your turn," says Sydney.

Who, me?

"Yeah, let's see it," echos Kim.

Robert shrugs and turns to me. "At this point, it only seems fair."

"You better do it," Luke says with a wink.

No no no no no no no. I am not following either of those acts. No way.

But then I make my big mistake. If I had stayed inside my head, I never would have changed my mind. Or if I had looked over at Steph, it would have been easy to lock horns and hold my ground - I have loads of experience not doing what she wants.

I, in an act of either bravery or stupidity, look instead at Kim.

First, she bats her eyelashes at me, as a tiny, provocative smile starts playing its way across her lips. My resolve weakens the slightest bit. She leans down so she's on her hands and knees, facing me across the circle. This give me a fine view of her small but perky breasts. I start to think about what her nipples might look like. She moves towards me on all fours, almost like a wolf stalking its prey. I know there's no chance of going back.

Kim, with her tight little body wrapped in a tiny pair of shorts and a pink bra. Kim, whose ass I saw just about twenty minutes ago, so I know how awesome it is. Kim, who I've had a little crush on for years. My subconscious must be toying with me, because that's who I chose to look at. And now, as she slides up just a few inches from me, my heart is pounding, and my dick is throbbing, because I know it's all over.

Kim leans in until her lips are just a centimeter away from mine. I think shes going to kiss me, but instead she cocks her head to the side and whispers into my ear.

"Stand up."

I obey. As I stand, Kim gets on her knees, so that her face is about level with me stomach.

Holy shit! Does this mean what I think it means?!

A soft kiss planted on my stomach goes a long way towards confirming exactly what I'm thinking. As Kim kisses and licks around my stomach and belly button, I feel a hand grab at my crotch through my pants.

Kim pulls her lips off my stomach. "I don't think he needs any help. That feels pretty hard to me."

I snap back to reality and remember that everyone is watching us. That scares me a little - actually it scares me a lot - but at this point, I don't even care. I know everyone will see my dick, and I know it's not as big and impressive as Robert's or Luke's. But I'm beyond being worried about that. This could be the hottest thing that ever happens to me, and Kim's right, I'm hard as hell. All the more reason I need this happen.

"Don't stop," I whisper, looking down at the thick black head of hair hovering at my waist.

"Who said I was stopping?" Kim asks, looking up and meeting my eyes.

That same sexy half smile crosses Kim's lips again, and she simultaneous winks at me and unzips my fly. We're back in business!

With my fly down, Kim resumes planting kisses on my stomach, but starts working her way slowly down from my belly button and towards my waistline. As she lowers her focus, she slides my jeans down to my ankles, revealing my favorite Teen Titans boxers. Freed of my pants, my rock hard stiffy juts straight out, creating a very noticeable tent in my underwear.

Sydney whistles. "You weren't kidding about that being hard."

I can't even begin to formulate a response. It's so close, and I'm so ready for this.

After what seems like another hour, Kim plants one last kiss on my waistband and then leans back. I close my eyes and brace myself for my first ever blowjob. I feel one of Kim's hands reach up under the leg of my underwear and wrap tightly around my shaft. Yes! The other hand is unbuttoning my boxers. Almost there!

Then, as she pulls open the fly, my cock slides out the front of boxers and into the warm, wet heaven of Kim's mouth.

Oh my god! It feels even better than I imagined. It's not even in the same ballpark as masturbating or getting a handjob - it's about a thousand times better.

After maybe thirty seconds, Kim pulls off and pulls her head away so everyone has a view of my cock, which is at this point impossibly hard. I'm usually about 5.5 inches, but right now my uncut dick looks harder than I've ever seen it, and I'm maybe pushing 6 inches. It's not as long as Luke's or as thick as Robert's, but the girls are all staring at me with hungry looks, so I guess it's good enough.

Once I'm sure everyone's had a good look, I start to think about putting this thing away. I'm ridiculously hard, so I'm not sure what I'm going to have to do to get it back into my pants. Plus, I don't think this hardon is going anywhere anytime soon. I'd love to jack it off, but now obviously isn't the time for that. I start trying to tuck it away, and think that hopefully this night isn't over and I can get taken care of by one of these horny girls.

"Wait a minute," Sydney says holding up her hand. "We can't have that."

I stand, literally with my dick hanging out, waiting to hear what she has to say.

"It's your turn to pick somebody."

She says it innocently, as though she's just trying to follow the rules, but I make the connection right away. The round isn't over. They dared me to show them my boner, but no one dared Kim to do anything. And she has some unfinished business.

"Truth or Dare?" I ask Kim. I'm nervous, but my horniness is making me bold.

"Dare," she says, looking at me, then flicking her gaze down to my crotch. Perfect.

"I dare you to finish it."

Without hesitating, Kim's mouth is right back on me and sucking away. She slides her lips back and forth across the head of my cock, while her hand does the same up and down the shaft. It's the best my dick has ever felt by a long shot. The hot, moist sensation of Kim's mouth sends tingles through my entire body,

After a while, she starts swirling her tongue around, which feels different, but just as good. She pulls hard at the base of my dick, fully exposing my the uncut head of my cock to her tongue. It's almost more than I can handle, but try my best to hold on and make my first BJ last.

Then, out of nowhere, she pulls off. Startled, I'm just about to open my eyes and see what's happening when she suddenly lunges her head forward and takes every single inch of me into her mouth at once. It's more than I can handle, and with Kim's nose buried in my pubic hair and her finger running across my smooth taint and ballsack, I explode into her mouth.

I pump shot after shot of my hot load straight into Kim's throat, and much to her credit she takes every drop before finally pulling off just as I finish. I shudder as her lips slide over my head for the last time, and then stumble down back into my seat. I tuck my dick away into my pants and sit in a pleasant, fuzzy haze.

With a brief lull in the action, everyone turns to Steph to tell us what to do next. It better be huge, because everybody is raring to go. Robert and Luke just got teased to the point of madness, so there's no question as to whether or not they're ready. The whole room is practically dripping with pheromones or whatever you might call it, because the air is heavy with sex, and we all want it. Hell, I just came a minute ago, but I'd take round two in a heartbeat.

"What do you want us to do?" Luke asks. I'd be surprised if they name something that we won't bite on.

"A competition," says Steph, "to see who's the best. You boys just got to have have fun, but now we want to have some fun."

She's turns to whisper in Sydney's ear. Sydney grins maniacally and passes the message along to Kim, who nods in agreement. What are we in for?

"You're all going to eat us out," Steph says, going straight for the throat. She's definitely not messing around. "And then, after you've all had a turn, we'll tell you who's the best. The winner gets a prize."

I turn to look at the boys, and they both look as blown away as I must. We're all going to eat them out, then switch, then switch again, and then the girls will tell us who did the best. That's the game plan?

Works for me.

"What do I get if I win?" I don't know about Luke and Robert, but I've crossed just about every line I can think of tonight, and I'm not turning back now. I've had a taste of sex (or I guess Kim has, if we want to be entirely accurate), and I want as much as I can get.

"Cocky little bugger," Robert says, nodding with approval.

"Too bad you guys don't have a chance." Luke is in.

The three of us turn hungrily to the girls. We're all ready to claim the prize, because after all this, we know it's going to be good.

"The prize," Steph continues, "will depend on the winner."

I'm good with that. Three horny girls who just got eaten out are deciding on the prize. I can't imagine they'll snub us.

"But the losers get something too," says Kim.

That's not a bad deal! Even if I lose I'll have a prize to show for it.

The rules are fairly straightforward. The girls will lay down on the bed and close their eyes. Steph has a queen bed, so it won't be hard to get all three of them in a row side by side. Then we can arrange ourselves as needed for a 2 minute session with each girl. We switch, have another 2 minutes, then repeat one more time. After that, the girls will each pick the number of the person they thought was the best.

The person with the most votes wins. If we all tie, then we all get a prize, but the prize won't be as good. Of course during the proceedings there is no talking and no touching - mouth only. We can't do anything that might identify us, or we automatically lose.

We agree that the rules sound fair, and then the games begin. Steph sets her phone to ring an alarm in intervals to signal the start and end of each round. She even makes one to warn us when we're about to start. This way everyone can just focus on what's at hand. Or rather, at mouth, I suppose.

The three girls each hop up on the bed so that their legs are dangling off the side and their feet are on the floor. Giggling, they each shuck off their bottoms and spread their legs. They close their eyes, and lay back waiting for their first competitors. Three girls on the bed, pussies exposed and waiting for us? This is exactly what fantasies are made of.

Once the girls are situated, we shuffle around a bit to confuse them. I wind up standing in front of Sydney first. Luke kneels down in front of Kim, then Robert follows suit in front of Steph. I kneel down as well, then lean my head forward for a full view of what I'll be working with for the next couple of minutes.

Between Sydney's plump, milky thighs is a beautiful, juicy looking pussy. I've never seen one in real life, to be honest, but I've seen my fair share on the internet. Sydney's is plump, almost to the point of being puffy looking, and is framed by a light dusting of neatly trimmed reddish blonde hair. It's a gorgeous thing before me, and it looks so inviting it's all I can do to wait for the signal to jump in.

Steph's phone is set to go off at any moment, which will signal the beginning of our first session. Two minutes later it will beep for us to stop and switch, and then we'll start again a minute after that, and so on until we've hit all three.

A single beep from the phone means we have ten seconds. I take one last look to my right and see Robert and Luke both staring down with smiles on their faces. I've never done this before, but it must be pretty good if they're both so happy about it. How hard can it be?

With about five seconds left, I lean my face down a little closer until I'm only a few inches away. I don't to waste any time once the timer starts.

Woah. The smell is... weird. Sydney's crotch has a tangy odor - it's not bad or anything like that - it's just different. I've never smelled anything like it. I take in one last noseful, and then Steph's phone beeps and it's game time.

I dive right in with my tongue and get to work. I lick everything in sight. Honestly, it tastes about the same as it smells. A sour, sort of tangy taste. It's strange, to be sure, but kind of good. I wouldn't say it's delicious or anything, but I like it.

After a little bit of licking, I find that I can slide my tongue inside of things a little bit, and the taste and heat get stronger the deeper I seem to go. I try to work my way into every crack and crevice, and try to gauge from Sydney's breathing and reaction what she likes.

As I move downwards, I get to the warmest, wettest spot yet, which must be her actual vagina. I lick across it a few times and get a definite reaction in the form a sharp intake of breath. I think I've found where I want to be. I estimate I have about half the time left for Sydney, so I decide to focus right here for the rest of our time together.

I lick across her vagina a couple of times and wiggle my tongue around. That produces a little moan, so I try to work my tongue deeper. It slides in easily, and I can't say for sure, but suddenly everything seems to get a little bit wetter. I push deeper and move my tongue around more and Sydney makes a soft moan. I push and push until my tongue is in her as far as it will go, and there I remain until time runs out.

As I get up, I see a big, wide smile on Sydney's face, so while I'm not sure exactly how things went, she at least seemed to have a good time. I heard a couple of light moans from down the line, so Robert and Luke must have done a decent job as well.

We shuffle around to trade places and I wind up standing over Kim. That means Luke is with Steph and Robert is going to work on Sydney. The phone beeps which means we have ten seconds. I lean down and prepare to eat my second ever vagina.

And we're off! I go straight for where I left off on Sydney and start forcing my tongue as far as I can into her snatch. The sudden onslaught seems to shock Kim at first, but after a few seconds the sound turns to a hot, steady moaning.

After what might be about half the time I decide to mix it up, and start running my tongue up and down the rest of Kim's hot, wet pussy. She smells and tastes a little different than Sydney, but it's in the same ballpark. Tangy and sour, but I like it. It tastes and smells like sex, and it's intoxicating.

As I reach the very top of Kim's slit, she suddenly thrashes her legs and moans a little louder. Interesting. I wiggle my tongue around in that area and feel a little bump. Kim thrashes again. This bump seems to be the key. I keep moving back and forth across it, and the more I do, the wilder Kim gets. As I've said, I'm not exactly an expert on vaginas, but this has to be her clit. Right?

I focus the rest of my time on Kim's clit, and she loves it. Maybe I have a shot at winning this thing after all! Steph's phone beeps to signal the end and I get up, leaving Kim panting and practically gushing. Hopefully I can get back to that later tonight.

And now it's time to really mix things up. I suppose I knew from the start that at some point I would be going down on my sister, but as I line up in front of her, that shit becomes real. I am staring at my sister's pussy, and in - `BEEP' - ten seconds, I'm about to put my mouth on it.

I know Steph's not really my sister, so there's nothing biologically wrong with this, but she's lived in my house since before I was born. We were raised together as siblings, and I didn't even find out she was adopted until I was 10. For all intents and purposes, she is my sister, and while I've stolen a few looks at her rack throughout the night, this is a whole different level. I have so many conflicting feelings about this, and in any other situation on any other night I wouldn't even dream of doing something like this!

Long story short, here goes nothing.

The phone signals the start, and I dive in. This time I start on Steph's clit, which I find without trouble as I flick my tongue across it. The whole area is well lubricated from Robert and Luke's session with my sister, and I quickly settle into a nice rhythm.

Steph, for her part, is loving it. She was breathing hard when I started, and by the time I finish with her clit she's moaning with pleasure. I slide my tongue up a down a few times before settling on her sweet hole and pushing my tongue into it as far as it will go. Then I slide it back up across the rest of her vagina, and repeat the process again and again.

With only a few seconds left I move back up to the clit and go hot and heavy. I push as hard as I can, trying to hit every last bit of surface with the pressure of my tongue. Steph's moans are getting louder, so I know I must be doing a great job. By the time her phone goes off, Steph is bucking her hips into my mouth and practically screaming with delight.

I hear some noises from the other girls, but nothing compared to Steph. Granted, she is a loud fucking person. And I mean that in both ways. So while volume is not exactly a good comparison, I feel proud of what I accomplished here in round three.

With the phone signalling the end of our final session, us boys sit back in our original spots and await the verdict.

The girls are slower to compose themselves, after getting eaten out three times in the last ten minutes. Clearly all three of us did a pretty good job, as I see three flushed faces and heavy breathing all around. Panting, mostly naked girls, clearly ready to finish the job. This is exactly why I signed up to play this game in the first place.

Finally they're ready to announce the results. They don't know who was who, so they'll tell us the number of the person who ate them out the best. Sydney goes first.

"Everybody was pretty good," she says, "but my best was number 2."

That's Robert. He holds up his fist triumphantly, and Luke and I give him a golf clap. I'm not too surprised. Those two have some serious chemistry, plus it was my first time ever eating a girl out. I have a little more confidence in my second and third rounds. Which brings us to Kim.

"I'm going with number 2 as well," says Kim.

That's me! I guess that makes sense, since we seem to have a little chemistry of our own. But more importantly, it means I'm in the running to win this thing! All that's left is Steph.

It would stand to reason that Steph will pick Luke. If nothing else, he's had the most practice of any of us. But on the other hand, Robert must have some skill, since he won on Sydney's front. Plus if Steph chooses Luke, it'll be a three way tie.

"Number 1 was pretty good," Steph says, building the suspense. "but number 2 was awesome." That's Luke. "So the winner, is... actually number 3. That was amazing."

Luke and Robert both turn to me, which clues the girls in. I just won the game! Yeah, it's a little weird that my sister thinks I ate her out the best, but more importantly I get a prize! I wonder what it might be.

"Nice job, Miracle Baby," Steph says. She's giving me a weird but proud look, which probably has something to do with the fact that I just ate her out and she loved it. Not something siblings do every day, blood related or not.

"For the losers," Sydney announces, "we have a special punishment."

Robert and Luke look shocked. I think they were expecting a prize, but the girls never said that. They said the losers would get something. They never said it would be something good.

"You started a job a few minutes ago, but you didn't finish it," Sydney continues. "So now you need to get back to work." She nods her head down towards her crotch. Looks like the boys aren't done eating pussy tonight!

"Yeah, you can't just leave us high and dry after something like that," adds Kim. "So once Mark gets his prize, you need to finish what you started."

I don't think it will be too hard to convince them.

"But first," Steph interrupts, "your prize."

The boys look at Steph expectantly, but she rebukes us.

"We didn't have anything figured out," she clarifies, "so we need to think of something."

"It's gotta be big," says Sydney.

"It needs to be awesome," agrees Kim.

"You beat us fair and square, so we need to do this thing right," adds Luke.

"And you've already gotten a blowjob," Robert says, eliciting a swift punch on the arm from Kim.

A silence descends on the room as everyone thinks. I feel like a fucking champ, with everyone conspiring to reward me.

Suddenly Robert's face lights up. "No fucking way," he says, half to himself and half for everyone else to hear. I wonder what he's thinking.

Everyone is giving him blank stares.

"What's the one thing that's bigger, crazier, and... just plain ridiculous that we can do right now?"

Sydney's the next to pick up on whatever idea he must have. "Holy shit," she murmurs. "No way."

Kim seems to know what they mean, because she looks every bit as intense as Robert and Sydney do. Luke, Steph, and I, however, are not quite on the same page. Robert leans over to Luke and whispers something in his ear. His expression changes instantly. "Fuck..."

Only Steph and I seem to be in the dark on this one. Finally, Robert turns to Steph and informs her of his plan.

"You remember Mark's fantasy about losing his virginity?" Robert asks. He sighs and looks over to me. I can't read his gaze, but I can tell something big is about to go down. "Well," he continues to Steph, "We dare you to take it."

It's completely wrong. It's absurd. I can't even believe it.

That's my sister! I can't fuck her! Eating her out was one thing, but having sex with her - losing my virginity to her - is completely out of the question. She's not my real sister, and that's how I was able to justify everything we've done so far, but even if I could get over that aspect of it, she has a boyfriend and he's standing here in the same room! He'll be watching the whole thing. There is absolutely no way I could ever...

My internal monologue is interrupted by two hands pushing into my chest and slamming me down onto the bed. Before I can even think about reacting, those same hands undo my pants and pull them off, along with my underwear. Next thing I know I'm pinned down on the bed by my sister, completely naked. She undoes her bra and tosses it away.

I am shocked by this, but more than anything, I am completely and utterly turned on. My sister is straddling my chest, and I'm staring up at her naked body. It's exactly what I wanted. Superseding any qualms I had about this, is the fact that my sister is hot as fuck. She has the curves of Sydney, but the shape and tightness of Kim. She's the perfect balance - the perfect woman - and if she wasn't my sister, I'd fuck her in a heartbeat. Since she's sort of my sister, I'd fret about it for a minute or two, and then decide to definitely fuck her. Thank god she's adopted.

Not that I have much choice in this. Steph pins down both of my hands with one of hers above my head and then leans over me. Her sweet, soft breasts swing down mere inches from my face. Her other hand reaches back to my dick and starts stroking it. Within seconds, I'm rock hard. I'm about to lose my virginity, and I've never wanted anything more than I want this.

Then Steph lifts her hips up and aligns her dripping wet pussy over the top of my penis. She lowers down the tiniest bit, until her pussy is just touching the head of my dick. Even with the tiniest bit of contact I can feel the heat and moisture radiating from her most tender spot. We are on the cusp, and the slightest move will end it all. Steph waits in this position, moving forward and backward slowly as she does, teasing me, going any direction but down. It's driving me absolutely mad.

"Do it," I gasp. I need to be inside her. We've come so close, and my cock is aching with anticipation.

She stops, and even though I can't see her face, I know she's smirking at me. She moves a millimeter downwards, increasing the pressure between our sexes but still not completing the deed.

"Do it," I repeat, with even more urgency.

"Do what?" Steph asks cruelly.

She wants me to say it. She wants to hear how I want her to fuck me. How I want to be inside her, and how I want her to take my virginity.

"Fuck me."

She drops down another fraction of an inch. The pressure between us is at a critical point. Any other movement is going to be the end of it. But still she tortures me at the precipice of glory.

"Steph," I plead for the final time, "I want you to fuck me."

She turns down to look at my face, and she can see the need in my eyes. It's a real, burning need for her, and I need her now. She smiles as she she takes it in, and then she buries my cock deep into her soaking wet cunt.

I moan out loud as I feel the incredible hot wetness of a pussy for the first time. It's amazing. Better than anything I've ever felt in my life. It's absolute heaven, and my entire body feels like it's on fire as Steph slides up and down on top of me.

Looking around, I see that we're not the only ones taking the opportunity to enjoy ourselves. Eyes are still more or less on us, but Sydney has hold of Robert's cock and is stroking it up and down while his hand is moving around in her panties. Kim and Luke have completely undressed each other and are twisted around in a sort of 69. It looks like no one's going home unsatisfied.

I turn my attention back to Steph as she pulls my hands up and places them squarely on her heaving breasts. They feel fantastic. Soft, warm, and welcoming to the touch. I squeeze them, enjoying their tender fullness, before running my thumbs over her nipples, which elicits a soft moan from her lips. I continue to play with her tits as she grinds her hips into me again and again.

I can't tell how long it's been. Maybe two minutes, maybe two hours, but as Steph's breathing gets harder, and her moans get louder, I know it won't be long until I cum. I try to lock this feeling in my brain before it's all over. Our bodies grinding against each other in the throes of passion, from the way her soft, supple breasts feel in my hands, to the pressure of our bare stomachs pressed against each other, to the perfect tight slipperiness of her vagina wrapped around me.

Finally, I can't take it anymore, and I feel a burning ecstasy rise in my loins and spread through the rest of me. I cling tightly to Steph's body and pull her down onto me as hard as I can. She screams in her own climax as my cock explodes, blasting jet after jet of thick, hot cum into her pussy. My orgasm with Kim pales in comparison, and it feels like I'll never stop, as every pulse of my dick is answered by a contraction deep inside of Steph.

I'll never forget the moment. The two of us naked, locked together in a perfect orgasm, clinging to each other like we would never let go. Her friends are watching - fuck, her boyfriend is watching - in stunned silence and awe. It's something I know we can never do again, and it's something we'll never even talk about.

But in that moment sex had never been better, and we both shared an experience that could never be duplicated. No matter what happens, I will never, ever forget that night.

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