
By knottedpup

Published on Dec 11, 2018


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Unknown chapter 4

k " " designates mind speak

Alpha Bouche's Bonded Soul Mate is Zathur Second (Lampard) his First is Alpha Bouche Zathur presently has no Second Prince Silos Bonded Soul Mate is Zenith Prince Silos presently has no Second Second (Trazer) his First is Zenith

Prince Silos bonded soul mate Zenith carried the now unconscious body of his second, Trazer to their sleeping chamber's. He laid him down on a soft bed to rest as he went through his change to become an Aqua Vampyre.

Lampard already an Aqua Vampyre was bought to his sleeping chamber. He was laid down to allow his Alpha and alpha's bonded soul mate's blood and cum to be absorbed together with his own.

Scott was assigned by Alpha Bouche to watch and care for Lampard during his sleep. He was honored by this assignment. Finally he would be able to give back to the man who took him and his son in and give him work as well as a place to stay.

Scotty went down to the natural spring he had found to collect some water to take a bath. He was suddenly grabbed by two men who had bought rope with them. They slipped the rope around his arms and legs and quickly tied him up. Then they tied a rag around his mouth to keep him quiet. Picking him up, he was carried away in the opposite direction in which he had come to the spring.

Lzter was presently helping with bringing more fire wood for cooking to the human families kitchen area in their part of the cave system.

When Lzter felt the link with Scotty diminishing he dropped the logs he was carrying and took off in the direction of the cliff. That's where the spring was at that Scotty had showed him the other day.

When Lzter arrived at the spring, he noticed that there were three sets of foot prints on the ground. He figured that Scotty had been forcibly taken against his will.

"Cradre I need your assistance immediately" "Come quickly to the cliff" "I need your tracking skills" "Scotty has been abducted by two unknown adults"

Zenith was out pass the outer bounds with Krary when he picked up a distressed feeling of a young boy coming from just ahead.

" Krary we need to help that boy"

Krary looked up at Zenith like he was crazy.

"What boy are you talking about" "There's no one around here but us, Zenith"

"This way quickly Krary"

Still thinking Zenith was out of his mind, Krary being Head of Security and a bonded and linked Guardian of Zenith's had no choice but to follow him.

Cradre arrived at the cliff where Lzter was waiting for him. But was shocked when he heard the sound of water. Looking around he spotted the source of the sound. Coming out of a crack in the face of the cliff was a natural spring.

"Lzter we found a water source"

"No Cradre, Scotty found that a few days ago" "The credit must go to him" "But right now we need to find him"

Cradre was immediately able to pick up Scotty's trail. So off the two went in the direction that Scotty had be taken.

Zathur had been alerted by Cradre of Scotty being taken. He had volunteered to inform Scott of his son's disappearance.

When Scott was told he asked why Lzter wasn't protecting his son.

Scott you must understand that we all have other responsibilities. But we were lucky that Lzter is linked to Scotty by his Pull.

Zenith's guardians Lzter and tracker Cradre right now looking for Scotty.

Scott wanted to go help with the search but he had to stay and look after Lampard. He had to believe that his son would be found safe.

Zenith followed closely by Krary came to a clearing. Looking around Zenith saw an entrance to a cave.

"Let's check out that cave Krary"

Krary looked around but saw no cave or an entrance either.

Thinking to himself, Krary thought Zenith was crazy.

Zenith looked straight at Krary. "I'm not crazy"

Krary raised his head when he heard what Zenith said to him.

"You heard me"

"Yes of course I did" "Why are you looking at me like that" "Aqua Vampyres can't read minds, Zenith"

Krary had turned around when Zenith entered the cave.

"Krary come here, I've found foot prints.

It took Krary several minutes to find the entrance to the cave where Zenith was waiting for him. He looked down where Zenith was kneeling and saw many shoe prints along with several smaller foot prints.i

After examining the prints for a few minutes Zenith determined that they took the right tunnel entrance.

Picking up a stone off the cave floor Krary scratched a mark in the tunnels wall in the opposite direction of the way they were heading so they would be able to find their way back.

Zenith had no trouble seeing in the dark with his new night vision capabilities he acquired during his transformation.

Krary was beginning to realize that his Prince's soul mate had amazing abilities. He couldn't understand many of them but he felt guilty for ever doubting Zenith in the first place.

Zenith stopped and turned around to face Krary. He looked him straight in the eyes. Then he took a half of a step forward. Closing the space between them, he wrapped his arms around Krary's body an he hugged the stun boy. "Krary I don't fully understand the skills and abilities that are manifesting and growing inside of me". "But what you just thought about feeling sorry for doubting me" "Has touched my heart deeply" "I hope that I can count on you to help me to fully transition into the Aqua Vampyre that I'm going to become". "I'll be depending on you to be my guide as well as a friend when Prince Silos isn't available" "I know that Trazer is my Second but he will also need your guidance as well"

"I'm appointing you as my Head of Security" "I'll expect you to ensure all of our safety in all areas" " Keeping us safe to the best of your ability" "I understand that their will be times that you won't be able to accomplish that" "As this case is an example"

Zenith released his hug and gave Krary a quick kiss on the lips.

When Zenith stepped back, Krary had tears streaming down his face.

"I'll never fail you Zenith"

Zenith hugged Krary one more time but just as he was about to release him, Krary reached out and wrapped his arms around Zenith's body and both boys hugged each other tightly. Stepping apart Krary looked up at Zenith and apologized for hugging him. "I'll put myself on report once we return to base camp" "I'll personally explain my actions to Prince Silos"

Zenith grabbed Krary with his hands on is shoulders. "You did nothing wrong" "Just because I'm Prince Silos Bonded Soul Mate doesn't mean that you can't show affection towards me"

"But it's written that anyone showing affection to a Bonded Soul Mate that's not theirs" "Will be exiled"

This pissed Zenith off terribly. Concentrating deeply Zenith amplified his thoughts "Let it be known that if anyone who shows friendly affection to someone's Bonded Soul Mate with intentions of only friendship" "That this will be an accepted action and not punished by Exile"

Alpha Bouche felt and heard the proclamation that Zenith had just made. As did Prince Silos and every other person with this ability. It bought smiles to all their faces. But everyone knew that unless Alpha Bouche put this proclamation in the Ancient Scrolls it wouldn't come to be.

Lzter and Cradre who had just cleared the forest heard the proclamation that Zenith had just made. The telepathic thought was so intense that it made their heads hurt. Momentarily stunning them.

Zenith and Krary continued on with there search. Each time they took a new tunnel Krary marked the direction.

Suddenly both of them heard several men laughing and talking.

They came to a widened tunnel mouth that opened up into a cavern. It revealed an some type of structure. The men were camped at what appeared to be a door of some type. It seemed that they were looking for a way to gain entry.

Zenith sent out his thoughts in search for the boy. ""If you can hear me, think your answer with your mind"

Scotty heard someone call him plane as day. The voice said to think in his mind his answer.

"I'm here whoever you are and so are two other boys" "We are tied up and gagged behind some large boulder some twenty feet pass the fire on the left side of the flat wall surface"

"My name is Zenith and I'm here with one of my Guardians and Head of Security" "We have come to save you"

My name is Scotty and I'm with the Carter twins Jason and Jordan.

"Do you know how many men their are"

"6" "But 2 have gone back to collect the rest of their supplies"

"Have the men done anything to any of you"

"Yes, they have stripped us of all our clothes and fondled our private parts"

"Just stay calm" "We will have you freed in no time"

Krary listened to Zenith's as if he was having a conversation with someone"

"Okay Krary, threes boys are being held over behind the large boulder on the left side about 20 feet from the fire"

"What's the plan Krary"

"How many men are there"

"6 total but only 4 are here now"

"Well we have superior strength and speed as well as night vision" "I say we just over power them and knock them out"

"Do you think we could use our superior speed to just go around them and get the boys out of the way first"

"I supposed we could do that also Zenith" "I understand If your afraid to fight"

"I'm not afraid to fight" "I'm afraid that I'll kill them for sexually molesting the boys"

"You won't have to worry about that" "Cause now that I know" "I'll kill them myself"

So Krary decided they would use their superior speed and go around the men to get to the boys.

Did you feel that breeze just now? One of the men asked the others.

The only breeze blowing is between your ears.

Men laughing.

Zenith and Krary appeared in front of the boys as if out of nowhere.

The three boys were a little startled by the sudden appearance but were feeling better once the two boys had untied the ropes that bound them.

Whispering in low voices Zenith and Krary explained to the boys their escape plan.

Zenith had the boy known as Scotty climb onto his back as Krary had Jason climb onto his back and they carried Jordan between them.

Dam it, there's that blasted breeze again. But this time all the men felt it. Something strange is going on here.

You go check on the boys and stay with them.

So the man walked over to where the boys were tired up.

Shit, Shit, Shit the man yelled.

Running back over to the others, he reported that the boys were gone.

Zenith and Krary carried the boys back into the caves tunnel system.

"Scotty your in charge" "I need you to stay here"

"Where are you going"

Krary smiled and looked first at the boy and then at Zenith.

"I heard him that time" "How is it possible that he can do that"

"First I can hear him cause of my ability" "As well as who he's linked to is one of my guardians" "You can hear him cause he's linked to Lzter" "When I linked with Scotty, I felt Lzter in the boys mind, body and soul"

"I bet the Pull is driving Lzter crazy" Krary linked.

"Scotty looked at the both of us with a surprised look on his face"

"I'm to be Lzter's Bonded Soul Mate"

All we could do is smile

Just as we were about to head back to take care of the men that had taken the boys.

"Is that you Zenith" Lzter linked.

"Yes Lzter" "I found Scotty and two other boys that had also been taken"

Back at the men's campsite.

The four men hurriedly picked up their belongings and got out of there quickly.

Lzter with Cradre leading the way entered a small outcove off to the left side of the caves tunnel system that Zenith and Krary had taken the boys to.

Upon seeing Lzter, Scotty rushed over to him and jumped into his arms. Hugging Lzter tightly around his neck.

"I was so scared Lzter"

"Did you just mind speak Scotty"

Smiling "Yes, Zenith taught me"

Jason and Jordan wanted to know what was going on.

"Jason and Jordan, I want the two of you to answer me by thinking with just your mind"

Snapping their heads around. Jason and Jordan looked at me and did as I told them to. "Did you say that"

"My names Zenith and I'm"

"Your Prince Silos Bonded Soul Mate"

"Why you two are very informed boys"

"Our dad is a doctor and he helped Alpha Bouche with a few boys he took in" "They got really sick" "When a bad virus was going around" "It was a blood virus that got a few new born Aqua Vampyres really sick" "Alpha Bouche confided in our dad" "He was able to modify the vaccine" "So it didn't harm the boys"

"Since then our Dad has been working for Alpha Bouche" "We found out about them by accident" "An Aqua Vampyre boy visited our Dad late one night seeking shelter" "Jason and I were curious to meet the boy" "But when we went into his room" "He transformed into an Aqua Vampyre" "Jason and I both peed our underwear" "He saw we were as scared as he was" "That's when our Dad came in" "He sat us down with the Aqua Vampyre boy" "Then dad explained everything to us" "Swore us to complete secrecy" "That happened when we were 8 years old" "Three years ago"

"Wow that's some story" "You remember the Aqua Vampyre boys name"


"He's my map maker and guardian"

"Yes we known" "Jason has a crush on him"

Cradre and Krary had left while Lzter, the boys and I mind linked.

"Krary over here"

"What did you find Cradre"

"They seemed to have left in a hurry" "From what I can tell they went off that way" "My senses aren't picking up any sounds" "So they must be at least a ways away by now"

"Why are you staring at me like that"

"Don't you feel it Cradre"

"Yes I feel it Krary" "I felt it every since we left earth and came here"

"I liked you well before we first came to earth Cradre" "But I thought you had a thing for Lampard"

"Lampard is my uncle Krary"

"Now I feel ashamed that I thought you were sexually involved with him"

"Don't be Krary" "We should head back and give our report to Zenith" "Also I think we need to come back and see if we can gain access through this door" "I've seen signs of a way to gain entry"

"Zenith as soon as Cradre and Krary return" "We need to return to base camp and get these boys back to their fathers"

Jason, Jordan and Scotty had bonded with each other and had become closer friends. They couldn't believe that they could mind speak with each other as well. They vowed to be totally honest and loyal to Alpha Bouche and Prince Silos.

Cradre and Krary returned and reported that the men had deserted the campsite and that all their belongings were gone. They also reported that they may have and idea on how to gain entry through the stone wall.

Jason climbed onto the back of Cradre who volunteered to carry him back.

Scotty was carried on Lzter's back.

Jordan didn't want to be carried so he chose to walk. Half way back Zenith noticed he started to limp.

"Jordan your limping" "Come here and let me carry you"

Jordan stopped and let Zenith pick him up to carry him on his back.

Scott was standing at the entrance of Lampard's sleeping chamber when he heard a commotion coming from outside. He got Rolzer, Zathur's security guardian to look after Lampard while he went to check on the commotion.

Scott saw his son on the back of his protector, Lzter and rushed over to them.

As Scotty got down off of Lzter's back, Scott notice he had hurt his legs.

Dr. Carter was right behind Scott as he saw both his sons had also returned safely. Jason and Jordan climbed down off the backs of Cradre and Zenith. Both were unable to stand on their own two legs. Sion they were all overcome with pain.

All three boys were carried into the infirmary that Dr. Carter had set up as his place of practice..

Dr Carter carried Jason, Zenith carried Jordan and Scott Sr. carried his son Scotty. After examining the boys, Dr. Carter came over and let everyone know that they suffered bad rope burn and bruising from being tied up so brutally tight. They would heal in time. As well as regain the strength in their limbs as the blood returned to them. In a couple of days they will be good as new.

Alpha Bouche came in with his Mate Zathur to check on everyone.

How are the boys doing Dr. Carter. Alpha Bouche asked.

"I'm fine" Scotty linked

"So am I" Jason agreed "I'll be fine with some rest" Jordan linked

Alpha Bouche looked at the boys with a smile on his face.

"How did you boys learn how to mind speak"

All three boys pointed their fingers at Zenith.

"Care to explain, Zenith"

"It just seems that I can mind link with anybody I choose to" "Once I do mind link with them" "Somehow I imprint them with the ability to mind speak with others"

"Holtz are you recording this"

"Yes Alpha, word for word"

"Zenith and you as well Zathur" "I need the two of you to be careful of who you use your abilities on" "Until we know more about how they work" "I'd rather you only use them each other" "That way you can test your skills"

"Holtz, I'm assigning you to record all results"

"Yes Alpha"

"Zathur, you and your brother are to let Holtz know when your going to test your abilities"

"Yes Alpha" both Zathur and Zenith linked.

So Zathur and Zenith got together with Holtz and set up a training schedule that worked for everyone.

Scotty and Lzter became inseparable.

Jason and Jordan healed and began learning about the Aqua Vampyre History from Holtz.

Second Lampard awoke one week after his bonding to his Alpha and Alpha's Mate. He was full of energy and in great spirits and unbeknownst to him had gained a few new abilities.

Alpha Bouche awoke with a start. He had just had a real life dream. Unlike he's ever had before.

In his dream, he was with his Mate Zathur and his Brother and his Mate Zenith. They were with their Seconds as well as a small scouting party. They had discovered and underground entrance to a new tunnel system.

Zenith and Zathur had discovered that they could do many amazing things.

Holtz had been very busy recording all of the brothers abilities.

Jordan had become smitten and now was always be around Holtz.

With Alpha Bouche's permission, Holtz took Jordan on as an assistant.

Prince Silos had just cum inside of his Mate Zenith as the two had been coupling every chance that they got. When they heard a rustling coming from the back of their sleeping chamber. Getting up they walked to where Trazer was laying.

Trazer had been going through his transformation for over three weeks. That was a week longer than normal for an Aqua Vampyre to go through his change.

Slowly Trazer opened his eye lids. Now he had two sets. One that fully covered his eyes. Another that shielded them like contacts against elements like water, wind, dust and anything that could hurt his sight.

But to his surprise Prince Silos and his Mate, Zenith were standing their looking at him. "Prince, Zenith, I vow my life to both of you" "I'll do what ever is necessary to fulfill my duties as Zenith's Second"

"Trazer we both know that you'll do what ever is needed to be done" "You'll be required to learn how to use your new abilities" "Zenith will help teach you how to use your new abilities" "Your part of a new breed of Aqua Vampyre" "Zathur and Zenith are actually part Star Children and Phaziod" "Your part of that heritage now"

Trazer started crying when in walked Cradre and Krary.

"Prince we think we found away inside the flat stone wall" "But we'll need Zenith to use his new ability of phase shifting"

Trazer looked at Zenith

"Phase shifting"

"Somehow I'm able to move through objects, Trazer" "Would I have that same ability"

'"Only time will tell,Trazer" "What you must remember is that Zathur and Zenith were another specie before either Alpha Bouche and I turned them" "Now I'm even changing from biting Zenith" "I'm sure my brother Alpha Bouche even has new abilities yet undiscovered"

"Prince Silos, I'll make sure that I practice with my First Zenith to perfect my new abilities" "As well as learn my Aqua Vampyre abilities"

"Good Trazer" "You need to feed" "Come with us as we are also hungry"

Well I know it's been a while but with school and my boyfriend's and my apprenticeship program. I've been verr busy. So expect a new chapter within a couple of months if not sooner.

I'm next writing a new chapter on Finding my Way.


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Next: Chapter 5

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