
By knottedpup

Published on Aug 17, 2019


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Unknown chapter 4

" " designates mind speak

Alpha Bouche's Bonded Soul Mate is Zathur Second (Lampard) his First is Alpha Bouche Zathur presently has no Second Prince Silos Bonded Soul Mate is Zenith Prince Silos presently has no Second Second (Trazer) his First is ZenithLzter and Scotty are a couple Cradre and Krary are a couple Jordan has a thing for Holtz (historian and ancient scrolls)Jason is falling for Xtrex (map maker) The group consisted of Alpha Bouche, his soul mate Zathur, his brother Prince Silos, his soul mate Zenith, Seconds Lampard and Trazer, Dalso(explosives), Holtz (Ancient Scrolls),Cradre (tracker), Krary (security head) and map makers Plutz and Xtrex.

Alpha Bouche had left Rolzer, Keltz, Lzter and Batzer in charge.

Cradre and Krary had located what they thought was a point of entry. They hoped it would allow them to gain access to the tunnel system. They found it located inside of the cavern they found the boys in. It was determined by the map makers that all the tunnels were connected to each other somehow. But they all ended up a flat stone wall like the one they were now in front of. It was determined that there were several missing sections of the tunnel system that couldn't be found. Over 115 kilometers of tunnels had been mapped since the Aqua Vampyres had arrived several months ago.

"This is where Krary and I've found the best point of entry" "The wall thickness here is less than a half meter" "This wall surface is also made of a different component then the rest of the stone in this area" Cradre linked.

Dalso figured with the explosives he had, he could easily blow a hole in the wall.

Alpha Bouche and Prince Silos discussed the possibility with their mates, Zathur and Zenith.

With both their arms tightly wrapped around their mates necks, Zathur and Zenith phase shifted and disappeared from sight. Moments later the four of them reappeared on the other side of the flat stone wall.

Panic erupted after their Alpha, the Prince and their mates vanished right before their eyes.

"Lampard we are okay" "Our mates seem to have fine tuned one of their new extras" Lampard burst out laughing as he received the message from his Alpha.

Its alright everyone, they are safely on the otherside.

Then Zenith and Zathur reappeared and Zathur hugged Lampard and Zenith hugged Trazer.

We will be right back for the rest of you Zenith said. When Zathur and Zenith once again reappeared on the other side of the flat stone. The two were passionately kissing Lampard and Trazer. Who for their part were also returning the kiss just as passionately. It wasn't until the four separated that they immediately became embarrassed by their display of affection with each other.

But their mates were grinning from ear to ear, Alpha Bouche and Prince Silos relayed to the four of them, that because of the Sexual Bonding Ritual that we all shared together with our first and second as well as our mates, this would be a frequent occurence and that they needed to get use to it. You'll also soon discover that you'll share intimate sexual relationships with one another. Its important that you do not become upset over this, especially you Lampard.

Zathur and Zenith phase shifted again and finished transporting everyone else along with all their gear.

Alpha Bouche sent out his scouts and everyone else set about setting up base camp.

Dalso and Krary set up perimeter security traps and alarms just in case the uninvited visitors showed up.

Plutz and Xtrex set out to search the new tunnels and to record their findings.

Holtz had went out on his own and came across some ancient text writings on a wall that were slightly familiar to him. He pulled out his pad and started working through the writings. Holtz was able to decipher the top half of the ancient text when he discovered something amazing. These were not just any writings. These were the origins of their race. Once that realization came to the front Holtz was even more determined to finish the translatiins. Now that he knew what it was he was deciphering. Holtz did so easily. He needed his assistant Jordan to join him. Holtz somehow had imprinted his knowledge on the boy. Who would be of extreme help to him right now. Holtz also felt differently when he was around the young human boy. "Alpha Bouche, I have found ancient writings and I am in need of my assistant's help" "Can you send for Jordan and some extra help"

"Zathur, can you go get Jordan and a few others" "Holtz has found something very important"

Yes Alpha.

Zathur bought up Jordan's face and using his mind reached out in search for him. He soon located Jordan in Holtz's living chambers. His visions saw Jordan sniffing Holtz brown satin underwear as he was frantically jerking off his hard 4" boy cock.

Jordan saw a bright flash that temporarily blinded him. When his vision cleared, he could see Zathur standing in front of him holding his discarded clothes. Just then he cried out Holtz's name as his hard cock shot cum all over his body .

"Jordan, Holtz needs your assistance" "Just keep his underwear on and put these back on" "Be ready to go when I get back" "Make sure that you bring any supplies that you can think of to assist Holtz" "Hes found some ancient writings" Jordan heard everything that Zathur had thought. Ever since Zathur bestowed him with the gift as he now calls it. With his cock now soft after cumming just as Zathur appeared before him. He did what Zathur told him and got ready to go. He collected all the things he thought they would need. On instinct Jordan grabbed the Aqua Vampyres Ancient Scrolls.

Zathur went looking for three other people that he thought would be helpful. "Jason get dressed and pack up your gear" "Your coming with me"

"Yes Zathur"

You'll need to get Xtrex more supplies as you'll be bunking and helping him directly.

Jason smiled at Zathur and rushed forward hugging Zathur giving him a quick kiss before scurrying off to get ready.

Zathur smiled cause he knew how Jason felt about Xtrex.

Lzter was tenderly kissing Scotty when Zathur knocked on the outer door.

Lzter thought it strange that he was unable to detect who was at his door. So begrudgingly he got up to go look. But when he discovered no one was there he became more pissed. Turning around he saw Zathur sitting next to Scotty on the bed holding his hand.

Zathur was giggling as he smiled at the surprised look on Lzter's face.

"What are you doing here Zathur"

"Alpha Bouche sent me back to get Jordan and a few others" "You two need to get your things together quickly and come with me" Jason was waiting outside of his dads clinic with Jordan. Both boys were ready to go.

Zathur my boys tell me you need them to go with you.

Yes doctor, Holtz discovered something and needs Jordan's help plus Xtrex is going to need Jason's help mapping out the new tunnel system that we discovered. Lzter and Scotty are also coming.

Whose going to be in charge if you take Lzter.

Keltz is in charge plus he has the backing of the entire Aqua Vampyres. That's a total of 125 at his beckoning.

You and Scott Sr are in charge of the humans. Keep everyone safe.

Zathur had everyone grab ahold of him with their hands. Concentrating with all his might and thinking about those with him he locked onto his brother Zenith. It took all of Zathur's energy to phase out with four people.

Their was a bright white light, then the five of us appeared but something had gone wrong. After everyone's vision refocused, they saw Zathur unconscious on the hard concrete floor.

Alpha Bouche rushed to his mates side. Taking him in his arms, he carried Zathur over to his tent and laid him down onto his rolled out sleeping bag.

Jason and Jordan both leaped into action. Their father had made sure both of them took along their medical bags just in case something went wrong.

Jason and Jordan checked all of Zathurs vitals and determined that he was fine. After doing some more test, the boys asked the others if Zathur had been doing much phase shifting.

After getting the response that they were both expecting. The boys determined that Zathur had over extended his energy and passed out.

Zenith keeled down besides his brother and laid his hands upon his forehead and heart and was concentrating hard. Everyone around saw his hands starting to glow a bright yellow and white. The energy flowed through his hands and into Zathur's body.

Zenith exhausted fell backwards and was caught by his second Trazer.

Everyone stood looking down upon his face. Smiles came to everyone present as Zathur's eyes opened wide.

Sitting up with a start, Alpha Bouche rushed to comfort his mate.

He needs rest now the doctors sons said.

Everyone left the tent but Alpha Bouche who laid down to rest with his mate.

Xtrex saw Jason walk out of the tent. When their eyes met, the Pull overtook Xtrex. He walked over to Jason and took him into his arms and kissed him deeply.

Jason swooned in the arms of the man he loved.

"Xtrex, take Jason to your tent and get him settled" "Then I need you to map these tunnels" "You must resist the Pull" "Jason is human and you must follow our ancient ways"

Jason wasn't no dummy, he heard the entire exchange between his Prince and his love"

"Yes Prince, I'll get on it right away"

Come love, we have much work to do.

Jordan had already left and didn't see the exchange between his brother and Xtrex. But he knew from their shared talks, that his brother loved Xtrex and that he loves Holtz.

Jordan found Holtz by concentrating on his lovers scent. It was very easy for him to do this, since he was immersed in it already.

Holtz noticed something different about Jordan as soon as he approached. But this wasn't the time for that discovery. They had other more important things to do.

After a to quick of a hug from Holtz as far as Jordan was concerned. The two got back to deciphering the ancient text.

Jordan used the Aqua Vampyre Ancient Scrolls and came to a conclusion that Holtz had somehow missed. After conferring with his mentor and teacher, Holtz agreed that this was a key of some sorts. So they lined up the five symbols in order of their appearance in history. Once this was done. They both chanted the Manta. Unhu Nuhu Juju, Unhu Nuhu Juju, Unhu Nuhu Juju. It started off as a low moan, then shaking was felt throughout the entire tunnel systems. Even back at their main base camp. Dust started falling from the top of the cavern. Then the moan turned into the sounds of gears grinding together. As the wall where Holtz and Jordan stood began to raise. It rose up into a slot in the ceiling. Then there was a loud thud that echoed throughout all the tunnels. Then complete silence. Nothing moved or could be seen into the darkness that was directly in front of these two.

"Cradre and Krary" "I need the two of you" "Bring your gear and Xtrex and Plutz bring your mapping gear"

"Alpha, we've discovered something important" "I think you all should come take a look"

With Alpha Bouche and Prince Silos helping both their mates, they also were able to joined the group.

We've already done a sonar sound test. There's at least twenty different concave tunnels or rooms in this chamber. The door disappeared into the ceiling. I've picked up the scent of water and a couple different types of toxic substances.

Dalso, go with Cradre and Krary. Be on the lookout for traps.

Yes Alpha

They had already donned their comlinks as the three started out into the blackness. Within twenty paces they were gone from sight. Even with their greater eyesight in darkness. They couldn't see more then 60 feet in front of them.

Everything's find Alpha came over the comlinks.

Alpha I think I've found some type of generator room.

Do you need any assistance.

No, I think we are good. Give us a few minutes.

The three came across som ancient text that sealed the hatch before them.

"Alpha, we need Holtz and Jordan" "Theres text here that none of us understand and its impeding our progress"

Holtz and Jordan had already grabbed their gear and disappeared into the darkness.

Jordan had no problems keeping track of Holtz as he just followed his scent.

Holtz and Jordan after some miss steps finally figured our how to open then hatch.

It was a small jump to the floor below but all five made it down safely. After looking around they soon realized that this was indeed a generator room. Locating the manuals and looking at the photos they went through it step by step an attempted to start it up.

Krary came on over the comlink, Alpha, we are going to attempt to turn this on now.

Ok, I'll leave that decision up to you.

They couldn't read it to well but the pictures were easy to understand.

Push primer three times, turn key to star position. Push green button.

It would whine a few seconds then die. They repeated this process about four times. Something was wrong.

Jordan was looking above them when he noticed several pipes coming from the wall. He followed them to another room with a hatch. Deciphering the ancient text, Jordan gained entrance much easier this time around.

The smell was intoxicating. It was diesel fuel. That's what they were missing Jordan figured.

"Holtz I think I found the problem" " I'll be right there "

Together they found the correct pipe and turned the handle to indicate the arrows were aligned with one another.

"Try it now Dalso" Holtz linked.

In the other room Dalso once again repeated the steps. The big generators clanked and groaned before three big booms blasted out of the exhaust vents. Then it started to chug. Dalso made some fine adjustments and soon had the engine running at top speed and performance.

Following another set of smaller pipes the group found a room called electrical and mechanical engineering room.

Inside were many switches. One in particular caught the boys eyes.

Main Switch.

Dalso took both hands and pushed the large handle up until it locked between two bar's..

A series of fourteen switches lit up Red. Looking at the pictures again. It showed that he needed to prime the switch. So he pumped the handle nine times then turned the blue crank which changed all the lights to yellow. Next Dalso, starting at the top. Pushed each button one at a time until they each locked into place. Once locked the light next to them turned green. They repeated this process thirteen more times until all fourteen lights had turned green.

The last picture showed them a picture of a switch. Down was off and Up was on.

Next to the door Cradre saw what Dalso were searching for. With just the slightest hesitation, he flipped it upwards.

Almost instantly the room was flooded with light. Now being able to see much better into the room. All three of them saw nine large junction boxes on the opposite wall. Opening them all up, they flipped each switch one by one.

Throughout the entire tunnel system lights were coming on. The place was coming alive.

The main tunnel where they had entered through had many red lights come on. But the tunnel where the three had originally entered through had yellow lights come on. This allowed everyone to see into the blackness that now became visible.

Holtz and Jordan had taken their gear and continued searching derper into tunnel system.

Xtrex, Plutz and Jason soon found a room labeled Control Center.

Now with all the power on. They had no problems initiating the computers and power grids.

After some trail and error. This big board that covered the entire back wall lit up. It reveal the tunnel system and what each room was for.

Alpha Bouche, Prince Silos. You need to come see this immediately.

Cradre guided their group easily to where the others were waiting.

When everyone had arrived. They were all blown away.

Wheres Holtz and Jordan, Jason asked.

They went further down the tunnel Jason.

Meanwhile they discovered many code books that explained the different symbols that they saw on the map board. Less than two miles away was there main base camp. And according to the symbol there was a portal jump right next to it. The map systems were printed off and word was sent back to base camp of there discovery.

They located the key pad at the flat stone wall and entered the code. The stone wall at the base camp slowly slid open. You could see many frightened faces as this happened. But their was immediate relief when they saw Alpha Bouche appear on the other side.

It was decided that small groups of Aqua Vampyres would search out the entire tunnel system and report back after they were finished. Using their super speed, this task only took seven days. All information was loaded into the mother board and it was then printed off and handed out to each group of people.

It was decided that they would abandon their base camp and move into the tunnel chambers and seal all outside doors. The families were somewhat sad to leave what they had built as it was quite the achievement. But once they saw the sleep chambers in the tunnel system with soft beds, the massive bathrooms and showers. They no longer felt that upset but what took them most by surprise was the huge kitchen with rows upon rows of canned and boxed food. The freezers were full with meats and walkin coolers with fresh ingredients. But that was still nothing in comparison to the sublevels which had massive vegetable and fruits gardens growing under synthesized light systems.

Holtz and Jordan were very busy trying to decipher the key to the next gate. It had now become apparent that this was some type of bunker system. And some type of humanoid had once lived there. But they only had access to three levels so far. Each gate that was opened revealed more and more secrets.

Total cleanup had been done to their original base camp, to make it look as no one had ever been there. With no outside portals leading to their location. A small sense of safety was felt throughout the community by both Human and Aqua Vampyre.

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