Unlocked Outhouse

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jan 30, 2005




I pulled my pickup into the dirt drive and parked next to the old general store. I was surprised the thing was still standing. But then, things change slowly up in the hills. I got my supplies and asked if they had a restroom.

"Got the outhouse out back, fella. Gotta watch it, though. Danged door don't lock no more."

I put the stuff in the truck and shuffled on back. Outhouse? I thought they were all gone by now. But sure enough, there it was back among the bushes. Even had a half-moon on the dumb door. I yanked it open.

"HEY! I'M TRYIN' TO TAKE A SHIT IN HERE!" the guy yelled, quickly covering a long, black cock he'd been stroking. His pants were down to his ankles and he had no shirt on. His smooth, light chocolate skin glistened in rays of sunlight from the doorway. He was light-skinned, but it wouldn't have mattered if he'd been dark as coal.

I gasped. He was pretty as hell...tall and young. You don't see too many dark fellas in this area--unfortunately. I started to close the door when I noticed it was one of those weird two- seaters. Never did understand outhouses with two seats. Hard to imagine two guys sitting next to each other taking a shit!

"Looked like you were tryin' to do more than that!" I chuckled. "Say, I notice there's two seats and I gotta go pretty bad." I went in and closed the door, quickly dropping my pants and sitting down on the other hole. I gave him a good look at my pecker first. I have a long one, too. It had started rising slightly as soon as I saw him. He frowned and pushed his dick down the hole between his legs.

"Damn, guess I'll leave you to it if you gotta go so bad." He started to hike up his pants in frustration.

"Hey, hey. Don't be silly," I said. "No need to feel embarrassed. Hell, the place stinks so bad already, what's a couple more turds?" I smiled at him.

"True enough, fella, but I was plannin' on doing a bit more than just that. Guess you kinda caught me," he giggled. "I'll leave ya to it."

"Hey, come on. Stick around. Fact is, I've never really been around black folks much. Kinda curious, if you don't mind. Heard about you fellas having big ones, but I never had a chance to see one up hard. Sides, I'm feelin' kinda horny myself. Nothing wrong with two guys jerkin' their meat together, is there?"

"Mister, I don't put on shows for white dudes! You wanna see big black cocks, why doncha go buy some fag magazine?"

"Might do that," I said, unperturbed. "Sure would be better seein' it up close and in person. Tell you what. We ain't never gonna see each other again, right? You let me see it, and I'll beat it for you. How's that? Two cocks, and I got two hands. I'll do us both."

"You gonna gimme a handjob?!"

"Sure. Come on, I might never get another chance. That pretty chocolate color ain't gonna come off, is it?" I laughed.

"Hmmm. Depends on how hard ya do it, I guess," he chuckled, slowly moving his hands away. "I am horny as sin. Never had a white dude's hand on muh crank. Suppose it'd be alright. Just don't get funny."

"That mean you've had black guys that stroked your pecker?"

"Let's just say I've known some black queens that begged for it. I feed 'em once in a while cause they suck better'n a bitch."

"You like it sucked, hunh?"

"Sheeeit, who don't?" He brought it out--stiff as a rail.

I reached for it. He flinched, but let me gently feel it up and down. Nine or ten inches of fat black cock! He spread his legs and settled back against the wall, grinning that a white guy was eager to masturbate him. With my left hand, I stroked my own prick. I had been fully hard for several minutes now, and he couldn't have missed it. Maybe that was one reason he'd capitulated. I hoped so.

"Man, that thing's really huge! Guess the rumors are true."

"More often than not," he said. "You got no complaints down there, I can see. Ain't quite as long, but you sure got a fat one."

"Don't be shy. Never see each other again, remember?"

"Aw, I ain't never touched a guy's dick before. I ain't queer."

"Don't hafta be queer to jerk a guy off. Kinda nice having somebody else's prick in your hand besides your own. Feels real different."

"Yeah? Uh...fuck, man, I'll give it try." He reached between my legs and grabbed my shaft. He had a large hand and wrapped around my thickness with a firm grip. "Sure is different. Not so awful, but it still feels like fag stuff to me...sittin' here holdin' some guy's prick. Damn door don't even lock. What if somebody comes in?"

"Fuck 'em! They give us any guff, we'll beat the shit out of them!"

"Ha, ha! Okay, dude, let's pound some meat. I need ta get off!"

"Me too, but this is a first for both of us. Let's take it easy. I gotta tell you in all honesty. I could sit here and play with your big prick all day! Let's relax and enjoy it."

"Mmmm. You got a nice touch, man. Sure makin' me feel queer, but it's alright with me."

"That's the spirit. Figure how many days you live...we can afford to spend a few minutes being queer, right?" I grinned.

"We? I ain't runnin' out the door, man, but something tells me you're a cocksucker. Am I right?"

"Well, why don't I suck this beautiful black thing and you tell me if I'm a cocksucker?"

He smiled, rustled his pants over his feet, and threw his long leg over my head and rested back against the far wall... giving me access.

"Here ya go. Always kinda wanted to make a white dude blow me, but you doin' it cause you want to might be fun too. Suck muh big juicy nigger dick!"

I leaned over and ran my tongue around his glistening, wet knob. I sucked on it. Then I looked up at him. "Fella, I'm no bigot. You must know that cause I got your dick in my mouth. But I always liked the word 'nigger'. I think it's real sexy. You mind if I use it?"

"You mind the word 'faggot'?" he asked.

"Heh!" I reached down. "Lemme suck those big nigger balls!" I lifted them up and licked them all over, smelling the stink coming up from all the piss and turds below. They were big and twice as dark as the rest of his skin. Big black balls and delightfully hairless. Even with all the crud below, I could still smell his pungent nuts!

"Wash those balls, ya fuckin' rosey-skinned fag! Best nuts ya ever tasted, hunh?"

"Smelliest ones!" I gushed. "And it ain't all coming from the pit!" I grabbed his shaft and started to lick up and down on it, slathering my hungry tongue to show him I loved it! I raised up and went down on it, gently bobbing my head. I sure didn't want him to blast off before I got a full meal of his huge meat.

"Ooooh, you're teasin' the hell outta me! Suck it!" he gasped.

"Man, I'd love to suck the juice from your balls right now, but I want it to last, remember?"

"Tell ya what. You got muh cum boiling. I ain't gonna be satisfied with one blowjob, and I can't hold off much longer. I been sittin' here jerkin' off for half an hour. Suck off the top cream, and I'll stick around and give you another load. How's that?"

"I've heard that story before," I said.

"No shit, man. Hell, I'll suck on your dick after I come. I got a feelin' that'll give me another boner right fast. But don't go gettin' no ideas 'bout me bein' a fag. I just wanna taste that white prick."

"Alright. Hell, every guy wants to suck a dick at least once. Every straight dude I ever had tried cocksucking. Some more than once, and they still stayed straight." That kinda reassured him, because he gave me a thoughtful nod. "Now lemme suck out that hot nigger juice!"

He wasn't kidding. I didn't get too many mouthfuls of his prick before I felt the thing jerk and throb, and the fat vein underneath began to pulse and squirt up huge gobs of thick white negro sperm into my mouth and down my gulping throat! It was even more delicious than I'd hoped it'd be. My first black load. I couldn't help thinking how many prospective chocolate babies I was drinking down my gullet.

"AIIEE! HOLY FUCK! AHHH! YEAH!" he cried, shuddering. Had I been looking up, I was sure I'd see his eyes rolling back in his head. Maybe just a stereotypical image on my part, but the way he was shaking I was sure it was true. This guy loved blowjobs...and I was an expert!

"Whew! Man, that was great!" He slapped his cock over my tongue, then tossed his head back, catching his breath.

I sat there jacking off--looking at his slim body and glistening skin.

Finally, he brought his head forward, grinning.

"Guess you're gonna split on me now?" I said, resigned he might.

"I don't make promises I don't keep. Besides, I want another one of those blowjobs! A longer one I can enjoy more."

"Fantastic. I want to spend more time with that monster in my mouth, too. I think you got me hooked on nigger jizz! Real tasty spunk!"

He swung his leg back over, and lifted mine...bringing it over to his other side. "Let's see what we got here. Damn, gonna suck me a queer's cock...and a white one at that. Let's see how you guys smell." He sniffed my balls and cock, pushing his face right into my crotch and rubbing around. Then he pulled away and sat up.

"Gee, that bad?" I asked, disappointed that he might not be able to go through with it.

"No, man, there's too much filth down there. Stand up in front of me so I can smell ya like you really are.

I hopped up. He spread out sideways and pulled me to him. Again he nestled his face into my crotch and smelled me, using his nose to toss my balls around.

"You smell like a faggot!" he growled, looking up at me.

"Yeah? You've sniffed a lot of faggots, hunh?"

He laughed. He lifted my prick and started to lick my balls. He took both of them into his mouth and gently sucked on them. Then he did one after the other. Smacking off them, he put my prick in his mouth. Those big, luscious nigger lips worked my bone like they were made for sucking cock. Maybe that's what God had in mind, I thought. Big nostrils to smell a man up good...and big lips to wrap around a hard prick! He didn't hesitate. I didn't doubt it was the first cock he'd ever had in his mouth, but he sure didn't fudge on returning the pleasure.

Hmmm. Fudge. That gave me a nasty thought. I let him work on me until I was gasping and moaning. I pulled out of his mouth, leaving him sitting there open-mouthed in wonder-- surprised that he'd been enjoying it. His skin color didn't show it, but his expression made it plain that he was blushing from his own enthusiasm.

"Hot stuff, man! Wasn't I doin' it right?"

"Great...just great. But I'm usually a one-shot guy, you know? It takes me longer to recuperate. I wanna try something else before I cum if you'll let me."

"Uh, oh. What ya got in mind?" he asked, suspiciously.

"Nothing you won't like. Scoot your butt down and lift your legs up." I knelt before him. "Push that big black bottom in my face and let me lick your asshole!"

"Hunh?! Lick my hole! Ah hah. Heard 'bout that. You fuckin' fags sure do get dirty!"

"You'd better believe it. And I hope it's dirty!" I gushed.

"Okay, kiss my big black ass, white boy!" He scooted down and flung his legs up.

"Yeah. Damn that's smooth and round. Hold it open, man, and I'll play with your cock and balls. I always wanted to suck a nigger's big stinky asshole!" I rubbed my nose in it, making loud sniffing noises. I wanted him to know I was smelling his ass and enjoying it."

"You're really diggin' that stuff, hunh?" he asked, looking down at me.

"Mmmm. Ripe and saucy! OH, GOTTA LICK IT!" I ran my tongue around his anus. It was nearly hairless, also, and I liked it that way cause I got a real good look at it. It was big and tight, the wrinkles bunched up in a big black 'O' that was made for sucking. I tickled in and out of his crevices, tasting the remnants of his last shitting and all the sweat he'd accumu- lated during the day. I lapped up and down his crack from the back of his hanging balls to his tailbone. It was a hot, moist valley, and I loved the taste of every stinky little germ!

"Oooh, aahhh! No bitch even ever did that to me. You fuckin' queers sure know how to get to a guy! Oh, gawd!"

He pushed his big butt down to my face so I could really service his black ass. I'd washed it thoroughly, and used my thumbs to spread his hole open. I took a big sniff at it-- catching the odor coming from inside--then thrust my tongue in there. He let out a loud gasp of pleasure and astonishment. I dug in and licked out his pungent asshole, wanting to taste the inside of his hot, dark rectum!


I sucked his asshole noisily, thoroughly enjoying my first smell and taste of nigger butt. I'd been born too late. I imagined myself as a plantation owner in the South with a whole stableful of lusty, black stud slaveboys to sit on my face! I slurped in and out of his musky hole like a ravenous animal until he quickly pulled away and sat up. "Uh...uh...maybe you'd best step outside a minute, fella."

"Why? What's the problem. Didn't you like that?"

"Oh, fuck! Did I ever! Thing is I gotta shit. Told ya I had to. I was jus' takin' my time. But after that...gotta do it now."

"Okay, do it," I said, not moving.

"Hunh? You gonna stay here? What's with you, you wanna smell my shit, too? Come on, man, gimme some privacy."

"Hey, I'm an ass-suckin' dirty fag, remember? Fact is, I dig watching guys take a dump. And I really want to see you shoot out a big fat nigger turd from that sweet butthole. I wanna smell it, too!" I looked at him with a hungry, salacious expression. I fondled his cock.

"Damn, you really are a dirty queer!" he gushed.

"Baby, I'm a real filthy faggot. Sit on my knees and shit your turd down between my legs. Let me watch that big thing come out of there. Maybe I'll feel it and play with it!"

"You want me to shit right on your dick?!"

"No, I'll hold it back so I can see good. Come on, sit down here."

"Whatever. Hold on a second first." He moved to stand over the other hole.


"Hell, man, I gotta take a piss first. Otherwise, I'll squirt it all over the damned door when I relax to shit!"

"Okay." I leaned my face over the smelly hole. "Piss!"

"What're you doing? You want me to piss on your face?"

"No. Just aim it down there and let me lick your stream."

"You drink piss, too, hunh? Okay, fucker!"

He flopped his dick and squatted down a bit, tickling his balls. With a deep breath, he let out a torrent. His powerful stream shot down into the shit-pit. I stuck out my tongue and lapped at it like a dog at a hose! It was hot and salty, and I started to move closer to take mouthfuls and swallow it down. Entranced at my wickness, he began to slosh it over my lips and mouth. When it started to abate--after a very long pissing--he grabbed me by the hair and stuck his prick in my mouth...and finished pissing right down my gulping throat! I sucked it off his dick, catching every drop.

"Mmmm. Hot and delicious!" I cried. I wiped my mouth on my arm. "Now let's see you shit!"

He glared at me--thinking. Then he made an awful suggestion.

"You sure you want me to do it between your legs? Maybe you're a shit-licker, too. Bet ya'd like to lick my turd while I shit, hunh?"

"Woah! I...I said I've watched guys shit. I've never licked it!"

"But those were white turds. Wouldn't ya love to lick on a big stinky nigger turd?!"

My dick was leaking at the thought. I ran a finger over my cock knob and collected a glob...taking it to my lips. "Turn around, Bosco. Hang that round bottom over the edge. I'll put my tongue on your hole. You shit when you're ready, and we'll see just how perverted I am."

"Alright, but you don't doubt it, do you? I sure don't. We both know you're gonna lick my shit!" He turned and scooted his ass back til it was just over the opening. I layed along the shelf, comfortably, and licked his asshole. I just kept licking ...even when I felt his anus began to puff out. Oh, it was nice like that. Big fucking fat black asshole! When it began to expand, I shot my tongue inside the gaping opening. By the time I was licking on the end of his turd, and got a good taste of it, I'd decided I'd lick it during the whole operation.

"Here you g-go...baby...it's comin' out! LICK MY TURD, FAGGOT!"

A monster fuckin' column of heady black shit came bolting from his ass. Hungrily, I slopped my tongue underneath it... getting shit streaks on both my upper and lower lips! He was shitting fast, but it was a long, long turd and I got a real good taste of it. So good, in fact, that when he was finished I shoved my face into his ass and started to lick out his dirty shithole! He squirmed his butt onto my mouth and reached back to open himself up.


I pulled away for a moment to catch my breath...fully intent on digging back in for more. But he rose up quickly and pulled me to my feet. He sat back down and grabbed my prick, starting to give me a fantastic blowjob. He took me to the balls...repeatedly...then ran his tongue over my knob like a slutboy at a glory hole! I was tempted to spin around and show him my asshole. He acted hot enough to suck it for me. But I decided not to take the chance. I sure didn't want to spoil this moment. He was blowing for cream--there was no doubt about that. He knew actions like that were going to have my cock gushing hot jizz into his mouth, and he was ready to suck it down.

He looked at me, jerking my prick. "COME, YOU FUCKIN' PERVERT...COME IN MY MOUTH!" He saw me licking the shit around my lips, let out a groan, and went back down...not to come up until he had a big mouthful. I gave him just that. I spurted over and over, fucking into his face, jerking my ass, crying out. He drank it all.

Just then the door opened! A kid about 14 rushed in and closed the door. His hard pecker was sticking out of the top of his open shorts and he was jerking on it frantically.


I grabbed him quickly and took his prick in my mouth. Just in time. His first spurt had splattered my cheek, but I got the rest of it. It was a nice, creamy young load. I stuck my finger up the back of his shorts as he was coming and played with his asshole. When he pulled his dick from my mouth, I put my finger to my nose and sniffed it. Ah, the luscious smell of boyshit! I guess maybe I had licked shit before, because I'd never hesitated at putting my face into a boy's ass. And sometimes they weren't so clean.

"Where'd you come from?!" I gasped, finally.

"Came to poop. Been watching through a crack. Boy, I sure didn't know older guys did stuff like that! Y-you wanna lick my turd, too, mister? I gotta go really bad."

"Wow, kid. Uh, what if somebody came in?"

"There ain't nobody but Pa, and he can't leave the store til I get back. Um...would..." he looked at my friend, "could I suck on that? I never thought about suckin' a guy's peter before, but you guys got me thinking. I'd sure like to try that one!"

"Damn, the whole world's turning queer today! You never sucked on a prick before, and you wanna start on my big chocolate bar?"

"Yeh! See...I'm gettin' another boner already! Gee, butt- suckin' and everything! Never seen nobody lick shit before. Did it taste good?"

"Well, I thought so. You ever licked an asshole before, kid?"

"Gosh, no! Seems kinda dirty to do that!"

"Wanna try it?" I felt disgustingly ready to pervert this horny kid in every way possible.

"Uh, I dunno. Don't it stink?"

"Sure. But it stinks good. Here, try mine!" I lifted my legs and showed him my asshole. He stared at it in awe, then put his face down and sniffed it.

"Yeah, stinks alright!" he laughed, playing with himself.

"Smells good though, don't it?" I teased, hopefully.

"Well, smells better than the shithole down there!" He knelt down and spread it apart with his fingers. He seemed to like looking at it.

My friend gaped in wonder. I winked at him.

"Go ahead, boy, lick it for him," he urged the kid.

"G-gee, guess it'd be alright..." He stuck out his tongue and just barely touched my anus. He pulled back as if tasting his tongue. "Kinda sweaty, mister," was all he said before he began to tongue me. I spread apart more as the boy began to eagerly lick my asscrack.

"Hell!" my black friend cried. "I'd might as well try it!" He pulled the boy's shorts down over his sweet bottom and began to lick the kid's soiled butthole! He moaned deliciously, and things went on like that for a while.

"Hey, that ain't so bad!" he gushed. "Can I suck that nigger dick, now? Woops! Can I say that? I heard you doin' it."

"Here, boy, wrap your little pink lips around my nigger dick. Hell, why don't both of you work on it?"

I quickly agreed, and got down. The boy and I licked, sucked and slopped all over his big meat. The kid went down and licked on his balls. In the space of a few minutes, he'd become a total slut. He even ducked behind and look a few swipes up that recently-shitty black crack. Little 14-year-old virgin white boy licking nigger ass and suckin' nigger cock and balls! I played with his sturdy, stiff pecker. Blackie went down on him and sucked his prick. Then he hurried back to suck at his ass some more while the boy blew me as I sat over the hole.

I had to shit badly. If I sat there much longer, I'd do it. But I was trying to hold it back...it wouldn't have been polite.

Suddenly, my dark angel pulled his face from the boy's butt.

"Damn! Kid's shittin'!" He grabbed the boy with one arm around his waist and lifted him up. He swung his little body around and put his ass right to my face. A turd was coming out of his ass! He pushed the boy forward. I took the turd between my lips and let the boy shit in my mouth.

"Dammit, that's hot! Eat his turd, man! Filthy little bastard tried to shit in my mouth! You eat it! Pretty little butt! Hot fuckin' little turd! Sonofabitch even smells good! EAT IT! AH, FUCK! HE'S SUCKING ME!" Sure enough, the kid had worked his face around till he had the big black pole between his lips and he was sucking on it. Meanwhile, I was sucking on his turd! Shit began to fall from my asshole into the pit. I pulled back with a piece in my mouth. He continued to shit a couple more turds out that fell on my chest. He then started to piss! His cock flopping around--spraying me everywhere! I spit the turd out and pulled his prick back so I could drink the rest of his hot, young urine.

"AHHH!" The kid was getting a big mouthful of strong nigger jizz!

We let him down. He sat on the floor, cum dripping from his chin, and frantically jacked off! His fist was going ninety, and soon he was spraying boyjizz all over the place. He layed there, catching his breath. I got down, lifted his legs, and cleaned his shitty asshole!

Breathing heavily, exhausted, I stood up and bent to retrieve my pants. Suddenly, I felt hands on my bottom.

"You pooped, didn't you?" the kid asked. "I heard you. Lemme see."

He spread my cheeks. Okay, take a gander, I thought. I sure didn't mind looking and licking at your shitty ass. But the kid was prying me apart and smelling me.

"It's all dirty! Stinky...stinky shit! You got shit on your bum, mister! Hold still." He licked the shit off my asshole! He licked the shit off my asshole! He licked all the shit off my asshole! Then he sat back, smiling. He had another boner!

Our black friend left...exhausted and amused at himself and us.

I sucked the boy's prick and let him fuck me. He liked that, and blew me afterward.

"Horny little bugger, aren't you?" I said, getting dressed.

"Yeah. I love it in here. I always come back here to jack off, so I got real used to smelling all the shit and piss. Now it really turns me on. That was the first time I ever tasted it. Sometimes I shit right on the shelf instead of in the hole so I can kneel down and sniff it while I jack off. You know, cause it was fresh and all. Pa caught me doin' it once and boy, was I ever embarrassed! Shot my load just when he opened up the darned door! I figured I was in for a big strapping, but he just laughed and said, 'Don't go leavin' that thing sit there, boy. Toss it away! Now I know how come there's always jizz on the floor.' Freaked me out, but I figured maybe Pa musta done some nasty things like that when he was young, you know?"

"Either that, or this ol' shithouse has some magic sexual aura. All three of us did things we've never done."

"Yeah, for sure! Never thought of peeking on guys before. I'm gonna have to check it out more. Gee, I sure like blowing cocks!"

"Well, I'll see ya kid. I gotta get the hell outta here before somebody else decides to come in here and shit. I think I've tasted enough of it for one day, don't you?"

"Yeah. Cept there's this kid lives down the road. Think I might like to taste his butt some time. Trouble is, he never comes in here."

"So, suggest jacking off together, or promise him a blowjob. Once he's in here he might do anything."

"Gee, maybe I'll get to fuck him. I really liked fucking you!"

"Which reminds me. Better let me lick your prick clean. Don't wanna go back to your Pa with the smell of my ass on your dick!"

"Guess so. I was kinda wanting to save it so I could smell my hand when I jack off later."

"Not a good idea." I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the smell and taste of my own shit as I cleaned him up. I was tempted to have him fuck me again...just so I could lick it off all over!

He left, and I decided to take one last sniff. I put my face down into the hole and breathed deeply. Coughing and gagging, I decided it was horrendous. Best when it's fresh from a pretty white boy cocksucker or a studly 'nigger' straight guy. I was hard-pressed to decide which of them had the better tasting shit. I figured once I stepped out that door I'd be back to simple rimming and butt tasting.

I was tempted to stop inside the store for a pack of gum and to give the kid a wink, but I figured his old man would realize I'd been back there all this time. I would be back this way again.

I also decided what I was going to do with the overgrown back corner of my property. I was going to build an outhouse... a three-seater for parties!

Comments appreciated...please mention story name. bawdypen@hotmail.com

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