Upstairs Neighbor

By Ethan Summers

Published on Oct 8, 2020


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I knew it was time to end it. The last few months had been a whirlwind, after years of dating around with increasingly grim results, I'd finally met someone. James was handsome, smart, and ambitious. What had started off with a coffee date, had turned into drinks, movie nights, a string of hookups, and finally a real relationship. We'd been seeing each other officially for almost a month, we'd met each other's friends, and it looked like we might actually go the distance. There was just one problem. The texts kept coming.

Before I'd met James I'd been living the standard life of a young gay professional in a big city. Lot's of parties, lot's of drinks, and lots of late night hookups on the apps. Some of those guys had turned into friends, many had been one-offs, but a few had turned into the kind of recurring hookup that's hard to quit. One of these was Matt. He was older than me, maybe about 40, fit and tan with a light coating of hair and dark green-grey eyes. He also lived in my building, which made him incredibly convenient. When I met James I did the thing you do where you slowly tune out other people, most of the guys got the hint and dropped off, but Matt's texts kept coming, and they were getting more insistent.

This was part of our game. I'm generally a top, but I liked a bossy bottom begging for my attention. When he realized I lived a few floors below him, he'd demand I come over and dick him down the same way you might Seamless some pad thai. It was a little humiliating, but I always ended up going. So when things started to get serious with james, I knew I had to officially end it. I was bound to run into him, and it was bound to get awkward. So when the text came at 11pm on a Thursday, I knew what I had to do. James was coming over the next morning and we were spending the long weekend at my place so now was as good a time as any.

"Hey man, sorry I've been MIA" I typed, trying to keep it casual. "I've started seeing someone so i've been a little busy. Love hanging out with you but probably need to cool it for a while."

Usually keeping it open ended helped to let things cool down more naturally, but I knew i wouldn't be seeing Matt again...or so I thought.

"Come up." was all he responded.

"Not tonight man, got a big day tomorrow and really can't fool around any more"

"Just to talk" he replied.

Clearly I wasn't getting off easy. But honestly, I liked Matt. He was a nice guy and we'd had a lot of fun. It was never serious but I felt like I knew him well enough that just cutting him off was kind of shitty. I decided to pop upstairs and talk it through. I was dressed in boxers and a t-shirt, getting ready for bed, but we'd gotten so used to late night meet ups that I didn't even bother to dress. An elevator ride later I was at his door.

I knocked once and the door fell open, clearly unlocked. I was used to that by now. I stepped inside the dimly lit apartment and shut the door. As my eyes adjusted I saw Matt seated on the sofa, not totally to my surprise he was completely naked. It was hot inside the apartment, he must have switched off the central air that kept our building cool even in the height of summer. In the dim light I could see that he was sweating. His firm hairy chest, his thick calve spread wide, all glistened, as did his hard 8 inch cock stroked it. Involuntarily my own cock stirred in my pants.

"Dude," I said calmly, trying to make light of the situation. "I told you can't" I walked into the apartment, almost by force of habit moving closer. Soon i was standing across from him, a sleek low coffee table separating us. He hadn't stopped stroking, I had to admit that he looked good.

"It's ok." he said calmly, still stroking, "We can just hang out. I was about to watch a movie. Have a seat."

He gestured to the open space beside him. I was about to refuse, I knew this was obviously a tactic, but he looked so calm sitting there, stroking rhythmically. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. We'd had some good times. Against my better judgement I plopped down on the couch next to him. Instead of turning on the wall mounted flatscreen, he reached behind the couch and pulled out a lap top and began queueing up a video with one hand, still slowly stroking with the other. I could tell just from the thumbnails of the files he was sorting through that it was porn.

"Come on man, I'm glad to hang out with you but you know I can't do this." I protested. He momentarily stopped stroking and put his arm around my shoulders, brushing his hand across my cheek. He was so close that I could smell the sweat and lube on his fingers.

"It's ok man. It's totally fine." As he said he be swiped his finger directly under my nose. I immediately felt more calm as I relaxed into the couch, his arm still around me as he clicked open the file. It was a slightly grainy homemade video, it looked like it had been shot on an iPhone. I recognized the scenery already. It was Matt's own bedroom. I wondered idly if he had filmed us together. In spite of myself my dick jumped again at the idea of seeing myself pound his furry ass.

Matt entered the frame, followed by me. Both completely naked. I couldn't place the date but it must have been recent based on my haircut, short and clean cut. On the screen we started kissing, furiously raiding each others mouths with our tongues. A moment later he shoved me onto the bed. It all looked familiar enough until the me on screen leaned back, spreading his legs wide. On-screen Matt wasted no time lining up his hard cock with his/my exposed hole and driving it home. I saw the version of me on screen moan as he bottomed out inside of me. It all looked incredibly real, but i knew that it never happened. I was always the top, this had to be some sort of deep fake. I turned to Matt looking confused and mildly panicked.

"What is this? How did you make this?" I asked, trying to sound calm.

"We made it," he said, smiling. I felt his hand on the back of my head pressing gently downward. I caught a whiff of his scent in the air. He was still sweating, still naked, what was I doing sitting here with him like this. The pressure on the back of my head increased but I couldn't quite figure out how to fight it. Slowly he moved me down toward his hairy crotch. I never give head, but I felt my mouth opening as if by instinct to swallow him sliding my lips down the shaft. I teased the head with my tongue just the way I always liked. He continued to apply pressure as the head of his cock slid deeper down my throat, completely bypassing my gag reflex.

The taste was electric, sweat mingled with a bit of lube felt both familiar and totally foreign, but when my nose touched down in his pubes the scent of his sweat seemed to flood through me. I stopped pushing back and let him take control pushing my face up and down on his cock like a human fleshlight. Out of the corner of my eye I could still see the laptop screen perched on the coffee table. As a swallowed his cock for what I thought was the first time I watched myself being savagely fucked on screen. Slowly my resistance dimmed even further, lost in the moment.

I can't quite remember how long I stayed like that bobbing up and down gratefully on his cock before I felt his hand on the back of my neck again, pulling me away. He grabbed my hair by the scruff and pulled me up to face level.

"We can' this..." I said slowly, my mind was still fuzzy. For the first time, he looked genuinely annoyed pulling my hair back slightly in his clenched fist.

"If you want to stop, look me in the eye and tell me," he said, his voice was still calm but his grip tightened for a second before releasing me roughly onto the couch. I stared up at him a moment trying to regain my concentration. He looked down at me and patted his lap impatiently. Suddenly I remembered what I needed to do.

Jumping up from the couch I quickly stripped off my shirt and shorts. It felt totally natural to stand in front of him naked, I'd done it dozens of times before. This was how we always talked. Surely now he'd understand that I couldn't see him anymore. Spreading my legs I straddled him, letting myself sink slowly onto his cock. There was an instant of pain as the fat head of his cock slipped past my tight ring but the shaft slid easily inside of me. It felt natural. Strange since I'd never done this before. In the background the video played on, i could hear my own moans drifting faintly the screen as I got to work.

"Look man, I've really enjoyed hanging out with you" I said calmly feeling my cheeks settle onto his dark pubes. Taking a deep breath I started to life myself off of him, tightening my hole to squeeze his shaft exactly the way I somehow knew he liked.

"It's just that I've met soooomone" I elongated the word as I lowered myself back onto him again feeling his cock head touch my prostate. I was rock hard but I had to concentrate. This was going to be a long conversation.

"What's his name?" He asked calmly, leaning back on the couch as I set to work establishing a rhythm, slowly sliding up and down his cock as if I'd done it a hundred times before. Of course I couldn't remember doing that.

"His name is James." I said smiling a little as I remembered my boyfriend, but the smile faded as my concentration was drawn back to Matt. He had raised his arms above his head, linking his fingers behind his head. I could smell his sweaty pits and for a moment they became the center of my world, erasing all thoughts of James or the life we were starting to build together.

"Tell me more" Matt said calmly, reaching up to slowly steer my face into one of his sweaty pits.

Over the next hours I told him everything about James, our life, our friends, our relationship, and how we fucked. All the while riding up and down on his cock feeling him stretch the walls of my...hole? No that isn't right. My pussy. He was stretching out my boi pussy. At first it seemed a little strange, sharing this much with a man I was trying to sever my connection with, but Matt explained that it was necessary. Obviously I was a little confused. For some reason I thought I was a top despite all the months he'd spent plowing my ass in this very apartment.

Fortunately, Matt understood everything. Obviously I was in love with James and he didn't want to get in the way of that. He just wanted us both to be happy. But I was so happy now, sliding up and down Mattsters cock. Letting him open up my tight pussy. Mattster? That doesn't sound quite right. How could I have forgotten his name. He was the most important person in my life...other than James. I was so worried that I started to speed up my pace, anxiously bouncing faster and faster up and down. His cock rammed my prostate over and over sending shocks through my body.

"Mattster!" he shouted dropping onto his cock over and over. His eyes rolled back.

Fuck Mattster" I chanted as I impaled myself again. I felt his cock swell, my Mattster gave a guttural groan and I felt warmth spreading inside of me. At some point I had cum as well, spraying my load across his hairy chest. For a moment I took in my surroundings, confused about what had just happened. I had come here to break it off, not to fuck, let alone be fucked. My eyes connected with Matt's and for a moment we just stared at each other. I could feel his sweat all over my body, his softening cock still in my hole as his massive load began to drop down my thigh.

"What the fuck Mattster?" I said groggily, trying to piece together what had just happened.

"Not Mattster" he said with a chuckle "Master" something about that sounded so right. I felt calm wash over me as I leaned into his sweaty chest. I felt his hand once again pushing my face toward his pits as he began to explain what would happen next.

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Next: Chapter 2

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