Upstairs Neighbor

By Ethan Summers

Published on Oct 15, 2020


Upstairs Neighbor - Chapter 2

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I woke up the next day feeling refreshed. It was great to clear the air with Matt, even if the details of our conversation were a little bit fuzzy. He'd made it clear to me that we could definitely remain friends even though I was seeing James. Honestly, it was a huge relief. Matt was one of the most important people in my life and I'd never want to lose our connection. Luckily, he'd had an idea for how we could all move forward, I just needed to call James and make plans, but first, a shower.

I always shower before bed, but for some reason I really felt the need to scrub this morning. I padded into the bathroom and turned the hot water on high. No need to undress, I usually slept in my underwear but for some reason last night I'd gone to bed naked. Oh well.

As I jumped into the now steamy glass box of the shower I felt another urge seize me. I was suddenly incredibly horny. I slid my hand down my chest to my already rock hard cock. In my mind I pictured James, he's cute smile, his tight bubble butt, but as I started to stroke the image changed. Slowly James' smooth features began to shift, taking on the bulk and hair I recognized as Matt's. James' smiling face slowly morphed into Matt's more impassive smirk. I began to stroke more furiously at the thought. As my mind drifted toward Matt's thick cock, my other hand drifted back rubbing against my own hole.

I'm not usually in the habit of fingering myself, but today something was different. I pushed past the tight ring of muscle slipping one and then two fingers into my hole, all the while picturing Matt's thick cock. Before I knew it was moaning, my face pressed against the glass wall of the shower as I pushed my fingers deeper into my own own ass. A moment later I groaned so loud I was sure my neighbors must have heard, splattering cum all over the glass. It took me a moment to recover but fortunately i was already in the shower so I was able to quickly wash off.

I jumped out of the shower feeling satisfied if I a little surprised by my actions. It was only after I had begun to towel off that I noticed my phone perched on the medicine cabinet. The camera was facing out and I must have accidentally turned it on when I set it down. Completely by accident I'd captured a perfectly framed video of my morning jerk off session. How random!I couldn't help but send the video to Matt. I knew he'd find my stupid mistake hilarious.

Once i was dried off and dressed I texted ames. We had a date planned for that evening but Matt had given me an even better idea. He'd offered to have us both over for dinner so that he could meet James. I couldn't wait for the two most important guys in my life to meet, so I was a little bummed that James didn't seem to be into it.

"I thought we were going to go out together" he whined good naturedly a few hours later when he arrived at my apartment. It was hard not to let him have his way. He was so cute with his dark brown curls and big wide brown eyes. He was only two years younger than me but he had a cute boyish quality that was accentuated by a slim waist and a perfect bubble butt.

"Come on babe, i just want you guys to meet. You're always saying you want mix up our friends a bit more." I said clamping my hands around his waist and pulling him into me in a way that usually settled him down.

"Ugh ok ok," he said laughing "But only if you do one thing for me first." his voice took on a mischievous tone and I felt his hand drift over my crotch, giving a quick squeeze to my rapidly hardening cock. I'd been hard all day as a matter of fact, thinking about tonight. But something in the way he gripped me made me pause.

"Not yet babe" I said smiling and pushing his hand away. I can't explain why exactly, but I knew it wasn't time yet. Time for what I wasn't even sure, but I knew it was good that he was horny.

An hour later we were dressed and waiting outside Matt's door. James, annoyed though he was by the last minute change of plans, had brought a bottle of wine. I knocked and for a second felt a flash of a memory. I remembered walking through the door, seeing Matt naked on the couch. It was brief but so vivid that I felt relieved when he opened the door fully dressed, greeting us both warmly as he ushered us in.

He poured us each a glass of wine and made himself busy in the kitchen finishing off dinner. I noticed that his apartment was unseasonably hot. It was only early fall but the head was pumping and it felt like the middle of summer.

"Sorry, the heat is still broken." He said apologetically, almost as if he'd sensed my thoughts. "I've called that damned super twice to come turn it down but..." he trailed off. Between the heat from the radiators and the head from cooking it was pretty balmy. I noticed that James had already slipped out of the jacket he was wearing. At the stove Matt was glistening with a bit of sweat, but we made do.

Dinner was pleasant enough, we mostly made small talk about our jobs and lives. At this point we were all a little too warm, i could see the beginning of sweat stains forming on Matt and James' shirts although they didn't seem to notice. At one point things got a little awkward when James asked how Matt and I had met. I started to fumble through an explanation about "bumping into each other at the building gym" but Matt just waved off the question.

"That's not important." he said. His tone was more pointed than usual but it also felt entirely true. James looked puzzled for a minute and then responded.

"Yeah, not important..." he said vaguely. Returning the conversation to something that had happened on reality TV.

Matt was very apologetic about the heat, to the point of continually bringing it up. We both didn't want to make him feel bad about something beyond his control, so when he suggested that we take off our sweaters leaving only our undershirts we both agreed, happy for a little relief and to put him at ease.

By the time dinner was served Matt was down to just a cotton wife beater that left his strong hairy arms visible. Dropping a plate of pie on the table he placed a hand on James' shoulder.

"It really is way too warm in here. If you want to take your shirt of it's totally fine with me" he said thoughtfully, giving my boyfriend's shoulder a gentle squeeze. James looked up at him apologetically, his eyes lingering for a minute on Matt's thick arms and hairy pits, now on full display.

"Thanks" he said, smiling politely as he stripped off his undershirt. My cock throbbed in my pants at the sight of his tan smooth chest glistening in the dining room light. It occurred to me that this was a pretty strange way to hold a dinner party, stripped down half naked as we were, but I dismissed the thought. Matt was being very hospitable and I was so happy to see them getting along. I really wanted them to get along.

After a few more minutes of small talk it was clear that everyone was feeling relaxed. James was leaning back in his chair, seemingly fixated on everything Matt was telling him. I had removed my shirt as well but I could feel my mind wandering. It must have been the wine. When Matt said that he wanted to show James something cool in the bedroom I barely even noticed.

I'm not sure how long I was sitting there, could have been a few minutes or an hour for all i could tell, but the faint sound of moaning pulled me back to reality. I realized i was still alone at the table but there were definitely sounds coming from Matt's bedroom. For a moment my mind cleared, I could feel myself getting angrier as I jumped from the table and stormed into the bedroom, but what i saw when I walked through the door stopped me cold.

They were both sitting on the bed. Matt was now fully naked, his cock standing at attention and the same placid smile on his face. Next to him on the bed James was still shirtless and his pants had been pulled down to his ankles. His cock was rock hard as he slowly stroked it staring dreamily forward. On the TV opposite the bed a video was playing, that had been the source of the sound. It took me a moment to piece together what it was.

Memories flooded back of the night before. Of sitting on Matt's couch with his cock in my mouth, and of mounting him, riding his hard shaft while sharing all the details of my relationship with James. Occasionally, I recalled, Matt would whisper something vulgar into my ear. Something about how much he loved fucking my "tight pink pussy." Apparently he had filmed the encounter, and from what I could recall my boyfriend was about to see our dinner host pump a load into my ass.

James caught sight of me out of the corner of his eye. For a minute his placid expression changed. He looked confused, angry, and embarrassed to be caught in this position. Matt seemed to notice the change in his postures and pulled him a bit closer, wrapping his arm around my boyfriend's shoulders an gently stroking his hair as he pulled him toward his pits. In the background the video of my last encounter with Matt played on.

Something about the scene set me on edge, but I couldn't quite figure out what it was. I wanted Matt and James to get along, and here they were spending some time together, but for some reason my body was still incredibly tense. Matt seemed to notice this too, he glanced up at me with a smile on his face.

"Relax Ethan, I know you wanted James and I to get to know each other..." he said, pulling my boyfriend into a kiss. James stopped stroking his cock, for a moment it looked like he resist, his hand reached up as if to push Matt away but then he paused, leaned into the kiss moaning audibly into Matt's open mouth.

"...and now we are." Matt said smiling and breaking the kiss.

I was still trying to figure out my feelings as Matt waved move over closer to the bed. I felt my dick throb again in my pants as I stepped toward them. James had returned to slowly stroking himself, glancing between me, Matt, and the TV screen as he did. I tried to catch his eye, but my gaze was drawn instead to Matt's naked body. As I drew closer I felt a calm wash over me. Without being asked, I took a seat on the bed.

"Ok" Matt said cheerfully, his hand still gently stroking James' hair, "I think it's time to kiss your boyfriend goodbye." Rising to his feet he stood beside us on the bed, his hard cock inches from my face and slowly pushed us together. For a moment I saw a pleading look in James' eye, one that I returned as our lips pressed together in a long lingering kiss. I could still taste Matt on his lips.

"Wha?" James asked groggily as our lips separated. I realized he was starting to break out of the daze he was in, but Matt had noticed that too.

"He's a tough one," Matt said, his voice tinged with amusement. "Usually bottoms don't fight back this much. Maybe he really does like you. I think he'll need a bigger dose."

James looked at me again, pleadingly. I was trying to focus and clear my mind but it was tough standing this close to Matt, and hearing myself on the TV screen I was practically too aroused to think. Meanwhile, Matt had turned away from us, I could see his full firm ass and the dark mass of damp hair around his crack. Something about it triggered a memory. Our first night together. I had come upstairs intent on fucking my neighbor, a casual pump and dump before bed, but he'd insisted on a rim job first, then everything got fuzzy.

"Ethan, give him a hand would you?" Matt said cheerfully. In an instant I knew just what to do. I cupped James' face in my hands looking one more time at his beautiful brown eyes, I could almost imagine kissing him again. Then slowly I pushed him forward, away from my face and toward Matt's waiting ass.

He resisted for a minute, pushing back against my hand, but it was only a few inches and soon his nose made contact with Matt's dark hairy trench. It only took a moment for him to stop struggling and for instinct to take over. A moment later I could hear his loud but muffled moans as instinct took over. This was great. I was really happy to see them getting along.

After a minute, Matt waved me over, pulling me into a long slow kiss with his right hand while his left pushed my boyfriend deeper into his full hairy ass. Soon i felt a gentle pressure on my shoulder as Matt pushed me to my knees, his cock bobbed only inches from my face. Without being told I opened my mouth and swallowed it, running my tongue diligently up and down the shaft. Funny, I'd never liked sucking cock before, but know that Matt needed me to get him ready was all the incentive I needed. As I slid his pole down my throat I could hear James lapping away contentedly from behind.

"That should do it," Matt said after a few minutes of wordless moaning from both of us. He pushed me away from his cock and simultaneously shoved James back onto the bed where he flopped, now dazed and naked onto the covers.

"Lay down here" he said simply, pointing at me and patting the bed. He was right, it looked like a comfortable spot. Without a moment of hesitation I hopped onto the bed and lay down flat on my back. A moment later I heard Matt whispering to James as he positioned him on his hands and knees, straddling my head, I could feel his now hard cock bouncing against my chin, leaving a thin trail of precum as his balls hovered just over my mouth. I could see Matt in the periphery, positioning himself behind James, his cock was still wet with my spit. I felt so lucky to have a front-row seat for what was going to come next.

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Next: Chapter 3

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