Upstairs Neighbor

By Ethan Summers

Published on Oct 29, 2020


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Chapter 3

Lying there on the bed with my boyfriend's hard cock dangling in my face I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. But that thought dissolved as I watched Matt lubing up James' hole with two fingers and his own spit. I heard James moaning but it sounded far away, my mind was on other things. I opened my mouth, running my tongue across the head of his cock before swallowing as much of it as possible. I needed to make him feel as good as possible so he could enjoy being with Matt.

I felt James' dick twitch in my throat and glanced up to see Matt pushing the head of his thick cock slowly but insistently into his tight hole. Soon he bottomed out, Matt's thick pubes pressed against James' round bubble butt cheeks. After a moment he started to hammer in and out. I knew exactly what he was feeling. James had an incredible ass, tight and smooth and warm. I could almost imagine the look of concentration on his face as his hole gripped Matt's cock.

I lost my concentration as James' cock was suddenly forced deeper down my throat, triggering my gag reflex. Matt and thrown himself onto James' back pushing him down onto the bed with me underneath him. His cock was hammering away and I could hear James gasp and moan as it pounded in and out. I heard Matt whispering something and then James cried out.

"Yesss fuck yes master. Fuck my tight pussy!" It was strange to hear him being so verbal, he was usually very reserved, even during sex.

I focused on sucking my boyfriend's rock hard cock but I could feel the pulse of the pounding he was taking. I could picture Matt's cock sliding in and out of his perfect hole, stretching it wide and plunging in deep. I knew this was what my boyfriend needed. I remembered the previous night, Matt had explained everything. He could tell, just from my description, that James was a slut for cock and that his hole needed to be used and filled. He also knew that I couldn't do it. I wanted to believe I could, but as I sat there riding Matt...riding my master's...cock it had all become clear. I had to let him give James what he needed, spreading his tight hole and filling it with man cum.

It was hard to tell how long this went on, it felt like minutes but it could have been an hour. My mind was nearly blank until I felt James shudder above me. I could feel his balls tighten and his cock throb as he came, his cock slipped from my mouth splattering cum across my face for the first time. Simultaneously I heard Matt groan as he emptied his load into James' waiting hole. A part of me was jealous, but in my cloudy state, I wasn't sure of who.

Matt pulled out and James rolled off of me. I caught a glimpse of his contented smile as he sprawled on the bed, Matt's cum dripping from his hole. Matt stood up, also smiling as he grabbed a towel and wiped the cum from my face. Without a word he grinned and pushed his cum-covered cock into my waiting mouth. I was happy to suck it clean for him, he'd been such an incredible host and we hadn't even offered to do the dishes. Grabbing the back of my head Matt pushed his cock deeper down my throat. My nose was pressed against his pubes, the smell of cum and sweat overwhelming me again.

"I'm really glad you came over tonight Ethan," he said with a smile, "But you look pretty tired. Why don't you go home and crash? James and I are going to chat a bit more." As he said it he slides his cock out of my mouth and sat down on the bed, placing a hand on James' inner thigh.

He was right. I was tired. Sitting up I leaned over, kissed James on the cheek, and jumped to my feet snatching my pants off the floor in the process. A minute later I was walking down the hall to the elevator with a smile on my face. What a great evening.

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and was surprised to find James sleeping beside me. He had passed out on top of the covers wearing only a jockstrap. Funny, I'd never seen him wear a jock before. I didn't even think he owned one. I considered making him up for a little morning fun, but I was feeling energetic and I knew somehow that that energy would be better spent in the gym.

I rolled out of bed and dressed quickly. Pulling on a jock identical to the one James was wearing. I couldn't remember buying it, but it was perfect for a serious workout. I tossed on the rest of my gym close and headed downstairs to the building gym. It was still early and most of the equipment was still unoccupied. In fact, there was only one other person there.

Mike was another of our neighbors, and from my perusal of the apps, the only other gay guy in the building. We'd exchanged messages a few times before I met James, but it had never gone anywhere. He was a total top and I didn't ever bottom. He was cute though, with tightly cropped blond hair and bright blue eyes. He was my height but considerably more built, a body build for the circuit parties that I knew from our brief conversations he loved attending. I smiled and nodded and took a seat on the weight bench across from him as he was wrapping up his morning workout.

"Haven't seen you down here in a while" he said with a grin. I smiled back and blushed a little. It had been some time since I'd had time to hit the building gym.

"Yeah, just trying to get in shape before pool party season starts up again," I said with an uncharacteristic wink.

"Doesn't look like you've got much to worry about" he said slyly, his eyes drifting over my exposed thighs and residing slowly up to the hem of my shorter-than-necessary gym shorts. I stood up, pretending to browse the weight rack, but coincidentally giving him a view of my ass filling out those same shorts. Even though I'd turned him down more than once, it now felt imperative that I get Mike to notice my ass. Unconsciously I slide my hands into my waistband sliding my shorts down slightly to reveal the edge of my jockstrap.

"You're looking pretty good to me dude." He continued, now obviously aware of my ploy. "It's too bad you never come to my parties," he added knowingly. I turned around in time to catch him smiling lasciviously. I knew all about Mike's parties. Held in his spacious apartment and on his private terrace they usually featured a pack of upscale local gays in underwear alternating between doing lines of cock and fucking in his hot tub. Not usually my scene.

"Yeah man totally," I said noncommittal, but suddenly an idea struck me. "Why don't you come over tonight. We're basically the only gays in the building. We should all hang out."

"Yeah man, it's just us and that old guy on 12 that's always hitting me up on Grindr." he said with a laugh. I felt a flash of anger. It wasn't cool of him to talk about Matt that way, but I suppressed it.

"For sure dude. We can just have some drinks...or whatever." I added that last piece suggestively. I'm not sure why but I really wanted him to come hang out, and I needed him to be horny. He quickly agreed to meet up later that night at my place. Mike excused himself to go for a run and I proceeded to subject myself to an uncharacteristically punishing workout.

When I got back to the apartment James was out. I found a note on the fridge. "Gone up to help Matt with some chores. Back later." With nothing else to do, I started organizing the apartment for later. I wanted to make sure Mike felt comfortable so I cleaned every room and put new sheets on the bed. Once that was done I jumped in the shower to wash the gym sweat off my body, paying special attention to my hole. I needed to make sure my hole was nice and clean...

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