Uris Seduction

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 31, 2022


Damian Peters was not a stupid man. He knew that in order to convince or, more correctly, seduce Uri, he was going to have to plan things very carefully. His position as a government employee gave Damian access to information that was not public, and he used it. He knew about Uri and Jad, and he had managed to get information about Uri's time at University. He knew about his interests in art and dance, about his overall passivity toward life EXCEPT toward dance and art, and he had formulated a plan. He gave a big smile as he opened the door of his car for Uri.

"Uri, if you knew how nervous I am about tonight.... " He laughed. "Maybe I should let you drive?" "Nervous? Why are YOU nervous Mr. Peters - I mean Damian - sorry. I mean, I'm scared to death." "OF ME? Uri, no one has been afraid of me ever. So, tell you what? Let's just try to forget how we both feel, and try to enjoy some coffee, some music, some conversation. It'll all be fine. And I promise I'll get you home by curfew." Uri smiled. "OK. I hate the curfew. I miss a lot of things I wanna see because they end too late. I mean, they're not close to where we live and it takes too long to get home." "You need to make some friends that live in the artsy part of town Uri." "Uh, Damian, how did you know I was interested in the arts?" "Oh, it was a wild guess Uri. Like I wrote in the letter, you move around so gracefully I just assumed you dance, and I've never met a dancer who wasn't interested in seeing dance." Damian smiled as he drove. "So, the coffee shop I had in mind is just up ahead so it's not too far away. Cute name: 'Annalena's'. If you have your phone, you may want to just text your folks so they know where you are." "Oh, I'm sure it'll be ok." They were at a stop light before turning into the parking lot. "URI. Don't make me get all adult on you. Just text them. They'll be happy to know." "Ok Sir." Uri laughed. He pecked out a message to his father. "Hi Dad. Damian wanted me to let you know we're at a coffee shop called Annalena's. It's not far away. Love you." Then as he sent it he realized he had said "Ok SIR" to Damian. Why had he done that? Damian didn't seem like a "Sir." Yes, he had called all of his elementary and intermediate school teachers "Sir," and sometimes, when Jad pinned him down before he kissed him, he'd joke by calling him "Sir Jad" because Jad reminded him of some of the villains in the fantasy novels he read, but Damian? Damian seemed almost like an uncle rather than a school master, even though he was older than many of his "Masters" had been. "Gloria, do you have a table for Uri and I?" Damian smiled at an attractive dark haired lady who walked by. "OH, Mr. Peters, haven't seen you in a while." She looked at Uri and smiled. "And I haven't seen YOU ever. I'd remember." She waited until Uri blushed and then giggled. "This way Mr. Peters. I know you like this table back here. The quieter area." As they walked to their table, Uri was looking at the art on the walls. Damian had gently put his hand on Uri's arm, guiding him to the table. It sent a little shiver up Uri's body, and he liked it. "That painting over there." He pointed to one. "It looks like a Sonya Frend" "It IS a Sonya Frend. There's another one in the corner. Look." Uri's mouth dropped. "SHE'S MY FAVORITE ARTIST but I've never seen one close up." Damian laughed and thought "GOOD. That intelligence was right." "Yes, Sonya painted these before she made it. She did a lot of work for cafes and restaurants etc. " He paused. "When her stuff was affordable, I was able to buy two of them." "YOU HAVE SONYA FREND PAINTINGS?" "I do. And I can go one bettter Uri. I know her." "OH. OH MY GOD HOW?" "You know she's not young don't you?" "Uh huh." "Well, she taught art when I was an undergrad. I took her class and... well, I wasn't very good but we hit it off. I don't get to talk to her much but yeah, when her schedule and mine meet, we'll go for a serious drink or something . By the way, they serve more serious stuff than coffee here. Would you like a glass of wine or something?" "Only if you have one too, Damian." "AH, I'm afraid not tonight. I'll be driving and I promised your folks I'd take very good care of you. So, tell me about the dancing. What's your favorite style?" "Well, I like them all. I have to say, probably because it's so impossible for me to do it, I like ballet the best. I haven't seen much of it, though." "Too far from home?" "Yes. I know how strict the curfew laws are." "There ARE afternoon performances you know." Uri smiled. "Yes, but then I'd have to ask mom or dad to drive me, and they're always working. Grading papers, writing exams, planning lessons. They work SO hard." "Professors work very hard. I agree. And they love you very much, Uri." Uri paused. "I know. I just feel like, well, sometimes they smother me with the love. I wish they had adopted another kid so they could divide their attention." Damian lied "I didn't know you were adopted." "Oh yes. I was about 4 years old." "I guess you're an only child. I can't see your folks separating brothers and sisters." "As far as I know." Their coffee came over. Damian had ordered a lemon chiffon slice too. Again, the research said lemon was one of Uri's favorite flavors. "I got this because it's a specialty here."(it wasn't). I thought we could share it." "OOOOOOOOH. I love lemon. " "Dig in." Shyly, he did. "It's so good Damian. SO GOOD." "So, Uri, I know coffee isn't the best way to meet people especially when you don't have much time, but I hope I'm not scaring you anymore. " He paused. "I was wondering. maybe you'd be interested in a second date? I'd be good with picking you up and taking you to an afternoon dance recital." Uri looked down. "I'd like that but...I think I should tell you Damian..I'm seeing someone." Damian pulled in all his acting skills. He reached across the table and squeezed Uri's hand. "OH, URI! I had no idea. I'm so sorry and I'm embarrassed. If I knew that, I wouldn't have put you in this position." He shook his head. "Your folks didn't tell me that." Uri smiled. "They worry about my future. My boyfriend is my age. We work at the same plant but... he thinks art and dance are just, well, silly." "Typical scientist" Uri laughed at the remark. "I KNOW. I mean, trying to get him out of the lab, sometimes... I feel like I need to drop my pants " "I bet that would do it. " He went on. "You know, I don't want to make things uncomfortable for you and I'm really sorry. How about you finish up that cake and we'll call it an early night? Incidentally, the invitation to the recital stands. It'll just be, well, different." "I'd like that. I'd like that a lot Damian." "Ok, so let's do this. I have to follow the rules and that means a letter to your folks asking for the second date. I'll be explicit in the letter and we'll take it from there. How's that?" He squeezed Uri's hand again, more gently this time. Uri laughed. "I guess I'm just really surprised that anyone's interested enough in me to, well, go as far as you have." "Well, your boyfriend is a lucky man, Uri. I hope he knows that." "He's a jealous man. He wasn't happy about me going out with you." "I don't blame him. If you were MY boyfriend, I wouldn't want you going out with other guys either" Uri looked up. "Really? Why's that?" Damian let go of Uri's hand. "Ok, don't let me embarrass you too much Uri. First, you're wickedly attractive. Second, you have an important job whether you know it or not, and they don't keep people who don't perform at that plant. That I know. Third, you worry constantly about your parents. Fourth, have I said you're wickedly attractive?" Uri smiled. "I've been called attractive but, wickedly?" "Yes, wickedly. Like enchanting or bewitching or use any word like that you want." Uri's voice dropped. "There are a lot of young men out there, Damian." "Yes, there are. There's only one Uri Shore though." ("GOT HIM!" Damian thought to himself. "Close this deal." ) "Tell you what, Uri? When I send the thank you letter to your folks, I'll mention several dates. You check. I don't want you cancelling on your man or anything like that. You folks just let me know. " He winked. "I'll even include my phone number so YOU can call me instead of your parents." There was a sigh from Uri. "You said you had two of Frend's paintings?" "I do." "Is it too forward to invite myself over to see them?" "No, not at all but... maybe we should wait for date number 3 before you tell your folks you're going to my place?" "Yeah. I get that Sir.. I mean Damian." Damian put some money on the table. "Let's get going. Your parents will be impressed with what a gentleman I am."

When they got in the car, Uri looked a little nervous. "Damian...I really enjoyed myself tonight." "I did too Uri." "I mean, well..would it be ok if I kissed you?" "Kissing on the first date. SHOCKING" Damian laughed. "Actually, I was hoping you'd ask. And here. Instead of in front of your house. C'mon over." Uri slid over to Damian and closed his eyes. Damian pressed his lips to Uri's and then pulled away. Uri looked at him. "More?" "Yes please." He kissed Uri again. When he kissed him the third time, Uri opened his mouth. "Are you sure, angel?" "Very sure." He opened his mouth again, and this time Damian slid in his tongue. Uri was glad that he was wearing loose trousers, but then Damian took his hand and put it on HIS crotch. "See what you're doing to me, you wickedly attractive young man?" "Kiss me again, Damian. Please." Damian probed further with his tongue. "We really need to go, Uri. Curfew." Uri sighed. "I know. You're a good kisser. Better than my boyfriend." "Ha ha. Thank you. I hope I have more practice. But you're easy to kiss, Uri. And I won't tell your boyfriend. I hope I get to meet him so I can tell him what a lucky man he is." Damian controlled the steering wheel with one hand and held Uri's with his other one. That was until, at a traffic stop, Uri moved in closer again, and picked up Damian's arm and put it around him. "I like it when someone holds me. It feels so good." Damian pulled him closer. "Stay there as long as you want." "Hey, Damian, I just realized. You have to worry about curfew too." Damian smiled. "I DO have a curfew, but mine is 3 hours after yours. Diplomatic workers get extra time because we're supposed to be out, well, doing diplomacy. " "Oh, I didn't know that." They pulled up in front of Uri's house. "Well, here we are handsome. And if my eyes do not deceive me, I believe that is your mom looking out the window." Uri smiled and waved. Now that he had seen her, she dove back into the living room. "OH MY. He saw me." "I wish she had stayed, Damian, because I wanted her to see this." He pressed his lips against Damian's, and now he grabbed Damian's hand and put it on HIS crotch. "Two can play at this game, Sir." And this time he didn't apologize for using it. "GET INSIDE URI. Or I'll spank you." "Promise?" "GO YOU LITTLE FLIRT OR I'M DRIVING AWAY WITH YOU." "Promises promises. Send the letter tomorrow. Or tonight. Soon." "Yes Lord Uri. " Uri smiled. Then he was gone.

"So how was your date with Mr. Peters?" his father asked. Uri shrugged. "It was okay. We had coffee and lemon roll." "OH, your favorite! " His mother said. "I wonder how he knew." "Oh he said it was a specialty of Annalena's. " "Annalena's. God, she's been there forever. I don't remember lemon slice so there must be a new cook. Her old specialty was this concoction of strawberry ice cream and dried fruit and, oh I don't remember what else. " "Well, I'm glad you had a good time," his mother added. "I did. But I'm tired. I'm going to go to bed. Good night mom and dad." As soon as he got to his room, Uri dropped his pants and lay on his back. He fantasized about Damian being on top of him, kissing his neck and doing other things. His mom found two used handkerchiefs the next day. She just presumed he had been thinking about Jad and she had missed them the first time around.

The next day, when Uri came home from work (it was a day that his parents worked late at the University), he found the letter, addressed to Professor and Professor Shore, and he also found a single sunflower with a note attached to it. "I saw this flower and I thought of you, Uri. I hope you like it and I hope I'll hear from you soon. Yours, Damian" He wanted to open the letter to his parents so badly that he could scream. He looked at the clock. "DAMN. It's an hour and a half before they get here." He took a deep breath. He wanted to tear open the letter, but he didn't. "What's it gonna say? 'Your son kisses so well and he makes me hard?" He started gathering things for dinner so that they wouldn't have to wait all that long before he knew what the letter said. And he put the flower in some water and hid the note in a secret place in his room.

"Dear Eric and Beth" Uri's father was reading Damian's new letter out loud to Uri and his mom. "Thank you for the privilege of spending some time with Uri. I hope I didn't worry you by driving him home so late to curfew. I was just having such a delightful evening that I lost track of time. Uri told me that he was a big fan of dance, and I would like to invite him to a matinee performance of a classical program in the center of town. It's on a Saturday, so it wouldn't interfere with work or your Sunday plans, and I would certainly understand if you feel this invitation is not appropriate. If you could let me know at this number, by Thursday, it would be much appreciated. Fondly, Damian."

Beth was smiling. "What a wonderful letter! " Eric joked "I guess you didn't scare him off son" He and Beth laughed, and Uri blushed. Then he smiled. "I guess he liked me." "I would SAY SO" his mother replied. So.. are you interested in seeing him again?" "I'm not sure mom, I mean, what about Jad?" Beth looked at Eric and laughed some more. "Oh, sonny, just so you know, neither one of us was exclusive when we were dating. Keep your options opened." She looked over her glasses. "Has Jad ever asked you if you wanted to see a dance performance?" "Well, no but. He hates dance." "Maybe Damian does too. You don't know that. He may have gotten the tickets because he likes you, and you like dance." "I'll think about it. Do you think I should call him, or will you?" "I think it would show more interest if you called him. On the other hand, if you're still not sure, one of us will." "I'll call him," Uri answered.

That Saturday morning, Uri was frantic trying to decide how to dress. Damian, who had been ecstatic when Uri called, told him that it was a matinee, and casual was fine. Then he added something that only made the wait for Saturday more anxiety provoking for Uri. "Uri, I live not far from the performance space. It's up to you, but if you would like, we could spend a little bit of time together before I take you back home. It's completely up to you. Tell me when we meet." "Ok Sir. I mean DAMIAN. GOD, when am I gonna get that right?" Damian laughed and thought "you already have boy. You already have."

"My you look handsome!" Damian was standing outside his car when Uri came out to meet him. He had decided on a pale blue shirt, some jeans that were just snug (Jad loved the way they made Uri's ass look), and he carried a bright red sweater because Damian had told him the theater could get very cool. "Uh, thanks. You look good too." Uri loved it when people told him he was handsome, but not in front of his parents. "Beth, Eric, thank you. I promise we'll be back well before curfew." "Just have a good time. It's Uri's first ballet. " "Your first one, young man?" Damian said "Lots of firsts coming up for you." Uri blushed. "I don't quite understand what you mean, Damian." "Oh, it's just something general. I mean, if I get to see more of you, which I hope I do, there are a lot of things I'd like to show you. How about getting closer handsome? " Uri scooted over and when Damian put his free arm around him, he put a hand on Damian's thigh. Damian laughed. "Don't do that unless you mean it." Uri smiled, and didn't move his hand.

About fifteen minutes before the performance was over, Uri began to cry. Very softly, so he didn't disturb the audience, but enough for Damian to notice. Damian wasn't sure if something was wrong, so he squeezed Uri's hand and whispered "Do you want to leave now?" Uri shook his head and squeezed Damian's hand back. They left during curtain calls. There were benches outside, near the central fountain at the arts plaza, and Damian led Uri over to a bench. The weeping had become more intense, and Damian was concerned. "Sweety. Uri. What's wrong? Did something bother you? Did I bother you? What happened?" Uri pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed at his eyes with one hand. He kept holding onto Damian's with the other one. "I'm sorry, Damian. I'm so sorry, it's just... well, they're SO GOOD. They're so beautiful and I wanted to be one of them. But I wasn't good enough. I'm NEVER good enough. EVER." And now he began crying harder. Damian pulled him closer. "Uri, I'm sorry that dancing didn't work out for you. But I want to say a few things. First, don't laugh: you can dance for me any time you want. In public, in private, wherever whenever. And I'll applaud. You won't even know if I don't like it." Uri made a joke. "How could you not like it? You're in love with me." Damian dropped his voice. "Not yet. But I'm getting there." He put a kiss on Uri's forehead. "Now, do me a favor. Look up. Just look around the plaza, then tell me. I'm gonna set my watch. How many handsome guys about your age walk by. Take 5 minutes. Keep the number to yourself and I'll do the same thing. We'll compare notes. " When his watch went off, Damian smiled. "So, what's your number?" "I counted 85" "WOW. You're critical. I counted 144." "IN FIVE MINUTES?" "Ha ha. You're jealous" "NO I'M NOT. I just think you may have eye problems." "Ok, let's say 85. Now, how many of them am I with?" "None." "That's right. And that's because the boy I'm with... he's more than good enough for me, and I feel kinda special to be with him." He looked at Uri. "No tongue in public. But kiss me. Right now." Uri did, and he felt the way he did when he was with Jad" "Damian, you mentioned we could go to your place for a little while. Could we do that?" Damian looked at Uri. "Are you sure?" "Very sure Sir. I mean Damian. DAMN I just want to keep calling you Sir." Damian smiled. "If you're more comfortable with that, go ahead. I kind of like it, but I'm really just Damian." "No Sir. You just. I mean. Please don't take this the wrong way because I don't know what I'm saying but, when I'm with you, I feel like you're in control of everything and, well, I like that. " He whispered. "I'll put your hand on my crotch in the car and I'll prove it. " Damian smiled. "I just want to tell you Uri. If you want me to take charge, I will. But I'm not, well, I'm not going to be the one who takes your virginity from you." "YOU ASSUMED I WAS A VIRGIN?" "Uri, you ARE a virgin." "How, I mean how?" "Your parents were afraid that I'd back away if you weren't. Frankly, I wish you weren't. Let me rephrase that. I have mixed feelings about it. I'd love to be your first but, that's a big responsibility." Uri stopped for a minute. "I guess that, yeah, the stories are that when an older guy comes courting, he's looking for a virgin so, I guess they assumed..." "They didn't lie to me, did they?" "No Sir." "Well, I just want you to know, I didn't care one way or the other. My original letter did NOT say: of course all this is off if he's a slut." "HA. Sometimes I think my father wishes I WERE a slut." "No father wishes that Uri. They want you to be happy. " He brushed one last tear from Uri's face. "Let's go get a late snack and then, we'll head to my place. Best tell your folks not to worry."

About half hour later, they were sitting on the sofa in Damian's living room, kissing, this time with tongue. Damian had taken off his jacket, and he had opened Uri's shirt, and was running his soft beard fur all over Uri's smooth chest. Jad had never done that and it was making Uri crazy. "OH MY GOD. THAT .. THAT FEELS SO GOOD SIR." "I want to take you to my bedroom." "Yes sir. Please." "You're underneath. Lay down, Uri." "Yes sir. " Uri saw Damian smile as he stripped off his shirt and climbed on top of the younger man. He was heavier, and more solid than Jad, but that chest hair! The rough chin the kisses. Uri was moaning well before Damian seized his wrists and pulled them up over his head. "Does Jad physically control you?" "Yes sir. I LOVE WHEN HE DOES. " Uri squirmed. "You're much stronger than he is Sir." Then he couldn't speak because Damian had shoved his tongue in his mouth. He felt Damian's hands all over his body, and when he felt the fingers at his jeans, he tried to resist but he didn't want to, really. Damian whispered. "I know what I'm doing Uri, and I know what you want." He smiled. "Here's a secret. Please don't tell anyone. I'm NOT a virgin." He started laughing and Uri giggled. "What are you gonna do, Sir?" "Today, this afternoon? Nothing you don't want." He began stroking Uri's penis. "SIR. I mean... OH GOD THAT FEELS GOOD BUT... shouldn't I be doing that to you?" "You will. When it's my turn. I have a feeling that's gonna be very soon. "AIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Uri began squirting. Damian let go of his wrists and hugged him. "Let it out sweetie, let it out. " He held Uri for a few minutes. "Are you ok young man?" "Yes sir. VERY OK" "Good." He kissed Uri on the tip of his nose. "Now it's your turn. No mouth. Just your hands?" "Mouth?" Uri looked confused." "There are going to be a lot of firsts for you, Uri. Remember what I said. Now, do to me whatever you do to Jad." As Uri jerked him off, Damian was thinking "Yes, there's a lot of potential here, but he's.... oh WHAT THE HELL DAMEE. You're not getting any younger." He closed his eyes and imagined Uri tied to the bed, gagged, with Damian's cock in his ass. "YOU DID IT KID YOU DID IT." Damian began to squirt. He laughed. "I think you win the volume prize." Uri grinned sheepishly. "I was excited Sir. I dreamed about this happening from right after we had the phone call." Damian ran his hand through Uri's hair. "I think..I think we better get a little cleaned up, and then let's get a quick bite before we get you back home." He rolled back on top of Uri. "But I'm not letting you up or feeding you unless you tell me when I ask for a third date, you'll say yes." "How about asking me now, Sir?" Damian chuckled. "You know, the custom is: the old man asks the parents for the first three. After that, it's between the two daters. So, let's do it right for the third one, and then... " "Ok. I see your point Sir. " He looked directly at Damian. "You said you were falling in love with me?" "I did. And it's the truth." "The feeling is mutual Sir."

"OH HELL I left my sweater at your place." Uri realized as they were sitting in the restaurant that he had forgotten it. It had gotten a bit chilly and he had reached for it. "Well, it'll be too big for you but... how about taking my jacket?" "No, I can't do that Sir, I mean." "Yes you can. I have a higher body temperature than most, and I'll be fine " Uri put on the heavy tweed. "It does NOT suit you, but it'll keep you warm." "It has your smell on it Sir. Can I keep it?" Uri smiled. "It's yours."

As they stopped in front of Uri's house, the sun was just beginning to set. "You know, Uri, I was just thinking. Every sunset is different. What we see tonight, we won't see tomorrow. They're unique. But I think the one tonight is my favorite, ever." He squeezed Uri's hand. "Thank you Sir. I feel like I'm awake for the first time in my life." "Well, I'll try to make sure you get as little sleep as possible." He kissed Uri. "Your mom AND dad saw that one, so you may have some serious discussions tonight. Call me if you need help." "Please come in with me Sir. Please?" Damian smiled. "You sure it's okay?" "No, but... let's see." "Hi Mom. Hi Dad. We're back." "OH, did you have a good time?" "Mom, it was wonderful." He saw her quizzical look at the jacket. "I forgot my sweater at the theater and Damian lent me this to keep me warm." "Oh, Damian, that was very kind of you." "Not a problem, Beth. I told Uri, my body heat is a little up there so.... as chemists would say 'I burn hot' ". "YEAH. My chem professor said that," Eric added. "Well, I'm going to head back home." He shook everyone's hand. "Oh wait! Don't forget your jacket, Damian." "I think it suits Uri. No pun intended. Uri, I'm gonna stop by the theater to see if they found your sweater. I'll let you know." "Thank you Damian. Thank you for everything today." Damian smiled and left. After he left, as he predicted, Beth Eric and Uri had a long talk. "You're sure about this, Uri?" his father asked at the end of the talk. "Because if there's a third invitation, and you say yes well, then we're out of the picture until. or if, he proposes. " "I know father. And I know I'm on clouds now but... if Damian proposed tonight, I'd accept." Beth looked at her son, then Eric. "He didn't because he knows better, son. It's too soon. He's a solid person. A good one. Let's be patient." Uri went to his room and tried to compose a letter to Damian, but he couldn't put together the words. He would try the next day. And the next day, there was another flower: a single lily. A white one, unopened. Beth and Eric looked at each other: they understood the symbolism. The flower was as much for them as for Uri. And another letter, with a third invitation. "We have to think about this dear," he said to Beth. "This one is an invitation to go to an evening art show and then spend the night."

Next: Chapter 3

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