Uris Seduction

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 9, 2022


Beth and Eric both read Damian's letter a few times before they asked Uri to join them. Eric deadpanned "this is looking serious ma," and Beth laughed. Eric continued: "I don't want to turn it into a joke but, I never thought that someone out of Uri's age cohort, let alone a diplomat, would be this serious about him." Beth smiled. "I guess I saw more than you did, Eric. Yes, men and women his age look at Uri. He usually blushes and smiles. But older guys look at him too. He really hasn't noticed, I guess, because he's been so enamored of that boy Jad. I imagined this would happen some day because, well, if they weren't getting through to him informally, they'd follow the Locrian courtship manuals." "So, I guess you've studied that manual since this started." Beth just smiled. "So, what does it say?" She took a deep breath: "Well, according to the manual, if the courted -- that's Uri- accepts a third date, and the courter-Damian- wishes to continue the relationship, he no longer needs our blessing. After the third date, it's totally up to Uri. We're out of the picture." Eric's voice rose. "Beth, we are NEVER going to be completely out of the picture." "NO, NO dear, that's not what I meant. What I meant was, we can't say no if Uri wants to go out with him after this one." "Well, what are we going to do?" he asked. "Should we veto it?" He took a deep breath and sighed. "I'll say it. You don't have to admit it, but we're both thinking about the dowry." Beth looked down. "I imagine Uri is too. He worries about our future, Eric. What if the university closes or they terminate one of our departments? Or we get reassigned to another territory? It's all possible." Eric paused. "Do you think Damian would try to do something to take us out of Uri's life?" "No, "was Beth's response. "He's gone out with Uri twice. He has to know how important family is to him. And he'll know Uri is smart. If something happened to us, Uri would suspect Damian right away. No, I don't take him for that, but...Eric, I think we need to talk to Damian before we speak to Uri. I'm concerned that" "That he's going to break the copulatory laws" "Yes" Beth said softly. "Let's call Damian and see what we can find out." All phone numbers were publicly available now, and there was no blocking of calls. Damian would know right away that it was Beth and Eric calling. "Hello Professor," he said in a chipper voice when he answered. "I don't know which Professor, but at least I get partial credit." "It's Eric, Damian." "Oh, hi Eric. It's good to hear your voice. I am assuming you're calling about my invitation to Uri." "I like that, Damian. Right to the point. No small talk." He didn't say it angrily. Eric was glad that the issue had been raised right away. "Damian, Beth is here with me, but Uri isn't. We want to talk to you about this invitation. We're both flattered that you're interested in Uri." "But you'd rather he dated someone more age appropriate? If that's the case, I understand." "No, no Damian. Honestly, we both feel that's Uri's decision to make. We were concerned that" "That because it's an overnight invitation, it meant that we'd be copulating." Eric blushed. Beth was on another phone line, and she blushed too. "Well, again I appreciate the lack of small talk. Yes. He's our only son, Damian." "I understand that, Eric. You know, all members of the diplomatic corps have to swear an oath that they've studied and will follow the Locrian code. We take an exam on it and take a follow up exam every two years." He sighed. "And as we get older in the corps, we are quizzed, more and more, on the laws relating to intimacy. I'm aware of them: VERY aware of them since I prefer younger men. I had absolutely NO intention of violating those rules on this date. Absolutely NONE." He paused for a minute. "I'm being much more wicked than I have any right to be, but I think you have more cause to worry about Jad than me." He laughed. "I'm not going to say I'm a tiger with no teeth as they used to say, but the consequences of violating that law for me would be MUCH more severe than they would be for Uri. Just an allegation could get me reassigned to some meteorite somewhere. Both dates were in public, and both times, people looked at us. Both times, I was waiting for the call to say that "the rumor is that you violated a man out of your age cohort. I'm very grateful that it hasn't happened. And it won't happen, Eric, and Beth, because I know you're a good mother and you're listening to us. And let me be very honest with you both. I'm quite fond of Uri. If things continue to go well, I fully expect that at some point, I'm going to ask you to permit me to marry him. But we're not there. We're FAR from there. I chose this for our third date for a couple of reasons. One, I had wanted to take Uri to see a show by his favorite artist." "Sonya Frend?" Beth asked. "Yes, she's the one. And as it happens, I know Sonya from my college days. We've kept in touch, and I thought Uri would like to meet her. "OH, HE'D LOVE THAT!" Beth couldn't contain herself. "But if you'd rather this didn't happen, it didn't happen, and I'll wish you and Uri well." There was a pause, and then Beth spoke again. "Damian, thank you for talking to us. You've made us feel VERY much more secure." "You can call me anytime, Professor and Professor Shore. I hope you'll pass the invitation on to Uri and I hope he'll accept. But if you don't, I understand your position 100%". "We'll pass it on, Damian. We'll ask him to call you directly." "Thank you. I hope you have a good evening." They looked at each other. "Do you feel better about this, Beth?" Eric asked. "I'm not sure. I think we have to ask Uri though. If we don't, he's going to wonder what he did to make Damian angry." Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Uri had been doing dance practice when Eric called to his room. "I'll be right there, father. Just let me change." "No need, son. We've seen you in dance clothes. Please come join us. Your mother is making some warm chai tea." Eric smiled. Chai tea was one of Uri's favorites. He could hear the steps his less than graceful son was making to the kitchen. "Sorry..." Uri's chest was heaving. "I was working on fast turns and..." He patted a towel against his face. "Let me put this on the chair so it doesn't take my sweat." He was in a tank top and some very tiny white shorts. "Please don't let him dress for Damian like this," Beth mouthed a silent prayer. "Uri, "she said as she put the chai in front of her son. "We have, or rather, YOU have a third invitation from Damian." Uri looked up. "I DO? He's not tired of me yet?" Eric laughed. "Hardly. Just listen to the letter, please." Uri tried not to blush at the parts about how they must be proud to have such a clever, polite son. Then when he heard about the date and heard "meet Sonya Frend" he nearly popped out of his chair. And then he heard the part about spending the night with Damian. The lower half of his body reacted differently than the top of his body did, and he was glad that he had pulled close to the table, because in the shorts he was wearing, even a blind man would have seen his "excitement." "Overnight? " "Yes, son. It seems the exhibit is a bit away from town. Even too far from Damian's home. He's suggesting that he rent a hotel room for the two of you." "Not two rooms, mother?" She laughed. "I thought the same thing, baby. What can I say? Well, it's not in the letter but... we already spoke to Damian." "Trying to preserve my virginity were ya?" He joked. When they didn't react, he said "Oh, that's it. You have to tell me more, mother. Who said what? " "We asked him if he intended to violate the copulation laws. He told us know." "SHIT" Uri thought. "But he told us that if things continue to go well, he IS going to proffer a marriage proposal." Uri colored from the neck up. "Uri, he hasn't done it," Eric answered. "Well, didn't he father? If he told you, isn't that sort of saying he's proposing?" "Uri you can say no right now, you can say no after the date, you can say no when the proposal comes in. It's your decision. TOTALLY yours." "Can I talk to Damian before accepting?" "Yes, of course. Absolutely." "Do you think it's too late tonight?" They looked at each other. "I think he's expecting to hear from you, Uri," was his father's answer. Uri checked to make sure his erection had gone down. "OK. I'll speak to him. Do you want me to do it in front of you?" "NO. No need son. We're here if you want to ask questions and you don't have to say yes or no tonight. He was clear about that." "Thank you, then I'll call him from my room." Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "URI! I was hoping you'd call." "Hi Damian. I hope it's not too late to call you." "Absolutely not. I was just finishing up some work I took home with me, and to be honest, I was hoping you'd call. I assume you spoke with your parents?" "Well, yes, I did. And... will we be sharing a bed during the trip?" Damian laughed. "Well, yes. At least I hope so." "Then I'm saying yes." Uri smiled as he saw his erection pop. He hoped that was happening for Damian too. "SPLENDID Uri! Very funny." "Oh, I was serious Sir. I mean, my parents told me everything and, I mean, if you're thinking of proposing, don't we have to find out if we're, well, suited to each other?" "Trust me Uri, I think I know that we are." "Well, let me find out for myself, then? Okay Sir?" Damian laughed. "You're right of course. So, can I persuade you to take Friday off from work and I'll pick you up on Thursday night? We'll take a detour to my place for Thursday night, and on Friday, we'll head to the hotel. I told Sonya about you. She's dying to meet you." "GULP." Damian heard Uri's reaction and smiled. "Now I'm nervous, Sir." "Don't be. She's very nice." "Well, on top of everything else. I've never shared a bed with another man, Sir." "At some point, unless you become a monk, you will though Uri. Again, trust me, you'll find out for yourself but, it's not that bad." Uri was about to say something about how it would have to be wonderful with Damian, but he stopped. "Can you help me figure out what I should bring, Sir?" "Well, it's fairly straightforward. You'll need of course basic whites for three days. The gallery show is probably best described as smart casual. Hmm. You may want to bring a jacket and maybe a necktie because I wanted to take you to a good restaurant in the area. Maybe even a bow tie if you have one?" "I don't Sir." "Then you can wear one of mine if you like." Somehow, the thought of wearing an article of Damian's clothing was making Uri even more excited. He thought about the sweater and how he was ashamed to bring it back because he had masturbated onto it three times. "I'd like that Sir." "Well, that's really about it. Maybe some casual pants. OH, YES. If you could indulge me on one thing?" "What's that Sir?" "You told me you dance. I'd love it if you danced for me. So, if you need special clothes for that." "I'm wearing them right now Sir. Do you want to see them?" Damian did but he said, "surprise me." "OK Sir. GOD I am so looking forward to this." "Me too, Uri, me too." Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Damian beeped the horn of his car, and Uri grabbed for his bag. "OH, WAIT FOR US SWEETIE. We want to say hello to Damian too." "MOM!!!! PLEASE!!!" Uri saw the hurt look on her face. "I'm sorry mother. I really am. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sure Damian would love to see you." The three of them walked out. Damian must have come directly from work: he was wearing a suit over his gold shirt. He had opened an extra button which Uri noticed and began wondering what he looked like without his shirt. "I hope he's hairy," he said to himself. "Hairier than Jad." Uri was smooth, and Jad had teased him about it when they were sunbathing. Uri had responded by commenting that Jad only had about ten hairs, which led to wrestling and Jad tickling him until Uri gave in. Jad had kissed him that day and it had been the best kiss Uri had ever had until now. "BETH! ERIC! So good to see you again. Thank you for the privilege of seeing Uri." Uri had run out of the house like a small child and had pulled open Damian's back door to throw in his bag. "URI! Where are your manners?" Eric tried to be stern, but the three older folks were laughing. "Oh, he's excited about seeing Sonya. He's such a big fan. I told her all about Uri and she may even want to give him a drawing lesson." "WHAT? You didn't tell me that, Damian." Damian had noted that when they were in private, Uri called him Sir, but he called him Damian to his parents. He liked that. "This boy is smarter and craftier than anyone thinks but... he's met his match," he thought. "Professors, if it's ok with you, we should be going. Traffic gets heavy and I have a feeling that like all dancers, Uri is starving. We're going to stop for some food first. "NOT TOO MANY SWEETS DAMIAN. His dental appointment is coming up. "I promise. Oral health is so important." No one saw the innuendo, and Damian was glad. He turned to Uri. "So, co-pilot, you wanna belt in?

YES, FEARLESS LEADER YES." "Ha ha ha. Would that I were fearless or a leader. "He shook both Eric and Beth's hand. "Thank you again. I won't hurt him." Uri heard that and thought "DAMN." As soon as they were a distance from his house, Uri slid over, and Damian put his arm around him. He rested his head on Uri's shoulder, and Damian squeezed him a bit closer. "I'm glad you said yes Uri." It was a red light, and he kissed the top of Uri's head. "I hope that's not the last kiss I'm gonna get this weekend Sir." "Ha ha. It's not. Far from the last. The number will be, ohhhhhhh, high 3 figures/low four figures." "WOW. That means you plan to kiss a LOT of places." "Or, just a few and very often. " "Know what I wish Sir? I wish we were married right now." "OH! DO YOU? After two dates? " "I don't stop thinking about you Sir. Not for a minute." "You're sweet Uri. By the way, did you bring my sweater with you?" Uri blushed. "Uh" "Ha ha. Keep it. It looks better on you than it does on me." Uri was quiet for a minute. "Sir, may I ask you a personal question?" "Well, ok, but I reserve the right not to answer." "Are you hairy other than on your chest?" Damian began to laugh. "All over. All over my whole body. My nickname at the university gym was the black bear.'" "Black bears are fierce Sir." "You don't think I am?" "I don't know. I've never seen you fierce." "Do you want to?" "Maybe...." "You know Uri, you are SUCH A flirt." Uri smiled and batted his eyes. "Jad tells me the same thing. He says I play a come here come here go away go away game with him." "Well, Uri, just so you know, I won't put up with that. If you tell me to come here,' and you tell me to go away, then, I could REALLY become a fierce bear." Damian drove up to his home. "You remember the place Uri. No big changes." Uri looked at him. He had a look in his eyes that Damian interpreted as `hunger'. "Do you want to go and eat something, Uri?" "Can we go inside, please Sir?" Damian began to get nervous. "Uri. I promised your folks that" "I KNOW I KNOW SIR. I just. It was HARD sitting next to you during the whole ride and not doing anything but CUDDLING." "Yes, I know it was hard. I saw it. Thank you for wearing tight pants. And thank you for not cumming all over my car." He started laughing as Uri blushed. "Get your baggage young man and get your ass in the house. Then go and put on your dancing clothes because I want to see how Uri dances." In about half an hour, Uri was standing in front of Damian who was sitting on a living room chair. He had taken off his jacket and opened another button on his shirt. Uri felt his mouth get dry. "Can I get some water first Sir?" "Absolutely. Kitchen is that way. You know that." As Uri walked into the kitchen, Damian began thinking "that ass is going to be mine. I'm going to be the first one. And maybe the ONLY one if I play my cards right." He thought that Uri's gentle musculature was perfect. It so suited him. He was like some big adolescent bird. "OK, this is a small solo from an older work." Uri began to stretch and to get into different positions that every classical ballet dancer would know. He knew it wasn't perfect, but he was so nervous. The way Damian was looking at him was making him very nervous. He stopped. "That's not the end of that solo Uri. I know that ballet quite well. I mean, I know there are no ballerinas here, but" "I'm nervous Sir. I'm more comfortable with contemporary style." "Well, let's see your contemporary style. Maybe something you wrote yourself. " He saw Uri's smile. "This is something I wrote when I saw a nature program about bird hunters. I felt so sorry for the birds when they were captured and... I wanted to dance something showing how they tried to escape and to let the viewer decide if they did or didn't." "BRAVO. Now let's see the Uri bird dance." Uri was very flexible, and when he lifted one leg to an almost 120-degree angle, Damian began to have dirty thoughts again. His movements became sharper, and quicker: like a bird pecking at something to get away from it. Lost in the dance, Uri wasn't aware of Damian getting up until he felt his arms curl around him. "HEY!" he cried out and Damian whispered in his ear "This is a bird who didn't get away." He began nibbling at Uri's ear as his hand slid underneath his tank top. Uri didn't resist. He moaned and whispered, "OH YES, OH YES," as Damian dropped him on the bed. Damian's shirt was gone, and he smiled at Uri. "You'll find out about the rest of my hairiness later. For now, this is all you need." He pinned Uri down, and began kissing him: first his neck, then his ears, then his lips. Damian counted as he did, which made Uri laugh, but when his tongue slipped down Uri's throat, the counting stopped of course. "Take off your shirt Uri bird," Damian commanded, and Uri responded with a "yes sir." Then the kissing began again. All over Uri's torso and then, Damian gave him a look. "I'm gonna make you explode Uri bird." He dropped his head and his tongue grazed Uri's left nipple. Then his right one. Uri's hips began to buck. "OH GOD SIR OH GOD. NO. PLEASE STOP. NO DON'T STOP. PLEASE PLEASE. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I'M..." Damian gathered Uri close to him and held him tightly as he began climaxing. "To be young again," Damian thought, as the spasms continued and continued. Then Uri stopped and he held onto Damian tightly. "Please don't let me go Sir, please." "I won't Uri. You hold on for as long as you want." "Kiss me again Sir. Please." "Where?" Anywhere you want. ANYWHERE." He saw Damian smile and then he began making what they still called "fart kisses" all around Uri's navel. The young man began to laugh. "You're still hard Sir. I saw you reaching for yourself while I was dancing. That's why I couldn't finish the classical piece." Damian unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. "THAT's what you do to me, Uri bird. THAT." He began pumping his cock. "Know what you're gonna do before this weekend is over?" "No Sir." "You're gonna taste it. You're gonna learn how to suck a cock but for now.... I'm too close to give you a real good oral fuck." His cock was bigger than Jad's and unlike Jad, Damian was running his free hand over Uri, stroking his balls and his cock. "You young guys climax much more frequently than we senior citizens do, so... feel free if you need." "No Sir. I want to watch you. I want you to ... please aim for my lips Sir. I want to taste you. Please, please pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease." Uri's voice got higher and higher and then there was a low bass yell from Damian as he climaxed all over Uri. When some of it did catch Uri's lips, he licked them. "MMMMMM. If you're my future husband, Sir, I know you taste good." Damian smiled. "Give it time, Uri bird, give it time. The weekend is just starting, and we've got a ways to go on that front." "Yes sir. I'll try to be patient but, but Sir, I've never felt this way before. " Damian lay down beside Uri. He stroked his hair and whispered "Neither have I Uri bird. Neither have I. And I am going to tell you right now: it is going to be REALLY hard for me to keep my promise to your parents. Just know that." "They'd never know," Uri whispered. "I WOULD. And that's enough. Now, we're gonna get ourselves cleaned up, we're gonna change, and you're going to have the first Chinese food you have ever eaten in your life, with me laughing as you try to use chopsticks.

Next: Chapter 4

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