Uris Seduction

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 30, 2022


As Damian tightened the second restraint on uri's left wrist, he said "I SWORE to myself I was not going to be seduced easily." He saw uri smile. "You weren't Sir. I tried more than once each time we've been together." Damian was speechless. Then he looked at the beautiful young man tied down in front of him. "You are just so fucking fuckable." "Prove it. Sir" He got another one of uri's smiles. "Oh, I'm going to prove it, boy, but first, you're going to pay for this. And you're gonna pay for it BIG TIME." Damian dropped his head and his teeth circled one of uri's nipples. uri tried not to moan but Damian was so good at this, he lasted for less than a minute. The high-pitched little whines that came out of uri's mouth just got Damian more and more riled up. He stuck his finger into the waistband of uri's dance shorts and began slowly pulling them down. He chuckled when they stuck on uri's hard-on. "So, I guess I'm not the only one excited." "No Sir. Absolutely not Sir. I've been excited all evening and..." he didn't get to finish because Damian's mouth fell on his, and then uri's mouth was stuffed with Damian's tongue. He teased uri by sliding his hands under his ass, pushing his hips into the air. Damian had no intention of fucking uri yet though. He dropped uri's ass back on the bed and laughed when he saw the look of disappointment on the blond's face. "Oh, show some patience you pushy, HORNY bottom. I could have -- and probably SHOULD HAVE -- made you wait a few weeks. You'll wait as long as I want for this." He said nothing as he opened the cuff buttons on uri's shirt. uri looked confused. Then, he felt Damian's long fingernails slowly running down the back of his arms. "AAAAAACHHHHHHHHHHHH. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA. I'VE NEVER BEEN TICKLED THERE. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahaHAHA." "No kidding, jezebel," Damian was enjoying this. He had thought about what the first time with uri was going to be like, and he had all kinds of plans for what he would do to him after they were officially married, but he was improvising now. From what he could see of uri's dick, and what he felt with his, he was doing a pretty good job. "If you give me ANY shit when we get married, I'm gonna tickle you not just on your arms, but your feet, your pits and.... THE BACK OF YOUR KNEES." He pushed uri's legs in the air and he licked the back of one knee while he scratched at the other. "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. SIR... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT JUST...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA." "Yes, you will uri. You'll do anything I want. ANYTHING I tell you to. I'm just letting you know what happens, if you don't. Now, kiss me again you sweet bottom." This time, Damian snaked his arm behind uri's neck and held up his head just a bit, so he could dig his tongue down uri's throat even further. He had managed to get his own pants off, and his shirt opened, so he pressed his knee into uri's crotch, rubbing it left to right, stimulating uri's balls. "SIR. I think I'm gonna cum already." Damian looked at him. "You do, and I'll tickle you for another half hour." "OH SHIT," uri blurted it out. He blushed. His pet peeve was cursing, and he was embarrassed he did. Then he felt Damian's hand curl around his balls and pull. "HOLY FUCK SIR. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO ME?" "I'm making our first time memorable uri." "Sir, please. Can you, can you make our second time memorable? I'm just so fucking desperate for your cock that. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE MASTER DAMIAN. FUCK YOUR BOY." "Let me just have a taste of that pretty man cunt first," he pushed uri's legs into the air. All the dancing practice had made uri extremely flexible and Damian's arms were nearly not long enough to spread uri as far as his legs could go. The tongue that had just ravaged uri's mouth now dug deep into his ass. "MMMMMMMMMMMM. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. OH GOD I READ ABOUT THIS SIR AND IT ALWAYS MADE ME HOT. OH............" Then uri stopped speaking. He couldn't believe how good this felt. "I wish I could promise you this isn't going to hurt uri bird. I WANT it to hurt. I want you to feel it. " "Me too, Sir. Please. Push me. Push me. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." Damian had intended to enter uri gently, slowly, but the boy had made him so excited, once his cock head touched uri's ass, he couldn't help himself. Every time uri yelped either out of pain or pleasure, he pushed harder. "It does hurt Sir. Please. Please be gentler." That question came too late. The devilish side of Damian came out in full force. "BOTTOMS DON'T GIVE ORDERS OR ASK FOR FAVORS. THEY TAKE WHAT TOPS GIVE THEM. NOW TAKE IT BOY." Damian smiled when he saw the quick little pulse in uri's cock. He LIKED being spoken to like that. Just what Damian wanted. "Yes sir. You're in charge. FUCK ME PLEASE. FUCK ME THE WAY YOU WANT TO." Damian wanted to fuck uri slowly, to make this last. He didn't. He couldn't. One more push and now Damian screamed as he dumped the load he had been saving, thinking about this minute, into uri. He saw uri bite his lip and wondered "is he reconsidering this whole thing? Am I going to lose my job for one REALLY superb orgasm?" He was breathing hard when he pulled out. He saw uri's hard cock. "And you can wait until I recover to get relief boy. You're my sub now. You'll get what I give you." He smiled as uri twisted in the necktie restraints. It wasn't until then that uri realized just how tightly Damian had bound him. "I hope you recover quickly Sir." "Me too, uri bird. Me too." During the hour it took for Damian to feel ready again, he ran his finger up and down uri's smooth chest. "You don't grow much hair yet, do you uri bird?" "MMMM," uri smiled as Damian circled his belly. "No Sir. I've always been smooth. Jad and I used to talk about how he was the rough one and I was the smooth one." Damian saw the flirty look come over uri's eyes. "But you're hairier Sir, and MUCH rougher." "OH, you have NO IDEA, you little fucking flirty bird. You know, you boys who look like butter wouldn't melt in their mouths are ALWAYS the biggest perverts. Seducing an older man and begging him to make you a dishonest lad." For once, uri didn't have a smart answer. Damian pushed his hair out of his eyes and whispered, "And I loved being seduced," before he rolled on top of uri and began licking his ears and kissing his neck. "I did neither of us justice that first time. Now, to do it right." Damian smiled as he ran his finger around uri's lips. "Let's treat that first one as a trial run. Now, it's the real thing." He kissed uri's lips and then kissed the parts of uri's arms he had just tickled about an hour or so ago. "I'm going to marry you uri. I'm going to make you my spouse, my boy, everything." "I want that Sir. I want all you want to give me. All of it." Then uri began moaning as Damian's experienced tongue got to work on his chest, his belly and down onto his balls and ass again. "You're hard, Sir," uri whispered. "Just about all the time when I think about you, pretty boy." He pushed up uri's legs and this time, he had much more control as he eased his cock into his "fiancé" again. He wasn't as wildly hard this time, nor was he as close to being triggered. "I fucked you uri, now I'm making love to you. There's a difference. Remember it." "OOOOOOOOOH. I like them both, Sir. One's spicy, one's sweet." "You like one better?" "I think this one Sir. You feel so good sliding in like that. I don't want you to come out." "Then keep me in there, dancer boy. Don't tell me you don't have strong glutes." He saw the smile from uri before he tightened those muscles and came close to hurting Damian's cock. "Betcha you can't get out Sir," Damian saw the wicked smile again. "Tickle tickle," was Damian's reply, as he moved fingers to uri's left arm pit. "NO. PLEASE. OK OK. You win. You win." He eased the pressure and then he sighed. "But I won too. I won first. I got your dick. I wanted it SO MUCH SIR." He saw his lover smile. "And whatever else happens uri bird, I can know that I'm the man who bred you first... and second." He smiled as the second wad went inside uri. This time, Damian slid his hand over uri's cockhead with just enough pressure to stimulate uri shooting. Damian loved the sound -- the high tenor notes -- that came out of uri when he climaxed. They would delight him for the rest of their lives together. "I must have fallen asleep," uri thought when he woke up. He wasn't tied down anymore, and his shirt and shorts were off. He was lying on Damian's chest, and Damian was sleeping with a smile on his face -- the first time uri had seen that. "I made him happy. I'm glad. He makes me happy too." He tried to stroke Damian's face without waking him but didn't succeed. "OH, Sorry Sir. I didn't mean to interrupt your sleep." Damian smiled. "Oh, that's fine. That's just fine. "He looked at uri. "Good morning spouse to be. Wanna make it number 3?" "You sure you have the stamina Sir?" "You'll never know how hard I'm working boy. This time, you're rolling over and taking it from behind." When Damian took him doggy style, uri liked it better than missionary. "Can we do that all the time, Sir?" he asked, and got a resounding "NO" from Damian. Their ride home was surprisingly unawkward. Damian was serious when he told uri "This is something you can't talk about, uri. Not to Jad, not to Sonya, not to your folks, not to anyone. If anyone finds out I will certainly lose my job, you'll probably lose yours, your folks -- well, your folks are such good people they won't throw you out, but your relationship will change, and I don't know what else. We have to pretend this didn't happen." He patted uri on the leg. "But it WILL happen again, every time we go out. Which we can now do without me going through your parents." "That law, Sir, why does it still exist?" Damian sighed a very big sigh. "I'm certainly no expert uri bird, but there's a whole lot of old laws on the books that don't make sense. Unfortunately, you'll learn a lot of them. But those of us who have had to deal with them, have worked around most of them. Don't worry. Just keep it secret, and things will be ok." "I understand Sir. "Then uri paused. "Just so you know, when you send the proposal, I'm going to accept." Damian didn't say anything for a minute, but he smiled, and then said. "Thank you, uri-bird. I knew I made the right choice." Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "You look tired, Uri, I hope you had a good time," Beth and Eric both embraced Uri when he came back in the house. They both had a sense that Uri wouldn't be living with them much longer, and they wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. "I did mom, dad. "He had a big smile. "Damian went to school with my favorite artist, and I met her. I MET HER! And she promised we could paint together." "Now THAT sounds outstanding and exciting." Eric spoke to his son, and Beth shook her head. Then he saw them looking at each other seriously. "Uri, this is a personal question, but we need to ask," Eric began, and continued. "Did you and Damian..." "Did we break the coupling laws, father? No, we didn't. I hope that you don't think Damian is a dirty old man, because he's not. He treated me like an ivory statue and...MOM, DAD, how did you know you were in love?"

The parents looked at each other and Beth spoke. "Uri, I don't think either of us can answer that. We just knew." Uri was wise enough to his parents' feelings and mannerisms, and he knew that they were experiencing a bit of discomfort about he and Damian -- perhaps more than a bit -- so he didn't say what he wanted to which was "Good. Because I can't explain it, but I know it: I love Damian Peters." Fact was, Beth and Eric WERE conflicted about Uri and Damian. They liked Damian. Each of them, without telling the other, had done their research on Damian and were mildly impressed, and not at all concerned about their son being his partner. It WAS also true that it was more than time for Uri to settle down with someone. Neither of them was particularly enamored of the idea of having grandchildren, but if Uri and Damian adopted, they'd be fine with that -- after all, Uri was adopted, and they had done well by him they thought. They only thought about it individually, but they DID think about "the elephant in the room:" the dowry. Damian would provide a dowry for the privilege of marrying Uri, and each of them had to admit: their salaries as professors had barely managed to cover them all through Uri's life. They were in debt, albeit not a LOT of debt, they were getting older and, well, if Uri moved out and they sold the house, they might find a smaller place in a nicer neighborhood and settle down to retirement. "It feels like I'm selling my son to the only bidder," was a thought Eric entertained before dismissing it. He liked Damian. He liked the thought that his son would be married to a diplomat. What he didn't like -- which he tried as hard as he could to push out of his mind -- was that Damian would be doing to his son what he did to his wife in bed: fucking his son. THAT he did discuss with Beth, who took his hand and squeezed it. "Dear, we have to face it. You've met Jad, and you know it would be the same way with him. But Damian seems so much nicer, so much more... mature." Eric had shaken his head yes' at that time, and he was trying very, very hard to get the thought out of his mind. Events moved forward. Now that the requisite three dates with permission had happened, Damian had permission to ask Uri out on dates without clearing it with his parents. His mom said "Uri, don't be so eager," which Uri ignored immediately. He accepted each and every one of the invitations. The first time he went back to Damian's apartment, before they went out to a music performance, Damian had kissed him and said "I have a surprise for you. Remember when we needed a new shirt for you?" "Yes sir?" "Well, I liked the way you looked in that shirt so much, I took the liberty of getting a half dozen more. Different colors. Take a look at the left side of the closet." "I've never had six new shirts at the same time before SIR! WOW. I mean, I can't accept them." "Why not? I like the way you look in them, you clearly thought you looked good enough in one of them to seduce me." uri giggled. "It wasn't hard Sir," "Yeah, but we both were," Damian answered. "Listen, if you don't want to wear them, that's fine. I don't understand why not but it's fine. I think you look even more handsome in them than you do in your regular clothes. That's why I got them." "Which one do you want me to wear, Sir?" Damian was so pleased with that question. He was going to tell uri to wear the one he liked best, but now he could say "Oh, I got them in colors that I think suit you. I'll still put you on your belly and fuck you whichever one you wear." "If I let you, Sir," uri teased. "You'll let me. You'll beg for it," Damian smiled, knowing he was right. uri had learned from Sonya that Damian really liked pink, so he wore that one. He learned she was right when, after the performance, Damian had lifted him from his feet, and tossed him on the bed to kiss him, before he rolled uri over and fucked him with uri begging, PLEADING for more. He hadn't been fucked since that third date, well over 2 weeks before. They paid another visit to Sonya, and this one was strange and wonderful. Sonya's studio was a room that his mother would have wanted to spend three days cleaning. Paint was everywhere. Canvasses were everywhere. uri was dressed for the show he and Damian had just gone to, and he saw the paint and the mess, and when Sonya came out of a back room, naked and covered by paint, and had said "well, don't just stand there, pick up a brush and get going," uri's response was "I can't paint in these clothes, Sonya." Her response was "Well, take them off, then. I mean, Uri, are you an artist, or aren't you?" "Please don't let me think about Damian while we paint," he told himself. "Please don't let me think about him," and of course did so. "HA HA," Sonya laughed. "Maybe we should paint your shaft green and your head red." Then she made a joke that embarrassed uri but also was true. "Then again, Damian probably doesn't look at your cock much. Let's paint each cheek a different color." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" he ran from her, laughing. When Damian came back to pick uri up, he saw them and sighed. "SONYA. I'M the one who's supposed to be the corrupter of youth, not you." She looked at him and said, smartly "demons work in different ways Shiny. I'll corrupt my way, you corrupt yours." As they drove home, uri ventured "Sonya is a great painter and a very interesting woman, Sir." Damian chuckled "Very interesting indeed." He paused. "Have you ever heard the expression that every gay man should have sex with a woman once, just to make sure he's with the right tribe?" "I didn't hear it that way, Sir, but the sentiment, yes." Damian sighed. "Sonya may very well be someone we have in common and talk about in the future. She was mine and, I'm sure she'd be yours too if you wanted it." It took uri some time to begin to process that. He was going to try one question, but Damian anticipated it. "Before you ask, no, we don't. It was one time. Yes, it was wonderful and yes, we both realized we liked our own sex better than the other. At least physically." "I've never been with a woman Sir," uri responded. "I figured that, uri bird. You will. I'll insist on it." Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx There were five dates -- "a reasonable number" Eric said to Beth -- before the special parcel came. "This is the proposal, dear," he said to Beth." "I know. Should we call in Uri?" "I think we have to read it first. There are probably things we don't want to tell him." "You're right." They opened it. Eric began reading: "Dear Beth and Eric: first, let me thank you for the absolute privilege of spending time with your son. I cannot thank you enough. Some say that you can't trust first impressions, but in this case, my first impression of Uri turned out to be true. I would not have learned that without your willingness to engage in what is unconventional. Yes, unquestionably, Uri had a role, but you were the gate keepers' so to speak, and you opened the gates. I cannot expression my appreciation more fully. As you may have gathered, I am in love with your son, and I would humbly ask for permission to ask for him to accept my proposal of marriage. I understand fully that Uri may very well decline. I would be devastated, but as they say, `c'est la vie' and I would try to move on. If, however, he accepted, I propose to offer, in gratitude for your permission to marry him, the sum of..." Eric had to pause. "Beth, this is MUCH more than traditional. Am I reading it correctly?" She looked at it. "Eric, can this be right?" "it would be rude to call him and ask, but I want to. " NO, don't. I have an idea. Let's ask for a meeting. The four of us. But before Uri comes in, we'll ask if Damian can clarify." "Beth, if the number is correct." "I KNOW! We don't have to sell the house to get the new one. And there would be enough to, well, retire." They started to cry. "He CAN'T know about the dowry, darling," Beth told Eric. "He can ask Damian, but we can't tell him. He'll say yes just to make sure we're ok." "I know, I know," Eric swallowed. Why did it feel like he was selling his son. "Let's call Uri. I anticipate he's been expecting this. Uri was. After they told him, he shot a big load in his bedroom. He was going to say yes.

Next: Chapter 6

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