Used by Jocks

By Eros Zob

Published on Dec 14, 2004



-The following story is for the most part a work of fiction. A few instances are drawn from actual events involving consenting persons 18 years or older, but no original names of people, or places have been used.

-The following material deals with sexual situations involving homosexual acts. Other situations include bondage, S&M, and in order to make a more compelling story line the situation takes place in a highschool setting.

-It is not recommended that this material be viewed by persons under the age of 18 or anyone else who does not wish to read a story involving acts of homosexual sex.

Used by Jocks Part 1 by Eros (

Chapter 1

Monday: The "Accident"---

I was barely gonna make it anyway. I had to pee so bad. As I rounded the corner next to the science class rooms my goal was in sight. "boys" it said in plain white print. I dodged by a large group of skinny guys in track gear who were stretching in the commons area. They had, no doubt, just finished with their after school practice, and were doing their "cool-down" stretching. They smelled like sweat and cheap deodorant. It never fails, being at school this late meant the only kids left were jocks finishing up practice. Finally, I burst my way into the bathroom.

I entered the small room, and was suddenly surprised. The hottest guy on the track team was on his cell phone, in nothing but track shorts and he was pissed. It was normal for students to use their cell phones in the bathrooms instead of the hall due to the fact that it was against school policy to use them in the building. Right as I entered he yelled "fuck you" into the phone and flipped it shut, practically breaking it. I was frozen, forgetting my bladder, then his eyes darted my way as if I was the one he was angry at. I instantly snapped back into reality. Averting my eyes I headed towards the farthest urinal from the situation.

As I passed by him he muttered "faggot" under his breath, but loud enough to prove that he wasn't afraid of being non P.C.

I reached the last urinal at the end of the room, and unzipped. As I fumbled for my dick I realized he hadn't left the room. I was suddenly too nervous to pee. I wanted to just turn around and see what the fuck he was doing. Maybe he was checking his hair in the mirror or calling someone else on his cell. Or maybe he was glaring at the back of my head with a steel blue testosterone stare. It was that one. The last one. I finally had to go so bad I had to look. He was staring right at me.

Joe wasn't a bully. He didn't speak with the uneducated droll of a bully. There was never a recorded incident of him ever beating anyone up. He wasn't stupid either. He got good grades. He was no class president, but if he wasn't in track or basketball he'd have a 4.0 - easy. These are the tenets of bullydom: Beating people up, and Being generally dim. These didn't describe Joe. Even as he said the word "faggot" earlier it wasn't like a bully would have said it. It didn't come from the mouth a 17 year old who would soon be getting in a rusted mustang and heading back to the trailer park. It was said sarcastically. It wasn't said with an outward intention to insult me, but rather to state fact. It was said in truth. I was a faggot, but no one had ever produced proof of it. It was just a general hypothesis amongst certain track team members.

Man I had to piss, but I was locked in an awkward stare with Joe. It wasn't the smiling Joe we all knew from pep rallies either. It was a fed up Joe who needed to release some frustration, who suddenly had the urge to fuck around with a virtual stranger.

"Gotta go pretty bad, huh?" he said calmly. It made me prefer bullies. They acted quickly and without precognition. Joe was thinking, that's why he was suddenly calm. He didn't give a shit if I had to go a little or a lot, he was buying time in order to finish formulating something.

"Uh, yeah" I responded.

A twinkle of a grin flashed across his face, and I knew he'd finished thinking. And suddenly he acted.

With a smooth and swift motion he darted towards me and shoved me against the adjacent wall. I was instantly scared shitless. It took him all of 4 seconds to pin both my arms above me with one hand, and an additional 2 seconds to brace my body against the wall with his forearm against my upper chest. Then in a single deft motion he spun me around and faced me towards the grimy bathroom wall. I was dazed. Pinned to the wall, with my hands trapped above and my fly open. All that prevented my dick from touching the bare wall was the thin pair of white underwear I had slipped on for lack of clean boxers that morning.

"Well go ahead then." he said again in a calm yet slightly strained tone.

"What?" was all I could think to say. Go ahead and what?


He wanted me to piss myself. He wanted me to drain an entire school day's worth of urine into my underwear and pants, not to mention the wall and the floor.

"C'mon man don't make me..."

"Fuckin' piss yourself or you'll wish you had" He was getting more urgent.

I couldn't do it. I couldn't willingly pee my pants in front of a grown teenager. Especially this one. Then suddenly he got impatient. He thrust himself against my back. I could feel his sweaty bare flesh against the back of my tee-shirt. His track shorts were definitely all he was wearing. I swear I could feel the outline of his dick against my butt. Then with his free hand he reached around my body and shoved his hand under my shirt and just over my flat little stomach. Then down a little. He was gonna make this hard for me. Slowly and almost gently he began pushing in on my bladder. As he did he gradually rubbed downward towards the elastic of my underwear, as if pushing the urine down and out.

"Fuck. Fuck! Fuck!! C'mon man I can't hold it!!" I insisted in terror.

Then I really couldn't. It first came out a little at a time. Then in a steady trickle. And finally I was drenching the front of my underwear and jeans in my own piss. As the warm fluid flooded my pubic hairs and soaked into my underwear and pants, I could smell the distinctive aroma of urine infused denim rising up. But I couldn't stop. It was like an orgasm. And right at the climax he began laughing behind me. It was the deliriously amused cackle of a young boy teasing a dog in good fun.

A puddle began forming on the tile floor beneath me. I tried to spread my legs in order to avoid standing in it, but he wouldn't let me move. He wouldn't allow me even this little comfort.

Finally the stream of hot piss slowed to a halt and I collapsed into the wall. Joe removed his hand from my waist and freed my hands from their pinned position. I felt wholly embarrassed. And it wasn't over yet. He then spun me back around and gave me a quick shove back into the wall so he could get a good look at his handiwork. My pants, still unbuttoned, sagged with the weight of the urine and now revealed my yellow stained tighty whities. I didn't have the energy or gall to zip myself up in front of him. And through it all he was laughing. The anger he had felt earlier was now completely defused, he was a happy jock again.

"That's fuckin' sick man" he said smiling at me, as if I had done it intentionally. Then he wiped his dampened hand on my hair, pulled me forward and led me towards the door. The whole incident had not taken 10 minutes, there's no way the track team had left the commons area in that amount of time. He was going to expose me to the whole team. Right as we reached the door he took one last look at his handiwork grabbed the waist band of both my undies and my jeans and shoved me out the door.

Fortunately most of the team was facing the opposite direction and didn't even notice the piss stained freshman standing behind them drenching the carpet with the remnants of his luke warm pee. I couldn't help but try to button my jeans but just as I reached for my crotch Joe released his grip on the waistband of my jeans and tugged as hard as he could on my underwear giving me a deep wet wedgie. I had been taken by complete surprise, and my response had been a natural one. A loud yelp followed by a quick reach around with both of my hands to dig my own underwear out of my ass as quickly as possible. Unfortunately the yelp drew the attention of the sweaty jocks in front of me and with my hands busy behind my back I must have appeared to be displaying my depraved condition as opposed to covering it up. I was now no longer embarrassed, I was humiliated.

Like a pack of drugged hyenas the whole track team doubled over in laughter. They pointed, stared, and howled for what seemed like forever. And I once again was frozen. Then I reeled around to escape the laughing teenagers, only Joe was no where to be found. He had slipped back into the bathroom once he gave me the wedgie so that he would not be implemented in the disgusting display. The whole team would be convinced I had done this to myself. As I turned to run away my jeans, still heavy with my own piss and unbuttoned, sagged down below my ass and then dropped to my knees tripping me as I attempted to flee. I fell face first into a row of lockers and immediately stood back up to pull the now cold urine soaked jeans back onto my body. The team roared with laughter. How would I show my face at school tomorrow?

I could hardly exit the building in this condition. I had only one choice. There did exist a spare set of clothing for me in the school. But it was in the boy's locker room, my Gym Shorts. I dashed for my backpack which I had left by the school's front entrance and then covering my crotch, I took the long way to the gym in order to avoid seeing the track team again. I had little time. Once they were done with their workout, and had finished laughing at me, they would head for the same place to shower and change. I had to hurry.

Luckily no one saw me, since school had been out for quite some time now. I quickly rounded the corner of the hallway to the boy's locker room and entered. Instantly the stagnant stench of sweat and piss that lingers in all locker rooms of the world hit me and I darted for my small locker. Fumbling with the combination I quickly obtained my shorts and closed the door. But instead of the familiar single metal clank, there were two. Someone else was in the locker room. Whoever they were they'd have to wait until I had already left to hear my sordid tale from the team that was no doubt on its way. I quickly removed my soaked pants and underwear and slipped on the gym shorts. But as I bent over to roll my clothes into a neat damp ball I realized I was being watched.

"Not gonna fold those?" mocked the voice from behind me.

It was Joe. He hadn't slipped back into the bathroom after all. He'd slipped around the corner and taken the short logical route back to the locker room. In all honesty he probably had no clue that I would bother to go all the way down there just to change out of my soiled clothes.

"Fuck you" I hissed sounding as unmacho as humanly possibly I'm sure.

"You know you can't tell anyone"

"Tell anyone what?....everyone'll know by tomorrow anyway!" I snapped.

"...Tell anyone that I made you do it" he explained threateningly.

"Fuck you!" I returned instantly suddenly feeling as if I had leverage over the lean muscled Adonis before me.

He was only wearing a towel now. He hadn't yet showered, but was headed in that direction when he heard me. I couldn't help but admire his body even more now. The skimpy towels that the public school system provided highschool jocks would barely pass for hand towels in the real world. So his crucial region in question was poorly concealed at best. He had wrapped the towel around his waist as best he could stretching the fabric which left an open slit just to the right of where his cock and balls were. I could see tufts of glistening pubic hair emerging, but no actual goods.

Then, as before, he responded with his trademarked physical prowess. Once again I found myself shoved up against a grimy wall. This time with an empty bladder and less clothing. My hands were again pinned above my head and his free hand pointed at my face threateningly

"If anyone hears anything from you about what happened in there you can say good by to these"

With that he rammed his free hand into my crotch. Since I was wearing gym shorts, he didn't have to work to find what he was looking for. He now held in his right hand my two favorite testicles.

"What the Fuck" I said in surprise.

Then he began to slowly squeeze them while staring me straight in the eye.

"Does that feel good freshman? Ya like that?" He asked

"Fuck, PLEASE STOP!" He suddenly jerked them down sending a blinding pain through my body, "OOOWWW FUCK!....Ok whatever whatever...please let go PLEASE!" I begged. My balls ached and throbbed.

"Not a fuckin' word?" he quickly added.

"I won't say anything man I SWEAR!" He then released my sore testes and gave them a quick slap. "AAAAHHH!"

"all right, then we're cool" He smiled and headed for the showers.

Chapter 2

Tuesday: Lunch---

It was already 11:20, and so far not a single person had said a word to me about what the Track team had saw. I even walked by a few of them in the halls and I didn't get so much as a giggle. I was ignored as usual. Then the bell rang, it was time for the "blue" pod to be dismissed for lunch.

As I made my way threw the chattering mob of teenagers. I spotted him.

Joe, with his duffle bag over one shoulder was standing next to the drinking fountain talking to Simi, a beautiful black boy, who could easily pass for a beautiful black man. He wore a rather skimpy yellow tank top and athletic shorts. The two of them standing there would make for the perfect premise for the greatest porn film ever. They were both gorgeous. I naturally tried to avoid them both. I didn't want to be seen by Joe, ever again really. Unfortunately I had to pass the drinking fountain, it was the only way out of the pod. Each pod was constructed this way. One could not avoid passing by them, and as I did my heart lept.

I was sure I'd missed his eye, but in truth I hadn't. He snatched me out of the crowd, almost playfully. No one around me even thought of it as aggressive. A few might have wondered why Joe was hanging out with a freshman, but it otherwise seemed like a normal situation. As he swung me from the crowd Simi flashed a grin and followed us into the boys bathroom, hanging an "out of order" sign on the door. It was the same boys bathroom I had used yesterday, the only thing out of order with it was a new stain on the back wall. Once again, with no explanation, I was being man-handled by a virtual stranger. And now there were two of them.

Without saying a word, Simi began to undress me.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" I managed to blurt out, before I was instantly gagged.

From his duffle bag Joe produced a rather soiled pair of briefs. They had once been white, but they looked as if they'd never been cleaned. The ball pouch was considerably yellower than the elastic band, and they smelled like cum, and crotch with a touch of piss. How did I know how they smelled? Because that's what I was gagged with. Joe tossed them to Simi who had just managed to take my shirt off and Simi shoved them over my face, covering my nose and mouth with the damp undies. Next Joe produced a roll of duct tape and put two strips around my head, one over my nose, the other over my mouth. This firmly secured the rank undies to my face, and I could no longer speak. I could barely even breath. Each breath was another rancid whiff of the soiled crotch cloth. For a moment I took moderate pleasure imagining it was Joe's or even Simi, who was now holding my arms behind my back.

"You know Paul Greeves?" Joe asked staring straight into my tearing eyes.

Paul Greeves? I thought wondering why the random question. He was in my class. A nice kid, we used to hang out in middle school, but kind of drifted apart once we hit highschool, mostly because he ended up taking different classes than I did, and suddenly became a surfer. But yeah, I knew Paul Greeves. I nodded.

"Well now you know what his crotch tastes like" He finished, smiling as he gave me a quick pat on my ass. "I bet him he couldn't wear the same pair of underwear for a month." Simi broke out laughing.

"Did he do it?" Simi asked.

"Naw, but he almost made it to 3 weeks. Today would have made it 2 weeks and 6 days, but they smelled so bad he was getting embarrassed in gym." explained Joe.

"What'd ya bet him?" asked Simi still giggling.

"If he won he woulda got a hundred bucks, for something he needed. If I won he..." but Joe was cut off. Right at that moment the door began opening slowly. Suddenly Simi hurried me into the handicap stall, and held me there. Joe walked towards the door.

"Hey man" he began calmly "plumbing's out"

"oh...shit" the stranger replied calmly, and they both exited.

A few seconds later Joe returned and Simi brought me back out. He stuck his arms under my armpits and upwards resting his hands on the front of my shoulders thrusting my chest outward and rendering my arms useless. Joe then grabbed the waist of my jeans, undid the button and forced them to my ankles. I was wearing the same kind of underwear that was shoved in my face, as I had been yesterday, but today I didn't need to pee. Then Joe knelt before me smiling and slowly pulled down the elastic of my underwear.

What the fuck was he doing? I thought Was he gonna suck my dick? How hot would that be, the hottest guy in school sucking MY dick while the second hottest held me in place?

As the waist band of my underwear slowly revealed my 9th grade cock I could feel Simi's breathing getting heavier. I was starting to get excited. As this was happening I moved the underwear in my mouth around trying to get a fresher breath of air, but instead I only managed to twist it. Then from out of the corner of the ball pouch a salty goo oozed onto my tongue. It was cum. Not only were the undies in my mouth soiled with 3 weeks worth of wear, but they had recently been jizzed in. Then I suddenly remembered Paul Greeves. What was it Joe got for winning? Joe hadn't finished his story. Whatever it was I then realized the cum in my mouth could be either Joe's or his.

Joe had finally finished uncovering my half-erect cock. It flopped out in front of me. For whatever reason Joe hadn't pulled them down like he did my pants. The back part was still at my waist, he had simply stretched the front down below my balls and was holding them there a few inches away from my groin with the index finger of his left hand. Then Joe decided to report his findings to Simi.

"He's half hard..."

Then with his free hand Joe took my semi-erect cock in his hand. This was the first time any body had ever touched it besides me. Was he gonna wack me off? My fear prevented me from becoming fully erect. With his right hand Joe aimed my cock upward, away from my balls in perfect alignment with his mouth. His thumb was right on top of the sensitive underside, and I suddenly realized I not only had a strangers cum in my mouth but several strands of pubic hair. This gag could not be more diabolically devised.

As my mind wandered back to my penis I began breathing heavily in anticipation. He is going to put my dick in his mouth. I'm gonna get head from Joe. Then he pulled my underwear down some more exposing my ass and freeing up his other hand. He softly fingered my testicles, one then the other then back again. I was now really getting hard. Next he cupped them entirely and rolled them back and forth, pumping more juice into my young hard-on.

"He's hard man..." Joe reported

His massage had done it's job, my cock was now fully erect and ready for release, my balls which had once dangled, had risen a little though he was no longer touching them. Then he let go of my dick too, it stood on it's own now. He slowly ran his middle finger up and down the sensitive region under my cock head. Down down down further until it was in between my testicles. Then he withdrew it, pressed it against the underside of his thumb and flicked my left nut as hard as he could.

I was reeling with pain. I tried to scream through my gag, but I only got more of the thickening cum on my tongue. My testicle resonated with pain sending an achy feeling into my stomach. My cock, though still hard, was no longer at full attention. Then with the same force he flicked the right nut. I blew up inside. All I could let out was a loud muffled grunt, but had someone been just outside the door they would have definitely heard it.

"Does that hurt?" Joe asked acting genuinely inquisitive, Simi laughed and countered my struggling by forcing my chest out and my arms back further.

After a moment the pain subsided a bit and I stopped struggling. Then Joe gently placed his left hand on the underside of my scrotum and gave it a slow circular rub. He patted them extremely gently at a steady rate. He also grabbed my deflated cock and lifted it back up to get it out of his way. Slowly the pats got bigger and ever slightly less gentle. My adrenaline was rushing. It didn't hurt yet, but if he continued at this rate it was going to hurt really bad. Tiny twinges of pain meandered up my balls and into my stomach, but it was bearable. I whined slightly, almost a moan, but more fearful. Then the intensity increased he was snapping his hand now, the pats had turned into slaps. He was slapping my nutsac, spanking it. It started to hurt really bad. I let out several loud bursting grunts along with his slaps, my eyes were tearing, and the cum in my mouth that had permeated my tastebuds with a rank salty stench was dripping down my throat. I tried to scream for him to stop, but it came out as "faff, faff, faff!!!" I almost passed out.

Then he stopped and positioned his finger and his thumb again for another flick against my left nut, but this time he paused.

"You gonna tell anyone about this, little man?" He threatened up at me from his knelt position.

I shook my head "no", sending tears flying left and right. He put his cocked weapon closer to my balls, then even closer.

"You sure!?" he further threatened, fully willing to sterilize my left testicle with a monster flick.

I shook my head vigorously and whimpered no.

He held his fingers in place, as if he didn't believe me, then cupped my balls with his big warm hands, and gave them a soft massage. I exhaled in a grand relief. But too soon. His massage turned into a tightened vice as he squeezed them just enough to make me scream again.

"You'd better not, bitch" he said. Then he stood up and pulled my underwear back up to my waist, flopping my cock back into place.

He grabbed my left nipple and gave it a little twist to get my attention. Then looked at Simi and said "He's all yours"

With that Simi freed me. I instantly doubled over and fell to the floor holding my poor balls into my body. Meanwhile Joe walked over to me and pulled my jeans the rest of the way off and threw them in the opposite corner along with my shirt. They gave me a second to recuperate while Simi wiped his brow, planning his turn with the broken freshman at his feet.

"Take off yer underwear kid" he finally said.

Feeling well enough to stand, and too frightened to protest, I removed my tighty-whities. Joe grabbed them from me and tossed them in the pile of my clothes. I was now naked accept for Paul Greeve's underwear duct taped to my head. I didn't dare even try to remove it.

"All right get that shit off his face" Simi commanded.

Smiling, Joe walked behind me, pushed the exposed area of the underwear harder into my face and pulled the tape strips off. Then he lifted the underwear up over my head and rubbed it into my hair before tossing it into the pile of clothes. I could feel my hair cling together with what could only be the remnants of the mystery semen.

Joe looked me in the face, "If you scream, try to run, or refuse to do anything: yer balls are mine, and you'll be walkin' home naked."

Then Simi grabbed my shoulders and shoved me back into the handicapped stall.

Simi pulled his tank top off, and slipped out of his gym shorts. He wasn't wearing underwear. I was frozen with shock. I wanted to look so bad at his beautiful black body, but I was still foolishly trying to maintain some sort of dignity. It didn't last long. He wasn't fooled. He sat on the toilet, and put his hands behind his head, making himself comfortable. I couldn't help it, I looked over at him, as if waiting for my orders.

"Get over here mother fucker" Simi said matter-of-factly.

I moved towards him. He was unbelievable. His lean pectoral muscles gave way to his well developed biceps. His stomach was a dark sculpted wonder. And below it, a trail of very short black pubic hair lead the way to a soft eight inch chocolate cock. It was thick, and it was long. My mouth watered. I'd never seen anything that big in the locker rooms, and I'd been on the look out believe you me. This was a penis no one could turn down. I was mesmerized by it. The snake charming the charmer. So why me? Why are these guys doing this to me? Is it some sick fetish? Has small town life in America become so boring that teenage demi-gods such as these were bored with normal boy-girl sex and were forced to preform their depraved sexual fetishes on the neighborhood faggot?

"Get on yer fucking knees and get the fuck over here" he commanded.

I immediately complied. I crawled on the floor completely naked to the toilet where his legs were spread open wide. His sizeable cock was flopped onto his left leg, his nutsac hanging just below. He grinned out of the corner of his mouth never moving his hands which were still behind his head. He was completely relaxed. This couldn't be the first time he'd done this.

"Lick my balls, bitch"

I gulped, then bracing myself on the inside of his toned legs, I leaned down into his crotch. It was a rather large toilet, so his testicles dangled just at the edge of the toilet seat. It was one of those seats that didn't form a complete ellipse but allowed a small two and a half inch crack to prevent younger, less experienced boys from pissing on the edge of the toilet seat. Instead of course It landed on the white porcelain portion just below it along with several random hairs. I couldn't help but notice how particularly dirty our school's bathrooms were now that I'd spent so much time in the same one two days in a row.

I ran my tongue across his dark brown scrotum. A few tiny hairs planted themselves on my tongue, but I tried to ignore them. The taste was less appealing than I had hoped, but I was so excited about being given such an honor, I really didn't care. He moaned a little as I rolled his balls around in my mouth. I sucked them all the way in pressing my lips against his pubes, then released them, flicking my tongue all over them.

His cock had responded. It was now slightly thicker and a few inches longer. It was intimidating, I looked up at his face for a cue as to what he wanted me to do next. His eyes were closed and he was biting his bottom lip. He let out another soft moan. I didn't realize it at the moment, but I was completely erect myself. I don't think he could see it though.

"Go lower" he commanded. I didn't quite now what he meant. But I sunk my head further down careful to avoid the dirty porcelain portion of the toilet that wasn't covered by the plastic seat. I was now licking underneath his balls. It was hairy there, and smellier. His balls rested on my nose and my mouth worked unconsciously without further signal from my brain. And so I continued down along his taint until I reached his black ass crack and I stuck my tongue there too. He seemed to be enjoying it, so I made a quick swipe back up to his balls and then back down. He was rock hard.

"Now get down to business faggot" he said interrupting my flow.

I began by running my tongue up the length of his massive cock.

"Uuuuunh" he moaned. He wasn't going to last long I could tell, precum dripped from his piss slit.

I lapped it up and took his member into my mouth. I suddenly became overwhelmed with lust. I needed this cock. Yes I had just been nearly sterilized a few minutes earlier as this man's crazy best friend smacked my in the balls repetitively, but this guy wasn't anything like Joe. He wasn't about causing me pain, he was about making me give him pleasure. Both of them were using me and getting off on it, I suppose. I tried to take him all the way, but he was just too big and I was too inexperienced. I suddenly began gagging. He laughed at me. Then he reached down and put his hand behind my head and shoved my face back onto his dick. With Simi's hand forcing me up and down I lost control. I heard a squeak from behind me, but I was too blissful to make note of it. Then suddenly Simi moaned very loudly.

"UUUUnnnh, Fuck...Fuck Ahh..Ahh Ahhhhhhhh..."

He came. Gob after gob gushed into my mouth. It tasted more strong, and it was warmer than the underwear cum from earlier. Half of it went right into the back of my throat, the rest of it was caught up in my mouth covering my tongue with the warm wretchedly wonderful taste of a black boy's cum. Then he plopped out of my mouth sending cum flying up and onto my face. We both paused for a moment of post-blowjob bliss, and recovery. Simi got his, I wasn't so lucky.

Right before the orgasm Joe had walked in behind me. I was on my knees bent over with my head in Simi's crotch. My ass was jutting out directly at him. My hard cock was bouncing against my abs, and my balls hung low, still a little sore underneath. My knees were spread wide for support.

Suddenly Simi sat straight up, spread his legs wide and slid back on the toilet seat making enough room for my head to slip into the bowl. With my neck resting in the two inch gap, he pushed my head down just enough so that my nose and lips were covered in a shallow bit of toilet water. It was annoying and I had inhaled some water, but I wasn't submerged. As he held me down, I felt Joe reaching in between my legs. Then I heard the terrifying sound of duct tape. He grabbed my unit, once again, and quickly wrapped the duck tape tightly around the base of my cock and balls several times, effectively creating a makeshift cockring. It worked too, my hard-on felt permanent. Then while Simi held my head down Joe wrapped length after length of duct tape around the toilet bowl securing my arms and hands to the underside. Then in vertical loops fixing my head to the seat. I could still scrunch my mouth the side to get a breath of air, but the only comfortable position was with my lips and the tip of my nose partially submerged in the toilet water. Then Simi got up off the pot and stood behind me with Joe. I was stuck. My hands and arms were too low for me to reposition my legs so my ass jutted out exposing my virgin butthole to the two jocks behind me. Out of desperation I considered slurping some of the water up in order to get the taste of Simi's cum out of my mouth, but I couldn't, it was toilet water.

Their laughter echoed off the porcelain bowl I was taped inside of. I heard the stall door open and one of them left. Then whoever it was returned and began fumbling with my feet and legs. I could have sworn I was going to be ass raped, but they were just putting my underwear back on. The jock quickly slid the underwear up my legs and over my erect penis snapping the elastic on my stomach to make sure it was high enough. But I suddenly realized once the job was done, that this wasn't my underwear. It was damp, and sticky. It was Paul Greeve's underwear. They had put that nasty underwear in my mouth, after it had been on him for 3 weeks, and now I was wearing it.

The bell rang. It was the end of the "blue" pod's lunch period. Students would be returning to their classes now.

"Let's go man" said Simi, "but I gotta take a leak first" He exited the stall and went into the one next door.

"Me too" said Joe, "But why don't ya take it in here?"

Simi chuckled as the sound of his urine splashed against the porcelain of the toilet next door, "tssss...Yer sick man"

"Well I'm gonna"

With that Joe straddled my bound and nearly naked freshman body and lowered himself down on my upper back. He wasn't putting his full weight on me, or he might of crushed my throat into the porcelain. Then I felt his cock flop down onto the hair on the back of my head. His balls were resting just further down on the back of my bare neck. It was a slow trickle at first that mostly soaked up into my hair, then the stream grew gradually in intensity, soaking my hair further. A bead of urine trickled down the side of my head just above my ear wrapped around, and landed in my left nostril. It was an acrid sensation, I'd never tasted urine before, or smelt it from inside my nose. Then the stream got heavier, my hair was drenched in his piss. Finally it was beginning to splash so much it was bouncing off my head onto the wall behind the toilet. So, being the maniacal piss fetishist that he was, he stopped peeing, repositioned himself beside me and then let loose a stream of warm urine right into the side of my face. It went in my nose and mouth and splashed all over my face mixing with the toilet water. It was salty, warm, and slightly oily. He finally stopped. I was relieved. (and so was he no doubt)

"C'mon we gonna be late" said Simi, who had finished and was already out the door.

"I'll catch up"

Was he gonna untie me? I wondered. Or was I to remain here until a custodian came in at 5:00?

I finally decided to beg.

"C'mon man. Don't leave me like this." I said, half sobbing.

"Don't worry man, I'll untie ya." he began, "...once school's out." A shivering panic went down my spine. They were gonna leave me duct taped to a toilet for 3 more hours?

"I'll bring your clothes back at 3, and untie you" said the perverted 17 year old jock. "I might even leave the out of order sign on the door if you ask nicely."

"Please, man..." I whimpered, half begging for instant freedom, half begging for the promise of 3 hours of private humiliation.

"Guess you'll find out soon enough." With that he left. He left me alone, duct taped to a toilet filled with a good 16 ounces of his own piss. He hadn't even flushed for me. The water level in the toilet of course had risen now and it was harder to breath. Since my head was so well taped into position, I had to contort my face further in order to get a decent breath. It was getting more and more difficult. I had swallowed some of the piss when his stream was directed straight at my face, and though it was very salty and almost sour tasting. It wasn't as much of a shocking surprise to my taste buds as Simi's cum had been. I considered drinking some to lower the water level. It was diluted with water now, surely it wouldn't be as bad as straight piss. But something in me, wouldn't let me do it. It was a vile concept. I decided to fight the bonds instead. I managed to worm my way into a little more freedom, but not much.

At least 45 minutes must had gone by. I was sure he had left the sign on the door. The bell releasing 4th hour had come and gone and no one had entered the bathroom. But then I suddenly heard the door. It wasn't even passing period. As far as I knew the kid didn't even realize I was in the stall. Of course, I didn't even know if Joe had bothered to close the stall door, for all I knew the kid might just walk straight for the stall only to be surprised by the sight of a toilet bound boy in extremely soiled underwear. I heard a strange clicking noise followed by a forced breath. Then I could smell something. He was smoking. This was good. He probably didn't even have to go to the bathroom, he would just smoke his cigarette and leave.

Five minutes passed before I heard movement. Maybe he was leaving? Then suddenly I heard a stall door slam open aggressively. The partition beside me shook with it's force. Had he open the door to my stall or the one next to me? I heard a cough, then a flush. He had extinguished his cigarette in the toilet just next door. Then I heard the stall door slam again and footsteps towards the bathroom door. Thank God! If only he knew what he had spent his smoke break with. But then right before I heard the door slam, the lights went out. How considerate! He doesn't care about killing people with second hand smoke, but he's energy conscious! So now I was in a dark bathroom, my face partially submerged in piss and water waiting out the day.

The bell for the end of 4th hour came. There was only one class left before the end of the school day. I was home free. But then, half way through the passing, the bathroom door opened again. The foot steps were quick and deliberate. This person probably had to go pretty bad. They bypassed the urinals and the other stalls and Boom, my stall door swings open. The reaction was instant.

"Pffffh Ha ha ha" he cackled, "What the fuck? You must of pissed someone off huh? Ha ha ha..."

I decided, begging was no longer beneath me. I scrunched my mouth to one side and begged for my release. "Please man can you untie me?"

His response was silence.

"Please?" I asked again.

Then I heard him unzip. Shit. Before I knew it yet another warm stream of urine was hitting the back of my head. He was standing further away than Joe. Apparently going for the distance record. He started at my head, rewarming Joe's contribution. Then let his stream slide down my back, before finishing with my ass. He soaked the back of my underwear, well Paul's underwear. I felt so disgusting. I stunk. I was frustrated, and tired of being in this uncomfortable position. He was finally done. I heard him zip back up.

"Ok you had your fun, now please...", I begged.

The now relieved teenager said nothing, he just chuckled and approached me slowly. He then reached around my waist and found my cock. It was still pretty hard, due to the duct-tape-cockring. I heard him chuckle again. Then he began rubbing his hand on my crotch. I had been hard for so long, I couldn't believe the feeling it gave me. He continued rubbing, up and down, up and down. Then his movements got faster, he wanted it to be over. Finally I blew, cumming inside Paul Greeve's underwear. My body convulsed and I exhaled into the toilet bowl making bubbles in the piss pot, and choking on them. He kept going, not knowing if I was finished which spread the spunk all over my cock and the inside of the underwear. Then he stopped, gave a chuckle and left. I felt used...even more so.

Finally 3:00 came. After the bell rang it took about 10 minutes before I heard the bathroom door open. The next thing I heard was Joe laughing his ass off.

"Oh my God did you piss yerself?" He asked in between giggles.

"How would I piss my ass" I retorted getting angry.

"Woah calm down there" He replied, mocking my situation further. He then leaned down and took a look into the toilet full of his, and a stranger's piss. With no warning he flushed the toilet, giving me a weak swirly in the process. "There ya go." I took the opportunity to take a decent breath before the water level rose back up, but fortunately I felt him cutting the tape before it did. My head was free, then my arms. I sat back on my legs, only to find I was in a puddle of piss. So I staggered up, and ripped the duct tape cock ring off as Joe went to get me some paper towels. I tried my best to dry my body off with them.

Meanwhile he grabbed the duffle bag and tossed me my clothes.

"Where's my underwear?" I snapped, assuming the worst.

He smiled with a sudden realization "I'll bet it fell out in my gym locker. I had to stuff my bag into it last hour and some stuff fell out."

I gave him an evil glare.

"Just put that stuff on and we'll go down and get it. You could use a real towel anyway." He suggested almost apologetically.

Why was he all of the sudden being nice to me? The guy had pissed on my head and beat my balls to a pulp earlier today, but now he was smiling and handing me towels? I couldn't help but trust him for some reason. He was using me to fulfill his dirty little fetish, but at the same time he was thankful that he had someone to do it to. I couldn't let anything like this happen again. I would agree to go to his locker and then avoid him for the rest of my days, maybe I could convince my parents to move.

"ok, let's go" I said

Before leaving. I slipped my pants on over the soiled underwear. It made a squishing sound when I walked. But At least I was free of that fucking toilet and on my way to a real towel and a virtually fresh pair of underwear. While I walked along side Joe I looked over at his face. He didn't look guilty for what he had done to me, he was definitely amused. And what about Simi? He had kind of raped me. But I did enjoy most of it, until he came in my mouth. I wasn't exactly trying to struggle out of that one was I? Still, this all needed to end. After the ball slapping, and the toilet abandonment, it was clear this was more than just a one time attempt to embarrass me in front of the track team. It was something they would keep doing as long as I let them.

To be continued...

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