Used by Jocks

By Eros Zob

Published on Dec 19, 2004


Disclaimer: The following story is for the most part a work of fiction. A few instances are drawn from actual events involving consenting persons 18 years or older, but no original names of people, or places have been used. The following material deals with sexual situations involving homosexual acts. Other situations include bondage, S&M, and in order to make a more compelling story line the situation takes place in a highschool setting. It is not recommended that this material be viewed by persons under the age of 18 or anyone else who does not wish to read a story involving acts of homosexual sex.

Used by Jocks -- Part 4 by Eros

Chapter 7 --- Cleaning Up ---

I tried to cover for Marco as best I could. I didn't need to be told that the last thing he wanted the other guys to see was a post-butt-fuck chubby in between his wobbly legs. I kept him hunched over and unexposed as we worked our way to the showers. No one saw it.

He then collapsed onto the tile floor behind the entrance wall.

"You ok?"

"Thanks" he said avoiding my obvious question. Of course he wasn't ok. He was just fucked up the ass by the biggest dick anyone at our highschool had ever seen, and what's worse it gave him a hard on. "Thanks for coverin' for me"

"It's cool...that shit just happens anyway..." I was trying to make him feel normal again.

"What d'ya mean?"

"It's not yer fault..." I gazed down at his crotch immediately wishing I hadn't even started the conversation.

"Oh...yeah I could feel him...and I..." Now he looked down at it.

"Yeah...I don't think it means anything..."

He looked up at me. He was gorgeous. It was either a blank stare, or concealed suspicion. "Yeah, sorry they made you...suck me"


"Guess that's why it's not as embarrassing to be sitting here with you talking about...But if they'd seen it.."

"Oh...yeah" We both sat in silence. Then I was compelled to ask, where it came from I'll never know. "Do you...D'ya want me to..." I let loose the very slightest of cock glances, surely he couldn't have even detected it in his weakened state.

" mean" His eyebrows raised slightly and his gaze fell downward though never directly at his own hard-on, still raging.

"Well...If you want I could...ya they don't see" My God I just officially came out to Marco. I just fucking offered my services. What's come over me? I should just leave now while I can. I should just go, no one's paying attention anymore. They'd let Paul go, they wouldn't leave him hanging in the closet. They'll let Marco go too. I should just...

"Ok" decided Marco without smiling. There was excitement in his eyes, but his face didn't follow suit. He wanted me to blow him, he just didn't want to look like he wanted it.

I suddenly forgot about escape, and stood the Latin boy up. He braced himself on two neighboring shower heads. He was somehow stronger now. I knelt down in between his legs, rubbing my hands across his cut abs as I made my way to his slightly furry balls. I gently massaged them as I took his still erect dick into my mouth. This would relax him, this would help him forget. Hopefully this would please him back into contentment.

He was shuddering already. I felt sorry for the sexually promiscuous girls of our school, none of their male counterparts seemed to last very long. His legs began tensing and flexing as if massaging themselves. My hands found their way under his balls where I kneaded his taint to relieve the tension. Up and down I went, sucking on his convulsing cock, and rolling it's head around in my mouth. I was good at this now. The vein on the underside of his shaft began pulsing wildly. It was time. Then, muffling his grunts, his whole groin let loose countless spasms and he flooded my mouth with his warm creamy cum. It felt like a gallon. Every time I swallowed a little, more would spurt into my mouth, and onto my tongue. I loved his taste now. I needed more of it. It was still musky and overpowering, but I was more used to it now. It could be a taste I could learn to tolerate, or even enjoy.

He let out a whispered sigh, then withdrew his shrinking cock from my moist mouth. I savored his taste, but not too long, before I swallowed it. He drew another deep breath, and exhaled. Looking down at me he was at once grateful and unsmilingly complacent. Before sucking his cock he almost smiled in agreement to the notion, but now it was as if I hadn't even been a part of it, like he was almost wondering why I was down there, but too blissful to ask.

But in reality he knew what I did for him.

"Thanks man...I feel better now"

I was still kneeling, looking up into his eyes. I nodded, licking my lips, yet trying to keep my cool, "Sure"

Chapter 8

Paul Greeve's - Part Two---

Paul was alone now, handcuffed to the overhead pipes of an abandon towel closet. He'd just had a nice warm mouth around his cock, and he actually thought at one point he was going to accidentally cum into it. He tried his hardest to ignore the pleasurable sensation that this random freshman was "unwillingly" sending through his body, but he was reaching a threshold. His cock had hardened, though not completely, but it was still obvious. Especially to the naked boy whose face was bound to it. But then with no warning Joe burst back into the room. Paul heard shouting coming from the locker room, an argument had ensued. He instantly thought, "finally he'll let us go" And he did...half of "us". He had untied the human urinal at Paul's feet and dragged him out of the room, but not before noticing that Paul had freed himself of his gag.

Paul had almost forgotten about it. It was on the floor beneath him, next to his socks. A yellowed, moist, cum and piss stained pair of formerly white cotton briefs. He had almost worn them for a month, now he wished he had. No amount of smelliness or itchiness was worse than this helpless bondage.

"Aw, looks like you accidentally dropped your gag Paul." Joe smiled.

He quickly bent over and picked up the foul undergarment. "Here ya go big guy." As he said "big guy" Joe lowered his hand and flicked Paul's nearly erect penis with his index finger. It was clear to Joe that Paul had gotten hard inside the naked freshman's mouth, and maybe he liked it. Then Joe got some fresh duct tape and regagged the naked boy with his own filthy underwear. Finally for good measure he picked up the discarded socks and made them into a blindfold. Paul was now bound, gagged, blindfolded, and semi-erect.

He waited there for another 20 minutes, trying his hardest to spit out the rancid underwear gag, but it was secured too well.

Chapter 9

The Great Escape...attempt---

The tangy taste of Marco's cum was still fresh on my tongue as the two of us sneaked out of the shower room. Half of the guys had already left, the rest were nearly ready to. They didn't notice the two naked sex slaves tiptoeing behind them. They hadn't planned anything. Marco was headed for the laundry room, hoping to find his clothes or someone else's and to finish with the jockstraps as fast as possible. I, on the other hand, was headed for the towel room. I didn't remember where my clothes were, and I knew Paul was still hanging there naked. I had to help him if I could.

I slipped into the towel room, and there he was. His tanned subtly muscled surfer physique glistened with sweat. The room smelled of it. His cock was no longer hard, as it had been in my mouth, but it wasn't completely soft either. It hung heavy against his balls. I immediately noticed his gag had been replaced, and a new feature: the tube sock blindfold. Joe was so resourceful. Paul could sense that someone else was in the room. He'd heard the door and stopped fidgeting. Suddenly, I wasn't so concerned with freeing him.

He had no idea it was me. In all probability he would have had to assume it was Joe. I had a nude surfer at my disposal. I approached his naked body. His breathing quickened, he could hear me drawing near. I walked behind him and took in his back side. I wanted to touch him. I slowly reached my hands up to his shoulders, then gave them a deep massage. A moan escaped through the underwear in his mouth. He was tense, but loosening a little. I then ran my hands down his sides stopping at his plump little ass. I squeezed. Rubbing gently, I spread his butt cheeks apart scaring him a little, and pushed them back together.

I was curious, I'd never had a naked boy bound to my will. I wanted to test the "Marco Theory." Will stimulating him from behind, really effect his cock? I continued rubbing his butt cheeks, and once again spread them apart. He tensed again. He must have assumed Joe was going to do something to his ass. Spank him, shove a broom handle up it...fuck him. But I wasn't Joe, I only wanted to touch. Maybe even...please.

I finally found the nerve. Wetting my finger with my mouth I plunged it into his ass crack and gently massaged his sphincter muscle. He writhed at first, fearing penetration. I reached around from behind him with my free hand and rubbed his tight stomach and side soothingly. I was almost hugging him. I continued rubbing his cherry, desiring the penetration myself more and more each time my finger reached the puckered center. I couldn't help it, I had to try. When would I have the chance again. But first I should check his cock. Was it already hard again? Bracing myself against the side of his body I swung underneath his armpits and came eye to eye with his crotch...again. I never removed my finger from inside his ass crack. Interesting, his cock was a little chubbier. Not erect by any means, but the blood was flowing again. I had to try it. Plunging my finger quickly into his virgin sphincter I made him jump a little. He probably swallowed half his undies. It was only a finger, it wouldn't kill him. Besides, my theory, had been proven. With that quick probe his cock jumped too, he was suddenly semi-erect. I wanted to suck it. God, I'm a whore. But I wasn't ready to give up the Joe illusion yet.

I removed my finger from his ass crack, and got behind him again. I was getting hard. I wanted to taste him. Again I placed my hands on his sides, right under the hair on his pits. I gently stuck out my tongue and slowly lapped up the sweat at the bottom of his neck. Then gradually I slurped my way down his back, along Paul's spine. I reached his lower back and he suddenly twitched. Must be ticklish. I knelt down, my face even with his bronzed bubble butt. I rewetted my tongue, and licked his right butt cheek. It had the lightest touch of peach fuzz on it, and it was so soft I had to do it again. I was now fully hard. I got up and spun around in front of him. Again with my hands on his sides I stuck my tongue out, and this time suckled his left nipple. He was now moaning erratically. I traced the faint line of his pectoral muscle to the center of his chest and then slowly rubbed my lips down his middle, across his stomach, into his navel. Reaching up with both hands while I knelt I kneaded his pecs. He was still hard. I continued slowly down below his belly button kissing him softly every centimeter along the way. The fine, almost invisible hairs of his stomach gradually turned into longer pubic hairs. They tangled in my mouth, but I didn't mind. He was now fully erect. I bent his cock aside at the base and continued my journey into the bush of pubic hair at the base of his cock where I ended it nuzzling my nose in between his stomach and his penis. Then I let his cock go, it slapped against his moist belly. I stuck my nose in his balls. They quickly separated. I inhaled the musky scent, then with my tongue I swatted them, before licking in between his legs tasting his salty taint almost far back enough to brush the underside of his asshole where my finger had earlier probed his insides.

He was hurting for release I could tell. I gently cupped his balls with my right hand and in one smooth well lubricated stroke I licked his stone hard shaft from base to tip. The pre-cum that accumulated there oozed onto my tongue. His lower body gave a sudden spasm. Again, while massaging his tightened, and full testicles, I ran my tongue up his cock. This time when I reached the piss slit I covered his cock head with my warm lips. Another spasm rocked his lower extremities. I had blue-balled the poor guy. He must of have ached for release. Then suddenly I heard the voices.

"Where the fuck did they go?" It was coming from the showers next to us. They must have gone looking for us.

I quickly got up, abandoning Paul in his most vulnerable moment. I darted out of the towel room. I needed a place to hide, in my haste I ducked into the laundry room. Marco was there dressing frantically. He'd found a jersey in the dryer that was way too big for him, and he was slipping on what looked to be a dirty pair of boxers that were also several sizes too large. He had spent his time finishing separating the jockstraps. When he heard the voices he dropped the detergent on the floor, before he even started the machine, and raided the basket to find clothes for his escape. I was still naked.

He snapped his head at me when I entered expecting it to be Nick or Simi. A look of horror filled his face. Then I realized, someone was behind me.

"Where're you guys off to?"

To Be Continued....

Thanks again to everyone who has commented on my story.


Next: Chapter 5

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