Vacation Office Work

By Ed.P.

Published on Nov 8, 2001


All of the usual warnings apply. This work is not written for people under the age of 18, or other ages of majority. If it is illegal for you to access material of a sexual nature, then do not read this either. If homosexual relations offend your sensibilities, then yet again, do not read this.

Copyright Ed. Piera 2001.

Please let me know what you think; there may be more if there is the demand.

Vacation Office Work.

The Morning.

During my college vacations I was forced to live at home for financial reasons, my usual haunts of bars and clubs being ruled out by this; I was getting desperate for a man, almost for any man. The combination of having to spend my time with my mother at home, and the lack of money forced me to seek out work; eventually I found that by joining a temporary agency I could earn a reasonable amount over the summer.

My first assignment came through; a local office needed a filing clerk for two weeks. I arrived at nine on Monday morning, and presented myself; my supervisor arrived, I nearly collapsed at the sight of him, 6'2'' of the most pure sexy man. He had black hair, really black, which was swept back at the sides; his eyes were of the purest dark brown, he had a light tan on his face. His other features were all hidden by his dark suit and white shirt, they were in the best taste, and by hiding his body almost made him more tempting.

"Hi, I'm Peter." He held his hand out to me. He seemed to have a slight accent, English I think, that just made him more sexy, I adore the English accent, and would happily shag my way around the whole country.

"Hi, John." I was working on auto-pilot with the introductions, as I drank in the sight of the gorgeous specimen.

He took me through to the archive where I would be working. He had a workstation at one end of the room, and the rest was filled with filing cabinets. He explained that they worked for an insurance company, and had to keep these files in order; every morning there would be a list of files to get out of the cabinets, and the previous used ones to be put back. The woman who usually did it was on maternity leave, hence the temporary job. Peter had to over-see the filing, and the next department which dealt with posting files or extracts of them. Before starting I had to sign a form which said that I would not intentionally read the contents, or disclose anything about them. As I started to read the form, Peter leant over my shoulder and explained it to me; he seemed to be getting very close to me. Then he passed me a pen, and his hand seemed to linger on mine for just slightly too long. I told myself that I was just having withdrawal symptoms.

I started to work, and soon my mind was dead, with the names seeming to be burnt onto my retinas. The work had no redeeming features, until the 'phone rang; Peter, who had been sitting at his desk working, answered, I could not be bothered to listen. After he had finished, he walked over to me.

"We have to fish out these files immediately." There was a list of about ten names. "I'll take the top half and you the bottom."

We both started to delve into the cabinets; it was clearly urgent for Peter to be filing. His kept being in the lower drawers which gave me a clear shot of his ass as he bent over; it nearly made me pass out. It was tight, and his pants were pulled taught over it showing to best effect. He clearly worked out allot, that meant that the rest of his body held great promise. I had to stop myself thinking about it, about him; if he caught me staring at his ass, I would be out on mine.

A couple of times we both wanted the same cabinet, and bumped into each other; it seemed as though he would pause a while, our bodies touching yet held apart by the few thin layers of fabric. Just as we were finishing, a young woman walked in; had women been my thing my mouth would have fallen open, but as it was, I did not bat an eyelid. She spoke to Peter for a while, clearly flirting. He then introduced her to me.

"John, this is Felicity, she is from our dispatch department." and then turning to face her. "Felicity, this is John, the temp replacing Joan." We shook hands, and she proceeded to flirt with me for a while, asking what a 'good-looking man like me was doing here' I gave non-committal answers and she left with the files under her arm.

Peter started walking back to his desk, so I got on with the rest of the files to be collected. I had found all of those which were asked for, apart from one, I mentioned this is Peter; he looked over my shoulder at the list, his hand resting on the other shoulder, I thought I felt a slight squeeze. "Stop thinking this man, he is bound to have a girl-friend, and possibly a couple of kids by now." My mind seemed to shout. He said that they sometimes fell down inside the cabinets, and told me to pull the bottom drawer right out, and look there. It was, and he ruffled my hair a little in congratulation.

"Have you got any plans for lunch?" He asked.

"No, I haven't worked before, I didn't think about it."

"There's a small diner just around the corner I usually use, do you want to join me?"

"Oh God yes, but I want to eat something which is not on the menu." My mind thought. "Yeah, sure sounds good." Was what came out of my mouth though, I tried not to sound too enthusiastic.

"If you can start putting the files away, somebody will collect these in about half an hour, then we can go."

Putting files away seemed to be even more boring, if such a thing were possible; but the thought of sitting opposite the hunk of the century for lunch seemed to give me purpose; it gave me something else in my pants, for about the hundredth time that day, fortunately I was wearing a jacket which hid this from him. My hard-on was starting to worry me, surely he would notice; but then it was cured, a plump middle-aged woman walked in, this turned my mind so far from sex that I could barely believe it. She walked straight passed me, as though I didn't exist, and growled something at Peter. He simply indicated the trolley full of files I had found. She went down the list, then passed the paper to Peter who also signed. She walked out again, she had exchanged fewer than twenty words with Peter, and did not seem even to have noticed me.

Peter stood up, and said, "You've been working more than hard enough this morning, that list was longer than usual. We might have to find some extra work to keep you occupied. But for now, I'm buying you lunch."


We walked out into the parking lot, Peter pushed a button on his key and walked to B.M.W. roadster convertible. This man had looks, money, it was too much for me. On they way to the diner, we talked a little about why I was working, and my college; Peter seemed to be genuinely interested in hearing about everything that I did. His accent had started to get more obvious, it was definitely English; my mind moved back towards sex, which was bad.

We walked into the diner, and found a spare table, Peter sat opposite me and passed me a menu; he seemed to know what he wanted already; Soon a waitress took our order.

Unlike the office, the diner did not have air-conditioning; or rather it was about forty years old, and had no effect; reacting to the heat Peter eventually said: "an English musician called Noël Coward once said that we are impervious to heat, but I have to disagree, and am going to have to take this jacket off." In his shirt sleeves it was even worse than before, his suit suggested some promise, but his shirt gave tantalising glimpses of the body beneath. It seemed as though whenever he moved, it was pulled taut over some part, showing what was beneath, but not totally, leaving some still to the imagination.

There was a pause in the conversation, Peter seemed to be a little distracted. I eventually got the courage to ask him about himself.

"It's not an interesting story. My father is English, my mother American. I was raised in England until the end of school. I was at a boarding school, and got home to discover that my parents were in the middle of a divorce. I went to university in England, but spent half of my vacations with my mother who had moved back over here." He sipped at his glass of water before continuing. "My parents had wanted to avoid fighting over me, especially as I am an only child. My father is very high up in the London insurance market, this extends over here for big projects; he wants me to follow his career, and thought that getting a job for me over here would mean that I spend time with Mother, but keep contact with him. I go over there for Christmas, Father's family has a small estate in Shropshire, that's an English county, and I go to the med. with Father in the summer. He stills pays me a vast allowance as well, he claims that it is because I am underpaid here, but I think he wants to make up for never seeing me when I was a boy." I looked sympathetically at him, or as sympathetically as I could when he was clearly getting pots of money sent over to him. At the same time, he just seemed to get more and more attractive; not only is he gorgeous, not only is he dripping with money, not only is he English probably aristocracy, but all three.

He took a long sip of his water, and looking as though he was collecting his courage together he said: "I take it you have a girl-friend?"

I was surprised, and asked defensively: "No, why?"

"Sorry, I saw the way you deflected Felicity's advances; I assumed that anyone who rejects her is either happily involved, or gay. Don't take her too seriously though, she flirts with everyone, but only gets serious with a few." He had not seemed to notice that as he said the word 'gay' I froze solid. Fortunately, before I had to respond, the waitress brought our food, this dispersed the atmosphere somewhat. After a while, I decided to respond, and ask about him. "I would guess that a handsome guy like you would be attached?" I then regretted it, it sounded as though I was seducing him.

"Not at the moment." His answer was not curt, but it did not really say anything either.

We finished lunch talking about general things, to my mental list of his great attributes, I added brains. He had been a top English university, and then got an M.B.A. We talked about music and art, he was a real culture vulture; there seemed to be no end to his charms.

He mentioned that he had never really found many friends here, I had only really developed superfluous friendships at school and had lost all bar one of those. He and I both seemed to be describing ourselves as lonely, single, and with similar interests. I mentioned that life at home was getting to be a real drag, he sympathised and said that he had never got on with his parents when he was at home, but now it was fine; his mother was about fifty miles away, and his father a few thousand.

After a few minutes of this mutual self-pitying, he moved matters on.

"How would you feel about having a few drinks sometime? We both seem to be bored and we are both unattached."

The thought of spending yet more time with this god of beauty was beyond my wildest dreams. "It sounds good, but I'm still underage, and they are pretty sharp around here."

"I've never understood Americans and drink, every English university is full of bars, and drinking; you seem to have a hang-over from prohibition." We both laughed at his joke. "You could come round to my place; I'm not quite cordon-bleu but I can produce food fit for human consumption, and have plenty to drink."

An invitation to his personal Olympus, how could I refuse him; but I shouldn't sound to interested. "Yeah, sounds good. My parents will be going away sometime soon, you could come round to mine then as well."

He looked at his watch and decided that lunch was over. "I have to play the slave driver, and get you back to work now."

The Afternoon.

Lunch had not made things less tense for me he was still like a god, and I still wanted to worship at his shrine. Putting these files away seemed to take forever, but then time seemed to stand still. Eventually I had finished, it was half past three, and I was due to work until five; so I went to Peter to ask what I could do.

He was leaning over his desk, his jacket now on the back of his chair, his shirt tight over his back, and what a back that seemed to be. He started slightly when he noticed me. He recovered quickly though, and told me to take a break for a moment until he found something.

My mind began to wander, when he had taken his jacket off he mentioned a guy called Noël Coward, I had heard of him, he was one of the great English camp men. They never really came out, but everybody knew it. Was he trying to say something? I put the idea out of my head, I was dreaming, and my dreams never came true.

He asked me to put a load of data into a spreadsheet, this meant working at his desk on his computer. He brought a chair over, and the two of us were sitting only a few inches apart. A couple of times his knee brushed against mine; my cock sprang to new heights. A reminder appeared on the screen, he had a meeting somewhere else. He stood up, put his jacket on, and jokingly told me not to look at his porn collection on the computer. As he walked off, he said that he would be back before the end of the day.

I nearly started to jack off as I though about him. Then I sat on his chair, as it was more comfortable; it was still warm from having his gorgeous ass on it. I had to force my mind to concentrate on the work.

He came back at about half past four looking in a bad mood.

"Bad meeting?"

"Bad does not go far enough. I'm finishing now, you might as well too, I'll sign to say you were here until five."

We walked out to the parking lot again chatting; when we reached his car, he asked how I was getting home. I said that I could catch a bus, as I didn't have a car. He asked where I live, and when I told him he offered me a lift. "I'm going to the gym, and it is right near there, it's no problem for me." I gratefully accepted.

Once home, I found that my parents were both out, I went to my room and started to jack off, but before I could reach a climax my mother arrived home, and called to see if I was in. It was now clear that I would get no satisfaction until I went to bed. She called me downstairs and asked all about my first day at work. I missed out several of the parts about Peter.

The Evening.

The telephone rang, and I answered.


"Hello, is John there please?"

"This is John."

"It's Peter, from work."

"Oh, hi." My cock had nearly died down, but now shot back up to full height.

"I've just finished working out at the gym, and I remembered that I have some steaks which need to be eaten. As I'll be passing your house, do you want to come round?" I had thought that his offer would be a polite one never to be mentioned again.

"Sure, nothings going on here."

His car pulled up a few minutes later, and he got out and walked to the door. He had not showered after his workout, and was still in training clothes.

"Sorry about these, I prefer to shower at home."

"Oh, I'm not bothered." A total lie, it bothered me massively, or rather it bothered my cock.

We got to his apartment block, they were all clearly expensive, but his was on the top floor, and must have been worth more than I could imagine. As we walked in, he said that if it was ok he would get a shower. I said fine. He asked me to get a couple of drinks, and showed me where they were.

I took his through to his room, and he was totally buck-naked. I nearly dropped the glass, he grabbed a towel and apologised, he was on his way into the shower. I told him, it was no problem, I had a roommate at college, it was nothing new to me.

I went to put some music on the C.D. player. He had everything, classical stuff over 500 years old; the new classical stuff which just sounds weird; and various types of rock and pop. I chose a middle ground, of Bach, and sat down to drink my drink.

The alcohol relaxed my mind and body, but one part was not getting relaxed. The image of his ass stuck in my mind, and would not go away; he had been facing away when I went in, and I did not see his cock. It was so tight, and gorgeous; he also had no tan line, so he must sunbathe naked. These thoughts ran through my head, and my hand ran down to my cock. I began to rub it gently through my pants. I did not notice him walk in, but he sat down on the sofa opposite me. I nearly died, and for two good reasons, first he had caught me rubbing myself, and second, he was just wearing a small towel wrapped around his waist. My hand shot away from my crotch like a bolt of lightening.

"Hey man don't worry. You should see English boarding schools, once you've been to one of those nothing will surprise you."

I was still as red as a beetroot. He stood up, and walked towards the kitchen. I could see his whole torso now. He clearly trained very frequently; his pecs were perfect, they were defined, but not in the obscene way that some are over done; there was the smallest patch of hair between them. My eyes drifted downwards, his abs were the same, he had a six pack, but it did not stick out a few miles; a thin streak of hair went from his navel to the top of the towel below which I could only guess. His legs showed more evidence of gym work, and were hairless, at least as far as they were exposed.

He went into the kitchen for a while, and started to make sounds like preparing food. I stayed where I was to try and get my composure back. Then he appeared at the kitchen door.

"It's too early to eat just yet, what do you want to do before dinner?"

Several options filled my mind, but I dispelled them. "Have you got anything in mind?" Put the ball back in his court, I thought it would calm things. I had tried to act relaxed, and had not turned to face him, and did not notice that he had moved to stand directly behind the sofa I was sitting on. My head was spinning so much that I did not notice even when he knelt behind, his mouth only a couple of inches from my ear.

"Ravishing you appeals."

My heart seemed to stop for several seconds, and then when it started again, it was so hard that I was sure he could hear it beating.

Without waiting for a response from me, he leapt over the sofa, and stood with his crotch, still covered by the towel, less than a foot from my face. He took my hand in his, kissed it as he would have kissed a lady's hand at a ball. Then he ran it over his pecs, paying special attention to his nipples; I was in heaven, the pecs were firm but the skin was soft and gentle, his nipples were hard and erect, I longed to suck them but knew that I would get that pleasure later. He moved downwards, I was exploring his abs, just like his pecs, they were firm, but encased in the silk of his skin. When my hand reached the towel, he let it go, and spoke in that voice of his which was pure sex in itself. "Go ahead."

I untucked the soft cotton which fell onto the floor at my feet. I was greeted by about six inches of meat, but it was still totally soft. It drooped down following the contour of his balls; they were both very large and hung low. His hair was neatly trimmed, and had clearly been plucked on his balls as they were hairless. I started to reach out to touch the prize which I had won.

"Stop." My pleasure seemed to die instantly. "I'm here to ravish you first; after that you can do what you like with me."

He took both of my hands and gently pulled me through to his bedroom. Then to threw his arms around my neck, and pulled our heads together; his soft lips met mine, and we seemed to be united forever. Our mouths opened together I was met by a flood of his fluids, closely followed by his tongue probing deep inside my mouth. When our tongues touched, it was as though a bolt of electricity had hit me. His hands by now were moving down my back, gently caressing me; he was in a true literal sense making love to me. When his hands reached my ass, they cupped over my buns and pulled my groin into his. I could feel that his cock was now hard, but could only guess how long.

When we had started to kiss, I had shut my eyes, but I opened them, and he was looking straight into them. His eyes were dark brown, and seemed to contain more emotion that I could ever imagine; and all of it pure love. I could have stayed like this for days; but he gently prized us apart. He gently pushed me onto his bed, and removed my shoes and socks; when each foot was bared, he lent over and kissed it all over. Then he stood me up again, and started to unbutton my shirt, it was not tucked in, and when he had reached the bottom of it, he pulled it open slightly, and kissed my abs; then he started to move back upwards, kissing profusely as he went. At the top, having kissed my adams apple, he gently pushed my shirt back over my shoulders, until the point that gravity took over, and it fell to the ground.

Kneeling again, he started to open my pants, just as before, he was slow and gentle; making the maximum of skin contact, his hands were pure sensuality. Once unbuttoned, my pants hung on my hips, Peter's hands started to travel round inside the waistband. Caressing my ass, through my boxers, he gently pushed my pants downwards, until the fell to the floor. My legs were then given the same treatment as my torso had received earlier. Starting at my ankles, his kisses, so soft and gentle, move upwards; until they found their way blocked by the material of my boxers. His hands reached a little inside the elastic holding my last piece of clothing. Then in one swift movement I was totally naked. I was again gently pushed onto the bed. His mouth appeared by my ear again. "I am going to give you the sweetest torture you could ever imagine." My cock tensed at the sound of his voice. "I am going to lick and suck your cock and balls, getting you more horny than you have ever been. Then just before you cum I will stop. Then I will rim you ass more deeply than you can begin to imagine. Then I am going to fuck you hard and long and deep. Then I will suck my cum out of your ass. Through all of this I will not allow any stimulation to your cock. After I have my cum in my mouth, I will suck your cock again, your cum will flood forth and join with mine."

His promise was not empty, this was pure sweet torture. He started my standing over my looking down, seemingly entranced. "My God, your cock is one of the most beautiful pieces of art ever."

He moved until his mouth was less than an inch from the tip. I could feel his breath on my cockhead. He just seemed to be looking at my cock which stood there erect. A drop of pre-cum appeared, and then his tongue shot out and licked it off. "Forget dinner, this stuff could feed me for ever." My cock was twitching at this. Then he moved away from the head. Suddenly his tongue made contact with my ball-sac; it was lapping around, playing around each ball in turn. Then joined by his mouth, he sucked on my balls for ages taking them one at a time into his mouth, or licking them, all the time getting me hotter and hotter. His tongue started to move back up my cock; just the very tip of it, following the route my cum would surely take. He reached the top again, and ran his tongue around the head a few times. Then his mouth shot down, and before I could notice, his lips were in my pubic bush, my whole cock in his mouth and throat. He seemed to massage the head with his throat muscles, then he started to pull back, all of the time giving my cock lavish attention with his tongue. When he had pulled right back, with only the cockhead still in his mouth, he ran his tongue all over, teasing me. Then he pulled off my cock altogether, and started to lick it like an ice-cream. I was getting more and more excited by this, and though that I could only stand a couple of minutes. Then he lips surrounded my cockhead again, and he plunged back down my shaft. His head bounced up and down face-fucking himself. I was getting close to cumming, suddenly he stopped and pulled off my cock; it hit me as a shock, and I realised that he was now into the 'torture', and I was going to enjoy it.

My paused a while, and then moved back to my balls, he licked them, and sucked on them. Then he started to move down towards my ass. Every single inch was kissed profusely and then had his tongue running over it, before he moved on just a tiny way. He raised my legs in the air, and then started to cover my ass with kisses, moving all over my buns. Then he moved into the crack, kissing all over, but he avoided my hole itself. Then his tongue took over, soon my crack was nearly dripping with his saliva from the licking. A sudden kiss right on my hole, followed by his tongue, at first lightly tracing over it, and then plunging deep inside. His tongue forced itself further inside than I could have imagined possible. He hit my prostate, this send me wild and I started to squirm with the pure pleasure. After longer than I thought possible of this he stopped. He spread a generous amount of lube over his cock, now fully erect and at least twelve inches long, and very thick. He brought his head down towards mine.

"Don't worry gorgeous, I'll be gentle with you."

Then he kissed me briefly. I did worry though, I doubted that I could manage that cock in my ass, only penetrated once before. I felt the head pushing gently against my hole, it had been very well lubed and opened by his tongue, the cock was very liberally covered in lube as well. He was gently but insistent. As he pushed with his hips, he whispered in my ear; all he said was: "Relax, baby." But repeated it several times, in a soft voice; eventually it got through, my ass let him in. His head pushed past my sphincter, and he stopped. Suddenly my ass felt on fire; just as I was about to cry out, his lips locked on mine. The kiss was so passionate, that I forgot about the pain in my ass, and just though about the hunk on my mouth. His embrace softened, and I realised that the pain had subsided, to be replaced by pure pleasure. His pushed again, gently, and another inch, before kissing me again. Then without warning, the full force of his hips, sent his body against mine; I felt his trimmed pubes against my ass. Again, my ass wanted to explode and felt on fire; but again he locked my mouth against his.

After sometime of this embrace, he slowly pulled back until just his head was inside me, then he slowly moved back in. He started getting faster, plunging deep inside me, then pulling right back, before filling my ass with his cock once again. Every time his cock pushed past my prostate, and I felt like I would cum from the anal stimulation. He knew the danger of this, and so when I started to get close, he suddenly stopped fucking me, and pulled my balls away from my body. After I had subsided, he started again, plunging into me, then pulling back. After what seemed like an age, he plunged deep into me and almost fell onto my chest. I could feel his cock spewing forth its hot cum in my ass. His mouth met mine, and I shared his orgasm through the kiss.

My cock was now fit to explode, so Peter ensured that it would receive no stimulation. He just lay on top of me, kissing me as his cock softened, and mine subsided slightly. Then he pulled out of my ass, it felt totally empty, but then was filled with his tongue. He started to suck out his cum, and did so with a vengeance. After a long time driving me wild again, he pulled back, and opened his mouth; I could see his cum mixed with my ass juices. Then he impaled his mouth of my cock, and quickly brought my to a pinnacle of passion by running his tongue all over the cockhead. I could not stand it for any time at all. I started to pour forth more cum than I had ever done. He took it all in his mouth, none spilt out, and he did not seem to swallow any either. My orgasm seemed to last for minutes, then he moved his head up towards mine. His cheeks bulging with both of our ejaculates; he kissed me, and the fluids followed between us. We lay in post-coital bliss, and I noticed from his clock that we had been in there for over two hours.

Half an hour later I awoke, to find myself wrapped in his strong arms; I felt protected, and cared for. He kissed me, and spoke.

"That was the best sex ever. You were stunning."

"You were the one who did everything; I just laid back and enjoyed. You gave me the best orgasm ever; it all really felt like making love." I tried to heap praise on him to show him how wonderful he had been to me.

"I think that we need to eat now; I'm afraid the steaks were a little white lie to get you over here. We'll have to call for a pizza."

As we waited for dinner to arrive, we cuddled up close on a sofa in front of his fire. His arms around me, protecting me.

"Where did you learn sex like that?" I knew that it could not be pure intuition.

"It's the best way to pass your degree; my supervisor was a raging queen, and so in-between studying English Literature, we studied the male body and its reactions. I did the work, and in return he gave me top marks in my exams. I thought it a fair swap, especially as I have learnt how to please a man."

"So how did you know that I wanted to be pleased by you."

"I first guessed about ten seconds after I met you this morning. Your eyes said it all; I thought that it was just wishful thinking on my part, but then your reactions all day confirmed it. When I touched your shoulder, when we bumped into each other filing, when you met Felicity, when I asked about your 'girl-friend'. Maybe I have a good gaydar, but you were a big blip on the screen. I was just worried that my heart was ruling my head. I saw you walk into the office this morning, and knew that you had to be the temp working with me, my heart nearly stopped."

To be continued?

Next: Chapter 2

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