Vacation to Abomination

By s x

Published on May 12, 2010


WARNING: This chapter contains adult themes and a reference to drug use. Future chapters will contain profanity, violence, adult/youth sex, and disturbing behavior. This is the sole creation of the writer. Feel free to contact me at the above email.

Vacation to Abomination By Peter Roman

I've been writing for different gay sites for three years now.

One day, after I had posted a story, I received a response from a reader. It was from someone called Anon X, which I thought sounded cool but dark. I have since deleted the initial email, but it went something like, "I've been reading your stories for a few months now, and to be honest, I'm not a big fan of your writing style. Your prose feels off to me, although it has improved in the past few months. In my opinion, you can improve your style by reading professional short stories..."

I was in a hurry, so I logged off and returned to work.

I had forgotten about the email, until a day later when I was scanning my inbox. I read on. "...With that being said, I feel your descriptions are strong, if not sometimes muddled. However, more impressive than that is the veracity of your writing and its overall darkness. You seem to be a lot like me, or at least have similar desires. And if I haven't offended you yet, I think you should write back. It could be beneficial for you."

I responded, "Beneficial? How? Thank you for your email. Prior to writing stories, I wrote screenplays for a few years, so I think I'm having trouble transferring from one type of writing to the other. However, I'll take your advice, since I do have the bad habit of only reading news."

A few hours later, he wrote back. "Every year, a few of us go to Eastern Europe for a few days of fun. This year, however, most are going to sit it out, due to the economy. Would you be interested in joining us this time?"

"Oh wow, that sounds fun! Unfortunately, I have to get my roof fixed soon. Thank you for the offer, though. You'll have to tell me how the previous years went."

It took him two days to respond. "What are your stats, and do you have any pictures? They don't have to be nudes." I immediately complied. An hour later, he answered, "Would you come if I paid for some of your expenses? We leave on the twelfth of next month."

"Wow, I don't know. I really want to go, but I could never take money from anyone. That's just not me. Thank you for offering, though."

"It's not a biggie. I have the means, and everything there is cheap. To be honest, it's a shit hole, but if you can stomach the living conditions, you'll have fun. Just think about it more. However, let me know by next week, so I can start planning."

"I'll think about it."

Initially, I blew it off. Then, as the week progressed, I thought more about it. My savings were also decent, and I had two weeks of leave saved up. Soon, I started reading vacation stories on the net, and it piqued my interest more.

When I went to work on Thursday, I discovered that that week was mostly open. I also talked with my boss, and she said I could take it off. Then, on Saturday, one of my old tenants came through with some money she owed me. I immediately took it as a sign.

X asked me for my decision that evening. I confirmed I was going, and then he told me to bring a couple hundred for food and souvenirs, and that everything else will be provided for. Also, he said he'll send me further instructions and details on Wednesday.

His email came that evening. He said he'll send me my ticket electronically a week before. He also said we'll spend a night in (censored) before heading overseas. I asked what I needed to bring, and he said a week's worth of clothes and small bag of toiletries.

For the next few weeks, I didn't think much about it. However, when the time got closer, I began to feel both anxious and excited.

Then, the twelfth came. With no problems, I boarded the plane and arrived in (censored) that evening. Minutes later, I taxied to the hotel X instructed me to go, which was just outside the airport. With its beige paint, 70's appearance, and modest decor, it was a nondescript place.

When I got there, I received a text from X to go to a specific room and knock. I followed his instructions, and he answered the door. Then, I entered, and he closed the door behind me. Two other men were there. "We just need to make sure you're not a cop," X said immediately.

They were all creepy. X appeared to be in his 50s and had a short, plump build; balding, white hair; thin, faddish glasses; and cold, beady eyes. He talked in a low, gruff monotone. The second man, Y, appeared to be in his 40s and had a lanky build, thinning comb over, and birdlike face and gaze. He talked with a smarmy, effeminate voice. The third man, Z, appeared to be in his late 30s or early 40s and had a dark complexion, strange odor, and stocky build. Also, he was extremely quiet and rarely made eye contact.

Y took my luggage and moved to the bed, as Z grabbed my lap top and plugged it in. "You have anything breakable in here?" Y asked.

"No," I replied.

Swiftly and sloppily, Y dumped everything out onto the bed. "Get down to your underwear," X said. I hesitated. "Sorry, got to do it." I started to disrobe, as the others continued with what they were doing. "No one cares about your draws. Now, if you were younger..."

I noticed X going through my wallet and phone. "For a second there, I thought you were the cop," I said.

"Well, retired," X mumbled.

"You used to be?"

X didn't respond. "Means you're in good hands," Y answered for him. X pulled out a card from my wallet and showed it to Y. "Close but no cigar. Can I ask what you do for (censored)?"

"Um...," I mumbled.

X held out another one. "Ah, every pervert's dream job," Y said, smirking.

"I wouldn't go that far."

"What's the verdict over there, Mister Z?" X called out.

"Likes hair," Z said with a slight accent.

X and Y looked back at the movie playing on my computer. "Twinks are like pot," X said, "but can you smoke crack?"

"If I could," I replied.

Y smirked, as X muttered something. "Get dressed," X then said.

X returned my cards and tossed my wallet and cell on the bed. "We'll keep your computer here with a friend. You'll get it when we come back. Can't take any chances," Y informed me.

"That's fine," I said.

"Let's wrap this up and go eat. I'm starving," X grumbled.

I rode with X to a fancy, nearby restaurant. I was expecting to see Y and Z there, but they never arrived.

After five minutes, I noticed a college aged boy sitting with two men. The men were middle aged, good looking, well built, and nicely dressed. One man looked like a wealthy jock type and appeared cocky. The other one was similar, but looked more preppy and reserved. The boy was thin but toned, and tanned and pretty. He also had a killer smile and gorgeous eyes. "You don't want to stare over there," X muttered. I looked at him. "They're with us."

"Oh, wow," I said. "What's up with the cute boy?"

X snickered. "Like father, like son."

About fifteen minutes later, one of the men rose to use the bathroom. Two minutes afterwards, X headed there, too. When he returned, he acted like nothing had happened.

He also stopped talking to me. I realized then he was disappointed with me because of my preference in `boys'.

(To Be Continued...)

Next: Chapter 2

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