Variety With Tommy

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jul 2, 2005



Variety With Tommy by

Tommy was coming over that Saturday morning, and he had something new to show me. I looked forward to seeing him again, as he had been my favorite jacking buddy before his company had transferred him far away 30 years ago. At the time, we were both in our 20s, and experimenting with sex, much less experienced than we'd later become. We'd found that it was fairly easy for us to come together because our timing was synchronized almost perfectly. As we both had foreskins, we did not find it awkward or unfamiliar to handle each other's equipment with loving care, even though anatomically we were somewhat different. Tommy was a little shorter than my six feet, and his cock slightly longer, with a short hood that immediately pulled back from the relatively small acorn on the end. He looked enviously at my large rounded purple helmet, and was fascinated by my ample overhanging foreskin that ended in a long nipple beyond the end of the glans when soft. When my cock was hard, Tommy would caress it with long, loving strokes, drawing the foreskin fully back from the head, baring the deep groove behind my flaring ridge, then bring it forward to engulf the bulging head. I'd jiggle his skin collar, bringing it halfway up his glans, as far as it would go. Tommy's tip, though smaller than mine, was more sensitive, maybe because all of the millions of nerve endings were concentrated in its small surface, and he usually reached climax before I did. When he'd come, I'd be close behind him, and watching him shoot and feeling his cock throb in my hand would inevitably trigger my orgasm and I'd join him in mindless, groaning ecstasy. Another difference between us was that Tommy shot, while I usually dribbled. Tommy's tip had a small, tight hole at the end, forcing the juice out in hard jets that formed long trajectories in the air. My orifice was large and teardrop shaped, and when I came my cream would just flow from it, running down my glans and shaft onto his encircling fingers. I had introduced Tommy to the vibrator, and enjoyed watching his face as I pressed the large round disc against the underside of his tip, compressing his gee-string. He told me that the vibrations spread through his tip, shaft, and even down to his balls, giving him what felt like a strong urge to pee. He'd try to relax completely, but within 30 seconds he'd find his legs twitching as his prick began to throb, releasing his juice in long arcs. I'd hold his cock up with one hand as I pressed the vibrator's disc against it with the other, feeling the throbs in his cock as it disgorged its loads of cream in long thin jets. Tommy would return the favor, first pressing the disc against the underside of my foreskin-covered head, then slowly stripping back the protective hood so that he could get direct contact with the gee-string. Sometimes he'd run the disc up and around my high, flaring ridge, making me moan with delight as the waves of sensations invaded my cock and brought me to new heights. Within a minute at most, he'd have me gasping and groaning, filling my engorged cock with sensations that triggered my orgasm. My cock would throb and pour its load onto this fingers, while I cried out in agonized ecstasy. Tommy and I enjoyed docking, too, and we often did that for variety. We fit together well, but we were lucky that way. Successful docking doesn't just require a foreskin; you need one long and loose enough to accommodate another cock-head, and Tommy could never have docked with anyone using his foreskin because it wasn't long enough to cover even his small tip during erection. Mine, on the other hand, was ample, but my king-size glans filled most of it, and there was room only for a small tip like Tommy's. Tommy would always take the initiative, placing the end of his hard prick in front of mine, and spreading the end of my hood with his fingers. He'd pull my foreskin over his glans, and hold it in place by clamping his fist around the end, which reached behind his rim. I'd feel the nose of his cock-head probing deeply inside my foreskin, sliding down the triangular groove under the head, or along the broad upper surface until it reached the groove behind my ridge and could go no farther. Tommy would slide his cock back and forth, absorbing the delicious friction, until he had to come. His tip would swell under my foreskin and become harder, and I knew his storm would erupt within seconds. I'd feel his turgid glans throb and the first hot jet would spray against the inside of my foreskin, washing over my swollen glans. Tommy's cock would throb again, pumping more cream into my distended foreskin and filling up the groove behind my ridge. This would trigger my climax, and we'd groan together as waves of orgasm washed over us and the cream would begin leaking from under my foreskin. Between us, we always shot at least three tablespoons of cream, and sometimes four, making a thick white puddle on the towel we always spread between us. When he'd moved away, it was the end of an era for me, and although I'd found other very enjoyable partners, I still missed him. He'd called me up to say he was back in town, and we'd had dinner together the evening before. We'd both aged visibly, with gray hair replacing his blond hair and my brown. I'd put on more weight than he had, and it showed. Now the doorbell rang and when I opened it Tommy was there, smiling at me though his trifocals. He had a box in his hand, and I was sure it contained the surprise. We went immediately into my bedroom, impatient with small talk and eager to get naked and catch up for 30 years' absence. Tommy's waist had thickened somewhat, as I'd expected, while mine had thickened more. We were both naked and erect when Tommy spoke: "Gee! Your cock's shorter than I remember." He was right. The fat pad that had built up over my pubic bone had engulfed the base of my shaft, so that now I measured exactly six inches instead of the six and ¾" that I'd had during my younger years. "Your tip's just as big, though," he continued. "Do you shoot as far as you used to?" I asked. "Yes, I do," he replied. "I think I even shoot more juice than I used to." "What did you bring?" I asked, impatient with curiosity. Tommy opened the box and showed me his electro-sex kit. I'd seen one before, as another friend had demonstrated it on me a while back. When I informed Tommy that I 'd tried one before, he seemed slightly disappointed, but immediately asked me: "Did you enjoy it?" I nodded affirmatively, and he appeared to relax somewhat. "Good," he said. "I'd been worried that maybe you wouldn't like it. Some guys are like that, you know. They're either afraid of electricity, or it feels so strange to them that they don't enjoy it." "I enjoy it. How do you want to use it?" Tommy began to explain to me that the best way for us would be to place an electrode between our butt cheeks, which wasn't difficult because we were both bubble-butts. That would allow the longest current path, contacting the anus and passing through the prostate, cock-root, shaft, glans and foreskin. We would have to dock before he turned on the control box, to complete the current path. We lay facing each other on the bed, a thick towel under our rigid cocks. Tommy arranged the control box between us, and squeezed conductive jelly from a tube onto one electrode before placing it between my cheeks. He then placed the other one between his cheeks, and grasped my foreskin with his fingertips, sliding it over his glans and clamping it behind his rim with his fist. It was very slippery under my hood because we'd both been seeping natural lubricant. "This is a good conductor, so we don't have to use jelly here," he explained. With his free hand, he turned on the current, and I felt the familiar tingle in my lower body. He turned the power know up, and the tingle increased, traveling into my rectum and prostate, then following my cock-root and shaft until it reached my glans and foreskin. Tommy then set the box to "pulse," and the current began turning on and off, in exciting pulses that made our cock-roots throb with each one. He increased the power, and I felt my body begin to quiver with each pulse. My legs began twitching, as did Tommy's, and I knew we were being taken along the path to climax faster than we'd prepared for. I felt Tommy's cock jerk against my glans inside my foreskin with each pulse. It also felt as if the skin of my cock tightened down with each surge of current. Tommy increased the power again, and we both began groaning in time with the pulses; "Hunh, Hunh, Hunh." Orgasm was only seconds away. Tommy turned the power know another increment and cried out as his cock throbbed in orgasm. I felt the throb against my glans an instant before a hot jet shot from his tip, filling the groove behind my ridge. My cock throbbed from root to tip as my juice began surging up its tube. We both moaned loudly, rhythmically, in time with the pulses as they pulled the orgasms from our bodies. My hood was distending with surges of hot cream, and my mind was totally focused on the overpowering sensations in my prick. My eyes closed involuntarily with the intensity of the sensations, and I didn't see our juices dripping from under my foreskin. Tommy's jets kept shooting hard against my glans, and I responded with liquid surges of my own that overflowed from the encircling sleeve. At some point Tommy cut the current, because I felt the pulses stop, although our cocks kept throbbing with the residual sensations of orgasm for many seconds afterward. Our breathing slowly returned to normal, and I opened my eyes to see Tommy's face, haggard with the effort of orgasm. Our cocks began softening, and his glans slipped out from inside my hood. A great gush of white liquid came out with it, and we grabbed tissues to wipe the cream from our cocks. Tommy removed the electrodes and we went to the shower, eager to rinse off the sweat, lubricant, and semen from our bodies. We spent ten minutes under the hot water, soaping each other and enjoying the sensations, and even emptying our bladders down the drain to flush the residue from our pricks. After we dried ourselves, we drank martinis, and planned our next sexy adventure.

The end

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