Vibrator Fantasy

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jul 10, 2005



Vibrator Fantasy By

I enjoy fantasizing, even with the guys I meet on the Internet chat, because we live so far from each other that a meeting is out of the question. However, when I lie back in my recliner with some paper towels, anything becomes possible: I'd met Bob, who goes by the handle "Naturalman," on the chat, and we'd clicked immediately because we're both uncut. We were able to share experiences and relate to each other very well, and we continued chatting and e-mailing. He had told me that he'd used a cup type vibrator, as I had. He said "I can even pull my foreskin over the outside rim of the vibrator cup as it is sitting directly on my glans. First used it on the foreskin and loved the feeling of unloading with the foreskin still over the glans." This time, Bob was coming to my home, bringing his vibrator so that we might share and compare. When I opened the door, I saw him, with his salt and pepper hair and pleasant face. Bob is eight years younger than my 61, and a few inches shorter than my 6'2". I grasped his arm, enjoying even this physical contact, and pulled him in. In the bedroom, we immediately undressed, as we were eager to experiment. "I haven't come in a week," I said, "because I've been saving up for this." "Me neither," he replied, pulling his shorts down to reveal his full-foreskinned cock. I noted that it was extended well beyond the head, ending in a thick, wrinkled orifice. The outline of his glans was clearly visible through the skin, just like mine. We both have small pricks limp, although mine swells to exactly six inches hard and Bob's comes to just a fraction less than that. My foreskin is long and thick, forming an ample nipple in front of the head when limp. Both our hoods still cover our helmet-shaped tips even with erection. Bob opened his bag and withdrew a standard 110 volt two-speed vibrator. In his other hand was a cup attachment, made to fit over the glans. It was a typical bell-shaped, one-size-fits-all, which means it doesn't fit any prick-head right. I could see that it was even too short to reach Bob's flaring rim, where many nerve endings lie. "I had to make my own cup to get a good fit," I said. "It took a while, but it was worth it." "I've got something else you might like," he said, as he pulled a life size wax sculpture of his erect prick from his bag. It showed his prick with the foreskin pulled all the way back beyond the glans, exposing the flaring rim and the groove behind it. "I made it myself," he added. "I didn't know you could sculpt so beautifully, I said, but I can make use of that if you're willing." "How so?" he asked. "Well, I'll use it as a pattern for your new cup. I'll paint quick-drying epoxy on it, then warm it and melt the wax out of it. You can have a custom-fitted cup for your tip in minutes." He nodded, and I mixed a batch of epoxy. With a soft camel's hair brush, I painted a thin layer of epoxy all over the end of the sculpture, encasing his cock-head down to where the ridge meets the groove. It took oly five minutes to set, and I mixed another batch while waiting. I painted a second, reinforcing layer on the first, this time attaching the socket that I'd cut from the cup. This would attach it to the vibrator's stud. Our cocks had been swelling as I'd worked, because we were both anticipating the results. I was eager to watch him come with his cock-head totally encased in the buzzing custom vibrator cup, and he was wondering how much better it would feel than the old cup. I saw a large drop of clear fluid fill the orifice of his distended foreskin, and I lifted his prick with one finger. "Let me lick that off," I asked, and bent my head. It was slippery and salty on my tongue, very much like my lubricant. I was glad he secreted a lot, because it would lubricate the cup for him, and intensify the sensations. I dipped the finished cup and wax sculpture into water I'd set to boiling minutes before, and the wax flowed out of the cup. Then I drilled a hole in the front to allow the torrent of cream to escape. Finally, I inspected the cup for sharp edges and found none. "Looks good to me," I said as I led Bob back to the bedroom. He knew what was coming, because he lay supine on the bed, his cock flat on his stomach. He wasn't fully hard yet, and I drew back his long hood so that I could fit the cup. His lubricated cock-head slipped easily into the cavity, and I carefully aligned it with the contours of his glans. The cup encased his rim completely, including the very sensitive back face. The bottom of the cup enveloped his frenulum, the super-sensitive gee-string under the head. Then I placed some paper towels on his stomach to catch his juice. My last step was to roll his foreskin all the way up the cup, leaving only the hole and the socket exposed. That way, the vibrations would reach the many nerve endings in his hood, adding to his excitement. "Ready?" I asked as I fitted the vibrator's stud into the socket on the cup, and cupped his balls in my other hand. Bob nodded, and I pushed the switch to the high position. The vibrator jumped in my hand and I felt the buzzing that I knew would be much more intense inside the cup. I saw Bob's eyes open wide as his jaw dropped, and his arms flayed out to his sides. I straddled his thighs and felt the involuntary muscular contractions in his legs. Bob was going "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" loudly in response to the sensations, and I knew that if he'd been standing, his knees would have buckled immediately. I knew exactly what he was feeling from my own experience with the vibrator, and anticipated his orgasm within seconds. Bob's breathing was ragged, and he cried out in pure joy as the hot sparks of sensation stabbed deeply into his glans and down his shaft. I was holding the base of his shaft now, feeling it stiffen even further as the peak neared. Hot sensations rushed at him like an express train, assaulting his consciousness, and I knew that at that stage, Bob's whole world was in his cock. I felt the shaft throb, and heard him call out "Jack, Jack, Jack" as the orgasm consumed him. A long white jet shot from the end of the cup as his cock throbbed hard in my hand. Another stream erupted from the hole, followed by yet another gush as the insistent vibrations forced Bob to empty himself. I shot a glance at his contorted face, seeing his eyes were closed as the joyful agony of orgasm overwhelmed him. My cock was full-hard, and I felt it throb in response because it was so arousing. Bob's body strained against mine and he continued to moan loudly as the hot jets erupted from his cock. Now they became weaker, and I sensed his orgasm was nearly over. I switched off the vibrator, not wanting to cause him distress, knowing that the contractions in his cock-root would continue for many seconds until he was completely drained. Many minutes later, Bob was wiped down, ready to make me come. He straddled my thighs, holding the vibrator. We had to use my own cup, because my helmet is slightly larger than his. He poured some glycerin lube into the cup, then slipped it over my swollen glans. I helped him by rolling my ample foreskin up over the cup. I was supine, arms stretched out, when he hit the switch. A hot whirlwind of sensations drove into my swollen glans and enveloping foreskin, making me cry out helplessly. I felt my tip swell even more, wedging itself tightly against the inside of the cup, as hot tingles filled my foreskin. I was already primed, so it took even less time for me as a fiery spike of sensation stabbed down my prick to my balls, and I exploded. My eyes were screwed shut as I cried out; "Bob, Bob, Bob." My cock-root convulsed and shot a hot stream of lava up my tube as I writhed helplessly under Bob. My whole world was in my throbbing cock, and my thoughts were overwhelmed by the rush of orgasm. I lay passively, letting things happen because I could do nothing else, as stream after burning stream of hot fluid boiled its way up my tube and out the hole. The vibrator cup drove its frenzied buzzing into the nerve endings in my cock-head and the foreskin wrapped tightly around it, making my entire cock vibrate. My hips bucked as more contractions wracked my cock-root, and I felt more jets erupt as I drained myself. When it was over, I felt totally inert, with no energy to do anything. I opened my eyes to see Bob's head bending down, and felt his lips tenderly kissing my forehead.

The End

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