Victorian Secrets

By sasha steele

Published on May 3, 2015


Victorian Secrets (part four)

Frock Night on the Moors

by Sasha Steele

With time on his hands before the wedding Dorian decided to accept Belmont's invitation to go shooting on the Moors. He had not seen Belmont since they had docked more than a month prior and he missed his ship-bound lover's company, though they had corresponded.

Belmont's coach awaited Dorian at the train station. It would carry he and his luggage out onto Dartmoor where Belmont's hunting lodge was located. It was already late afternoon. The travel had been long and exhausting. Still, as Dorian sat for the bumpy coach ride he felt aroused in anticipation of seeing Belmont once again.

For travel attire Dorian wore a crushed blue velvet frock coat with matching britches. The coat's short skirt had pleated folds in back below a half waist band with two large buttons on it. The tight coat did up in front with a close spaced row of blue buttons. The lapels were mid- width, collar slightly stood, shoulders capped. The arms terminated short on the wrist from under which issued the tiered cuffing of Dorian's silk blouse.

The white silk blouse was hooked in back. It featured a short up-stood collar around which was tied a full cravat tiered to match the blouse's cuffs. The softly pleated cravat filled the area between the frock coat's lapels.

Tied, as they were with a blue ribbon draw string in back, Dorian's britches were set tight upon him, especially upon his rounded backside. The leg length terminated just below the knee with a slight flaring and blue ribbon bows on the outsides.

Dorian's lower legs were covered in bright white hosiery that ran from toe to mid thigh stayed with lace garters beneath his britches. On his feet were front laced black ankle boots with squared four inch high heels.

His long black hair was drawn back in a ponytail tied with a blue velvet ribbon. His pretty face was lightly made up, lips and nails painted a silver-blue. He wore black pearl earrings and an assortment of finger rings.

Dorian was received by his hoist whilst the footmen carried a rather large travel chest to his room. Belmont took Dorian in a tight embrace and kissed him dearly. He too had missed his young lover. As they caressed Belmont felt the hardness in the penis pouch of Dorian's britches against that in his own.

"It has been too long my dear friend," said Belmont.

"It has," agreed Dorian and once again they kissed.

Belmont wore his blond hair tied back. Two arrant strands, one each side of his face, hung down to his shoulders. His fair face was youngish given Belmont's twenty and six years. Of military background Belmont had a sturdy frame. He wore a heavy full skirted dressing gown of quilted silk.

Shown to his rooms Dorian's valets removed their Master's frock coat and britches, leaving him in a silk camisole, pantalettes, waist cincher, stockings and boots. After Dorian relieved himself valets drew a heavy silk quilted lounging caftan, similar to the robe that Belmont wore, over his lingerie and tied its sash about his waist.

Early on the morrow they would embark on the shoot. For tonight, as it had already become of early evening, would be an informal dinner and greeting of the other guests most of whom Dorian knew well enough. They ate the hearty repast served up by Belmont's cook staff, drank port by the roaring fire and chatted til the small hours.

The following day saw the six of them early to a long and quite successful day of shooting. A lot of game would be brought to the feast. Dorian's mind was on the festivities set for the that evening. It would entail of formal dinner and they would dance to a five piece orchestra, as three of the guests, of which Dorian was one, would be fully attired in female habiliments. The hunt over Dorian retired to his rooms to prepare for the festivities.

There was a girlish beauty to Dorian, though he be a man. His musculature was of one who had ever no need for toil. Sturdy enough and yet not extensive in either muscular size nor strength. His bodily appearance, due to the pampered life style of Dorian's high born station, was, though neither thin nor fat, of a soft delicate quality. His skin, both of face and body, was devoid of hair and blemish, quite perfect actually.

Dorian enjoyed his boyish femininity. Delighted in the wearing of androgynous habiliments, especially of the effeminate undergarments, as was custom for high standing gentlemen of the upper class. From time to time Dorian too enjoyed dressing fully in female attire, as would he be for this evening.

For the frock party Dorian wore a lovely light pink over white Juliet evening dress. Its bodice was short waisted with pointed corsage. The full skirt gathered at the waist. The pink skirt's open front tapered backward and had flounce edging. A white tablese with tiered ruffles filled the skirt opening and hid Dorian's erection. The sleeves were wide and full. A white lace caping covered the shoulders.

Dorian had donned an elaborate wigged coiffure of a white-satin color done up in three rouleax terminating in ringlets that fell to the shoulder. His face was heavily made up. His lips and finger nails were painted in pink. He wore an elegant diamond enclustered necklace, ear and finger rings set.

Beneath his dress Dorian wore a long full white crinoline. His traditional corset was ribbed and boned for stability. The corset had delicate pink lace at top and pink flouncing along the bottom edge. Pear clasps did up the front and pink ribbon draw straps pulled tight and tied in a bow in back. Trapped beneath Dorian's corset were his silk tight fitted camisole and pantalettes.

The camisole had thin shoulder straps with a shallow V neck line. The neck line was trimmed in white lace with a pink bow in center and there was lace along the bottom edging. His pantalettes had a wide lace waist band and lace bottom edging. The leg length terminated at mid thigh, just inches above Dorian's white socking fastened in place with pink garters that had a pretty bow on the outside of each leg. On his feet were ivory boots with white leather bottoms and lace encrusted uppers. They had four in high square shaped heels and tied in a bow above the ankle with pink ribbon laces.

Of the 'Ladies' there were three; Dorian in his pink evening dress, Julian a young Welsh beauty in his green evening dress and Odalious a fat young Lord from the south with long red hair, a pretty face who wore a blue evening dress.

The diner table was set with priceless china, crystal and the finest silver on an beautiful linen and lace table cloth. Two elaborate candelabra were sat upon it and the table over hung by a magnificent crystal chandelier. They feasted upon pheasant and quail from the days shoot, fresh fish ordered in that afternoon by the chef, veg, French pastries and many other fine delicacies served with champagne.

After dinner the couples would dance a full repertoire to the five piece orchestra. They would do the old ballroom dances - the Quadrille with its intricate steps. They would waltz, do the Mazurka, the Schottsade and the new style Bohemian polka tempered with playful exuberance and the inherent sensuousness of close coupling with one's partner made all the more sensuous when that partner had an erection beneath his skirts. And so they ate and drank and danced til night's end whence they filed out arm in arm, each couple off to what lay ahead.

Wanting the pleasure of undressing Dorian himself Belmont dismissed his valets for the night. He took Dorian in his arms and kissed him passionately on his painted lips. Then Belmont turned Dorian about to loose the draw strings of his dress. Thus loosened the dress slipped from Dorian's shoulders and he stepped out of both it and the crinoline beneath it.

Dorian turned back to Belmont. His heart raced with anticipation as Belmont put a hand to the tenting in Dorian's silk pantalettes. The cock pouch there was damp, as Dorian had found it necessary to relieve himself through his pantalettes during the evening. A the top of the tenting his pantalettes were wet with Dorian's arousal.

Setting himself upon his knees Belmont took Dorian's hard cock, whilst it remained in its pouch, into his mouth. He encountered the salty taste from Dorian's urine and his tongue lapped up the leakage at its tip. Then Belmont began to suck Dorian's cock. And as he continued his ministrations Dorian's arousal had grown to the point where he was in danger of ejaculated in his pantalettes.

Dorian tilted his bewigged head back and took air through his clenched teeth making a hissing sound. He did not want Belmont to stop. And so Dorian spread his stance as he took grasp of Belmont's head. Thence Belmont held secure, Dorian began to undulate his hips. The smooth silk material, which clung to Dorian's shaft, slipped easily back and forth in Belmont's watering mouth.

Belmont took hold of Dorian's round behind. The silken material of his pantalettes felt smooth against his palms. Dorian's large rump was the only part of his anatomy, though slight, that was disproportionate to the rest of his otherwise perfectly proportioned body. He could feel Dorian's buttocks muscles beneath his soft flesh contract and release as he undulated his hips.

In a short span of time Dorian's motions became desperate. The tip of his hard cock beat frantically against the back of Belmont's throat. Dorian cried out again and again a whimpered moan as desperation and ecstasy mingled. Abruptly, having reached a crescendo, Dorian's motions ceased. He drew Belmont tightly to him. Held him there whilst his hot semen burst through the fabric of his pantalettes and into Belmont's mouth, all of which Belmont greedily swallowed.

With Dorian's semen still fresh in his mouth Belmont regained his feet, took Dorian in his arms and kissed him deeply. He lifted the white-blond wig from Dorian's head. Dorian's black hair was drawn into a bun atop his head. Belmont turned his lover around, loosed the pink ribbon ties on his corset undid the hooks and removed it from Dorian's middle.

Dorian turned back around and raised his arms to allow Belmont to remove his camisole. Belmont placed his hands against Dorian's naked chest, its smooth softness contrasted with the hardness of his nipples. Belmont knelt to pull down Dorian's pantalettes, which Dorian then stepped out of.

With what remained of his habiliments still on, white stalkings with their light pink garters, fancy high heel boots and jewelry, Dorian then aided Belmont in the removal of his garments. Belmont wore a black satin frock coat and britches. A white flounced cravat over silk blouse with ruffled cuffs below the coat sleeves at his wrists. He wore white stockings and polished black boots, laced up front and with four inch heels.

Belmont's camisole had a rounded neck line and wider shoulder straps than Dorian's and less lace detailing. His pantalettes had a less measure of lace upon them as well compared to Dorian's though the cock in their penis pouch was no less hard. Dorian aided Belmont with removal of these vestments rendering his lover totally naked.

They kissed. Dorian, still in his boots stood a bit taller than the naked Belmont who had not but the black bow staying his blond hair in a pony tail and black pearl earrings. They pressed themselves, naked cock to naked cock together as they kissed. Then broke whereupon Dorian lay on his back on Belmont's bed.

Dorian's spread legs were bent back and held there by Belmont as he pushed his hard cock through Dorian's anus and into his rectum. Belmont took hold of Dorian's erection, gently stroking it as he fucked him. Dorian's lovely brown eyes wear closed and he moaned softly as Belmont made love to him.

Presently Belmont's undulating motions quickened. Quickened too had his hand stroking Dorian's hard cock. Dorian's semen burst fourth upon his stomach at near enough the same time that Belmont ejaculated into his rectum.

They lay together that night. On the morrow they would once more part company, perhaps to see one another one again, who knew whence.

End of part four.

Next: Chapter 5

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