Victorian Secrets

By sasha steele

Published on Jul 18, 2019


Victorian Secrets Part Seven Dorian and the Pugalist By Sasha Steele

The match had been set up in a converted stable behind a brothel in a seedy part of London. The fighters squared off against one another on the dirt floor at its lowest level. The fighting area was bordered four sides by worst of societies dregs, the drunkards, the punters and various enthusiasts of the art of fisticuffs. And there seemed more fighting amongst them than in the makeshift boxing ring.

In the upper escilones of the converted stable were the more privileged members of society. Here even those of the elite upper class mingled with those of high middle class standing. Slumming as they were for a sporting wager, the wunderlust and pure debochery of the scene. And among them were Ladies, though most, if not all, were Lady-men, out on an adventurous evening with their own depravity in mind.

In the midst of it all the two combatants went at each other. One of which was not just the most muscular of the two, but by far the most skilled. He had thus far beaten down several aponents in good order, and was about to do the same with this, the final challenger. Sweat glistening off his body, which made the man's muscularity apear all the more impressive as he pumulled his apponent.

Dorian looked on, and I must add with more than just a keen interest in the fisticuffs that transpired below him, he felt his cock stiffen beneath the eligant deep blue colour evening gown that he wore. You see, Dorian had aranged with the orchestrator of this illegal, yet highly entertaining event, a rendezvous with the pugalist. Dorian wanted to press his hand to his cock, but dared not as he was incognito in the raiment of a Lady.

Sam, as the crier had proclaimed to be the muscular pudulist's name, had taken note of some of the fair beauties regaled on the upper tier of the makeshift arena. In particular Sam had noted the singular beauty in a deep blue colour evening gown replete with an elaborate powder-white wig. He had in fact taken more notice than his circumstance had warranted. A dallience which cost him a stiff right to the jaw.

His apponent, the best of the lot thus far, followed quickly with a left. A blow that Sam easily slapped away to retaliate with his own hard right cross. It was a bit too hard. The appointment went down. A mistake Sam immediately recognized, as he had to make more a show of it before knocking the fellow out. He allowed the apponent to regain his feet while again taking note of the beauty who'd arrange to meet him afterward.

Sam allowed himself to endure more punishment before the enevitable telling blow took the man down for good. Except for possible financial gain Dorian could not comprehend why a man would ingage in such a brutal practice. Nor could he understand his desire to witness such a spectical. Yet it seemed the more brutal the contest became the harder his cock grew.

Dorian's cock ached for the pugalist as it extended the penal pouch of his silk pantalettes against the loose folds in the flowing skirts of his evening gown. The pouch was wetted at its tip beyond the dampness that remained there from earlier in the evening when Dorian had relieved himself through them. A practice necessary in a situation such as this wherein a Lord was out in public while garbed in Lady's attire.

The spoils, as they say, go to the victor. So too do they for those who had wagered successfully. And also to those who, like Dorian, chose not a gambit but rather had purchased an arrangement. That the brute had excepted this arrangement made Dorian all the more desirous and so after the match Dorian trembled with anticipation as he was led down to an apartment in back of the converted stable.

The door opened and Dorian stepped in. Dorian approached Sam with skirts held descretely aloft in order to accommodate his footfalls. In the raised heels of his stylish dress boots Dorian rose in height to just a few inches below Sam's six feet. And at close quarters Sam saw that this creature, in an elegant evening gown and elaborate jewelry, appeared even more splended than at a distance.

Dorian's silver - white coiffed wig rose in a french assemblage tied in back with a large blue satin bow with ringlets at the sides. His lightly powdered face was indeed beautiful with darkened and contoured eyebrows, and heavily blackened eyelashes. The eyelids had a charcoal gloss which rendered Dorian's beautiful blue eyes even more striking. And his lips were painted in a deep ruby red colour.

"A Lord in Lady's garb no doubt," the match promoter had told Sam. Then added slyly, "most like after your cock." Upon closer examination Sam saw that, though fair he may be, the blue eyed beauty before him was indeed a man. He saw the longing in those beautiful eyes. And reasoned that most like this beauty had a stiff cock beneath the folds of his flowing gown. Sam's cock stiffened.

"My Lady," he said, "what is it that I may do for you?"

Sam wore nothing but course spun trousers that terminated below his knees. They were damp with perspiration. Dorian saw the protrusion in their front. His heart fluttered. "I'll have those trousers off," he commanded. Sam complied. His hard cock sprang to attention as he drew them over it. Dorian subtally ran his tongue between his ruby lips and inadvertently pressed a hand to the stiffness beneath his skirts.

Dorian saw that Sam had the correct amount of body hair, which along with his musculature and the stubble on his chin, rendered him desirably masculine. His light brown hair was pulled into a bolt on the back of his neck. Lose strands hung either side of his ruggedly handsome face. His brown eyes were captivating, though Dorian did escape their gaze as his own eyes fell to Sam's erection

Sam's cock was not as long as Dorian's own nine inch member, though thicker and the skin upon it darker and more course In it's texture. His swollen scrotum was drawn tight to the raised shaft. The erect shaft seemed to shimer as if a bird in want of attention from its mother. Dorian hiked up his skirts, a bit higher this time, exposing his glistening white stalkings. Then he sank to his knees before the perspiring pugalist.

When Dorian took hold of Sam's erection Sam reeled with the sensuality of Dorian masturbating him. Then Dorian took Sam's hard cock into his mouth. His lips closed upon it thus to engulf the extent of it into the moist confines of his mouth. His tongue glided along the bottom of its shaft. And Sam cried out in ecstacy as the beautiful cross dressed Lord of undoutable regal standing sucked his cock.

Sam placed his hands to the bewiged head of the painted homosexual whore sucking his cock. Carefull he was though, so as not to dislodge it and thus ruin the pretence of this regal Lord being a Lady. Sam undulated his hips to keep rythym with the motions of his Ladyship's mouth. He closed his eyes, tilted his head back and moaned open mouthed with the pleasure of such an intercourse as cock to mouth.

With each motion Sam's hard cock penetrated deep into Dorian's mouth and throat. Dorian felt the nudge of Sam's full scrotum against his lightly powdered chin. He smelled the musky odor of Sam's sweaty pubis hair as his nose pressed into it. He could hear Sam moan with the intense pleasure provided Dorian's mouth. And Dorian could sense that Sam was close to releasing himself, all of which served to intensified his own need.

One of Dorian's hands remained on Sam's cock while the other went to the bulge beneath his skirts. He moaned lustfully as he grasp hold of its hardness through his clothing. Then, as though in concert with the motions of his mouth and the undulations of Sam's hips, Dorian proceeded to masturbate his cock through his skirts. And thus, within a short span of time, brought himself to the point of ejaculation.

Dorian removed Sam's cock from his mouth as his ejaculation was now emminate. Sam could feel Dorian's hot breath against his swollen scrotum as Dorian groaned open mouthed in his ergency. And then abruptly occured Dorian's seminal discharge. Dorian pressed his face to Sam's moist crotch and let out a long muffled cry as he discharged heavy bursts of seminal fluids into his elegant clothing.

No sooner had Dorian's mouth regained Sam's cock then Sam's motions became frantic. He now thrust himself mercilessly into Dorian. With each powerful stroke Sam's cock compromised the gag reflexes of Dorian's throat. Of a sudden Sam's motions ceased. He grasp tightly Dorian's head, holding him to him whilst pressing his cock deep in Dorian's throat. Sam too had reached a climax.

Dorian heard Sam cry out with his mouth open wide and head tilted back as though proclaiming the ecstasy of his release to the ceiling. Dorian felt hot seminal fluid discharged against the back of his throat. Each burst causing him to gage as he struggled to swallow. Dorian coughed and semen escaped from the corners of his mouth. Then Sam eased his hold allowing Dorian to savour the taste of his semenal fluids.

Sam helped Dorian to his feet. He judged Dorian's elaborate gown and painted face. Peered deeply onto his blue eyes. A Lord in Lady's vestments though he be, Dorian was nonetheless beautiful. And so Sam took Dorian in his arms and kissed him passionately. The kiss lingered, only to be broken by the door abruptly being flung open and Sam's man shouting one word. "Coppers!" Then they heard the police whistles.

"I can't be caught here," Dorian said.

Fear had eradicated the fained softness in Dorian's voice. And Sam saw the fear in his eyes. It wasn't that Dorian feared being caught in Lady's garments, or felt compromised by the solid turd set between the cheeks of his buttocks low in the seat of his tight pantalettes. It was reposal from his father, the Duke of Weshire, Dorian feared. He had ignored a sumons home and feared the repercussions of this dallience.

"Show my Lady to the carriage," Sam ordered his man. He took Dorian's delicate hand and kissed it. "Untill next we meet my Lady," he said. Dorian followed the man to the alley in back where he was helped into a carriage and wisked away into the night. He thought of his summons home for a matter of the estate. An outing his father insisted he attend and Dorian wanted no part of it.

A fortnight later.

The young Lord sipped brandy as he sat in the drawing room of the northern Weshire estate from whence the outing would commence. Dorian only half listened as his father, the Duke, chastised him on his behavior, his appearance and general lack of discretion. It seemed their quest, who would appear momentarily, was crucial for the health of the estate and Dorian, as it's sole heir, need be on his best behavior.

Dorian's homosexuality troubled the Duke less than did the effeminate appearance of his only heir. Homosexuality of course was a common occurrence amongst the privliged. And androgynous dress was all the rage. But Dorian, the Duke thought, took it too far. The way he was attired at the very moment was a case in point. Dorian appeared more a Lady than a Lord even when attired in supposed masculine attire.

Even then Dorian prefered the more feminine of androgynous undergarments. Those of the soft silks and tight fit, replete with ribbon and lace. The only consession to maleness of such under garments lie in the generous penal pouches they provided. Too, his hose was of the newest fashion from France. A stretchable silk that followed every contour of his smooth legs.

That Dorian wore a corset was more a consession to fashion than to necessity. Though his pampered life style had made him soft and of late he had developed the beginnings of a slight paunch. His skin too was fair, smooth, hairless and without blemish. And Dorian had taken to enhancing his face with paint and powder as would a woman. Just as he appeared now with darkened eyes and red lip and fingernail paint.

Too, he had let his black hair grow long. It too as a woman would have it, and now worn drawn back into a tight braid that hung to mid back. The braid was tied at the nap of his neck with a black brushed velvet ribbon tied in an elegant ruffle bow. Dorian's hairline gave way to his masculinity with only a slight recess at the temples. His ears were round, not overly large, and were decorated with elaborate silver and bluestone earrings.

"Must you dress so effeminately," the Duke admonished. "We shall, when our guest arrives, be riding up to the ridge."

Dorian rolled his eyes. "But father this is my riding attire," he said.

Overtop of Dorian's decidedly afeminate undergarments his riding attire consisted of a tight fitted hunt shadebelly equestrian style jacket. It was high chested with a row of closely spaced buttons up front and had puffed shoulders. The Jackets pleated skirt was shorter in front than in back where it covered but half of Dorian's rump. The jacket was royal blue in colour with navy blue brush velvet lapels, cuffs and a large pom - pom bow in back.

Dorian's white silk blouse was very tight fitted and hooked in back. It had a high roll collar that was covered with a white silk cravat with a knotted bow in front. The frilled cuffs issued descretely from the cuffs of his riding jacket. Black leather gloves, a riding crop and low top hat were at the ready. The black brush velvet top hat gave way to femininity with a velvet bow in back and small black vail.

Dorian's light beige colour riding breeches were very tight fitting. Especially in the rear end as Dorian's rump cheeks were rather large with a deep crevasse between them and a crecent overhang bellow each. The breeches fitted their every nook and cranny. They fit tight to his heavy thighs and terminated below the knee. The penal pouch, remincent of the codpiece of old, caused Dorian's manhood stand out in bold relief.

The breeches terminated below the knee where his high rise black polished riding boots with attached knee pads covered them. The highly polished boots laced up in back with black velvet ribbons tied in bows at the top of the calf. They had sguare three inch heels and square toes designed to fit the saddle stirrups. One boot crossed Dorian's knee and bounced nervously as he impatiently waited.

Dorian knew nothing of the estate's affairs and cared even less. Why the Duke insisted on his presence here he had no clue. Their guest was a man not just of high social standing but also a high ranking military officer and highly successful industrialist. The Duke desperately wanted to sell him this northern estate. Preparations had been on going for weeks. This outing was simply to show him it. Why must Dorian be here?

Dorian was helping himself to another brandy when he glanced through the window and saw that the guest had finally arrived. The man stepped out of the coach and Dorian near dropped the brandy bottle on the server tray. The Lord of Canterhead, multi million heir industrialist and Brigadier General Samualtom L. Bremish was none other than Sam the pugalistic bare fist fighter who's cock Dorian had suck not a fortnight prior.

Dorian felt a twinge in his cock while at the same time fear of the Duke's wrath welled in him. Should Sam give him away his allowance may be cut, or even worse, banishment to the continent. But as the Duke introduced him all Sam did was take Dorian's hand and say, "pleased to make your acquaintance." Did he not recognize Dorian? He must. How could he not? Then Dorian saw that indeed there was recognition in Sam's brown eyes.

Sam's brown hair was pulled back in a short ponytail. His handsome face was clean shaven. He wore a brown riding jacket, beige breeches and high brown leather riding boots. Dressed to ride and the fact that Sam had brought no travelling trunk told Dorian that he meant only business and would not be staying the night. Sam had not known that Dorian was the Duke's heir or that he would be present here.

The coachman presented the Duke with an urgent post. The Duke opened the letter and read with a concerned look on his face. "I must leave immediately on an urgent matter," he said. "Please accept my apologies Sam. Dorian here will guide your tour of the estate." Then to Dorian said, "if he is favourably impressed show him the proposal. But note the price is firm. I'll leave you to it then."

It was very unlike his father to leave Dorian to important estate matters such as this. He tried to protest but the Duke bad them fair well and boarded his coach. The Duke sat in the coach reflecting his decision. He knew that sale of this useless northern estate would give Sam an unpressedent track of land to the Midlands. And the fetched price would allow the Duke's own purchase of a small estate boarding Weshire castle.

The Duke fretted leaving Dorian to such an important matter. But he knew that Sam had a taste for cock. And though the Duke despised having desceive Dorian in such a way he hoped that his afeminate homosexual son would somehow distract Sam into agreement of the proposal he had prepared. The Duke felt a moment of shame but quickly realized that success of this venture was in Dorian's best interests.

Dorian stepped onto the platform and a stable man helped him mount his white stallion. Sam noticed that the saddle made Dorian's rump appear somewhat plump in his tight riding breeches. They rode up to the ridge where the best view of the estate lands could be taken. The ride was near two hours and they stopped atop the ridge for a rest. Sam assisted Dorian to dismount his stallion.

Dorian turned to face him. "Father would never have forgiven my indescression a fortnight ago," he said. "Thank-you for keeping my confidence." His face was in close proximity with Sam's. They looked into each other's eyes. Dorian felt his cock begin to stiffen. Sam drew him close and they kissed. Then Sam said, "a gentleman would never betray a Lady's confidence."

With a long ride back ahead of them they didn't rest for long. Dorian clutching at the penal pouch in his riding breeches had announced a need to relieve himself. He assumed a shallow squat position with hands on thighs and Sam watched, his cock stiff, as Dorian urinated through his androgynous clothing. Dorian's eyes were closed and he hummed in the revalry of his release.

When he had finished Dorian stood and embraced Sam. Dorian's cock stiffened as he pressed it to Sam's. Their lips touched in a long and passionate kiss. "We had best be off," Dorian said as he stepped up onto a large flat Rock from whence Sam aided him to his saddle. The ride back took as long as the ride up and so was getting on in the afternoon by the time they returned to the estate.

As they shared a brandy Dorian spoke. "I wish to change out of my riding habiliments," he said. And although Dorian had valets to assist him he asked, "I'm afraid it is rather complicated, would you mind assisting me Sam?" Mind? Sam was delighted to do so. Retired to Dorian's chambers Dorian turned to face Sam. Dorian's erection had returned pressing the penal pouch in his breeches outward. They embraced and kissed. Then Sam set upon the task of undressing the effeminate Lord.

Dorian had discarded his hat and gloves. Sam undid his riding jacket alowing Dorian to slip out of it. Dorian turned, leaned on the bed rail while Sam loosened his boots. Then Dorian sat as Sam removed them from his stocking clad legs. Dorian stood, turned his back to Sam and removed his cravat whilst Sam undid his blouse. He slipped the blouse over his arms as Sam loosened the lace stays to Dorian's tight riding breeches.

Sam drew Dorian's breeches from his backside, down to the floor for Dorian to step out of them. He then stepped back a pace to admire the beautiful young Lord's backside. The corset girdle that Dorian wore made his hips appear much wider than a man's should be. Dorian's round backside was large. The tight pantalettes he wore followed the crevices between and beneath his buttocks as though he wore none at all.

Dorian had removed the ribbon bow that held his hair and loosed it's braid. He turned to face Sam as he shook out the kinks in his long black tresses. The silken stretch material of his glistening white pantalettes followed close the contours of Dorian's large cock and balls. And Sam saw that his Lordship's cock in full erection was near twice the length of his own. Which of course made Dorian all the more desirable.

In back and sides the lace tail of Dorian's tight camisole issued an inch or more from beneath his corset and lay upon his pantalettes. The legs of the pantalettes fit tight Dorian's fleshy thighs with lace bottoms terminated on his white stockings just above the knee. Again Dorian turned to lean upon the bed rail. "My corset," he murmured softly. Sam set to work undoing the silk bow and loosening the lacing. Dorian breathed a sigh of relief as he removed it.

Dorian turned back to face Sam. The tight white silk camisole featured a V shape neck line with lace that extended over the shoulders to the back. The lace bottom formed shallow crescents front and back attached at the sides. The nubs of the nipples on Dorian's soft chest showed through the smooth material. Dorian carressed them. "My pantalettes," he whispered. And Sam complied as though driven by an unstoppable force.

Sam's hard cock throbbed. His hands shook as he slipped his thumbs inside the wide laced waist band of Dorian's silken pantalettes. He withdrew them from Dorian's soft belly, over his hips and backside. Dorian's long hard cock popped upward as the tight pantalettes were drawn over it. Sam drew them over his stocking clad legs to his ankles and then assisted Dorian to step out of them.

There he was, upon his knees with this beautiful Lord in camasol and stockings stood before him. Dorian's large smooth scrotum was drawn up tight beneath the cock shaft. It, and Dorian's soft pubis mound, were rendered hairless. This as well the rest of his body and face no doubt rendered smooth, hairless and blemish free thanks to the exceedingly rare and outrageously expensive Katora oil available only to the privileged upper classes.

Sam took Dorian's succulent cock into his mouth. Dorian rocked his head back and drew in air through his open mouth. Sam sucked Dorian's cock and no doubt could have caused him an orgasm. But Dorian wanted to prolong his pleasure and so withdrew his cock from Sam's mouth. "Let us have these off," he said indicating Sam's clothing. Then watched Sam undress as he gently stroked his own cock.

Once Sam was fully naked Dorian led him to the bed. They kissed as they undulated their hardness into one another. Dorian had Sam lay back on the bed with his legs parted. He positioned himself between them and took Sam's thick cock into his mouth. Dorian had delayed his own inevitable orgasm but desired the exact opposite of Sam. He wanted Sam to fill his mouth. Needed him to do so.

Now, Dorian was an expert at the art of felatio. And the need for release of Sam's seminal fluids had been building in his cock since he first laid eyes on the beautiful Lord in whose mouth it now resided. Given these circumstances it was of little wonder that Sam reached a crescendo in a relatively short span of time. At that moment Sam took hold of Dorian's head drawing him close as he realeased his semen into Dorian's mouth.

Dorian swallowed all that Sam had to offer. He removed Sam's cock and licked all remnants from its head and shaft. He licked Sam's scrotum and the salty area beneath it. Then Dorian's tongue found Sam's sphincter. Sam moaned as Dorian explored it's bittersweet taste. Dorian sat back and hooked Sam's leg, inducing him to turn over onto his stomach. Sam did, and Dorian drew his rump to him, opened it and pressed his face in.

Dorian spread Sam's cheeks to ply his tongue within him, savoured the odor and taste of Sam's open rectum. Sam moaned and reathed about as if in grave distress. Which of course he was. Though it was a distress born of erotic perversion. Dorian then brought the head of his throbbing erection to Sam's open hole. Preseminal fluids oozed from its tip. He pushed it in causing Sam to cry out in lustful anguish.

To say that Dorian in the act of performing anal intercourse on him was very much to Sam's liking would be putting it lightly indeed. Sam wanted it more than he had wanted anything in his whole entire life. Sam ached with burning desire as Dorian's large cock head pushed through his sphincter to enter him. Then revelled with the sensation of fullness as Dorian's thick shaft stretched his anal passage.

Dorian's long tresses fell upon him and Sam felt Dorian's warm breath as he pressed his face to Sam's back. Sam heard Dorian moan softly as he fucked him. Felt Dorian's cock slide back and forth in the moist confines of his tubular rectal passage. Sensed the intermittent pressuring of his prostrate gland and gental nudges against the soft inner tissues of his rectum. It was as though Dorian's probing cock were in search of his very soul.

Dorian raised fully to his knees. He under hooked Sam's hips raising his backside with his cock still buried deep within it. The rythym of Dorian's motions had turned to desperate thrusts. His crotch smacked against Sam's round buttocks. His large full scrotum slapped against the back of Sam's muscular thighs. With every aggressive thrust Sam bawled out as though he were a shackled peasant being victimized by his master.

Dorian felt a hot tension on the underside of his cock head. It built up as would an ever increasing itch that begged to be scratched. It felt as though his cock shaft would split like a pea pod between thumb and forefinger. Dorian pressed himself to Sam. Closed his eyes. Lifted his head. And with his mouth wide open cried out in rapturous ecstacy as though proclaiming his release to the heavens.

Sam cried out too as he felt Dorian's warm seminal fluids ejaculated inside of him. The discharges came in halted bursts creating the feeling of fullness within Sam's rectal cavity. It gave him an overwhelming scense of contented fulfillment. Sam wished Dorian's cock to remain in him forever. But alas, breathing heavily from his exertions, Dorian withdrew it leaving Sam with a scense of loss.

Sam helped Dorian slip into an eloquent silver - white lounging robe that tied with a wide satin sash. The ornate robe had large sleeve cuffs and a long flowing skirt. He placed silver boudoir slippers with modest heels and flower bows on the toes on Dorian's stocking clad feet. Then fetched his chamfer pot. Sam held the pot whilst Dorian sat on the bed with his lounging robe opened and legs parted as he urinated into the hand painted China pot.

Sam dressed and they retired to the drawing room. They sipped brandy as Sam read over the proposal for sale and purchase of the estate. The Duke, Sam reasoned, had used Dorian to soften him to this agreement. He looked at Dorian who flicked his hair back as he admired himself in the mirror. Dorian was disinterested in matters of commerce. His only interests lay in his own beauty and the sexual pleasures of men.

"All looks well," Sam said as he signed the document. "Except the pricing, which I have changed."

"Father said his price was firm," Dorian rejoined.

"My dear Dorian," Sam told him, "in commerce nothing is firm. Fear not. He will be pleased with it.

Shortly after Sam had kissed Dorian farewell and left the Duke returned. "Did he look over the proposal?" The Duke asked.

"Yes father. He agreed and signed it. Though was not agreeable to the price, as he said he'd changed it."

The Duke snapped up the papers. "He did what!" He looked them over and dumbfounded mumbled, "but he has added a one before the forty eight thousand pounds. A hundred thousand pounds more than asked."

Dorian raised an eyebrow. Then smiled and said, "of course he did."


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