Victorias Real Dinner Date

By Susie Smith

Published on Nov 21, 2000


Victoria's Real Dinner Date Part 1 By CDVeronica

NOTE TO READER: You really need to read the first story "Victoria's Dinner Date" before you read this part. Hopefully this story will be pleasurable too, but it will make a lot more sense if you read "Victoria's Dinner Date" first. Now-- On to the story.

Wow!! "Victoria's Dinner Date" was quite an amazing story. I bet you're eager to hear what else happened that night.

Well, I have to admit that I exaggerated a bit in that story. Oh, the part about the shoes, and the bar, and dinner, and heading to the club--- those all happened. But the rest of the story in Part 1 was actually the fantasy I concocted while on my way back to the hotel to get Victoria's coat. I was trying to imagine how the rest of the evening might go, and I probably let my imagination get a little carried away. I mean--- a guy with the great boobs Donna had and a dick! Not very likely is it? Of course I may have enhanced the story a bit in Part 1 from what I thought of at the time.

OK, so what really happened? I bet you're thinking that we went to the club, had a drink, then Victoria and I went back to our hotel alone. Well you're wrong. There was a lot more to the story.

The club was a good place to go and enjoy some pleasant conversation. It had a live band and a dance floor, but the music was generally soft and slow, more romantic than frantic. When the girls got there, they found a booth with a partial view of the dance floor. Victoria and Donna sat on one side, leaving Meghan to sit alone on the other. They continued their conversations from earlier in the evening.

"I know you girls aren't married," said Victoria, "but as nice and as pretty as you are, don't you have boyfriends?" The girls hesitated, and Victoria quickly said, "I'm sorry. I guess that's really none of my business."

"No, that's OK," said Donna. "It's just that... It's just that... Well actually, Meghan and I are lovers."

Victoria didn't know what to say. "Oh," was all she could come up with. There was a long pause. I'm sure it seemed even longer to the three of them. Victoria has worked with some women that were lesbians, and is good friends with some of them. I guess she just wasn't expecting to hear that. Then Victoria smiled and said, "I guess that explains why you weren't very enthused when I brought up the idea of two handsome guys sitting next to my husband and I at dinner."

The three girls all laughed and the tense moments were gone. "Actually, although we are lovers we do still have sex with other people occasionally. Sometimes even with men. Most men don't excite us, but, if the man is very special he may be attractive to one of us."

"Oh I understand what you mean," replied Victoria. "A lot of men are such jerks. I'm just fortunate to have found my handsome hubby."

"Yes you are," replied Meghan. "He's cute. And he seems a lot different from most men."

"Yes he is," replied Victoria and the conversation moved on to other subjects.

Meanwhile on my trip back to the hotel I dreamed up the fantasy part of "Victoria's Dinner Date." I quickly realized that it was too wild to ever be possible. Donna was too much "girl" to ever be a guy. When I got to our room I was very horny. My cock was aching as it strained against my silky panties. I thought about Meghan, and her touching my leg, and my back, and that gnawing feeling I had that she had felt something, that she knew I was wearing feminine lingerie under my suit. Should I change my clothes?

"Get serious man!" I said to myself. The drinks and the excitement must have really made my imagination run wild. Besides, I needed to get back to the club. I didn't have time to change. If I did, they'd be wondering what happened to me. I grabbed Victoria's coat and headed back out the door.

Meanwhile back at the club, the ladies were having a good time. As they started their second drink the conversation drifted from topic to topic, just as you would expect. After a while Meghan got kind of quiet, then she blurted out "Victoria, I've just got to ask you something."

"Sure," answered Victoria, who was definitely feeling no pain.

"This may sound funny," Meghan started. "But I could have swore I saw lumps that looked like garters under your husband's pants. And when I gave him a hug earlier, I thought I felt something that felt like a bra strap. Is your hubby wearing a bra?"

Victoria blushed and hesitated before she replied, "Well.. he could be. That's something he would probably like to do."

"Hmmmm.. A guy in a bra. That's interesting!" replied Meghan. "Is he wearing panties, too?"

"I really don't know," responded Victoria. "We got dressed in separate rooms and I didn't see what he was wearing. But he does like to wear panties. And if you think you saw a garter belt and felt a bra, you probably did."

"Wow. A guy in a bra and panties. That's verrrry interesting," repeated Meghan with a big smile on her face.

"No, no you've got to understand," pleaded Victoria. "I know it's kind of weird, but he enjoys it, and he's really a great husband in every other way.

Please don't make fun of him."

"Oh I wouldn't think of making fun of him," replied Meghan. "In fact, I kind of like it. A guy in a bra and panties. Don't you think it sounds like fun Donna?"

"It probably depends on how much cleavage he has," Donna replied and the girls all laughed.

The conversation wandered again. The girls were all getting pretty relaxed and inhibited from the drinks. After a while Victoria got quiet and then she giggled and blurted out a question; "I'm sorry, but I've just got to ask--- You said you sometimes have sex with other people. Do you do it together or by yourself?"

Donna laughed and replied, "Well actually it depends. Sometimes I find a person that I'm attracted to and sometimes Meghan does also. But once in a while there's someone that we both are attracted to."

"But what do you do?" Victoria asked. "I mean together, or with another person. Do you use a dildo or something, or do you just kiss, or what?" The questions were getting pretty personal.

"Actually," Meghan replied, "One thing Donna and I really enjoy is a quiet night at home. We like to spend a leisurely evening dressing each other in silky lingerie and sexy clothing, maybe doing each other's makeup and nails, and then making love to one another."

"You sound just like my husband!" Victoria responded. "That's his idea of an erotic evening."

"Oh, really," replied Meghan. "A guy in a bra and panties that likes to play dress-up. How cool!"

"Yes," replied Victoria. "He likes for me to call him Veronica when he gets all dolled up in his redhead wig and makeup. It's kind of weird, but it really makes him excited and I really get great sex from him those nights. When he dresses, he will lick and suck my pussy forever. And sometimes he uses `our little friend.' That's one of the dildoes we have. I have to beg him to fuck me."

"Hmmmmm..." You guessed it; it was Meghan again. "A guy named Veronica dressed up in makeup, bra and panties, who loves to suck on a pussy. This gets more interesting all the time."

"Yeah, I know. I know. You like that. But do you use a dildo or what?" pleaded Victoria. "I really want to know."

"Well actually sometimes we use a dildo. Sometimes we use our fingers and hands, and sometimes we just use our lips and tongues. You know you don't necessarily have to have something inside you to have a great orgasm," replied Donna. "Speaking for Meghan and I, we'd much rather spend time holding one another, kissing and caressing each other's face than jumping right into sexual intimacy. Not that we don't enjoy sex. We do very much!!

But for us, there's more to sex than the act. But why is it so important that you know?"

"It's just that I've just known some other lesbians before and I've always wondered. But I've never had the nerve, or been drunk enough, to ask them I guess," giggled Victoria. "Besides, I'm awfully horny. But I understand what you mean. There's a lot more to good sex than just the 'equipment.'"

"Maybe you'd like to come watch us some time," said Donna with a big smile. It seemed that Donna had taken a special liking to Victoria. Just then two guys came up to the table and asked if the girls wanted to dance. "Why don't you two go dance with them," said Meghan. "I'll stay here and watch for your handsome hubby."

The guys were both very good looking. As they stepped on the dance floor the band started a slow song, just made for dancing close together. The taller guy put his arms around Victoria and she around him. Victoria snuggled close to her partner, who snuggled right back. They rubbed up against each other and Victoria could feel his cock growing with excitement.

She could feel her pussy dripping with excitement herself. She was pretty tipsy and sooooo horny!

Just a couple of minutes later I got back to the club with Victoria's coat. I entered and went looking for the ladies. I saw Victoria and Donna on the dance floor and finally spotted Meghan waving at me. I walked over and said hello. She smiled warmly and patted the seat of the booth next to her, motioning for me to sit down. If I didn't know better, I'd swear she was coming on to me. "Take off your coat and stay a while, handsome hubby," she said. I hesitated for a moment, thinking of Meghan's earlier wandering hands. But what the heck, I hung up Victoria's coat, then took off mine and hung it up too.

I slid in next to Meghan and looked out at the dance floor. I saw Donna pressed close against some guy. And could see my wife in the arms of another man. His hands were all over her, and she seemed to be enjoying the attention. He leaned down and gave her a kiss. Meghan leaned up against me, put her hand in my lap, massaged my thigh and said, "It looks like Victoria is enjoying her dance partner. Would Veronica like to be in the arms of a big strong man too?" she smiled.

I'm sure I turned bright red. I didn't know what to say. Meghan rubbed my cock as she spoke, "It's OK honey. Victoria told us about Veronica. I think it's kind of sexy. A handsome man like you, dressed in a bra and panties. And Victoria told us what a good lover Veronica is. I think she's a very lucky girl."

"Well thank you, I guess," I responded hesitantly.

"But you didn't answer my question," she continued. "Would Veronica like to be in the arms of a big strong man too?"

"Of course not," I bristled. "I'm a guy!"

"A guy sitting next to me wearing a bra and panties," she corrected me.

"Hey I can't help it that I like frilly things, but I'm not gay!" I emphasized.

She put one arm around me and rubbed my cock again with the other, "It's OK honey. I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted to know for future reference." Future reference! What did she mean by that, I wondered? I wonder what else Victoria told them about me. She leaned over and gave me a passionate kiss, continuing to massage my cock. I'll have to admit it; I kissed her back. I hadn't kissed another woman since before Victoria and I were married. I reached up and cupped one of her luscious breasts in my hand. I felt bad, but it sure felt good. She was a terrific kisser.

Meghan and I continued our conversation, with Meghan continuing to massage my cock with one hand while I fondled her breast. "You know Veronica; Donna and I are lovers. We love to play dress up with each other. We like to dress each other in silky and lacey dresses and stockings and undies and then make love to one another. Would you like to play dress up with me Veronica?" She smiled and continued to rub my cock.

I didn't know what to say. Of course I'd like to play dress up with her. It would be my sweetest dream to play dress up with a beautiful woman like her. How could I pass up something like that?

But "Sure!" was all I could think of to say. I always was a smooth talker. After a long pause I said, "But I can't. I'm a very happily married man."

Meghan smiled and continued," I'm a little concerned about you Veronica. There seems to be some unusual swelling down here. Do you think I should take a closer look?"

"I'd really love to, but it's kind of public here, don't you think?" I replied. "And besides, like I said; I'm a married man!"

"Oh not here dear. In private. A little later. And I'm sure we could find a way for your wife to enjoy herself too," she responded.

On the dance floor, Victoria and Donna had switched partners, but the situation was still much the same. The guys and girls were still going at it, but the girls didn't seem to be enjoying it as much. The guy continued to move his hands all over Victoria's back and ass. He reached down and tried to slip his hand under her dress. Victoria pushed his hand back down.

A moment later he tried again, partially succeeded and Victoria tried again to make him stop. Fortunately, the music stopped almost immediately and the band decided to take a break. Donna had similar problems with her partner. He was more "handsy" than she wanted and he was reluctant to stop.

When the music stopped the girls headed to the ladies room. Soon they came back to our table. They sat down across from Meghan and I.

"Oh, I am SOOO horny," started Victoria, "but that guy was a real jerk! I don't want his hands all over me in public. I'm a married woman!" She was obviously feeling the effects of the alcohol.

Donna reached over and put her arms around her. "I know what you mean. The other guy was a real jerk too. He wouldn't keep his hands to himself." Donna started to massage Victoria's shoulder in a more than friendly way. "Why don't you just relax a bit?"

"Yes do," responded Meghan. "Donna gives wonderful massages."

Victoria turned her back toward Donna and closed her eyes as she enjoyed the massage from Donna. As she massaged, Donna's hands eventually wandered from Victoria's shoulders lower to her chest and below. She was just as bold as the guys were when they were dancing, but Victoria was more receptive this time. This continued for about ten minutes, with Victoria leaning back against the booth with her eyes closed. Donna occasionally gave her little kisses as she massaged. It was a very erotic sight, I'll have to admit.

When she opened her eyes, Victoria saw Meghan and I in a warm embrace, with me having some of Meghan's lipstick on my face. "So it looks like you two have been keeping busy," she smiled. I was surprised she wasn't jealous, although it would have been difficult for her to be jealous when she'd been sitting there enjoying being fondled by someone else.

The four of us sat and talked for a couple of moments, then the band started up again. The two guys came back over to the table. "Hey girls, the band is starting up again. Why don't we dance a couple more songs and then we can go back to our place and screw?"

They were very obnoxious. I started to tell them to get lost when I heard Victoria reply "I don't think so." She was trying to be polite, regardless of whether the guys deserved it. "We are talking to our friends."

"And besides" added Donna, "we're lesbians!"

"Lesbians???" he responded. "What about this guy?" He looked directly at me.

"Oh he's a lesbian, too," replied Meghan and the girls all laughed. I thought about it for a second and decided they were right. I was wearing a bra, panties, and stockings. I love to have sex with women. I WAS a lesbian. A male lesbian.

"And besides," chimed in Victoria, "I checked you out. You've both got tiny cocks and you're both big jerks. You'd be lousy fucks anyway!" We all laughed this time. The guys turned tail and left.

Victoria looked at me and said, "Honey, I have a favor to ask."

"Sure," I replied. "Anything you want."

"You know," said Victoria, "Donna and I were talking in the ladies room. We've all had a lot to drink and I'm worried about the girls driving home. Our hotel is only a couple of blocks away. We've got a super king size bed and a big sofa. Would you mind terribly if they spent the night with us?"

Who was I to argue with my lovely wife? "Well sure. I'd be happy to share our room with them." They didn't put up much of an argument. We headed back to our hotel room.

On the way to the club Victoria had held close to me, and had told me how horny she was. On the way back she walked next to Donna, and they walked arm in arm for part of the distance, leaving Meghan to keep me company. She did a good job. The girls had us stop at their car, so Donna could get something from their trunk. It was something they had bought that afternoon. Something Donna thought Victoria would love. It was in a shopping bag and Donna wouldn't let us see it until we got to our room.

As we entered the lobby we were laughing and talking loud enough that some of the people in the lobby noticed. We headed for the elevator, where another couple was waiting. They were very straight-laced, but he was a handsome guy. Apparently they were here for a convention because they were wearing nametags. Their names were Chuck and Grace. While waiting for the elevator, Victoria looked at me and smiled. She leaned over and whispered into my ear, "I know you've always dreamed of making love to more than one woman. If you play your cards right maybe we can make that dream come true." I was speechless!!!!

When the elevator arrived we all entered. It was obvious the four of us had been drinking. Meghan leaned against me while Donna and Victoria stood together on the other side of the elevator. They were rather giggly. Meghan kept rubbing the front of my pants. It was real hard for me to concentrate with the massaging and with what I had just herd my wife say. Yes hard was definitely the right word to describe my feelings right then.

The man looked at me and asked "So have you been to a party?" with a slightly disapproving voice.

"Yes, kind of," I replied. "My wife and I have been out with our lovely new friends."

His wife looked at Meghan and said, "Well I hope you and your husband behaved yourselves," sounding even more disapproving.

"Actually I'm his wife," giggled Victoria, and the other three of us giggled too. The couple didn't make any more comments.

As we got off the elevator Donna gave Grace a kiss on the cheek, and told her "Good luck with Chuckles here. He's cute, but he looks like he could use a good blow job." We giggled some more as the door closed behind us.

We made our way down the hall to our room. Meghan and I arrived first. As I unlocked the door I looked behind us and saw Donna was again "putting the moves on" Victoria. She was standing behind her and massaging her shoulders. Victoria had her eyes closed again, and was obviously in heaven.

Donna's hands drifted lower, reaching her breasts. She continued her massage. Victoria continued her heavenly response. "Why don't you two get a room," I said and Victoria blushed at having been caught. They ceased their embrace and entered the room with us.

The room was very spacious, with the largest bed I've ever seen. It must have been an extra large king size. There was plenty of room for four. There was also a large couch along the other wall.

As I closed and locked the door Meghan put her arms around me from behind and gave me a hug. "So Veronica, do you think I can see those frilly undies of yours now? I'm just dying to see you in them." She slid her hands lower, and massaged my cock again. For someone in a lesbian relationship, she sure seemed to like rubbing my cock. But I sure wasn't going to complain.

To Be Continued in Part 2

Next: Chapter 2

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