Vietnam Warriors Reunite

By randall rumper

Published on Jun 21, 2018


Chapter 6: And Billy Makes Three

Mark polished off Boomer's knob in the shower Saturday morning. God, he missed that cock. He'd been filled with doubt that he'd ever see or suck it again. Now, he wanted to suck it every available minute while his best friend stayed with him. Once they got out and dried off, in the kitchen, Boomer began to fix a Bloody Mary for breakfast while Mark began to prepare his coffee. Mark needed something warm and bold to wash the residue of cum down. With his cocktail in hand Boomer stood next to his best bud watching him, busy measuring coffee beans, and then grinding them to make that perfect brew of morning coffee.

After the coffee brewed the two moved to the balcony with drinks in hand to enjoy the spectacular morning view of the ocean. Fingers interlaced the two sat together on the balcony in silence holding hands listening to the faint yet relaxing sound of ocean waves crashing onshore. Mark sipped at his coffee while Boomer drank his Bloody Mary.

The two enjoyed the morning view from Mark's balcony while they contemplated what had transpired during the past twenty-four hours since they first met up in front of the bank on Bellflower Blvd. Boomer took Mark's silky-smooth hand into his dry rough hand. He began caressing his cheek with the velvety hand. Boomer kissed his friend's hand and then took each of his fingers into his mouth where he licked and sucked on them. Mark moaned with pleasure.

Mark got up and said, "I got something to help take the dryness from your hands." With that said Mark went back inside to return with a bottle of Corn Huskers Lotion. He had Boomer hold his hands out, so he could begin pouring the lotion on his buddy's hands and then began rubbing it in. "I been using this stuff since I returned from Nam. Great stuff."

"Feels good," Boomer said.

While Mark continued to rub the lotion into Boomer's skin the paratrooper confided, "I need to tell ya some stuff."


"First off, I'm no longer an anal virgin...You know I always wanted you take me first buddy."

"Don't worry about it. Stuff happens...We don't control our future in an uncertain world."

"I discovered the joys of anal sex and being a versatile partner while on R&R in Australia," Boomer said. Mark told Boomer the same for him but not in Australia. "Sorry it didn't work out for us."

After Mark finished putting the lotion on his best friend, Boomer began to tell his friend about the seven days Rest and Recuperation leave in Sydney and how he lost his virginity. How he met the other soldier a Sergeant from a different outfit. Neither one had much money, so they decided to pool their money to get a single room together at a local hotel in Sydney. "Once we got settled into our room we spent much of the next six days, when not out and about taking in the sights, holed up in the hotel room. We sucked and fucked each other to exhaustion. Hell, we almost missed our return flight back to Vietnam."

Mark began to experience sensual goosebumps listening to Boomer tell his R&R story, while Mark continued stroking his friend's hands rubbing the last of the lotion into his skin. Then came Mark's turn to tell Boomer about his partner in Vietnam. "Since I left active duty and returned to Long Beach most my sex partners have been people from around the university community or a couple surfers."

"Oh yeah, surfer guys are really hot-lookin guys."

"Except for a couple trysts none of my relationships have been deep-seated long-term affairs. Hell, I even had brief flings with a couple Associate Professors and a young assistant coach. The coach was so fuckin hot...Around our age...The professors a little older."

"Damn, you'll have to tell me more about the coach," Boomer said.

"Yeah, a real stud-muffin about twenty-five. God, what a bitchin beautiful body and cock."

"How come you're no longer with him?"

"No real reason, just grew apart," Mark said. "Thus far my academic studies have posed no real challenges for me. I'm on the Dean's List...Jugglin and keepin my relationships and meetups private the biggest problem for me."

The phone rang interrupting the conversation, Mark answered. After a brief conversation Mark hung up. Looking a little dismayed he said, "That was mom. My cousin Billy from Arizona is at my folk's place right now. He's gonna be at the party this afternoon and wants to come over for a visit beforehand to see my apartment and meet you. Okay?"

"Sure. No problem it's your place buddy."

Mark called his mother back and told her to send Billy over and where to park. "I guess we better tidy this place up and get dressed, my cousin will be here in a few."

"How old is he?" Boomer asked. "How well you know him?

"Not sure about his age. We met before. A couple times when we were kids at family gatherings. I think he's around about our ages 20 maybe 21," Mark said. "Mom said he's attending Arizona State."

The boys busied themselves getting dressed and cleaning up the apartment a bit before Billy's arrival. A knock on the door a few minutes later sent Mark to answer. He opened the door to see a stunningly handsome stud-muffin standing at the threshold. "Cousin Mark," Cousin Billy thrust out his hand.

Shaking hands, "Billy, I haven't seen you in a few years. We were like dorky teenagers the last time. This is my best friend from high school Boomer Black, just got in from Vietnam."

"Glad to meet you Boomer and good to see you again Cuz."

"Can I fix you something to drink Billy?" Boomer asked.

"Whatever you all are drinking is fine."

"I'm drinking Bloody Mary and your cousin's drinking his special blend of coffee this morning," Boomer said.

"Hell, Bloody Mary sounds great to me. Cut the desert dust from the drive up last night."

The two men walked over to the kitchen bar to mix fresh cocktails. Billy showed Boomer how much of what to mix for his drink, while they stood next to each other subtly rubbing arms and shoulders, electricity began flowing between the two. A sexy scent about Billy made Boomer's manhood start to swell. Boomer covertly gazed down at the other man's crotch as he handed off the cocktail. The telltale sign, a noticeable prominent bulge that Billy did not try to conceal. And a nice-looking package too.

"So, you ready for the nickel tour?" Mark asked. "Much smaller than mom and dad's place, but it suffices for my needs."


Boomer showed Billy the view from the balcony. "This is a great view and just smell the fresh open ocean breeze," Billy said.

"Yeah, I like it."

The three moved inside where Mark showed his cousin the bathroom and bedroom. Standing in the doorway of the bedroom Mark said, "That's it."

"Smells like sex," Billy said humorously standing next to Boomer.

"Yep, been lots of sex in there. If the bed could talk it'd tell stories," Mark said. "So, how long you gonna be in town Cuz?"

"Until next weekend. I'm on break and got business all week."

"Me too," Mark said.

"Then probably head back to Tempe next Friday unless I find something that holds my interest here longer," Billy said looking at Boomer licking his lips expressing playful sexual flirtation.

"What do you think would hold your interest to remain longer?" Boomer asked in a flirtatious manner.

"Oh, I don't know something hot. About five feet ten or eleven, around 165 pounds, dark hair, beautiful green eyes," Billy said.

"Would that be female or male?" Boomer asked.

"Oh, definitely a man. Know anyone that fits that description?"

"Mark might know. He's the resident pimp around here," Boomer said.

Boomer could see that the bulge in Billy pants had not subsided, if anything grown larger. He also noticed that Mark had the beginnings of a bulge as did he. Boomer thought, start of a sticky situation. Billy making a play for him, not cool. The kid didn't even know who was who or what was what.

Changing the subject Billy asked, "Cuz, do you mind if I crash here with you for the week?"

Mark and Boomer looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity of silence. That request sure put a damper on the two best bud's plans. Mark said, "I guess. Boomer will sleep with me and you can take the couch Cuz. Boomer just got back from almost two years in Vietnam. He's here for two weeks leave, got here first, so he's got dibs on the good life of a bed."

"Maybe all three of us can share the bed," Boomer said. "If you think the bed is big enough and you guys don't mind?"

"Not really," Boomer said. "As long as you don't try to bang my ass."

Mark interjected, "I may be a little slow here, but are you two, my best bud and cousin, flirting with each other?"

"Not me," Boomer said with a wry smile.

"Me either," Billy said, "But I'd like to; in fact, I'd like to see both you guys naked all boned up. If I like what I see I'd like to suck both your cocks before we go to the party this afternoon."

"Huh!" Both men exclaimed collectively. Neither Mark nor Boomer had ever encountered a person so fucking bold before, so straight forward about asking for sex. Not even the whores in Vietnam were that bold. They looked at each other with that look of what the fuck when Billy interrupted asking, "Am I misreading the situation? Are you two straight? If so I apologize."

"No. No it's not that," both boys said in unison. "You just caught us a little off-guard Billy. I had no idea that you were queer," Mark said.

"So, you guys are or aren't queer?" Billy asked.

"Long story cuz, let's have another drink and we'll try to explain things," Mark said.

Fresh drinks all around before Billy and Boomer took seats next to each other on the loveseat. Mark sat in a kitchen straight back chair turned backwards with his arms resting on the backrest across from them. His chin rested on his hands as he looked across at the two. Mark and Boomer began to unravel the tale about the two of them, how they met as kids, began as teenage jack off buddies and how they became sexual partners.

Mark noticed from where he sat that Billy kept rubbing Boomer's leg in a covet subtle manner. He could see both men's erections buried beneath their pants. Mark continued explaining things to Billy. And then Boomer asked, "Is this going to end up the threesome you talked about earlier buddy?"

"I'm cool with anything you all have in mind, as long as you all are cool," Billy said. "It's not like Mark and me are first or second cousin, so I don't consider it any type incest thing. What about you all?"

"I guess," Mark said caught off guard.

"So, it's decided we'll all sleep together and have sex together for the next week?" Billy asked. "By the way when does that party start over at your mom and dad's Mark?"

"Around four this afternoon is what mom said."

"Hell, it's not even noon yet. We got over four hours till party starts. We may as well get naked and get started. Get the pecker introductions out of the way." Billy said as he stood up rubbing the good size lump in his pants.

Billy kicked off his tan suede loafers, pulled off his t-shirt, and began unbuttoning the fly of his Levi's, dropping them to the floor. He stepped out of the Levi's before he dropped his briefs. As soon as the waistband cleared his buttock a large magnificent cock sprang out snapping back the head hitting Billy in the treasure trail of the stomach around bellybutton level. He stood in front of the two unabashedly displaying his goods, drawing collective gasps of awe from both.

"Holy shit, that thing is a fucking prime piece of meat," Mark said.

"I'll second that," Boomer said. "I see who inherited the endowment gene in your family Mark."

Billy forced the big shaft down. First one hand and then the other stroked forward over the bulbous cockhead. "Yep, over seven and half inches of prime grade A meat, hopefully big enough to get me the part I'm auditioning for this week."

"I'd think you get the part," Boomer said. "What part?"

"Part in a new porn film a studio here in Hollywood is casting," Billy said holding the massive cock down with both hands. The pink cockhead sticking out of the two-fisted clutch.

In awe Boomer and Mark stood eying Billy's conspicuous beautifully circumcised monster confronting them. In a matter of seconds Boomer dropped to his knees in front of Billy. He grabbed Billy's imposing manhood with one hand. He began inspecting it, while the other hand fondled a rather large full scrotum.

With his hands holding the majestic piece of meat and scrotum Boomer began working the rather large cockhead into his mouth. Mark began to walk around Billy's body zeroing in on his cousin's hard nipples and ample buns. As Mark circled Billy he could smell the clean freshness of his body. His silky-smooth hands began caressing his cousin's skin with want. He found him irresistible. After a few minutes the two men changed off sucking on the cousin's big cock until Billy said, "I'm about to cum."

Boomer began stroking the big saliva slick cock until it exploded like an artillery piece sending four healthy ropes of spooge at least four to five feet across the room landing on the floor. Then Boomer put Billy's cock back in his mouth sucking on the head of the monster draining every drop.

"Now it's time to get a look at you two," Billy said.

Boomer and Mark wasted no time shedding their clothing in preparations for their turns. Fully undressed Billy said, "Damn, what great luck, both you guys are cut and beautifully cut I might add."


"Boomer that's one of the finest looking cocks I've ever seen, and the head is just fuckin fabulous," Billy said. "Of course, you've got a fabulous cock too Cuz...I've seen many cocks in my life, but Boomer that's the best looking I've seen"

Billy had the two men sit naked next to each other on the love seat, so he could admire them and work between them easily.

Mark said, "Go ahead work him first Cuz," pointing to Boomer.

Billy changed off and began performing his magic on Boomer's cock. He took his time working on the bulbous head with prominent purplish coronal ridge listening to Boomer squeal with delight. Occasionally, Billy took his mouth off Boomer's magnificent tool to compliment the owner. "This thing is truly a work of art." Then he returned giving more attention the corona, frenulum and then the urethral opening tasting the precum oozing forth.

Once Billy determined the dick in his mouth might be ready to erupt he began working it by hand. He aimed Boomer's cock towards Mark's chest and hard nipples. When he ejaculated the juice hit the target. Billy began to lick up Mark's torso to the on target hit around his nipples. Then he began sucking Mark's hard nipples until he ejaculated.

"Wow!" The men exclaimed.

"Mark asked, "How long you been at this Cuz?"

"Sucked my first cock at 13 and now I'm putting myself through college doing it locally making stag films in Phoenix. And this week hopefully I'll get cast for a new full-length porn film coming up in the next few months."

"Damn, if you don't do a good job," Boomer said. "And you got the dick for porn films.

"So, do you Boomer. With that gorgeous cockhead I guarantee you could become a star overnight."

"So, you gonna charge us?" Mark asked humorously.

"Nah," Billy replied. "Being you're letting me stay with you all this week that's pay enough. Besides, I'd suck Boomer's dick all day long for nothin. I've never seen a cock so perfect. Not that yours ain't prefect Cuz, but let's face it Boomer's cock is fuckin flawless, just a magnificent motherfucker."

"Boomer's dick caught my attention years ago in his pool house, and it impressed the fuck outta me then and still does today."

In the shower Billy standing behind Boomer began rubbing his big cock around Boomer's backdoor while reaching around stroking his cock. Boomer gave Billy another blowjob. The water began to turn cold, so the men finished showering and dressed in preparation to leave for the party.

Next: Chapter 7

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