Vietnam Warriors Reunite

By randall rumper

Published on Jan 23, 2019


Chapter 8: Post Party Behavior

Sunday morning Boomer Black awoke in Mark Hunter's bed to find Mark's nude body squeezed between him and the pastor's son, Kelley. Both boy's arms and legs sensually draped across Mark's body with their faces nuzzling into each side of Mark's neck and shoulder. A scent of sex permeated the bedroom. Boomer exhausted from all the after-party activities rolled out of bed at sunrise with a morning hard-on jutting out from his crotch. He sensed dried body fluids on his body and face. He decided to postpone his morning shower in favor of a drink.

Once Boomer's feet hit the floor, he began shuffling towards the bathroom where he blew off his piss hard-on before he began the trek to the kitchen nude. His semi-erect cock bobbing in front of him. On the way to the kitchen he almost tripped over female and male bodies in different positions and state of undress sleeping around the living room. He recognized some from the party, others he didn't.

In the kitchen the haggard paratrooper began fixing a stiff Bloody Mary to start the day. He took his drink onto the balcony to enjoy the view, listen to the ocean waves and watch birds swoop down for food as he finished off his drink. Boomer looked up at the blue skies giving thanks in the form of a silent prayer for sparing him from grievous wounds or death as well as looking after those still in-country.

Mere days before Boomer had been in the midst of hellacious battles in the jungles of Vietnam, fighting for his life each day. During those chaotic firefights many of his buddies suffered grievous wounds or been killed in action. Boomer felt guilty sitting on the balcony in relative safety devouring his drink watching the ocean's tranquility, while survivors still fought for their lives in the jungles of Vietnam.

The serenity of the early morning played out. Boomer's thought about his conversation at the party with Pastor Roberts. As Boomer stood on the balcony, he felt a need to give proper thanks for sparing his life. Ashamed of his sinful behavior he needed redemption. Over the next few days the Army paratrooper would have to confront many life changing decisions and sort out his options; whether to stay in the Army, go to Officer Candidate School, something that his commanders recommended and then make the Army a career, or get out, become a civilian and go to college.

Another option might be to attend the OCS program and then remain in the Reserves while attending college such as Mark. Whatever he did the decision would include furthering his education. A must for advancement in civilian or military life along with better pay. The biggest decision, the question about his sexual orientation. He had to decide whether he was homosexual, or was he experiencing a period of experimentation in his young life? Boomer needed to confront these questions and answers.

Without warning Mark snuck up behind Boomer leaning on the fence rail that surrounded the balcony as he finished his drink. Mark began prodding his erect manhood into his old friend's ass crack. He began kissing his startled friend's shoulder while reaching around to flick his friend's hard nipples. "Did you enjoy some satisfying sex last night buddy?"

"I think so...Not sure...You?" Boomer asked. "By the way, how'd Pastor's kid end up in bed with us?"

"Long story, but yesterday while we were upstairs changing into out swim wear, I learned he's queer," Mark said. "And boy does he have a beautiful cock, huh?"

"Oh, hell yeah," Boomer said. "You taste it?"

Maybe just a little," Mark said.

"What do you mean, just a little?" Boomer asked. "Cause that thing ain't little and I'd like to taste it."

"Again, long story," Mark said. "How come there's still a bunch of people in my living room. The place smells like old wolf pussy."

"I didn't invite them, you?" Boomer asked.

"No...Where'd my Cousin Billy go and who brought us back here?" Mark asked.

"I think Bill might have invited them or one of the others inside. Last I saw Billy he and a couple of blonde bimbos were all cuddled up out by the pool."

Mark stepped back into the kitchen where he began brewing a pot of coffee. In the meantime, Boomer fixed another Bloody Mary. Suddenly, Kelley appeared in the kitchen sporting a magnificent morning hard-on. With the coffee brewing both men stood open-mouth appreciating Kelley's breathtaking hard-on, just so perfect. If it wasn't for others in the apartment beginning to wake up both men would've been on their knees attempting to gobble up the magnificent monster.

The phone rang. Mark's mother asking her son to make sure Boomer attended church with them.

"What's going on?" Boomer asked.

"Mom wants us to go to church with them this morning."

"What time?"

"Either the 9am or 11am service. I told her I'd call her back."

"I don't have a suit or suitable clothing to wear for church," Boomer said.

"Me either," Kelley said, accepting a cup of coffee from Mark.

"Mom wants us both to wear our uniforms. I think she's got something cooked up with Pastor Roberts."

"You know I'd been giving that some thought earlier. Count me in," Boomer said.

"I have to attend," Kelley said. "But I need some clothes."

"I think I may have clothes that'll fit you. At least a clean button-down shirt."

Mark called his mother back acknowledging her request to attend the 9am service. He also requested that they pick the three of them up as he'd left his car at their house. Mark began to roust his quests while Boomer and Kelley showered and shaved. "You all gotta get the fuck out. Boomer, Kelley and I got to be elsewhere at 9am."

The others groaned and moaned but complied with Mark's demand. Within 15 minutes the house was empty of all partiers. Boomer began putting his dress uniform on, while Mark took a shower. Kelley asked where he could find clothes and they all finished getting dressed.

About 8am the phone rang. Mark's mother informed him that they were on the way to pick them up. Fifteen minutes later the three stepped out of the apartment making their way to the street. Timing right on they reached the street as Mark's parents honked pulling up in front of the apartment complex. Once inside the car Mark's mother said, "You boys look outstanding. Thank you, boys, for wearing your uniforms. I know wearing a military uniform is frowned upon in today's antiwar atmosphere, but you made my day."

Pastor Roberts met Boomer, Kelley, Mark and his family outside the front of the church. He ushered them towards the front of the church where Boomer's parents were already seated in the front pew. Boomer walked down the aisle to take a seat next to his mom. Then Mark and his family seated themselves in the pew behind the Blacks.

Service started as usual; however, before the pastor began to preach, he introduced Boomer and Mark telling the congregation a little about the two. He told his congregation that the two had known each since childhood, grown up together, graduated high school together, joined the Army together and went off to Vietnam to serve.

The pastor continued honoring both men recognizing them for

their service to the nation in Vietnam. He told the congregation how proud and what an honor to have them as members of his flock. A conspicuous, "Amen," came from the congregation acknowledging the two men.

Returning to their seats Mark began internally questioning what Pastor Roberts might think if he knew that Mark and his son engaged in same sex sex a few hours before: how sinful. Sitting next to Mark, Kelley began that nervous subtle leg contact. Something that caused Mark to begin fantasizing about taking the head of the younger man's magnificent cock into his mouth a few hours earlier, letting his tongue bath the head with warm saliva. Mark, never a big enthusiast of deep throating concentrated on the perfect cockhead.

With Kelley's cockhead just inside his mouth Mark's tongue began swirling around the coronal ring and then lapping at the mouthwatering glans savoring delicious droplets of precum.

All the while Mark's cock began growing hard running along the inseam of his trousers. Mark began remembering a few hours earlier the feel of pressure in Kelley's balls and oozing precum signaling an impending orgasm. With Mark's hands grasping Kelley's firm majestic globes he let his finger ease inside the younger man's asshole. With a finger in Kelley's ass the younger man jumped and squirmed making audible gasps and then groaning.

As Kelley continued groaning Mark could tell by audible expression that he'd hit the magic button inside the young man's rectum. After a few seconds of prostate massage, the younger boy gasp again, just before blowing a huge load. With each squirt of jizz the younger man sensed his friend swallowing as Mark's finger continued massaging his prostate.

Pastor Roberts broke into Mark's mental fantasy, preaching about the sins of youth and how those sins serve as life learning experiences. Mark thought that maybe those words might be directed at him. With the pastor's eyes on him he wondered, did the pastor have a sixth sense, did he have an idea that his son and Mark engaged in sex a few hours prior. He had to get the evil thoughts out of his head onto something more pious and let his hard cock deflate before services concluded.

Outside the church Pastor Roberts met and shook hands with his flock as they departed. Mr. Black told his son that he and his mother wanted to take him to breakfast, so the family might discuss plans for his future. Mrs. Hunter invited Mark and Kelley to breakfast with them before dropping the boys off at Mark's apartment. Mark said, "Boomer call me and let me know what's up after breakfast with your folks."

"Will do."

"Kelley, remember you've got classes tomorrow, so make sure you get some sleep tonight. I'd also like to see you at youth fellowship tonight."

The two families split up heading for their individual vehicles where each family could go to breakfast. At the restaurant everyone in the Hunter party enjoyed big breakfasts while discussing different issues. Mark's mom asked, "Mark what do you think Boomer is going to do?"

"Like what," Mark replied.

"Do you think he's going to stay in the Army or get out?"

"I really don't know...He's been kind of tight lipped about his plans. One thing I do know for sure, whatever he decides he's gonna have to slow down on the drinking."

"So, Boomer has a drinking problem?" Mr. Hunter asked.

"I don't know if it's problem but he's going through a at least a fifth of vodka a day...Sometimes more."

"Oh my," Mr. Hunter said. "Keep an eye on him son."

"I will."

"So, Kelley you're attending Pepperdine?" Mr. Hunter asked.

"Yes sir...My parent's alma mater. Dad's a professor and mom works in administration."

"So, what is your area of study," Mr. Hunter asked.

"At present undeclared, just trying to get prerequisites out of the way."

"Good luck on whatever you decide for your major...We'll be praying for you. I'm sure you will do well," Mr. Hunter said.

The waitress asked, "Can I get you all anything else."

Mr. Hunter asked for the bill. The group finished their coffee and prepared to leave. On the way to the car Kelley asked, "Can you drop me off to get my car?"

"No problem," Mr. Hunter said. "Do you want to get your car Mark?"

"No. I'll ride my bike to school."

Pulling up in front of Mark's apartment complex Mark got out of the car, waved good-bye and began walking up the walkway to his apartment. Inside Mark put on some music, while complaining to himself about the mess he began to undress.

Within minutes Mark's apartment looked presentable. A little before two his landline rang, Boomer, informing his friend that he planned to spend the night at his parents after he attended the youth fellowship meeting. Shortly after Mark hung up, Kelley called, asking if he could come over. Mark invited the younger man over.

Within a few minutes the younger man knocked on the door. Mark answered the door. Kelly stood there dressed in tattered jeans a tie-dye T-shirt wearing Birkenstocks. Mark invited the hippie appearing young man inside. Once inside Kelley saw Mark wearing nothing but white boxers and T-shirt. Mark said, get comfortable and we'll listen to some music. Of course, Mark had more on his mind than listening to music. Once in comfortable attire both young men took seats on opposite ends of the small couch where they began listening to some Righteous Brothers tunes.

Before long they became engaged in conversing. While they chatted both boys buried their hands inside the crotch area of their pants, clearly playing with their junk. Mark wanted to know more about his mop-haired new friend sitting next to him. As they talked, they also eyed each other up with looks that said I want more. After a few minutes Mark asked Kelley, "So when did you know?"

"Know what?"

"When did you become aware you might be queer?" Mark asked.

"High school," Kelley replied. "Freshman year, I met this boy in band and realized we went to same church and attended same youth fellowship. He played the piano and organ among other musical instruments. We somehow hit it off and one day at lunch and immediately became good friends. Actually, within the first month we became more than friends...We became jack-off buddies...One thing led the other and by Christmas break we were givin each other blowjobs."

"Sounds like me and Boomer."

"How'd you know I'd accept your advance up in my bedroom back at the party?"

"Intuition I guess," Kelley said. When we exchanged looks with each other before we went upstairs you gave me that inviting look.

"I'm kinda glad you did."

"During a few minutes of silence Mark fantasized about a threesome with Boomer and Kelley. While thinking about things Kelley asked, "So, you and Boomer queer too?"

"Me, I'm queer, at least for now, but not sure about Boomer...Maybe he's just experimenting, testing the water."

"I see," Kelley said.

"Yeah, I enjoy having sex with guys. So, Kelley you want to spend the night? Boomer's staying over at his folks tonight. I'd like to hear more about you and your buddy and what you've done sexually thus far."

"I think I'd really enjoy hanging out with you all and getting to know you guys better," Kelley said smiling. "But what I'd really like to do is give you a blowjob sometime."

"Tonight, it's just going to be you and me cause Boomer's staying at his folks tonight after he attends youth fellowship at the church. Your dad wants him there."

"Cool," Kelley said, all smiles.

Kelly edged closer to Mark where he began caressing the older boy's hardness buried beneath the fabric of his shorts, meanwhile Mark began running his fingers through the younger man's blonde mop-top. Slowly, Kelley's hand began to move up the front of Mark's body where he found hard nipples beneath the fabric of the white T-shirt. Mark groaned and squirmed. A groan that told Kelly go ahead.

Mark continued groaning while Kelley continued playing with the closest hard nipple. With gentle affection Kelley leaned in to kiss Mark The two began tongue dueling, making out intensely. But men caressing each other with passion. Kelley broke the loving embrace the aspiring hippie taking Mark's hard nipple between his front teeth. He bit down on it ever so gently while Mark continued moaning and groaning even louder, squirming under the younger man's touch. Kelley continued to stimulate Mark's nipple.

With hard nipple between his teeth he once again began tugging on Mark's hard cock. Suddenly, Mark said, "Let's take this into my bedroom."

The two broke apart and got up. Mark took Kelley's hand into his leading his new-found friend into the bedroom. Once in the room they wasted no time undressing. Once undressed they gazed at each other's bodies before Kelley grabbed Mark each pulling him into another embrace. Their open mouths met, tongues began dueling, while their hard members met, they ground their manhood into each other as they continued making out. Mark thought that maybe Kelley might be a little more experienced regarding sex than originally thought.

"Let's go shower," Mark said. "I enjoy showering as foreplay."


With Kelley in tow Mark began walking towards the bathroom. Once in the bathroom he turned the shower on. Once the water reached the desired warmness the boys stepped into the tub, pulling the curtain closed. They stood close, Kelley behind Mark as they began soaping each other up paying special attention to each other's genitals and buttock.

Their bodies soapy Kelley began pressing his hardness into the older man's buttock while taking both hard nipples between his thumb and forefinger. He rolled, twisted and pulled on the hard nubs, listening to Mark moan. The older man began pushing is buttock back onto Kelly's cock. Standing behind Mark the younger man knew full well his new friend wanted it.

Next: Chapter 9

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