Village Creek

By moc.oohay@46modnar

Published on Feb 17, 1999



You know all the disclaimers. If you are offended by consentual gay sex, are underage, or it is illegal for you to read this material in your area DON'T. Also in an ideal world there would not be diseases like HIV and other STDs. Don't complain about the unsafe sex in the story. Its fiction after all. In real life things have to be different.

Like many stories here on Nifty this one is based on fantasy and reality. Many of the details have been changed, "to protect the innocent". The rest is imagination. The locations are real but don't make too much of it. Nothing really happened there.

Village Creek

It all started on the net in a gay chatroom a couple of years ago. I'm from eastern Arkansas. He was in Memphis. Actually he was from Pakistan but in his last months of residency at a hospital in Memphis TN. Sort of out of place here in the Mid-South it seemed at first. The first time we met was just to get aquainted. It was August and in the South August can be deathly hot. I was hauling corn for my boss, a local farmer here in eastern Arkansas, to each of the four major graineries in Memphis. Driving a ragged old unairconditioned trailer truck that hasn't been off the farm in years two hours to Memphis was not my idea but that was where the boss had contracted to deliver the corn. It was VERY hot and driving an old truck with a 300 horsepower "heater" was not the most comfortable job.

Since we are both the cautious type we arranged to meet in the delivery line at one of the graineries in north Memphis by the river. He described his car as an older off white Honda Civic. I described my truck as an old white Freightliner pulling a red trailer with wooden sides and said I would be in a line of trucks on Pear Street, off Danny Thomas Blvd. I'm about 5' 11", 165 lbs, blond hair, blue eyes. Also told him I would be wearing work boots, jeans, and a purple t-shirt, and no cap. We met on schedule and he parked his car and sat in the truck with me and we talked as I kept the truck moved up in the line. I was immediately taken with his dark skin, dark eyes, wide smile, and wide shoulders on such a narrow frame as well as the well developed legs that showed through his blue jeans. It was obvious he worked out. To only be 31 years old his body had a look of maturity like he had done physical labor in the past. It was obvious from the bulge in his pants he was well enough developed there too. He was about 5' 10", 155 lbs, black hair and dark brown eyes with that dark complexion eastern people have. He said he liked what he saw on me too BUT this was not the place to get anything started. You can imagine being in a public place with lots of farm hands and truck drivers. Neither of us was about to get our heads bashed in for fooling around in public. Eventually I made it to the front of the line and my truck was sampled. The corn was then dumped off the truck. Then I found a place to park the truck so we could talk a bit longer. Being on a schedule I couldn't stay long so we just talked in his car a few minutes more. We felt comfortable with each other and decided to meet again sometime.

Now I've never been the kind to cruise truck stops or public bathrooms. Just not my thing. The only way I like to visit gay bars is with the few gay friends I have and not to pick someone up. In many ways this was uncharted territory for me since I just started fooling around with guys a couple of years ago. That is if you don't count high school. I've known I was attracted to men for several years and now that the odometer has rolled over to 30 it just felt like time to cut loose and live a little. None of my friends know and least of all the girls that run around with me. Keeping a few girls around as friends but never sleeping with any of them has been a good cover for a long time. We guys and the gals always kid around about sex and stuff like that but somehow I avoid being asked too many questions. No small accomplishment. Guess I come off as very straight.

A few weeks later the corn harvest was over and the weather began to cool off a little. We decided to meet at Village Creek State Park near Wynne. He had a tent but only camped out occasionally. It was a Tuesday afternoon and we met at the Taco Bell in Forrest City to get re-aquainted and fill our tummies for what promised to be a night of wild sex. After driving around the park till we spotted what looked like the most remote and private spot in the entire place we finally decided to put up the tent just as the sun was going down. It was out by the lake but since it was during the week there was no one else in the same camping area. Most fortunate. We only hoped it would stay that way. It was also our good fortune that someone left a few sticks of firewood behind and since the night promised to be a little chilly we got ready for a fire.

Eventually all the necessary but distracting tasks were done and we sat on the picnic table and looked in each others eyes by the light of the fire. There was an electricity that passed between us that only men can know. We had talked as we worked together each reading the other and liking what he heard. It was obvious we were both thinking the same thing. Finally he reached and put his arm around me and planted his lips firmly on mine as I embraced him. Now few things get me going like a good kiss and his was having the desired effect. As our tongues and lips did battle I began to tease his nipples. His reaction was a moan which just made me eager for more. His hands were also roaming through my blond hair, and over my chest and butt. This was like touching an electric fence only these were shocks of pleasure. We slowly undressed each other, our lips only parting when shirts were peeled off and underwear pulled down. This was the first and only time I have been with a man from an eastern culture. As I ran my hand down his body there in the firelight I noticed he was shaved around his dick and balls. This was a new feeling for me and it turned me on even more. The smoothness that was so different from mine. Finally I could resist no longer. I had to have a taste. As he sat on the edge of the table and spread his legs I began to lick and suck his dark balls. They were just the right size and I could tongue them easily. Their smoothness from being shaved was a real turn on for me. The noises he made were loud enough I thought someone might hear us. He was in ecstasy. Finally I began to move up to his nicely shaped dick. It looked very suckable, just right. As my tongue lightly brushed the underside of the head of his dick he moaned in obvious pleasure. He was cut but still had enough of the nerves of that pleasure center left to be very sensitive. It took just a few deep strokes with my mouth till he was on the verge of eruption. He stopped me suddenly and we traded places there on the picnic table. As he went down on my dick with his lips it was like an electric socket. Those same shocks of pleasure as before only this was high voltage. After only a couple of minutes I was about to come but this was way to early. I stopped him and he began to suck my balls. This held me in a near orgasmic state for several minutes. Almost to the point of torture it felt so good. Eventually he moved even lower. The nearer he came to my rosebud the lighter and higher I became. It was like being on drugs. I was aware of nothing else about my body but the pleasure that emmanated from my ass as he tongue fucked me. His tongue lightly twisting, turning and entering me. Finally I couldn't take it any more. I said very firmly, "FUCK ME". "Thought you would never ask" was his only reply.

We both realized that the picnic table was just a bit too public a place for that so we moved into the tent. Now I'm not the most experienced bottom there is. Usually I am a top but this time something was different. Maybe it was the fact that he was different ethnically or just his body was so good looking. Everything about this guy was a turn on. I laid on my back on the sleeping bag as he grabbed a bottle of lube. With quick determined motions he helped me lift my legs to his shoulders and positioned himself as though he was about to impale himself in my ass in one stroke. I told him to be gentle. It had been a while. I could just see his eyes in the dim light coming through the tent. His face was as full of lust as mine but with a gentle expression. He looked as though he was as involved in my pleasure as he was his own. I knew then that I was in for the ride of my life. Gently he eased a finger in my waiting hole. Then two fingers. Finally we were both satisfied that I was loose enough to begin. Slowly he pushed the head of his dick against my asshole. There was a lot of pressure but I just breathed deeply and tried to relax. He offered to stop but I said to just take it easy. As those muscles relaxed he pushed till his cock head popped in and I winced in pain but said keep going.. He pushed deeper and deeper, eventually sliding all the way in till I felt his bare balls touching my furry ass. Slowly he withdrew only to push slowly back in. The feeling of being high began to return as his dick began to massage my prostate and all those other nerves in there that my fingers can never find. I knew better than to even touch my dick. It would be over way too soon. As he began to find a pace I told him to take his time. He asked if I was in pain and I said NO!!! I was in ultimate pleasure and I could last all night if he could. He must have taken that as a challenge by the expression on his face. Like he had something to prove. Slowly as my ass loosened up he began to pick up the pace. At times he would speed up and bang away, his balls slapping my ass till I thought I would blow my load any second but just in time he would slow to an easy grind and let things simmer down. Maybe he could feel me tightening up on him. In those times while he was in a slow grind he would bend over and we would kiss while I twisted and massaged his nipples and ran my fingers through his black hair.

This became the pattern. To be brought to the brink of orgasm and then brought back. The feeling of being high was so profound I couldn't speak, being reduced to moans, grunts, and cries of pleasure. I have no idea how long this went on but we were both sweating profusely in that tent. Maybe I would float away if he wasn't holding me down. Finally I gave in. As he got faster and faster I said "Don't stop". He understood and began to use full strokes on my battered ass. It was like we were a generating station for the power company there was so much power and electricity there. As I got closer and closer he banged faster and faster. There was no stopping for anything now. Not even if we were attacked by bears, we had totally lost control. The only sound beside two bodies slamming into each other was panting and grunting as I felt his cock swelling in my ass. Finally that time had arrived. The urge that only a man knows was beginning. That few seconds in time that seem like eternity. As my nuts pulled up tight against my body I knew this would be the orgasm of my life. The first shot hit me square in my open, panting mouth. The next on my chest and then on my stomach. The vicelike squeeze my ass muscles put on his expanding tool put him over the edge. With a loud scream as his eyes rolled back in his head he let go, ramming as deep as he could. Visibly jarring both of us he pumped his seed as deeply as he could. Still he had to stroke that fully expanded dick some more until the very last drops of cum were squirted into me. At last he collapsed on me, our chests heaving and smearing my fresh load between us. Finally he softened till it slipped out. It felt strange being empty. I wished he could put it back. We lay there, basking in the afterglow that comes after great sex, holding each other as our breathing and our hearts slowed back down to normal. There were no words to describe what had just happened except for total satisfaction. Finally we slipped off to sleep with him behind me. It was blissful sleep.

As the sun came up the next morning we woke up slightly disoriented like happens after deep sleep sometimes. Neither of us was inclined to try a repeat of last nights performance. I doubt we could have duplicated it anyway. Things have to be just right for moments like that. Whatever it was we didn't want to try to duplicate it and fail. We both had places to go. Me to work and him to the hospital and we both were late. So we parted. I drove home for a shower with a pleased look on my face. The rest of the day everyone at work wondered why I was so quiet but no one said much about it thankfully. I was totally satisfied.

We kept in touch through e-mail and ICQ till his residency was over that December but we never got together again. Our schedules and the two hours distance between us didn't allow the time. We called each other cyber-girlfriends. Then he returned to Pakistan. Haven't heard from him since. I hope he still has my e-mail address and drops me a line sometime but am realistic enough to know he probably won't. No sense holding on to something that I know was a once in a life time thing.

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