Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 6, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



Thesethree whites despite that they were good students they lost their scholarshipsand their punishment is lifelong slavery. Since several years ago thegovernment was dominated by the blacks since the whites had become a minority. Andas a minority the whites now lived in poverty and they faced several social andeconomic problems, even despite that they were minority the population was hugeand the monetary governmental resources weren't enough to keep programs thathelped all the whites. One of the programs that had more limitations was theeducational since many whites wanted to study but like they didn't have enoughmoney to pay their education since the educational system wasn't free, theydepended on the government to get a scholarship and then they could keepstudying in any level from elementary to college, but also there was otherproblem that the black students that had the economic resources they needed thespaces that the whites were occupying and the black population was five timesbigger than the whites. In the beginning more schools were built what for thewhite could study, but some years later the government stopped to build theschools for the whites, firstly because they had many familiar and socialproblems and many of them even were delinquents and they went to the school tocause problems, and in second place was that the society was needing every daymore and more slaves, so the government established the scholarship system toallow the more intelligent white students keep studying, and later also wasdecided given them sport scholarships if they kept good grades. But the blackpopulation grows required more spaces for their children education furthermorethat the society was requiring more and more slaves to make their economy morecompetitive. So the government had decided cut the whites scholarships what forthe blacks that could pay their education had more spaces in the schools andcolleges, and with this measure furthermore that now any behavior that wasconsidered antisocial was enough to take the bad behaved citizen to a judge andthen he issued and enslavement order, and also the student that his scholarshipwas canceled was enslaved, and for that time was very common see in the publictransport four sections, one was for the blacks that was the most comfortable,one for the free whites that was very uncomfortable but at the end of the dayall the whites wanted be on it, and the last one for the white slaves where ithadn't roof also they had to travel stood and they had to be naked and wearingthe collar that identify them as white slaves and the lower in the society,there was a fourth section that was between the black citizens and the freewhite citizen section where the black slaves had to travel, and they werealways dressed with clothes that were used by the free citizens and only theyhad to wear a wrist band on their arms indicating that they were slaves, buteven they were treated better than the white slaves because they were treatedas if they were free citizens. Due that the whites bred like rabbits every timemore whiteys were enslaved and many black citizens were hired as Slave Police(SP) agents and the Slave Processing Center (SPC) was expanded to receive thehundreds of whiteys that every day lost their freedom. The three eighteen yearsold students two black haired boys and the other light brown haired boy, werearrested in the street when they were waiting for the public transport that wasgoing to take them to their school, the SP agents without giving them anyexplanation only cuffed their hands and they were put into the SP truck wherethe slaves were transported, when they arrived to the SPC they had to form inlong line because despite that was early many whiteys like them had been enslaved,and they were in the reception area still wearing their clothes waiting that their finger prints were scanned andtheir Slave Identification Number (SIN) was given, all those that were in theline had the hope to show that their enslavement had been a mistake. Every timethat a new slave's fingers prints were scanned and his SIN was given the SPagent that had scanned their fingers prints indicated them if they had to makea line on the left or on the right. Those that were on the right each threeboys were put inside the SPC building dressed while those that were on the leftwere forced to strip and knelt with their hands on the back of their heads andthey were left there, the female also had to be on the same line, but whentheir fingers prints were going to be scanned they had to go to other counterthat was different where the males had to go through that process, and the newenslaved blacks were processed in other area. These three students were sent tothe right and they also were in the same group of three salves, so they weretaken into the SPC and through several aisle that were painted in gray andilluminated with bare neon tubes were taken to an aisle that had several dooron both sides and all of them were closed. The three boys went into a room andthe door was closed, but after several minutes a supervisor went into the roomto see on which adaptation process the slaves were going through and what hesaw pleased him, since one of the dark haired boy was knelt naked on a desk,his back was pointed to the door while his front part was pointed to the windowand he had his arms fully stretched over his head and leaned over the glass oneover the other, while he was trying tosee what the two guards that were with them were doing with his two friends,and his naked body could be seen by the pedestrians that were walking on thestreet, and however he couldn't hear them he can see how they were mocking athim for his shameless behavior to be exhibited naked. The other white slavethat was the other black haired boy was on the left side of the room on fullfours also naked on the floor while one of the black guards was over himfucking him and like the slave he also was naked, and due to the guard ´s thickcock the boy was begging that he stopped because he was hurting him, but theguard didn't but attention to the boy's begs and he kept fucking him until hecum inside the wretched slave, the other white light brown haired boy was on abed and still dressed on the full fours position with his butt pointing to theguard, and the other guard also was dressed wearing his uniform but he alreadyhad taken out his thick black cock and was ready to fuck the slave, but also healready had cut the slave's jeans and by the hole he was punting into his bodyby the anus his stick and after that he was going to fuck him, and the painscreams, sobs and begs of the wretched slave asking the guard to stop could beheard by the wretched slave that was knelt on the desk, but what the slave thatwas on the desk didn't know was that he was going to be fucked by the slavesthat had done a god job and were servicing in the SPC, and after that the threeslaves would be sent to a second class auction center to be sold, since theyhadn't been on the left line when their finger prints were scanned so they hadbeen considered low quality white meat.

Next: Chapter 119: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 10

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