Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 14, 2017


"As those who publish their storiesin nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in yourpossibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


These two wild whiteys are in aTame Center in training to be tamed and they can serve to their black masters.They have lost their females and pups and never they will see them again. Theblack masters made them wear underpants to see their reaction while they werewearing them, but as soon as they were in their cells they took them offbecause they aren't used to wear clothes because they were born as wild animalsand always have been naked and they feel uncomfortable wearing them. When theywere living in the nature they needed the other males' semen to get theproteins that the food that they got in towns searching on the trash and theplants and fruits couldn't give them, and although now they don't need theproteins, they still are looking to get it. So the whitey that is on the leftcell has offered his penis to the male that is squatting on the right one so hecan suck his cock, that will give him pleasure but also he can give the sodesired semen and with that the proteins that he's looking from the other male,and after that will be his turn to obtain the proteins and give pleasure to theother whitey. The whiteys are being closely observed by the black psychologistsand psychiatrists on the way they behave in captivity, and one of the thingsthat more are surprised them is see that the whiteys all the time want to benaked and they never sleep on the beds, however this behavior had left theblacks that are observing the crackers very confused because they thought thatthe white animals were going to be capable of remember somethings of theirformer life when they used to be civilized humans been and they were going to cover their nakednessand sleep on the beds that were in the cells of the Tame center's quarantine area, but to be successful in the whiteanimals domestication and change them in meekly slaves, is necessary that theyfeel ashamed of their nakedness and they understand that sleep in the floor asthe other animals means that they are inferiors, however the black master havein their favor that the white animals are afraid of them and they are going totake advantage of that situation. The brain wash is the firs process on whichthis two shameless animals are going to go through, they are going to beallowed to keeps sucking their cocks so they can eat their fellow slave' cum,but now they won't have the choice to do it when they want if not when they areallowed to do it, always the black masters will be there to mock at them whenthey were sucking each other cock to reinforce in their minds what they aredoing only the slaves do, and when they are sucking their fellow slave's cock theyare lower than animals and what they did freely before they were captured nowthey only can do it under the superior blacks authority. Other aspect wherethese animals are going to go through with the others that arrive is thecorporal punishment, since teach them to obey is one of the hardest processthat the white animals have to go through, and the discipline is something thatis going to be put into their minds so they can turn from be wild animals withno discipline to be obedient and complaint, however the black masters know verywell how to break the crackers, since the whip, cane, pallet and the electrowave torture but overall dont allow the white animals sleep is going to dothat in a short time these animals change to be meekly and tame animals andfrightened to do something wrong for the fear to be punished, and some of thisanimals are going to be taken to the Maturity Centers where the wild white pupsare trained to be slaves, so they can see how they adult crackers that havegone through the tame process behave and that now they do without thinkingtwice what the black masters tell them, even the young and adult crackers aregoing to be punished in front of the white pups so they can see that now theblack master have total control of their lives. However now for these two wildwhiteys and those that has been captured and are going to be, a life ofhumiliation and submission is awaiting them on the hands of the black master,since with the brain wash they're going to be conscious of their nakedness andthat means that they are slaves, that suck in public each other cocks becausethey were allowed to do that by their black masters is something shameful butthey dont have any option because the black masters have told them to do thatdespite the shame that the might be felling, their innocence to be naked allthe time and to suck other males cocks' to give them pleasure and get thenutrients that they bodies need is going to be lost, and for them all thosethings are going to be shameful, beside to be sold and exchanged like any otheranimal, but their life as an inferior object is going to be very hard and willpass many years before someone try to protect the harmless and helpless whiteanimals.

Next: Chapter 122: Chicos Tontos 11

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