Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 28, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Thiseighteen years old dark brown haired slave boy is very apprehensive in the sauna waitingfor his master who bought him two days ago in the slave's black market, afterthe exclusive brothel where he was servicing as pleasure slave put him on salebecause he was considered old meat, but he has seen and experienced the crueltyabout how the slaves are treated in both the slave market and the brothel, andit has been enough to don't have any hope to be treated in a compassionate wayby the overseers if he does something that displease them. The boy knows that he's handsome andattractive for the customers because he discovered that only the best slavesare sent to the city's exclusive brothels, and however when he was enslaved hedidnt understand how a male wanted to have sex with other males, and the firstdays he was suffering and begged to them about didnt touch his naked body andhis must intimate body parts and also he begged about dont be fucked becauseit was painful and made him feel dirty, but he ended up to get used to thehumiliation and be forced to give pleasure to other men, and even despite thatstill he's confused for the pleasure that he felt when a cock was inside himnow he likes be with other males although he would prefer that they were of hissame age, but what he doesnt understand is why he has to be naked and neitherwhy the slaves are mistreated all the time. However for his sadness after havebeen few months serving in the brothel he has already discovered one of themost cruel aspect of the slavery, to know that his body doesn't belong to himanymore and now is there to give pleasure to his master or the people that hewants, and the next hours will be very traumatic for him because not only hismaster is going to fuck him but also his son, and despite that he's alreadyused to be fucked the master's son is going to fuck him with such cruelty andindifference toward about what he might be feeling like never before had beendone in the brothel, that this will take him several days to recover from thetraumatic experience, and although every night he'll be sexually used andabused again and again to reinforce on his mind that he's only a sexual objectwho doesnt deserve have any kind of consideration despite that he's not in thebrothel anymore, and although this might be look as a cruelty considering his circumstances this is verygood thing for him. The slave has the hope that his family can find and rescuehim, but his cruel reality is that he's already lost into the dark world of theslaves' black market and never someone will know what had happened to him.Other aspect that the young slaves didnt know is when his mater or his son aretired of him because he has been considered old meat he's going to be put onsale again, and despite that his anus is not as tight as it used to be when thebrothel bought him because he was a virgin boy, the master decided buy himbecause he wants that he helps his son to clean his room, make the laundry,cock for him when his son is in college, and where the slave will have to livewith other slaves that are servicing their other masters as well. But his lifeis not going to be an easy one servicing his master's son at college, since hewill have to be naked all time and being an inferior animal without any kind ofrights the other students are going to treat him as trash, and he's going todiscover another facet about what cruelty is with those that are also humansbeen but free with those that are not considered as their equals, but soon he'sgoing to be used to that painful stage of his life and he's is going to acceptit as something normal, but the most painful thing for him is going to thinkthat he never was loved by his love ones because they didnt rescue him fromhis desperate situation as an animal without rights, without knowing that theydesperately were looking for him to bring him back with them, even he's goingto be indifferent to the cruel circumstances that now surround his life, and inhis young life he's going to end up accepting that he's not more than an animalwithout rights and his body and mindbelongs to his betters and they can do with him what they want. Even his lifewill reach the moment that he was going to be so used to obey his betters thathe's going to lose the ability to take decision for himself, and even each timethat he dared to think he's going to feel guilty because his mind is going tobe telling him that he's a bad slave for doing something that his masterdoesnt want that he does, and all his pride to be a boy that should have thefreedom to take decisions by himself is going to be buried in the deepest partof his mind, to allow that the submission takes control of his life and even heis going to end up telling to his master's son that he did something wrong, due the guiltiness that he'll feel becausehe had dared to think about something that his master had told him to do, andin his mind despite the terror that he's going to feel about that he is goingto be punished due to the pain, the punishment is going to be accepted as partof his life as naked slave without rights, because he`s going to think thatpain is good to make him every time a better slave, even he's going to acceptthat any better has the right to punish and humiliate him in public, becausefor his mind that is the correct way to treat him because now he's an animalthat he has to be guided for those that control his life.

Next: Chapter 132: Salvajes 12

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