Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 25, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Hewas enjoying with his friends that day on the beach, it was a perfect weekendconsidering that the next Monday all the students would receive the grades ofthe school year that was ending. Every student knew that all those that hadgotten grade over the minimum established by the educational authorities theywouldn't have any problem to keep studying. Andrew was one of the best studentsin his school and his parents' pride, and he had a bright future ahead and hisfather even after a short vacation time would put the boy to work in one of hisfactories inside the administrative area so he could start to learn how thefactory functioned and soon he may be taking financial decisions. But while hewas with his friends the Slave Police (SP) came where they were and asked forhim. The SP asked him for his ID with a picture and once they were sure thatthe boy was who they were looking for they told him that his days as a free boy were over, the educationalauthorities had found him guilty of the crime to have stolen school tests.Andrew denied what the police was saying but all was in vain, the SP orderedhim to be naked in that moment. Andrew didn't want to do that but he knew thathe hadn't any option but obey and reluctantly he took off the speedo that hewas wearing on that moment, and all his friends both boys and girls could seehim naked and how he gave it to the SP. A very confused Andrew was taken to thepolice station where he was enslaved, but what he didn't know was that his bestfriend to avoid to be enslaved because he was who stolen the test he made thatAndrew was accused of that crime. Andrew that was eighteen years old dark brownhaired boy with a muscular body begged to the SP guards to allow him talk withhis father before he was taken to the Slave Processing Center (SPC) and be soldas slave that same night as a untrained animal, but like we was already a slavethe guards only laughed at him and he was put into the transport that was goingto take him like the other naked slaves both men and women to the SPC where hisidentity as a free citizen was erased and then he received his SlaveIdentification Number (SIN), and then his family couldnt track where he wasbecause in his free citizen records wouldnt appear what SIN was given to him.The transport from the Police Station to the SPC was horrible because the newenslaved both males and females could see each other naked bodies and theirshame was indescribable, but also the free citizens were allowed to go into thetransport so they could touch the defenseless slaves' naked bodies and as theirhands were cuffed to the transport's roof, the slaves couldnt do anything toavoid that the free citizen specially the teenage boys and girls touched theirnaked bodies most intimate parts, and even they dared to put apart theirbuttocks to see their anuses and they opened the females' pussies to see theirclits. With horror Andrew saw how many of his friend went into the transportand between them was his best friend and they went directly towards he was toinspect his naked body, and despite that Andrew begged them dont touch him andleave him alone his former best friend only laughed at him and with sarcasmtold him that now he was a slave and what he might say wasnt important to thefree citizens, and beside he hadnt to be ashamed because now he was an animaland the animals always were touched by their owners and friends and never theywere ashamed to be naked in front their masters. Suddenly the cruelty of whatthe slavery was became a reality to the young slave that couldnt understandthe reason why the boy that had been his best friend was behaving that way withhim, and instead to show compassion he had become so indifferent towards hisfeeling instead to try to help and understand him, but while his naked body wastouched in a lewd way by both boys and girls he with his closed eyes wasremembering the slavery class where the teacher had told them that while thepath of the free citizens was ascending, the slaves' paths was descending and although that two boys had been the bestfriend when one of them was enslaved the free boy has to forget theirfriendship and treat the other boy as what he was a slave, and what Andrew in agiven moment had accepted as something logical now with bitterness saw that the teacher had been very wrong, because anenslaved boy like him didnt lose his human been essence and he deserved betreated as such. With horror and shame Andrew saw that his former best friendwas the boy that was most interested to inspect his body and even he felt howhis former best friend put apart his buttocks and with his finger touched hispuckered hole, that already had been shaved as his whole body and only he wasallowed to keep the hair on his head like the other slave, beside as slave heknew that he couldnt say anything to a free man because his teacher had toldthem that, but with tears in a low voice he begged to his former friend toleave him alone and didnt humiliate him more than he was in that moment, andas an answer he was slapped by his bestfriend twice on his face and he shout athim that a slave never can speak to a free citizens without permission, then aguard that was close by watching that the slaves behaved as what they were put themodify cattle prod on Andrew's buttock and gave him an electrical discharge andthe poor slave without control moved his body from one side to other and helost the control of his bladder and he urinated wetting the guard and his bestfriend, and as a punishment que received another electrical discharge and helost consciousness. Now Andrew is his former best friend's slave, and all thosethat used to be his class and schoolmates have fucked him and he has had torimming them and suck their cocks,beside that have to swallow countless times their cum and sadly now knows thatwho stolen the test was his master, but for him is too late because as slave nobody is going to hear himmuch less the authorities, and for his humiliation is taken naked all weekendto the shopping mall so he can carry on his master purchases, and withdesperation now he has understood perfectly what his teacher had told themabout the slaves path was descending while the free boys' path was ascending,and now he knows that he was very foolish about had trusted on his best friendwho betrayed him

Next: Chapter 148: Hora De Cobrarselas 13

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