Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 2, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Thesefour new enslaved boys are waiting to be picked up by the transport, otherfoolish boys that thought that they could win the Millionaire contest and atthe end like many others they ended up losing, and now they only have a headthe slavery and serve their masters with any right. They know that they werebought and they are going to work in a farm that in addition to the physicalwork they are going to be used as studs, but what really worries them is thattheir former school is the farm ´s owner, and they will have to work naked sotheir former schoolmates could see them, and now as part of the biology classwas included that the students be present when the male slaves fuck the femalesfor breeding purposes or even for the fun of those that now are their betters.They were the sons of the most prestigious entrepreneurs in their countries andin some cases their fathers were recognized worldwide as businessmen, even theeighteen years old blond boy's father that is on the right is the owner of oneof the television networks that has transmissions in several countries and TheMillionaire Contest is the main event that they transmits live with which hehas made his fortune. However this four rich teenage boys' life hadnt beeneasy despite that their fathers were millionaires, because they were always demandingthat they were good students, that their behavior was an example to their peersand uppermost that they follow their parents steps instead to try to live thelife of a pampered brat boys that only had to extend their hands to get whatthey wanted, and this was the reason why the four boys enrolled into TheMillionaire Contest because they didnt want to continue be annoyed by theirparents and as the winners become millionaires and have their own house givenby the government and live independently, but in their ingenuity they made themistake to enroll in the same event that would take place the same day and withthat had sealed that at least three of them were enslaved in that event. The other three eighteen years old boys, thetwo that are in the middle are light brown haired and the one that is on theleft is dark haired are disconsolate waiting to be picked up, the light brownhaired boy that is beside the blond one whose father made his fortune with theslaves purchase is looking with apprehension the time when the transport willarrive, because he knows very well what is awaiting them as slaves, and hisgreatest fear is that first they are taken to Slave Processing Center (SPC)instead to their school, since many times he went with his father to buy slaveto the SPE and saw how the slaves were treated, and what in that moment seemedvery amusing now it gives him terror face that reality. The other light brownhaired boy is disconsolate and even the fear that he's feeling made that hiscock was hard, and with his head down and his hand on his forehead isregretting to have been so foolish to try to be independent and be millionaire,but for his bad luck right now is too late and the shame of being exhibitednaked on the television is something that still could not assimilate, and heknows that his father from his prestigious lawyer firm luxury office which hesthe owner must be seeing him naked and humiliated, but his mortification isstill bigger because he couldnt understand the reason why he has an erectionin a such tragic moment to his life. The last boy the dark brown haired one andthat is on the left is looking at his hands nervously and he's pulling hisfingers avoiding to look at the camera that is transmitting live his nakednessto his relatives and friends, but his feeling of guilt is immense because washim who told his three friend to enroll in The Millionaire Contest and becameindependent, although he made the mistake of not telling them to register ondifferent dates, since the four boys despite that they went together toregister and they were together on the same line, were registered by differentemployees and didn`t release that all of them had registered on the same day inthe same event, and despite he's ashamed of being displayed naked in aninternational live broadcast together with his friends, he knows that he didthe right thing to sing up in The Millionaire Contest, because one night thathe had arrived from his school he heard his father talking with his olderbrother without they released that he was there about the plan that they haveto enslave him, and put him to work a slave in one of his father's brothel forthe poor people as the manager and even he can be used as a sexual toy by thecustomers, but little he knows if he had not made the mistake to choose thesame event where his friend had registered too and had registered in other thathe had tough, he would have been a millionaire and lead a very comfortable lifeinstead to be a slave that is going to have to serve his school free boys andthe people that his school authorities order him to please them, however alsothey are going to be taken to other schools to serve the free students and theauthorities, but the ones that are going to treat them the worst will be theirbrothers and relatives who will despised them, and for their bad luck TheMillionaire Contest has become even more popular with their enslavement and now all the studentsare afraid to sing up in those contest that seem the easiest, since these guyslost in the event of who was the boy who wore the undie with the most unusualcolor.

Next: Chapter 151: El Concurso Millonario 13

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