Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 16, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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The new slave had just arrived to his new homethat was a very exclusive brothel where very rich people and high executivesthat were traveling used to go. The young slave had been received by the seniorslave and after he was sure the new arrival hadn't suffer any damage while hewas transported from the slaved dealers house to the brothel put his signatureon the papers, When they were on the stairs that were in the slaves andmerchandise entrance he put his right hand on the new arrival's left buttock,but the new boy wasn't used to be touch on that way and he protested to thesenior slaves about why he had touched him on such way- The senior slaves toldhim that he has to be used to that because the costumers after have hired theslaves services they loved do that, and also he would have to open his legs toshow them the most intimate parts of his body without shame, even he has to bevery careful to put attention about what the overseers told him to do and watchcarefully what the other slaves were doing , because every time that he wasevaluated he would have to do all that the overseers had taught him and whatthe other slaves had done otherwise he would be severally punished, and verysoon his mouth and anus as well will be servicing the overseers, other slavesand customers. The new slaves a blond eighteen years old boy that few days agohad been his eighteenth birthday was the nation president's son who was forcedto enslaved his oldest son, to show the citizens that the powerful peopledidnt have any privilege about their sons werent enslaved beside that thepresident since his youth days had been an enthusiastic supporter of theslavery, when different social sectors had been against that slavery went on.The Boy was in his school when the Slave Police (SP) arrived with an order toenslave several students, and although the school authorities didnt like thattheir rich and distinguish students were enslaved, they were powerless to dosomething when the SP arrived with an enslavement order, but on that time theywere surprised when they saw that in the document the president's son wasincluded because everyone had a very good opinion about he and they knew thatwas a well behaved boy. Were five the enslaved male students together with thepresident's son, and despite that all the students were fearful and confusedthinking about the reason why they had to go to the prefect's office, for thepast experiences they knew that they had been enslaved but when they saw thepresident's son with them, they calmed down because they thought that the boynever was going to be enslaved and that surely the authorities of the schoolwould want that they helped them in something, the president's son thought thesame as his other comrades of misfortune and despite that the secret serviceagents werent going behind him he didnt worried because he knew that theywere somewhere looking for his safety, although was estrange that he had beensummoned in the prefect's office instead of the principal's office since forsecurity reasons he knew that anything that the school authorities want to talkto him should be in the principal's office, and other thing that caught theboys' attention was that when the students arrived to the prefects officeincluded the president's son they werent allowed to go in and they had to waitfor a long time. One by one the students went into the office and thepresident's son was the last one to went in, who when he came in was surprisedto see the scene that he had in front of him, since all his schoolmates werenaked, they were wearing a stainless collar, and their hands were painfullycuffed and hooked to a short chain above the middle of their backs, and for hishorror he saw how his balls and cocks were chained to the cocks and balls oftheir other schoolmates that were in front and behind them, and the boy thatwas in the front of the line his ballsand cock chain was firmly hold by a PS guard, beside that their feet wereshackled with a short chain that didn't allow them give long steps only shortones. The SP commander that was that day on charge to transport the rich enslavedbrat boys as he called them after making sure that the chains that held theballs and cocks of the newly enslaved were tight and tense, he turned and witha malevolent smile he told to the president's son that his days as a pamperedbrat were over and to undress and he had to go behind the slave that was thelast one on the line. The president son couldnt believe what was hearing andhe turned around to see if there were any secret agent service to protect him,but the SP commander when saw the boy's frightened and desperate face laughingat him told the boy that there was no one else who could help him. And as nowhe was a slave the secret serves agents werent no longer needed and now theywere taking care of someone else, and was better that he strip quickly if hedidnt want to be punished so the wretched boy knowing how cruel the SP agentswere with the slaves and seeing that there was no one to help him with tears inthe eyes began to undress. Once the six unhappy slaves were ready to betransported, because the government wanted to show the free citizens thatslavery was either for committing a crime or simply that it was a lottery forboth the rich and the poor, for people Influential and powerful as well as forordinary citizens, decided that the wretched slaves were taken by the streetwalking to the Slave Processing Center (SPC) where the next weekend they weregoing to be put on auction, although generally the slaves were transported intrucks and nobody knew who was transported, but as the president's son was oneof the slaves the authorities decided change the way to take them to the SPC.The newly enslaved boys had a hard time getting used to walking in coordinationbeing carried away from the balls, while they were taken out from the school bythe school's aisle so the other students could see them and they know as a richboys they weren't exempt either to be enslaved, and the newly enslaved cries ofpain when they were walking because they were pulling and hurting their ballswas heard by the students that were in their recess and they were perplexed whenthey saw that even the president's son had not be saved from being enslaved,although some of the students to hide their fear they made fun of them and eventhey dared to touch their buttocks of those that until few minutes ago weretheir equals and now they had been lowered to the level of animals withoutrights. While they were walking exhibited on the city streets towards the SPCthe free citizens and specially the teenagers, also touched the slaves buttocksand even the guards allowed several teenagers to take the chain that controlledthe first slave's cock and balls and take the slaves line at their own pacecausing the slaves to scream in pain by forcing them to go faster making thempulling and hurting their balls because they weren't used to go faster, howeverthe SP guard were very attentive that the slaves were not going to hurt permanentlytheir balls or castrate and they always were giving to the boy that was leadingthe wretched slaves group indications, although after other groups of naked slaves like them that also were carrieron the same way to the SPC were joining them, for the teenager boys delight wasan opportunity to feel important having for few minutes the control of thedifferent naked slave gangs that has been exhibited. The register at the SPCtook long time and the slaves had to wait several hours before they were calledby a SP officer that had in front of him a computer, all the slaves had tosquat with their legs wide apart and their feet soles resting on the floorcompletely, with their hands on the back of their heads and extended sidewaysand any body movement was punished with the whip, so the slaves pain cries wereheard constantly while the free citizens were observing them from an observation deck and they had unobstructedview about what was happing with the slaves, enjoying what they were seeingmaking biting comments even the slaves were allowed to urinate and defecatewhile they were waiting but not as a compassion act, but as mockery to show thefree citizen that the slaves were no longer humans but animals, even thepresidents son as the others slaves had to pee and shit while he was waiting becausewhen they arrived they had to take a laxative and a diuretic provide by the SPguards, and there was for the first time that the president's son felt the whippain while he was waiting to be processed. What the boy never knew was that hisfather, the senior government officials, his brothers, family members, closestfriends, schoolmates and many more people that were in the observation deckobserving the president's son fall were witnessed of his degradation when dueto the diuretic and laxative he had no choice but shit and pee at the sight ofhis father, brothers and other assistants while his brothers made obscene andmocking remarks about the boy' behavior that until few hours ago had been theirbrother, even one of they said that despite that he had been a very welleducated boy in only few minutes he had become an animal and he deserved hadbeen enslaved. The slaves also were forced to look at their cocks and pussieswhile they were waiting for their turn to be processed and they were strictlyforbidden to lift up their heads to look around and see what was happeningaround them, the fetid smell of the human shit and urine in that closed placewas nauseated and unbearable and even the SP guards had to use masks towithstand the stench, the president's son tried to avoid urinating anddefecating as much as he could but the diuretic and the laxative won the battle,and the unfortunate boy had no alternative but to shit and urinate in the placewhere he was squatting while crying out of despair and shame and did notunderstand why they treated him like that and much less because he had beenenslaved, and when his turn arrived to be processed the blond boy was forced toraise his excrement with his hands and take them and throw them in a hole,while his family members, friends and acquaintances were observing from theobservation deck which were isolated so that they would not be disturbed by thefoul odor, but they could hear perfectlywhen a slave was farting and when he was shitting. Being in the SPC until hewas sold as slaves also was horrible because he was kept caged inside a dogcage where he barely fit, and a younger slave than him who was also naked waswho cleaned his caged and bathed him with cold water that came from a hosewithout taking him out from the cage, and for the presidents son was greatrelief when finally naked was taken to the auction house and was sold as he wasan animal to the one that offered more money for him, but also his sale wasawful because although he couldnt see who was bidding for him to buy his bodyand become his master, he cold heard several men and women frenzy bidding becausethey were interested in him, and at the end the brothel was who bought him, buthe little knows that now as sexual salve he's going to have to give pleasure tohis former brothers, family members, friends and schoolmates very often andhe's going to discover how claimant, degrading and hard is being a sex slaveand the pain and the humiliation are going to be his permanent companions, andwhen the exclusive brothel is not interested in him anymore he is going to besent to a third class brothel where he'll serve as sex slave to the lesseducate people, while his misfortune will serve for the free citizens to praisethe president for demonstrating that there are no favoritism in the country toenslave people, while the president's was so foolish thinking that never he wasgoing to be enslaved because his father was the president, and despite that healways was a good behaved boy this didnt serve him at all.

Next: Chapter 157: Chicos Tontos 14

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