Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 16, 2017

"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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This wild young whitey isconfused and he can ´t understand yet how he's behind the bars, the last thingthat he remembers is that he was running with the pups that were under his careto be save when the black guards were persecuting them, after that he felt asharp pain on his left leg but he kept running until all was dark and he wakedup in that place. He doesn't know yet that he was captured by the black guardsand he's in a Tame Center to be trained and a lot of pain is awaiting himbefore he can be sold as slave. In thismoment what worries him are the pups that were his responsibility and was hisduty save them of be captured, and he has to go back soon to provide them thefood and the proteins that they need, also he knows that he needs drink thebreast milk so his immunologic system can be fortified, and get from other malethe proteins that he needs. Little he knows that all his herd's pups and adultswere captured and sent to different Maturity and Tame Centers, and his animalmind doesn't allow him understand why he's in a closed place that doesnt havetrees, plants, rivers, lagoons, the floor where he's laying is cold and veryhard and it isnt the same of the cave's floor where he used to sleep with hisparents, brothers and other herd's members, neither he knows that he's beingcarefully observed by those that are going to be his trainers and on thatmoments his confused mind is telling him that he's in grave danger and he hasto go out as soon as possible, but how get out from a place where the sticksare very strong and they are not as those that the tree that he uses to climbup with the pups, his brothers and even his father have?. Also his confusedmind is wondering why the son is only illuminating only part of that place withstick where hes now and not all the place as the place where he lives with theherd, but his confused animal mind is telling him that is night and this is thereason why part of that strange place is dark but if so, something is wrongbecause the moon doesnt illuminate in that way, beside that he's seeingseveral very small suns in different places of that strange cave where he is.What this naked white eighteen years old light brown haired boy and with a verymuscular body due to the exercise that he had done living in the wildernessdoesnt know, is that the black masters that captured him have put into hisbrain a small chip that is measuring his animal brain activity and they aresurprised about this wild cracker reasoning ability has, considering that allhis life has been naked and he knows speak only because the members of his herdfrom generations have kept that ability, but they lost other abilities such asmake clothes to cover their nakedness, they lost the ability to have a decentsexual behavior and they are promiscuous and the homosexual and lesbian sex issomething normal for them. The computer is registering an unusual brainactivity of this male whitey which indicates that his mind is in turmoil and istrying to understand what is happening. But what really is worrying this youngmale is to know that he failed to his herd's members when he couldnt take careof the pups that were his responsibility and now other herd's members are goingto take care of the pups when it was his responsibility, while he can escapefrom that estrange cave and go back to the herd to take care of the pups thatare his responsibilities unknowingly that there is not a herd to go backbecause all the members have had the same end as him. His conservation instincthas told him to stand up and look for the way to get out from that strangecave, but when he tried to stand up he felt dizzy and he had to laid on thefloor, and that scared him because never before he had felt that and he hadstay on the floor without moving for several minutes before to try again tostand up, and now he's try to stand up carefully, since he was laying on hisstomach and he has lifted up his torso and his head with his hands while fromhis waist to his feet are still on the floor and he's doing carefully becausestill he's not feeling well. The Tame Center vet has arrived with the testresults of this white animal and he's surprised, because never before he hadseen such a big cock in a white wild animal although still cant be comparedwith the free black boys' cocks size, but definitely he could be considered asan excellent male specimen which produced a large amount of animal semen and inhis life of slavery he could be breed countless times, even in a single issueof semen could get an impressive amount of white puppies through the femalesartificial insemination, beside that his health is excellent. In few minutesmore this cracker is going to be terrified when he released that in the strangecave where he's there are many black master, and in his desperation he's isgoing to try to get out of the cell where he's but he's going to fail in hisattempt, and very soon he's going to be together with other members of his herdthat also were captured to begin his training as slave, but unlike the otherwhiteys that are going to be trained he's going to be sent to a breed farmwhere he'll have to fuck all the females that his new masters order him to fuckregardless if he's tired or he doesnt want fuck them, and he's going to bestimulate to produce huge semen quantities and from him will born countlesspups that will be slaves and his enslaved descendants will be sparse to manycountries.

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