Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 30, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Thescientific experiments that were done inside the secret society named "Titans"were done with the slaves, although some times with some of their members thatweren ´t slaves but they have become enemies of those that were part of thegovernment or those that were very influential. As in any society despite thattheir laws said that all their citizens or in this case their members wereequals the reality was very different, and was very dangerous have so powerfulenemies. The Titans were proud to have as a member the male gender mostbrilliant minds and the most muscular and powerful and impressive bodies, butas was expected this brought a lot of rivalry between the members since alwaysthey wanted show that they were the best, and as many of them had brought theirsons to live into "The Forbidden City" they wanted to show their kids that theywere the best in everything that they did so they can feel proud of them.However inside the Titan community were societies called "Brotherhoods" and themembers could belong to them and have more protection, since regardless thatall the members worked for the society, have rivalry and enemies the membersneeded fell protected by a group of members that they saw the things from theirsame point of view. But those that sometimeswere between their parents bickering and in few times had to face theconsequences of that fights were the members' sons that had gone to live to TheForbidden City and as they weren't Titans yet, were helpless against theirparents' enemies that try to harm them, furthermore as they were almost naked because when they were inpublic places only they were allowed to wear a loin cloth and in nonpublicplaces including their schools they had to be naked, were helpless and easytargets for their fathers' enemies. The government knew about this situationbut they didn ´t do anything because this was a very important selection processbetween the candidates, since when a candidate was the revenge target and hecouldn ´t escape, then that meant that he wasn ´t worth to be considered as aTitan Member although he was intelligent and he had his body's muscles fullydeveloped to be considered as a Titan. If a candidate to be a Titan wasn't enoughintelligent to can escape from his father's enemies, then the protection aboutdon ´t be fucked wasn ´t applied to him and for the fact that he had lost his virginity he was enslaved, and his aggressors never would be punished because as acandidate never he would be a Titan, and to be considered as slave on thatmoment didn't mattered whom had took his cherry, although in few occasion thebrotherhoods bothered the candidates because the members considered that theywere innocent about the disputes between their parents, and in very few timesthe helpless boys suffered the consequences of those disputes. The son of oneof the Titans members that was only a week to be one of them, was one of thoserare cases when a candidate had to paid the consequences of his father ´sdispute with other member, as he was a candidate yet despite that he had thedate when the acceptation ceremony as a member and as submission act to theTitans he was going to lose his virginity, he has to be naked yet in theprivates places, and he was naked dancing with the young Titan that was goingto take his cherry and he was caressing his buttocks, balls, cock and his impressive pectorals, when two young Titans that already were in theparty subdued him and take him out the place. His father was desperately waslooking for him in The Forbidden City without having any clue about how haddone that because he was sure that he hadn ´t any enemy, without knowing thathis son wasn ´t in the city anymore andhe was taken to other place to be usedin experiments with radiations. The candidate that once had aspired to be aTitan is in the basement of one of themany scientific investigation centers ina remote place in the jungle, where the Scientifics study how the radiationscan change the body functions with boys around the world regardless if they'rethin, fat, muscled, tall, short, to see the radiations' effects in their bodies,and once they have finished the experiment with them, they're taken to live ina place deep inside the jungle to study the changes in their bodies and mindsinside a natural environment that is controlled. This twenty years old blackhaired white boy that was so close to be a Titan for several days has been put nakedunder the radiations and the scientists just have make a discovery that hasleft them surprised. Since the radiation have made that the boys' brainproduces water in excess, and what in the begging looked like the excess waterwas going to kill the boy by hydrocephaly that the radiation had caused him, afterthey saw that the water was drained to his pectorals and after go through thefermentation process inside his pectorals it was changed into a viscoustransparent liquid, and when it was studied they released that the liquid wasvery nutritious but only for males. The impressive pectorals are very swollendue to the huge liquid quantity that has been accumulated inside them, and thenipples that before the experiment were dark brown colored now are purple, andthe naked boy that is strapped to an auscultation table without can move whilethe radiations in form of rays are being applied to his terribly sensitive andhurt nipples, with the purpose to create an exit by them and the viscous liquidcan go out from the pectorals by the new conducts that had already formed. Thewretched boy ´s face is showing the terrible pains that he's suffering, whilethe two white Scientifics who are applying the process are worried, both ofthem are adults and like the boy are naked, the one that is manipulating theradiation machine has black hair, while the other that is observing that theradiation rays are directed to the boy's nipples is blond, and although theyare worried because until that moment the nipples can't be opened, they know ifthey succeed they would have found a new way of feeding for the new generationsand specially for the Titans, since the two Scientifics are Titans. Little theyknow that despite that this experiment will be a great success is going to havea collateral effect that will worry them, and for the boy still he has aheadhours of suffering and screams but at the end he'll be a very a powerful and fearedcreature, and without knowing the Scientifics have already be affected by theradiation, and this is the reason why they are naked without any kind ofprotection observing the boy evolution.

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