Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 5, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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NOW YOU CANSEE THE PHOTOS THAT HAVE INSPIRED THE STORIES VISITING billy100mx.tumblr.comThisis the last chance for this slave, he's wearing the red handkerchief on hisneck that means that he has been considered as useless slave to serve hismaster because he has failed to adapt to his new condition as owned property.Also can be seen other slave behind him that is on the same condition waitingfor his turn to prove that he has some value to his owner ad that is worth keephim. The twenty five years old light brown haired muscular salve boy is lookingat his master and his friends with resentment that had gathered to have a pick-nickat one of his many farms, taking a beer to his master and this is the lastservice of several that he had performed. After that a decision will be takenand with this his fate, and if he fail on this time even his body could notsave him as it had done before. In his former life as a free young man he usedto be part of that group of wealthy young men that now has been denied theright to belong because now is a despicable slave that he's not even entitle tocover his nakedness, and the saddest thing for him was that he was the one whointroduced them to the exclusive circle of rich young people of the city wherehe was the president. All the naked slaves that are behind him with theexception of the one that is wearing the red handkerchief on his neck once werehis slaves, but like he lost his freedom and as slave couldn't have any kind ofpossessions, his slaves were taken to the same auction center where he was soldand his slaves became the property of the free young man that now is his master.But that wasnt all because the farm where he's now once was his as well whilehe was a free man and now with bitterness sees how all that had been his belongto his master and he has been sexually used in a humiliating way by those thanonce were his friends, even he was taken naked to the scholar reunion of thosethat once were his class and school mates and he was tied up on a table layingon his back with his hands extended to the sides and tied up to the table's legs,and his legs were lifted up and tied up to the same table's legs that his handhad been leaving his anus exposed and all the assistants that wanted fuckedhim. But that wasnt all after that tremendous humiliation his master sent himto work into the public transport that once had belonged to him and like theothers things his master was the owner, but like he was a slave and he couldwork naked, he was sent to clean the busses that transported people, and forhis misfortune again he could be seen by the other people, and even all thosefree citizen that saw him had the right to touch any part of his body, and hecouldnt understand why his master was so cruel with him, but like all insidethe slaves' world nothing had sense andhe hadnt other option but obey and endure the humiliations. But the thingsworsened when other member of the group where the slave had belonged wasenslaved, and in that moment both slaves decided to rebel and not do what theirbetters were telling them. That rebellion of course brought punishment that inthe short time worked but after that the slaves rebelled again when they wereliving a miserable life while their former friends were having kings' life andthey were kept naked and mistreated. Even one of the members of the group thathad been the best friend of the other enslaved former group member that wasblond haired boy with a muscular body and of the same age of the enslaved lightbrown enslaved had talked with the two slaves, breaking the protocol that afree man shouldnt speak with a slave since the slaves were considered animalsthat couldnt understand and therefore they had to be punished, to make themunderstand that their lives had changed forever no matter the reason why theyhad been enslaved, and now that they were slaves they had to obey their bettersbut even that talk at the end also had failed. These two slaves' master as apunishment independently if they deiced to keep or sale the slaves for theirrebellion have decided circumcised them without anesthetic, since they are notcircumcised as the other slaves were because despite that they were slavestheir masters had decided allow them to keep their prepuce since once they hadbeen members of their exclusive rich boys group, but after their defiantbehavior they decided that they didnt deserve that privilege, so the next day without mattering their masters' decision theyare going to be circumcised with the presence of their masters and formerfriends, and their cries of pain are going to be music for those that now aretheir betters and that once were their equals. Beforehand this two slaves havealready a buyer which is going to put them to pull heavy carts by the citystreets exhibiting them naked as the animals that they are, and the two slavesknow that their masters have given them one last chance so they can show theirvalue and that they really deserve stay there to serve them, what the slavesdidnt know is if they are sold a very hard and humiliating life is awaitingthem since their new job will be performed in the city's financial area wheremost of their acquaintances work, and many of them have already fucked them forfun, and not only their work is going to be pulling the cart but also delivery merchandise or envelopes in the offices and is there where those that once weretheir friends or acquaintances are going to see them again exhibited andhumiliated, but the resentment that the light brown haired slave boy hasagainst his master and those that oncewere his friends, is that he wasenslaved because they blamed him to be driven drunk when all of them were goingback home drunken after they had been in party where he wasn`t driving, and his only crime was have been so foolish to have trusted themwithout knowing that the one that know is his master wanted all the possessionsthat belonged to him.

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Next: Chapter 170: Salvajes 15

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