Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 13, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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One year after Tommy was enslaved his black master made him keep his tanline on the most private parts of his body, he had discovered that Tommy's tanlines caught immediately the attention of his friends, visitors and the boy'shumiliation was bigger than ever because his buttocks, cock and balls stood outover the other parts of his body.

Theboy's body almost wasn't changed since he was enslaved but the muscles on somepart of his body had developed, but his master knew when the boy leaved theteens and went in to adulthood his body would change.

Tommywas working fixing the fences that kept safe the bulls and cows when he heardhis master's voice that was calling him, so immediately he turned to look at himwaiting to be humiliated once more as it had been since he was enslaved, butunfortunately he hadn't used yet to be constantly humiliated and his sufferingwas notorious and to make the things worst for him, his master had changed hisname and now he was called dumb because his master thought that he wasretarded.

Sowhen Dumb turned around to face his master he frizzed because beside him washis father and brothers, he was so happy but he tried to not show it and heprayed to be free soon, but suddenly his hope banished when he heard hisbrother the one that had born after him said that he didn't believe that Tommy couldeven understand one order, and when his mother saw him without emotions said tohis husband that they should leavebecause on that wretched slave nothing was left of what their beloved son Thomas once was, and thathe was just an animal that even he hadn't some decency to cover his nakednessin front of his family.

Tommy'sfamily stayed in the ranch for the rest of the day and Thomas had to serve themcompletely naked and allow his family to touch his body's must intimate partswithout can say a word, and he had to endure that humiliation too.

Butwhat had hurt him more than anything else was that his parents and brothersdidnt understand the desperate situation in which he was, and that he hadnt away to cover his nakedness because inside the slaves' world, the slaves lifedepended completely on their master, and his dependency was such that not evenwas free to defecate and in his personal case even to urinate unlike the otherslaves that could urinate when they wanted, because then he was brutallypunished by his master or the overseers that kept an eye on him and nobody wasgoing to defend and protected him.

But other Dumb's nightmare was hear hismaster's sons voices as well as their friend when they approached where he wasworking, because he knew that he was going to be sexually used thing that hehated.

Tommyalways had been heterosexual but since he had been enslaved only he had been intouch with males whether they were free or slaves, and since his master's sonsand their friend had taken his cherry for the first time his rectum and monthhad been recipients of countless cum discharges, and also all the slaves thatwere stronger than him could use him in a sexual way, so how he hated be fuckedand had to suck free or enslaved cocks since he felt that he wasn`t a mananymore.

But what he must hated was when the cum thatwas deposited in his body he had to swallow it if it was ejaculated into hismouth, or when from his rectum the cum began to leak by his hole and drain fromhis lower buttocks and legs, since the sticky and damp sensation was veryunpleasant, beside the mocks that his master's sons and friend made of him andthe appreciation caressing that the other slaves made, let him know that theylove use him as a sexual toy.

Everynight Tommy fought to avoid be sexually used by the slaves that were strongerthan him, but that was a lost battle and he knew very well that, and didntmatter what he did, he didnt have a chance to defeat them and at the end hewas raped by them, while desperately he begged the other white slaves that werelocked in the basement under the black overseers offices that controlled themthat leaved him alone.

Butwhat Tommy didnt know was that his constants rapes were recorded, so later hismaster's sons and his friend saw them and enjoyed his suffering, even one ofhis master's sons friends had suggested that Dumb was castrated and put in hissack balls bigger metallic balls, so the artificial balls looked bigger andhung lower making that the white animal looked more attractive, beside that hewould be more docile due that the testosterone wasnt going to be inside hisbody anymore.

Thatnight when he was locked after he had seen his family Tommy was wondering whyhis parents and his bothers hadnt been enslaved, because for what he had heardwhen he was servicing his master and his sons, the country had a law thatcommanded that all the whites that lived in the country should be enslaved, butwhat Tommy didnt know was that his former family didn`t live in the countryanymore and as a tourist they could visit the country without being enslaved.

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Next: Chapter 176: Society Is Changing 15

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