Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 26, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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These two whites like every daywent to get food for them and the pups that were under their custody.

They were born being savages inthe forest nearby the sea shore.

Their parents ran away from thecity when the black masters took the government control and they issued anorder to enslave all whites.

Their parents taught them to fear the black masters so every timethat they saw them they tried to run away from them, because they were toldthat if they were captured the black master were going to do very bad thingslike hurt them and they were going to lose their freedom.

When they were coming back from town bringing food for they and the pups theyheard estrange noises, so with precaution such as their parents had taught themthey went to investigate what was going on, and when they arrived to the placewhere the herd was hiding they saw that the black masters had captured must ofthe herd's members, so they slipped from the place knowing that they could doanything to help them, so when they believed that they were in a safe distance from where the blackmasters were they ran towards the sea shore to be as far as possible for thedanger, but in case that they feel threatened like they were excellent swimmersthey were going into the sea to try to escape swimming , however if they didthat they would be in great danger to be attacked by a shark.

But their survival instinct tellsthem that they have to run away from danger and be save, since depends of themthat the white race keep living in freedom although in a wild way, but thethings in the herds have change, because the breast milk is necessary tofortify the naked white animals' immunological system that have to get theirfood from the rubbish containers, and the herds' males are not willing to allowthat other males that don`t belong to their herds drink the breast milk sincethe production is limited.

So the things are not as theyused to be when a male that had lost his herd could be part of a new herd, nowonly the females could be and unless the herd's leader was defeated by thenewly arrived male and he became the new leader, there wasn`t a way that a malecould be admitted in that herd, even although he was capable of producing muchwhite male animal milk, that provides the proteins that the naked white animalsneed.

The wild whites each time wereeasier to be hunted because every time that they felt that they were in dangerthey panicked and they behaved without a planned strategy, and this was because of their wild lives and the lossof the organization capability, and only they could be organized in the mostbasic things, and a prove of that was these two crackers that had decide ran onthe beach in a place where was hard to hide, and even though that they have thesea to get into in case to be necessary, also they were an easy prey for theblack hunters that were coming behind them.

As all the other whiteys the moment they wentinto panic they hide to have a chance to run a way, and they didn`t think ontheir pups and their females, their only purpose was keep themselves free, andafter that see how they could integrate to a news herd or make a new one andlive in other place.

All the white animals were usedto lose members of the herd or even their own family constantly, the pain tolose them didn't last long beside that always the loses were alwaysreplenished, however for the males was harder replenish their a lose if theirherd had lost, but always they find other females, males or pups of bothgenders wandering and then they could star forming a new herd, while for the femalestook more time recover of the loss of their puppies.

But for these two naked darkbrown haired twenty years old white males, the pain about have lost their herdand their family yet has not taken effect, because they are more worried inescape than understand what has happened and the painful loss they had had, butthe grief won't last long, because very soon their cocks that control theirlives are going to demand that they have sex, and this two males when they feelthat they need have sex they are going to fuck each other to satisfy their mostimportant urgency that is sex, and then they will try to remake their lives.

But in their flight they had wentinto other naked whites herd territory and they are being closely watched bythe males of the other herd, but due that their cocks that are in reality whocontrol their minds had made that instead to look at the two run away malesphysic and if they are a danger for them and their leader, they have looked attheir cocks that are bouncing uncontrollably from one side to the other whilethey are running thinking to have sex with them, but that doesn`t mean thatthey are going to be accepted as part of the herd, because they only want havesex with them by lust.

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Next: Chapter 182: Chicos Tontos 16

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