Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 24, 2017


As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Anothertraumatic moment for a new enslaved because he was considered as one of themost popular boys in his school and he had fucked the prettiest girls that werestudying there, even he has already decide the girls that was going to be hisgirlfriend, however he was selected by his school to represent it inmathematics in the now called The Scholar Millionaire Contest.

Theboy protested because he wasn't good on that academic area, but anyway theschool sent him to participate and he was enslaved.

Nowthat he's a slave on his desperation, over and over again he's wondering whythe school sent him to the contest knowing that he wasn't good in mathematics,but what he doesn't know is that happened as a revenge when the father of oneof the girls that he fucked knew about what he had done to his daughter, heoffered to the school board a huge donation if they sent the boy to thecontest.

Thegirl's father was who bought him and then he was given as a gift to the boythat now is the boyfriend of the girl that he had chosen to be his girlfriend.

Bea slave after have been student of a very exclusive school was by itselfsomething humiliating, but even more humiliating was when he left his school inridicule when he was the first contender to be eliminated from the contest andbe undressed in front of the other contenders that had survived to the conteston the first day, and in front of the TV cameras and the scholar authoritiesthat were present in the place where the event was taking place.

Butthe worst was when the father of the girl that had offered to give a juicy donationif the wretched boy was sent to The Scholar Millionaire Contest, and he waspresent there as a society representing witnessing that all that was done inthe contest was legal, said that the newly enslaved student had a very largebuttocks and they made that his butt couldn`t be considered as one of excellentquality.

Thatsimple comment made that the slave's price plummet and even many of the TVbidders canceled they monetary offers for the slave and he could buy the slavein a very low price.

Thecomment made that the other contenders laugh at him and even some of themmockingly went to touch his buttocks and cock jerking him off and making thathe had an erection and he began to ooze a copious pre-cum quantity, making thatthe things were worst for him because both the students and the authoritiesthat were there began to mock at him due to his animal behavior beside thatthey also said that he deserved be a slave for his shameless behavior in frontof the cameras, and those hurting comments made that the tears began to rundown on the slave's face because those comments weren`t fair, and to make thethings worst he was sure that his father and brothers were watching on the TVset his degradation.

Butsomething more humiliating than the other things that the slave had gonethrough happened and unfortunately the slave knew that, and it was that thepotential buyers were withdrawing their offers of purchase and his sale pricewas plummeting, he was listening that while the contenders that still where inthe competition touched his most body intimate parts and had forced him to putapart his buttocks in front of the TV cameras so every assistant and TVspectator could see his hole, and that worries him a lot because he knew thatwhile less expensive he would cost harder his life as slave would be.

Theevent organizers didnt look very worried because his sale price was being verylow, and he knew that The Millionaire Contest could give the prices that hadpromised to the winners thanks to the high sale prices of the slaves that werelosing, so for him didnt have any sense that the organizers were so calmlooking at how less people was offering money for him, but of course what theslave didnt know was that the girls father was responsible that he was inthat desperate and sad situation, since he had offered a very important amountof money to both the school and the organizers and be able to carry out hisrevenge taking care that his girl wasn`t be discredited.

Thetransfer to the slave dealer agency where he was going to be sold was much morethan humiliating, because he was taken down the city street naked with hishands tied up to a rope that ended up on the other side tied up to a horsesaddle, and the horse was going at a pace that make the slave run without giventhe wretched boy time to breath if he didnt want to be dragged by the animal,meanwhile all the people that were in the street and even those that werewatching the TV could see how his cock was bouncing like a creasy from one sideto the other, and also how his buttocks were moving when he was running to keepthe horses pace.

Theboy was screaming in despair to stop because he knew that he could not keep thehorses pace in few minutes more, and he knew that soon he was going to falland he was going to be dragged, but for his fortune suddenly they stopped, theboy was sucking air into his lungs at a large mouthfuls while he had leaned hisbody forwards to try to recover, and sweat was over all his body and fell onbig drops on the dust where they had stopped, the soles of this feet burnbecause the rubbing with the cement but in that moment that was what less worriedhim, since he felt his lungs on fire and his priority was suck air to fulfillhis body's oxygen demand, and even when he felt a hand that was touching hisback, buttocks and even his cock and balls he didnt put attention since hisneed of oxygen was much more important than anything else, but what he hadn'thad released was that who was touching him was the girl that had caused hisdisgrace, while his father with approval encouraged her to touch the boy's bodywithout embarrassment since in the end he was no more than an animal.

Butwhen the wretched boy felt that he was being masturbating he turned to see whowas daring to do that, and when he saw that was the girl that he had chosen tobe his girlfriend he begged her in a pitiful way that please leave him alone,however the girl ignored him and she kept jerking him off until he cum, andwith a string of cum hanging from his cock the march was resumed until theyarrived to the slave dealer agency where he was going to be sold.

Hissale was terrifying because almost all the students of his school were there,while the bid of his naked body was done he had to answer humiliating questionsuch as how long was his cock and if he was virginal or he had been fucked byother male before, and he had to answer the first question saying that hedidn`t know the answer and to the second question that he was virginal whilehis former school mates were mocking at him.

Atthe end he was sold but he didnt know who had bought him, and he was taken tothe house of one of his former schoolmates who immediately ordered him to cleanthe house, so the new slave didnt have more option but do what his new masterhad told him, and since it was a hot day he had to sleep in the back yardchained to a tube.

Thenext morning the paperboy unchained the slave and opened the kitchen door, andafter play for a while with the slave's cock and caressing his buttocks toldthe boy that he had to make the breakfast for his master and all that he mightneed was in the kitchen, so the slave now wearing the collar that identifiedhim as one of the most society despicable beings began to prepare to his masterthe fruits that he put on a plate, and when he was ready to make some coffee tohis master and the eggs, his naked master went and stood behind him.

Heput the hand on his back and his hard cock tip was touching his leg buttock,the boy bowed his head feeling humiliated but knowing that he was powerless todo something to stop his mater about what he wanted to do with him, then thetwenty years old black haired master told the dark brown haired eighteen yearsold slave boy that the time that his animal cherry was taken had arrived, and his dirty hole would be turnedin a cum deposit and his hole would be leaking his cum and he would have tolick it from the floor, the wretched boy wanted to cry but he knew that he waspowerless to stop him.

Butthis slave doesn't know what is waiting for his butt, because in this momenthis master is going to take his cherry, but later he's going to give a partyfor those students that used to be his classmates, and a part that he is goingto keep the slave naked all the time, he's going to allow the other boys tofuck him while the girls will witness his degradation and fall down, and in theparty he'll know the reason why he was enslaved to make bigger his desperation.

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Next: Chapter 200: Victimas 17

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