Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 31, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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To this teenager male his hoursare counted because he was trapped by the fearful depredator named by descientist Herma.

Now his head is inside his bodyin an area named "the washer" that would be the equivalent to a woman vagina,and his inner penis is expelling huge quantities of a viscous liquid similar tothe human semen that will soft the skull.

The wretched male tanager ´s armsare on his depredator ´s abs so he can push his head out but his legs arehanging, beside that the vulva ´s lips have strongly trapped the neck and won'tallow that the head goes out.

Due to the effort that the youngteenager has done to try to escape he's tired, hungry and thirsty, the Hermaknows that and very soon his inner penis will be hard and will reach hisvictim ´s mouth which will open it, to drink the viscous liquid to calm hishunger but not his thirst and with that the young mail will intoxicate himselffaster-

The contact of his penis with themouth will give great pleasure to the Herma and he ´ll produce much more of theviscous liquid making that his preybegins to drown and force him to drink more of the liquid to avoid that, alsovery soon the depredator will start to masturbate his prey to eat his cum andthis will bring an unbearable irritation to the boy's penis, and when hefinally dies" the washing" area muscles and the buttocks as well will start topush inside his prey's body so he can swallow the boy and nothing will left of him.

This white eighteen years oldmale prey didnt have much time to have been put in the experiment but like theothers he was naked, but the radiations had done changes in his mind and bodychanging him in a wild animal, even already he had found three females and hadfucked and pregnant them, but he didnt have found other male of his samespecies yet to fight by the right to breed and dominate him, but for his badluck his conservation instinct as his smell and sight senses werent developedenough to make him be alert and can run away from the most feared depredator inthe experiment, and when he saw him come he never thought that he wanted hunthim although he was ready to fight for the right to get the supremacy overother male, but facing so powerful depredator the boy didnt have any chance towin.

The Herma that was a black hairedtwenty two years old white male with very haired body in his former life hadbeen a respected insurance agent, but when he was sent to the experiment hisbody had been transformed in the most ruthless and feared depredator in theexperiment, with a voracious appetite and being carnivorous he fed himself witha male meat that wasn`t of his same species that was other herma, and he had more time in the experiment thanhis unfortunate victim, and without the scientist knowledge that were observinghim he had breed several times and he had descendants, that since their firsthours of life already they wereself-sufficient to hunt their preys and swallow them as him by their vaginas,although they looked for victims of their same age or younger, and that wasthat kept amazed to the scientists, the Herma's ability that since they are small creatures could beself-sufficient.

Although the scientist didn`tunderstand yet what was the factor that determined what male that was put inthe experiment became Herma or a wild animal prey of the Herma, this Herma asthe others in the experiment is naked and he's seated in a waterfall in theedge of a cliff, leaving hanging the body of his trapped male victim to avoidthat his feet touch the ground and finds the support that needs to scape,beside that when he walks he is dragging his victims to avoid that the feetfind that support, although generally for certain time they stay in one placeto make that their victim be weaker, but also many Hermas immediately afterhave hunted their prey they walk dragging them.

The skin of both the Herma andthe males is so resistant and at the same time very silk that is not scratchedwhen is scratched by the prey in his desperation to try to escape, or when isbeing dragged and is in touch with stones, thorns and branches.

This males that has been huntedhas still on his buttocks the tan lines indicating that he hadn`t much timein the experiment, and as he already ishungry because all his efforts to escape have been in vain an now he'sexhausted, he has accepted the Herma's hard cock to suck the viscous liquid thatis going to intoxicate him and also is going to soften his skull bones, but theworst still has not come because the Herma has not begun yet to masturbate himmerciless to feed himself with his cum until he can be swallowed, but like allin the wild life always there is a depredator and a prey.

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Next: Chapter 212: El Experimento 5

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