Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 7, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Theboarding school could be so demanding about the academic notes, so when Caseyasked his father to buy him a slave because he needed someone that cleaned hisroom and made the laundry he agreed.

Casey didn't need a slave because he could use those that were provided by theboarding school, and their main duty was doing house chores but the studentsweren't allowed to use them sexually because the director board always hasthought that their students were gentlemen and they should know how to controltheir primal instincts.

Butthat rule didn't apply to the personal slaves that were the student's propertyso they could use them as they pleased, so this was the reason why Casey wantedone and at the same time he could take his revenge that he had been planningfor a while.

Onthose days Casey's must hated classmate was enslaved, he was the most popularboy of his class so when he couldn`t get the minimum school qualification andhe had been enslaved and the government had put him on sale he immediately boughthim, so how sweet the revenge was because now he could humiliate him in frontof his friends all the time that he wanted.

Andthe best of all was that he could do to him what his new slave hated must thatwas be fucked without he could do anything to stop him, so how sweet therevenge was and even he borrowed him to his friend so they could fuck him andalways the slave had to go with his master to his classes naked so everybody couldsee how low the slave had fallen, because the boarding school's slaves had tobe wearing something to cover their nakedness, but the slaves that belonged tothe students didn`t have to follow that rule because slaves nudity was acceptedinside the facilities, so the students that wanted keep naked their slavesservicing them in any part of the school's facilities were allowed to do that.

Casey knew that always he had been between themost popular boys in his school and that made him proud, but there wasn`t a daythat his dad remembered him that he had to be the best in everything that hedid, never the less always he had been in the shade of the most popular boy ofhis class and his school and for Casey this was unacceptable and also for hisfather who always was aware of everything that was happening in his school, andthis made that Casey felt very pressured and that he saw his classmate as hisenemy.

Butthe enslaved boy never had given much importance to that rivalry and althoughhe knew that Casey hated him he didn't mind that and he ignoring him as well.

Evenin the locker room when they were naked after have been in PE class or havebeen practicing in a sport event eventhough that Casey's cock was much bigger, the boys of his classroom and hisschoolmates admired his rival's physique and especially his cock and balls andCasey had never understood the reason why of that, because he was better endowedin the manhood department than his enemy, but the other boy had something elsethat Casey didnt had and that was sympathy, and Casey learnt something thathis father never had taught him and that was that didnt matter how big a malemight had his balls and cock, because was much more important have a goodrelationship with the other boys than be physically well endowed in the manhoodarea with balls and cock with a very respectable size.

Butwhen the school year ended and the students were summoned in the schoolauditorium to know who would continue studying and who would be enslaves thethings changed for Casey.

TheSlave Processing Center (SPC) director as every year had gone to the school toenslave those students who had not met the requirement to be good students, andreinforce in the mind of those students which were still free that slavery wasgood and necessary for their country because it needed to be productive, and ofcourse all what he said was accepted by the free citizen since all those thathad been enslaved didnt have anything to say in the decision that were takenin the society where they live , and they didnt have more option but to obey andlive in the conditions that the free citizen wanted to keep them if they didn`t want be brutallyrepressed by the Slave Police (SP), which was the one on charge to brutallyrepress the slaves who wanted to rebel, and was so feared by the slaves that the slaves with simple hearing about itmake them trembled and accept with resignation their life of pain andhumiliation in the hands that now were their betters.

Onestudent went to the stage every time that a name was mentioned and the boyreceived an envelope and he had to go back stage and he had to give it to aguard, and when Casey's turn arrived very nervous as the other students hestood up and walked towards the stage, and once he received the envelope as theothers he walked towards the back stage and he went out the stage by a door anda guard asked to give him the envelopeand opened it, and then his fingertips were scanned and then the two guardsthanked him and told Casey that he could go home.

Butwhen Casey was going out he saw all the students that had been enslaved andthat had been called before him naked and one over the other in a cage, andinside the cage he saw the boy that had been his rival and he decided to buyhim, and himself had proposed to do whatever was necessary to make that hisfather bought him and the boy served him as his salve in college, where he knewthat many of his schoolmates and those that had admired the now enslaved rivalwere going to be studying with him.

Nowthe school most popular boy has been humiliated and sexually used by all thosethat used to admired him and Casey now is the most popular boy, and he haddecided sent to the salve's parents a video where he's fucking the slave andthe slave's family can see the new life of the boy that once had been theirpride, but Casey has been very careful that his face cant be seen so theslave's parents dont know who is the shameless boy that has recorded himselfnaked fucking their enslaved son.

Nowthe slave's parents with incredulity are watching the video where theirenslaved son passively is laying on the bed on his stomach with his legs open,and his feet and legs even his balls can be seen clearly, and also they arewatching how the free boy that is going to fuck him is over their former sonwith his legs even more opened, and even the free boy hairless anus can be seenwhile he's holding his cock to take it into the wretched slave's anus thatpassively is waiting the painful and humiliating moment to be penetrated, butthe salve in his desperation because he knows that hes being recorded and thatvideo is going to end up with his parents is begging to his better that is overhim dont fuck him and dont humiliate him on such way, while Casey mockingly toldhim to shup up and he wouldn't feel shame of anything, while the slave'sparents are watching with horror with their other children the degradation ofthe boy that once was their older son, but that happened because the salve wasso foolish that didnt put attention to his school grades.

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Next: Chapter 217: Chicos Tontos 18

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