Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Feb 18, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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These males were ones of thefirst to be chosen to participate in the experiment and it consist to make themlive in wild places with no other resource than their personal abilities tosurvive, what they didn ´t know was that they would be subject to receiveradiations that would make them more resistant and stronger.

But something went very wrong andthey were transformed into wild animals, even the bodies of some of them weremodified as their habits to such grade that they were transformed intodepredators of other males, and their need to eat them to survive in a veryadverse environment for all the participants, now all of them survive not forthe reason but instinct.

On this historic picture we cansee some of the first males that were included in the experiment being checkedby the doctors before they were approved to participate, this is the lastmedical checkup before they boarded the plane that took them to the place wherethe experiment would take place.

Some of these males weretransformed in Hermas, others are still alive but much younger and stronger dueto the radiations and others were eaten by the Hermas, and the scientists stilldon ´t know what went wrong because these people had to be changed into supermenand women but instead they were changed in animals, but until today the scientistare still sending men to the experiment with the hope to find out what wentwrong.

However this black and whitepicture is not as old as it looks, because at the beginning the facilitiesdonated by the governments so that the scientists could carry out their plan"The Experiment" were abandoned military facilities used in different wars, andthose that were in charge of this program with a very low budget managed tomake that it worked, because most of the money that was given by thegovernments was destined to install in the island strategic places where theexperiment was taking place the necessary machinery to generate the radiations,that was supposed that was going to make that the humans been both males andfemales became supermen, so the medical facilities where they checked thechosen candidates were old, and the pictures was taken in black and white to makethem appear that they were very old and the future generations believed that"The Experiment" was and old program in operation, and even the scientist werewearing clothes that had been used long time ago when they were going to bephotographed and after that they dressed with clothes of their time.

The first specimens that werechosen to participate in "The Experiment" were young and few mature males thatwere considered as troublemakers and bullies, and even many of them when theyfound out that had been chosen to participate in a social program withoutknowing what it was about, they caused disturbs and the police had tointervened to subdue them and even humiliate them forcing them to strip nakedin pubic and take them like that to the facilities, where after give them acalming check their health status, because as they didnt know the effects thatthe radiations would have over them, they wanted that the candidates didnthave any physical issue.

In the pictures that thescientist is looking at in those moments twenty four almost all of them youngmales are being checked and all of them were sent to the island, hoping thatthe radiation changed their way of being and changed them in healthy and longliving beings, but of those twenty four only four are still in "The Experiment"the two that were transformed in Hermas and therefore in depredators, and twothat were transformed in wild animals and therefore into the Herma's prey, andthe other already had been swallowed by the Hermas that are in the island.

The last of those first malesthat were sent to "The Experiment had been hunted by one of The Hermas of thatsame group one week ago and few days later he was swallowed, and only few hoursago the herma had defecated, and this scientist that is looking at the photofor the first time since the "The Experiment" had been established, collectedthe Herma's excrement to see what it contained, and surprised saw the Herma'sgastric juices destructive capacity, because he only found mixed between theexcrement few remains of the prey, between them one of the preys balls, theglans and tinny bonds remains and some of the head hairs and some nails.

But despite that from the twentyfour first participants only four of them are still in "The Experiment", all ofthem could have descendants despite some of them became slaves and other werethe dominant males known as beta and alfa males, and all of the participantthat are not anymore were swallowed by the Hermas their genes are going tocontinue at least for a while in "The Experiment", because the females thatwere born will be there reproducing but that now little males the situation isgoing to be very different because all will depend on if they can breed the femalesbefore they are enslaved or if they were alfa males be swallowed by the Hermas.

But for this young scientist thathe went into the radiation area inside the island instead to have stayed in thesafe zone where are the investigation laboratories and the place where thescientists live, in his eagerness to investigate more about the Hermasbehaviors that is what keeps him obsessed, he made a huge mistake that wasexposed himself to the radiation without protection and his final end is goingto be a naked wild animal and become the food of one of the Hermas, and theonly memory for the scientist community that will remind of him is the male'sball and glans that he took out from the Herma's excrement as a contribution ofhis research to the scientific community, about the changes in the Hermas'digestive system, although he will also leave descendants in "The Experiment"both males and females.

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Next: Chapter 242: Foolish Boys 20

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