Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 26, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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A bitter awakening to thereality, he was one of the best students in his school in addition to anexcellent computer programmer even several universities and colleges hadoffered him a scholarship but he was other victim of the "Scholar MillionaireContest".

By the government order like manyother students he was sent to participate representing his school in the statecontest, but instead to be afraid to lose like many other students he wasn'tbecause he knew that he was the best, and he was sure that he was going to beawarded with the millionaire money amount that the government was going to givehim and the luxury house that the state was going to give him too for be thewinner.

These were the same rewards thatwere given to the winners of the regular contest, and really he had all to win,but when he was finishing the computer program that was going to give him thevictory without releasing he made a mistake and he was the second place and asa consequence he was enslaved.

When his friends knew about hehad lost immediately they bought him, and the new slave was happy because hethought that he wasn't going to be treated like the other slaves, however hisnew masters had other plans since he was waiting to be clothed all the timethey keep him naked, his masters opened a computer programming business andthey are making a lot of money, while the only thing that he can do is go andgreet the costumers naked and do the job and his only payment is being feed andsleep under the roof over air bed on the floor, but if he does something wrongor make angry any of his masters then he is not fed and he had to sleep on thefloor outdoors in addition of the corporal punishment.

Right now he's greeting acostumer naked, and only he ´s allowed to wear the collar that identify him asslave and a cap with the business logo on it, while one of his masters inrecording him with his cell phone for a business promotional video that will beuploaded into internet.

All those that now are his mastershad thought associate with him to have a profitable computational business, andeven they were willing to work for him if was necessary, but the luck had madea bad move to this slaves and now those that wanted associate with him werewhom were receiving all the benefits, however this young eighteen years oldblack haired white slave that has a small and rounded butt, every day regretshis bad luck and he still does not understand how stupid he was to make thatmistake and not realized, but the most humiliating for him is not only have tobe naked all the time and have to eat like a dog taking the food with his mouthfrom a dog dish and getting his face dirt and have to ask his masterspermission to be allowed to clean it, while the customers and those that usedto be his closest friends are watching him, and see his exposed anus as well ashis balls and cock hanging freely between his legs, and how they move since hehas to keep open his legs while he`s eating, but also having to give sexualpleasure to his masters, and several of them are insatiable so it is rare asnow the time that his anus is not dripping semen that runs down his thighs, orin the face have the semen of his masters and when he has to go to attend thecustomers without being able to clean they mock at him, even his former girlfriend andher friends have seen him in that condition and always that they see him theyare mocking at him as well.

The constant humiliation and thebrutal way that the slave is being treated have made that his pride has gone,and despite that he still considers himself a man many times he lost thecontrol and begins to cry in front of his masters or his former friends whenhe's dripping semen or have it on his face or when he's eating like a dog, anddespite that several time he has thought to run a way he knows that this isimpossible because he was going to be trapped very soon because he has a chipimplanted in deeps of his rectum and the punishment would be castration, andfor him there is nothing worst that the customers and his friends see him without his cock and balls andinstead he has a female cunt, but something that keeps him terrify is that hisformer best friend threatened him to make his nipples grow to the sizes of thefemales if he doesn't satisfy him sexually as he wants, because despite that hefucks the slave practically twice a day and the slave does all that he ordershim, his now master complains that the slave is not satisfying him.

But his misfortunes as slave werenot only those because even he had to face a very humiliating situation for himand fun for those that had been his friends and also for his masters, it wasdue a punishment that was imposed on him by his brother that although he wasntthe slave's master he frequented the place to see the boy that once had beenhis brother naked and humiliated, and even the slaves master had given himauthorization to fuck the slave any timethat he wanted, and the offended free boy one day arrived to the business tofuck his former brother but he wasnt in good mood, and in those moments nobodywas there even there wasnt costumers and the wretched slave took advantage ofthe opportunity to jerk off and never heard when his former brother that washis twin went into the establishment and saw him jerking off, and when he sawthe slave masturbating he was very angry and he told the slave that he was ashameless animal and how he had dared to spank the monkey in front a free boywithout his authorization, the poor slave was pale when he saw his brothersince although they had been very united as twins brothers since he has beenslaved he had changed a lot, and he treated him very hard as did the boy thathad been his best friend and he couldn`t understand the reason why they had changed so abruptlyin the way they were treating him, since although that he was a slave and waskept naked and he had to obey what his betters told him to do he kept being thesame boy and nothing had changed.

The scared slave went and kissedhis former brother's feet and he asked for forgiveness for his inappropriate behavior,but the free boy was enjoying those moments because the slave kissing his feethad placed himself in front of a mirror and being in the full fours positionand have to keep his legs open such as his mater had order him to keep themeach time that he was on that position, he was showing his pink anus besidethat his cock and balls were swinging and moving between his legs while hekissed his feet making that the free boy mocked at him and enjoyed the moment.

The enslaved twin had the hopethat his brother with that action calmed down and didnt tell anything aboutthe incident to his masters, beside that he offered his body to his brother sohe could sexually enjoy it thing that never before he had done and only he hadallowed that his brother fucked him and forced him to suck his cock, lick hisballs and anus when the free twin told him to do it, but all his efforts werein vain because when his masters arrived the free boy already dressed told themwhat the impudent slave had done, then the slave's former best friend calledthe slave and when he saw the inferiors face with semen he thought that wasthe slave`s semen and he slapped the slave very hard on the face leaving theinferior dizzy, and then he asked to the boy that had been the slave's twinwhat punishment wanted that the slave faced because he had been so impudent,and the boy smiling said that the slave had to be put in chastity with hisballs put apart to each side.

The desperate slave went andknelt in front of his former twin and begged him don`t do that, but this onlymade that his former best friend punched him in the stomach causing the slaveto bend forwards with his hands on his stomach, and his brother took advantageof that situation and he spanked the slave very hard twice on each buttock.

So now the wretched slave is wearing the chastity and like the chastityhas inner spikes each time that the slave's cock tried to be hard the spikesburied into his cock and glans tender flesh making him scream in pain, and hisballs are put a part on each side at theheight where his cock joins his pubis, so now not only he attends the customersin that humiliating condition, but also he's taken to the mall where hisformers acquaintances can touch his exposed balls and inspect his caged cock,and the wretched slave always has tears on his eyes for the pain that he feelswhen the spikes hurt the tender flesh of his cock when it wants to be erected,and for the humiliation to be treated like a naked animal without any respectand that nobody cares about his feelings.

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Next: Chapter 260: Chicos Tontos 21

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