Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 26, 2018


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



Thisyoung master has just bought his first slave but the inferior is older thanhim, he would have liked buy one younger or of his same age, but the prices forhis budget were very high, and when this slave was put on auction with discounthe decided that was a good bargain and he started to bid, but suddenly hishopes began to disappear because the slave's physical attributes indicated thathis price will raise to an amount that he couldn't afford.

Butsuddenly the other bidders decided to stop their biddings and he could buy him,now the slave is in his Master's house and he's kissing his ass crack andrimming his anus, the slave knows for his past experiences that is better forhim surrender and do what his young master orders him otherwise he could besend back to the dealer and put again in auction without knowing what hisfuture might be.

Sincethe first moment that he saw his master he knew that he was an inexperiencedone and if he knows play his card correctly even he could fuck his master, besidethat he thinks that he could have the house control and in short time hismaster would be his slaves and he is going to give the orders, but precisely for thiskind of foolishness is that this slaves was enslaved because he thought thatwas smarter than the others, and although is true that his master is aninexperienced teenager he's not foolish and he knows what he have to do to keepthe slave under control and even he has the Slave police (SP) force just incase that the slave was out of control, and although the slave in hisstubbornness doesn`t believe that his master would do that.

Theyoung master is releasing that he made and excellent acquisition and the slavehas experience about how to give pleasure, but something in the way that theslave is putting a part his buttocks and is touching him has warned him thatthe slave is not fully broken and he has to discipline him otherwise will haveproblems, although in those moments the young master has preferred notconcentrate in that but in enjoy the animal that has just bought ministrationthat is giving to his anus.

Howeverthe slave always has disliked rimming other asses and now he does not do thatfor the pleasure to please his master, but because he was trained to do thatand before he was sold he was brutally punished because he rebelled to do thatand he had to face the consequences and he ended up doing what they orderedhim, but despite of all those things he`s thinking in the way to take thecontrol and being him who gives the orders and without his young masterreleased he was who give the orders and when his master tries to do somethingwill be too late.

Butthe slave despised his master in his ability to can identify an inappropriatebehavior in an inferior being, and he has detected the slave is squeezing hisbuttocks instead of touching them gently to keep his buttocks open and haveaccess to his anus so his tongue gives him pleasure, so he ordered the slavethat stop and went to prepare him something to eat, while the young master wentto the phone and called the transport to come and pick up the slave to the Educationaland Correctional Center for Male Animals (EDCOCEMA), while the slave waspreparing the snacks that his young master had ordered, the Slave Police (SP)that was in charge to transporting and training the slaves in the EDCOCEMA enteredsneaked in and without the slave releasing since he was thinking in his plan tocontrol his young master, he received and electric discharge from the cattleprod.

Thenaked twenty five years old black haired white slave and with muscular bodyfelt to the floor while his limbs were moving wildly and even he lost thecontrol of his sphincters and peed and shit in the kitchens floor, that madethat the SP officers were furious and immediately chained the slave that stillwas shouting and sobbing by the pain and putting on his neck a collar, and likethe collar had a chain on the back part of it his hands here painfully chainedto the short chain that arrive to middle of his back, and forcing the slave tobe on his feet by his hairs was taken out and put into the transport, while theSP officers ordered to other eighteen years old blond white slave that also wasnaked and that was wearing the collar that cleaned the mess that the otherslave had leaved on the floor, and the SP officer told to the young eighteenyears old black haired white master that also was naked that was necessary that the slave all the timewas wearing the collar, but also the SP agent reprimanded the young masterbecause he was naked when they arrived warning him that he could be mistaken asslave considering that the slave wasnt wearing the collar, but the teenage boydefended himself saying that he was in his house and he had the right to do orbe as he wanted if the law allows him and he hadn`t broken the law, then with amocking smile the SP official caressed the young master's cock and balls andkissing him on the mouth while with the other hand was caressing his buttockstold the boy if he wanted to be naked he could be but that was to provoke anofficer, although in that moment the boy and the officer that were alone feltin love and they became lovers, and the SP officer spent his free time in thehouse of his young boyfriend.

Theslave spent three week in the EDCOCEMA and they were pure terror for him, hewas kept three days caged in a small cage living among his urine and excrementsas punishment because he had dared to peed and shit in his mater's kitchen, hewas forced for a hole week to drink his urine and the food was fixed with hisshit to teach him a lesson about he had to learnt to control his animal instinctswithout mattering the circumstances he was going through, since his duty washave all the time control over his body to obey his master's orders, and therest of the days of that first week he spent them crucified hanging without cantouch the floor and fucking himself constantly with a huge and thick butt plugbegging for mercy but as was expected nobody put him attention.

Thesecond week he received electro shocks and was subjected to brain wash to brokehim and make him understand that he was only a slave who hadnt any right andhe was there to obey, please and give pleasure to his master and what he mightthought didnt matter and even he hadn`t the right to think, and even with thetorture he was forced to say the reason why he had behaved on such way, and thelast week his master's new boyfriend was in charge of supervising hishumiliation being forced to obey boys younger than him that were his bettersand salves, and he had to obey even the most humiliating and absurd order, andif hesitated even for one second he was brutally punished immediately.

Thisslave could have had an easier life than other slaves if he had beenintelligent but at the end his foolishness not only cost him live three weeksof terror in the EDCOCEMA, if not that made that his master felt in love with aSP officer and now he lives in constant terror because he knows the brutalityof the punishments that not only the SP officer but his master apply on him too,so now he regrets have been so foolish since now the humiliation and pain arehis best friends, and instead to have his cock buried in his master's anus andmouth, now his two body holes are constantly penetrated by his master andboyfriend cocks many times at the same time and he is powerless to stop it,while he sees how the SP officer fucks his master, and instead that his cock isinside the boy that bought him, is the cock of the man that mistreated,humiliate him and the one that taught his master to do the same with him thatis inside him.

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Next: Chapter 262: El Experimento 9

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