Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 8, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


(Is the continuation of The Experiment 8)


Theboy is frightened and he hadn't more option to go down from the rock, hisinstinct tells him that he's in great danger, although his mind is telling himthat his fear is unfounded but his instinct won, and now he's moving over therocks on the sea level looking for a place where he can hide.

Thiseighteen years old black haired naked boy and helpless teenager is really ingreat danger because a Herma has seen him and is hungry, and if the boy can'tfind a place to hide soon without been seen by the Herma he ´ll be lost and hewill be the Herma's meal.

Something inside the boy is telling him thathe hast to move faster but the sharp stones are hurting his tender feet soles,and now only few seconds separate him between life and dead, for few moments hethought to go into the water and swim but the place where he's is ery steep andthere isn`t place to flee when he arrives to the other shore and if the dangerthat he fells follows him the he knows that will be lost, but for hismisfortune the Herma also knows that and now has begun to move to start thehunt and he has the advantage that he has not yet been seen by the helpless andnaked boy, that while he was on the rock he had been jerking off and fingeringhis own hole to enjoy the new sensation that was so pleasant and stimulate hisprostate.

Butbeing on the rock wasnt at all his problem but when he had to go down to go toget food, and when he went into the jungle to get something to eat made thathis odor was detected by both the males of his same species and the Hermas, andalthough that his instinct was telling him about dont leave the rock while hewas sniffing those strange smells that made him feel in danger, his mind wastelling that was more important get food and quench his thirst so he went intothe jungle underestimating the dangers that were there, and unknowingly even hecould be without eating or drinking until the danger was gone.

Butwalking in the jungle made that he was confused and a false security tookcontrol of him because there were so many odors that he was perceiving such aspleasant as unpleasant and fetid that made that he stopped sniffing the danger,and was the excrement odor from both the Hermas and the animals like himbecause the odor was so penetrating that made the he couldnt perceive theHermas' odor and the other males like him or even the females' odor, so he wentdeeper in the jungle looking for food and even he peed while he was walkingwithout stopping, and he had the luck to find both fruits and comestibleplants, and although he couldnt understand yet how he can know that theyweren`t toxic for his body he simply knew it and he eat them, and even hewanted defecated and he squatted and a long turd went out of his body tocontinue his way to find water.

Buthis smell began to mix with the other odors that were in the jungle and hissmell was detected by many stronger males than him and for several depredatorsthat were nearby who began to follow him, however the males when they detectedthe smell of the depredators decided went away from that place and be save,because it wasnt worth follow the weaker boy that was being followed by theHermas and thereby endanger their lives, although the boy hadnt release yetthat he was being followed with the intention to be hunted and become in thefood of one of the Hermas that were following him.

Butthe good luck was on his side at least until that moment, because when a Hermawere ready to hunt him, the boy arrived to a river with strong currents and hisinstinct told him to go into the river instead to drink water on the riverbank.And even though that the current was very strong the boy could swim without anyproblem until the other side, and that maid that the Herma that was hidden andthat was following him based on his odor that the boy was leaving behind him,stopped to smell him and although he hadn't seen him on the moment that he wasready to leave his hidden place to start the final pursuit to hunt him and thewretched victim`s head was put inside his body in "the washer.

Oncehis body's basic need were satisfied such as eat, drink water, shit and pee andclean his body he continued roaming the jungle perceiving stranger odors thatnever before he had smell, but that now were very strong, and the fear tookcontrol of him because something inside was telling him that he had to becautious because he was in danger and was better look for a safe place,although his mind was telling that he had not reason to be afraid becausenobody wanted to hurt him, but was stronger his fear that his reasoning and hedecided to look for a place where to be safe, but he was wonder where he canfind it, because the only place where he felt safe was on the rock that he wasabandoned to get his meal and quench his thirst.

Suddenlyhe saw a Herma although his mind didnt know what was that naked being thatinstead to have cock and balls had a pussy, and that was a depredator and forhis good luck the Herma didnt see him, and something inside him told him if hedidnt move and fast he was going to die, so as silently as possible he beganto go away from that estrange and unknown danger, while his instinct wastelling him that was better walk among the plats so his smell will mix withtheirs and be safe, while he finds a place where to hide and avoid the fearthat he was feeling due to the danger he was in, and as soon as he could heclimbed a tree where he saw his predator go under him without releasing that hewas on the top of the tree while he was sniffing his prey smell, but the plantsodor had confused him and he didnt released that his helpless food was hidingover him.

Whensomething inside him told him that the danger for the moment had gone when hesaw the Herman went away where he was, then he went down and run to the rockwhere he felt safe, but the Herma that was hunting him again sniffed his odorand began to follow him but now hidden among the plants and foliage so hisyoung prey could not detect him so easily, but the boy for some instants sniffedthe air and again detected the depredator odor and he began to walk to the sea,but the rocks are hurting his feet soles, so now everything has reduced to onesimple thing, o he walks faster on the rock and he has the opportunity to besafe, or he keeps walking slow and he will end up beign part of the Hermas excrement.

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Next: Chapter 264: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 21

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