Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 8, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



This cracker went into the citywith the hope to find food into the trash, since the black masters had giventhe order to enslave all the whites without mattering their ages or gender, thosethat weren't enslaved during the first days that the order was given, they rana way to the mountains, forest, jungles and even the sea shore to avoid be soldas slaves and have to serve the superior black race who was controlling thecountry with iron hand.

But almost all the crackers thanran away couldn't distinguish between the vegetation that they could eat ornot, but this wasn't the only problem that they had to face because also theclothes that they were wearing was rotten and like they couldn't get any newthey had to be naked like wild animals,and they had to face a harder situation yet because the black citizens go outto hunt the crackers persecuting them in all the places where they try to hide,and when they trapped one then he's brought like hunted animal to the SlaveProcessing Center (SPC) hanging by a pole, where the black citizen that hadhunted the cracker is rewarded.

This cracker while he was lookingfor food was seen by a black teenage boy who called the Slave Police (SP)immediately, but the cracker never released that until was too late and in a desperate try to escape he ran to themain street where many other SP officers were looking for him, so he didn't'have more option but climb the pole and try to escape running over the houses'roofs but all is useless because in this moment a black SP agent is ready toshoot to his left buttock a dart with anesthetic liquid, and just in fewseconds the cracker will fall down intoa net unconscious and he'll be taken tothe SPC while the black teenage boy will be rewarded handsomely because hecalled the police.

For the superior blacks andespecially the teenage boys is fun see the naked whiteys looking for food inthe city garbage dumps or even trying to steal food from the houses, and evenis much more fun when they see how the enslaved whites when they see a wildwhitey tell their masters so they go out to hunt them or call the SP so theycan capture them, although the black masters can't understand the reason whythe white slaves when see in the street a wild whitey betray them becausedespite that they are already domesticated they consider that they should beloyal to their own race and not betray them.

This twenty years old naked blackhaired with muscular body whitey is climbing the pole and desperately is tryingto reach the roof of one of the houses and is terrified and hungry, but besidehe has a female and a two years old puppy boy who has to feed, and since thewhiteys had to leave their homes to go to live into the nature they hadnt formgroups and they live alone with their love ones such as their wives andchildren, and they do that because they want to avoid that the black mastersdetect them because they are many andsend the SP to capture them, but this also has big inconveniences since themale whiteys dont take care of the females and the pups that had lost theirmales and fathers, since their new way of lonely family life make that themales go to seek for food and the females with the puppies stay in the woodstaking care of them, whoever when afemale is left alone and had the need to go to look for food for the puppiesthat she had with the male that was captured because even thought she could find other male tolive with and breed new pups, in this new wild naked whiteys society the malein very rarely times accepts as his children the puppies both males or femalesof the captured or dead male and wants to feed them, so the females that areleft alone have to take the risk to go to the garbage dumps to get the food andleave alone the puppies with the danger that they might be lost or be capturedby the SP patrols.

This naked white animal is scarebecause he knows what is awaiting him if the black master capture him since hehas seen that the enslaved whiteys are forced to work like animals by the blackmasters, since many occasion he has passed by the farms and be hidden has seenhow they are forced to work as burden beast, never the black masters give themclothes and beside that keep them naked use the whip to make them work withoutstopping all day long, and they had to shit and pee while they are working,even he has heard the cries of pain and the sobs of the white animals that areworking in the farms when they receive slashes on their naked buttocks andbacks and he doesnt want that this happens to him, beside that he's thinkingin his puppy and if he's captured who is going to feed him, but the fear hasmade that he urinated and has wet several SP black agents with his goldenshower that hasnt been welcome by the officers.

The sad end for this white beastis written and now if he wants that his genes stay in this world as a free wildanimals, will depend of his naked female because or she finds other male thatwants feed his puppy, or she learns to get the food to can feed him but he willnever know what the fate of his puppy was.

Next: Chapter 267: Hora De Cobrarselas 21

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